The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2675: Broken void

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The eyes of the monks could not help but shrink, and looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes cautiously. This kind of magical power is terrible, and it is almost fatal if you let the other party stand still in battle.

Xu Ziyan began to raise his eyes again. Although it was not consumed as much as this time, it was not small. Xu Ziyan has a faint feeling that although he has cultivated the time and space attributes into the realm of great perfection, it seems that this is not the end. There is a higher level above the Great Perfection.

After two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and smiled on his face: "You friends, I found a node that cracked this void. After a while, I will release four swords, point out the four nodes, and then use When Xianyu attacks the four nodes, it should be able to crack the void."

"Ziyan..." The look of Yanshan soul is bitter.

"what happened?"

The eyes of Xu Ziyan swept through the five saints, and the look of the five saints was bitter.

"We...when you cast your time, even though you are targeting this void, not us. But at that moment we were not completely affected, but it was also difficult to move. I am afraid I will not be able to keep up with you." Speed. Can you exclude us when you use your powers?"

Xu Ziyan suddenly realized, but there was no way to shake his head: "No, you are all in this void, you want to stand still, you must stand still with you. I can only exclude myself."

"That... what to do?" Five saints looked at Xu Ziyan bitterly.

"Then I will try it alone!"

"You alone? Can you do it?"

"I don't know! Yes, you are all ready. Once I have cracked this void, I am afraid that it will cause the void to collapse. At that time, when the void collapses, you have to hold up a shield defense."

"At that time, can we resume operations?" the lord asked nervously.

“Can!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “At that time, the time magical power has disappeared. You should be prepared first.”

"it is good!"

A battle array was immediately laid, Xu Ziyan stood in the middle, then Wu Sheng surrounded Xu Ziyan in the middle, and finally those tribal monks.


There was a purple cloud on Xu Ziyan’s head. The purple cloud exudes a strong atmosphere. It is a purple cloud composed of four thousand-handed air swords. Each sword is exuded with the power of the six-tiered peak of the holy level. This makes the immortal, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Kui Tian heart shocked. They are not released like this kind of power, but they can release them normally because they are there.


Xu Ziyan is different. She only has the cultivation of the peak of the second level of the Holy Level. How can she release such a powerful fairy?

I don’t understand whether or not I understand it, but my heart is filled with joy. The stronger the Xu Ziyan at this time, the greater the chance that they will get out of trouble.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan was consumed rapidly. Under the control of the gods, the four thousand swords began to gather and gathered into four huge purple swords.

Xu Ziyan began to show vortex in her eyes, and she opened the eyes of time and space.


Heaven and earth seem to be still at this moment. This is the third time that Xu Ziyan opened the space to observe this void, so only in an instant she found the most unstable nodes.

"go with!"


The whole piece of void seems to be shaking, and the four huge purple screams roar toward the four space nodes. Only in an instant, the four huge purple swords disappeared, as if they were swallowed up by the void.

All the monks were hopped in the heart, and the face was disappointing.

"Explosion!" Xu Ziyan lightly sighed.


There was a huge roar at the four nodes in the void, and then I saw that there were four places in the void that began to change, as the dark ink began to sway, and then gradually began to crack, the crack Initially there was only one trace at each node, and then the silk began to stretch, cracking, spreading like a spider web, and a rumbling sound in the ear, the void collapsed.


Two hundred masters jointly released a defensive shield, covering everyone as the first layer, and then released a second defensive shield by the five saints to also cover all the monks.

The collapse of the void came to them, and the defensive shields released by the nearly two hundred monks jointly collapsed without sticking to the ten-day time. The collapsed void was flooded with the defensive shields released by the five saints. The voice was heard, and the monks looked at the defensive shield with a look of concern.

The void collapsed very quickly, only about a quarter of an hour, and the monks were bright in front of them. They found themselves on the streets of the Phoenix City, which is not far from them.


The Five Saints put away the defensive shields, and the monks and the guards sat down without saying a word, taking the elixir into the interest rate adjustment. They consumed too much, not only physically, but also psychologically. of.

Xu Ziyan also entered the interest rate adjustment, but at this time there was Xu Ziyun, she did not have to slowly recover with other people, here is the city of Phoenix, is a dangerous place. So she immediately switched her body to Xu Ziyun and entered the time array.

The outside world is only a matter of time, and Xu Ziyan will adjust the interest rate. However, she did not come out of the time array, but began to condense the sword in the time array. Until she condensed five thousand squirts and felt a little boring, she once again adjusted herself to the peak state and switched to Xu Ziyun.

Looking around, seeing that including the Five Saints have not fully recovered, Xu Ziyan also sat down on the ground to make a pair of gestures that are still in the interest rate adjustment, but just slightly raised their eyes and looked ahead.

It is still a straight road, and at the end of the boulevard is the huge and splendid palace. As if waiting for Xu Ziyan to go to the random, but let Xu Ziyan feel a trace of dangerous atmosphere from the brilliant palace.

"This is the real palace where Fengzu lived in the city of Phoenix?" At this time the demon Lord opened his eyes and asked the fairy.

“Not bad!” The lord nodded. “I have been there once, and it is still exactly the same as the ancient times. There is no change.”

For a time, the tone of the lord was full of embarrassment.

"Are you familiar with the danger inside?" The demon looked forward to it.

There was a bitter bitterness on the face of the lord: "When I was summoned by Feng Zu, I did not find a trace of danger inside. Of course, there was no danger in this street. So, you want to What do I get here about the palace, I can only tell you, I don't know."

The monks heard the words and there was no accident in their hearts. The lord has only been there once, and since it was summoned by Feng Zu, naturally there will not be any danger here, and by the strength of the lord at that time, it is impossible to see any danger.

At this time, all the monks have already adjusted their interest rates, and Yanshan soul stood up from the ground:

"Let's go, don't guess here, go in and see everything and you know."

The monks did not encounter any danger. They walked all the way to the gate of the palace, which made all the monks feel a long sigh of relief. Standing in front of the gate, looking at the huge door, there is only one feeling for the monks, that is:


Just a door gives the monks the feeling that the whole door is forged with Jin Yaoshi. There are a hundred phoenix carvings on the gate, and they look to the phoenix as if they were alive.

The lord sank and said: "I have heard that the door of the ancestors has been left behind in this door. She has turned the sacred **** into a hundred phoenix patterns on the door. A hundred phoenixes are the key to opening this door."

"We are not Fengzu, how do you open it?" Kuitian frowned slightly.

"The only way is to destroy the phoenix of Feng Zu, and then violently open the door."

The