The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2674: Trapped

"The one that is obtained by the crack. If everyone is working together to crack, it will be divided by everyone." The lord thought about it.

"Good! I agree!" Yanshan said faintly.

"You..." Quebec looked at Yanshan soul with some urgency.

Yanshan soul said faintly: "Quidian, is there not those Tianzun, we will not advance? Besides, what are we afraid of? Fengzu, she is already dead, are we still afraid of what she left behind?"

Kui Tian looked a stagnation, gradually restored calm, nodded faintly, no longer speak.

The lord saw the Yanshan soul and Kuitian agreed, and his face was also a joy: "So let's arrange the order of rotation. The first row of the devil, the second of the demon, the third, I rank the first. Fourth, the evil master ranked fifth, how?"

Whoever is first and foremost, everyone does not care. The words are also nodding. The Lord of the Lord immediately called a Mozu monk and asked him to board the light bridge to test.

The face of the Mozu monk was ugly, but he did not dare to violate the command of the Lord. In this case, in violation of the order, there is only one dead end.

Carefully stepped on the light bridge and walked toward the front. I haven't walked a few steps yet, and a spear appears in the void, and it runs through the head of the Mozu monk. The powerful force shatters the Mozu.

A figure appeared on the light bridge, holding a spear in his hand and looking at the opposite tribes coldly. It was a person, but there was no vitality revealed on the body, and Xu Ziyan looked slightly surprised.

"this is……"

"This is a kind of awkwardness!" The side of the fairy said as he said: "If there is only one that is good to deal with, I am afraid that this is much more. I must have seen that the material of the skeleton is the diamond, which is the holy It is not easy for a monk to deal with him."

At this time, the demon master has already rushed up. Since this round is dealt with by the mogul party, he also wants to make a quick decision. As soon as the figure was on the light bridge, the Lord took out the blood knife and smashed it toward the other.


The Lord of the Devil is the Lord of the Devil. Even the King Kong is smashed by the Lord. But before the devil is proud, the void is a ripple, dozens of cockroaches rushed out of the void, attacking around the demon. The Lord is not afraid, and a blood knife makes it out, and it keeps smashing one by one. In less than a quarter of an hour, dozens of people are killed. Broken gold fused alumina is everywhere on the ground.

The Lord of the Lord did not have any interest in the diamonds. When they saw no more defects, they stopped. The monks and other monks of Yanshan also set foot on the light bridge and soon came behind the devil. The lord's eyes swept over the monks, and then moved their steps, flashing to one side, and the eyes of the monks fell on the demon Lord.

The demon master extended his finger and nodded toward a demon celestial person. The face of the demon monk was changed, and he walked toward the front, while the monks stood in the same place and looked at the back of the demon monk.

At this time, every Tianzun monk's face was very unsightly. They were all the people on the Yuan Dynasty. They used to take others as cannon fodder. They never thought that one day they would become cannon fodder.

Soon, there were various dangers ahead, and the demon Lord and the lord also solved it separately. When it came to Quebec, Kui Tian did not say a word, and after touching the ban, he killed the Quartet, and then Coldly retreated to the side, looking to the soul of Yanshan.

Yanshan soul naturally will not let Xu Ziyan go to temptation, and love the house and Wu, but also did not go to the difficult to ride them, as well as Kui Tian general, after touching the ban, killing the Quartet.

This light bridge is endless, and it is obvious that the light bridge is fragile on the surface, but the battle that took place on the Five Saints did not damage the light bridge.

It’s just like this round and round of rounds. I don’t know how many rounds I’ve played. I still don’t see the end of the light bridge. This can’t help but let the monks feel stunned. It’s clear that before the void appeared, the palace was away from everyone. Not far away, after the sudden appearance of this void, it seems that the palace disappeared, and they only shuttled through this endless void.

Xu Ziyan and others have used the gods to sense the surrounding, fearing that it is like a heart-to-heart bridge, enslaving the monks, but discovering that there is no rule at all, and some are just endless voids.

"Not right!"

The five saints stopped their steps and looked around. The five saints had a feeling at this time. They seemed to enter a space. If they could not find the key point of this space, they would be trapped in this. Within the space. Everyone looked at Xu Ziyan, and at this time they all counted on the eyes of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "You friends, Ziyan has opened the Peng Peng more than once before. But I can't find the slightest way to crack."

The monks were not blinded by the heart, and the lord looked at those who respected Heaven: "Everyone studies it!"

The monks also fought hard and began to carefully search for everything around them. But after two hours passed, including the Five Sacred, no monk found the way to leave here.

Yanshan soul sighed softly, looking at Xu Ziyan, the look is a glimpse, at this time Xu Ziyan right eye formed a vortex is constantly spinning. The behavior of Yanshan Spirit also made the other four saints feel that a pair of eyes looked over, and their faces were all awkward, and then the face showed a happy color.

At this time, they all thought of Xu Ziyan, but they had an understanding of the space attribute. At the beginning, they escaped from the capture of the demon master by the understanding of the space attribute. Every monk’s face showed the color of expectation. Give other monks and keep them quiet.

The entire light bridge was silent at once, and all the monks' eyes were gathered on Xu Ziyan's body.

This space is really cut and used here with a big magical power. It is just that a void is inlaid here and it will not be perfect and flawless. It was just that Feng Zu’s cultivation was too strong, and even narrowed the flaws to the extreme, that is, Xu Ziyan’s use of the space eye only got a vague impression.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes, and a drop of blood dripped from his eyes. It was too difficult for Xu Ziyan to see the phoenix ancestors. It took less than two quarters of an hour, and the eye of the space was hurt. .

"Ziyan..." Yanshan soul is in a hurry.

"I'm fine!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, and then he ran the power and mental strength to warm the eyes of the space. The lords and other people also came around. At this time they already knew that if they couldn't break the void space, they would stop encountering here and then run out of power.

Moreover, they have already realized that the reason why those cockroaches are endless is not endless here. Even if it is Fengzu, it is impossible to make so many cockroaches, but these cockroaches have the ability to recover automatically and are broken up in the void. After the middle, they will slowly disappear, and then do not know for what reason and condense into a new embarrassment.

Surrounded by silence, all the monks looked at Xu Ziyan. Waiting for Xu Ziyan to recover, they all want to know if Xu Ziyan has seen anything. Just seeing the anxious appearance of Yanshan soul, no one dares to speak out, that is, the Holy Master and other holy monks are not willing to provoke Yanshan soul at this time.

About three hours passed, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. The vortex in the right eye has disappeared, frowning and frowning.

"It's okay?" Yanshan asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Xu Ziyan reached out and gently held the big hand of Yanshan Soul.

"Xu Daoyou, what do you see?" The lord couldn't help but ask.

"This is indeed a void that has been transplanted and transplanted, but the magical power of Fengzu is too high. I can't crack it. Although I know vaguely that there are several flaws, I can't see it clearly."

The five saints frowned, and their cultivation was stronger than Xu Ziyan, but the understanding of space was really not as good as purple smoke. Even the purple smoke can't be seen, how can they see it?

At this point no one is going further, because they all know that only when they go forward, they will appear again. And they all raised a trace of uneasiness in their hearts. Because they found that they were isolated from all kinds of power in this void, they couldn't absorb any power here, which means they only consumed, but they could not be supplemented.

Of course, they can supplement Yuanli through Xiandan and Xianjing, but will one day use it? Once they are used up, waiting for them is going to death.

"I will try again!"

Xu Ziyan looked up at the void, and the spirit of the other monks was a revival. The eyes of Xu Ziyan were full of expectations. Xu Ziyan showed a whirlpool in both eyes, opening the eye of time and the eye of space at the same time, and then extending a finger to the void.


All the monks have a feeling that it seems that the whole void is fixed. They just didn't think that this piece of void was moving, but compared with the current feeling, it was clear that the piece of void was moving before. Looking down, I saw that the original light bridge under my feet was no longer ups and downs, and everything was still.

At this time, Xu Ziyan's time and space eyes immediately looked at the past few broken things. In the static state, the eyes of the space saw the flaws clearly.


Xu Ziyan’s time was exhausted, and the whole void seemed to be alive again, but the monks carefully perceived it, and felt the same as before. There was no difference. Immediately, when they fell their eyes, they found the light bridge under their feet. It began to rise and fall again.


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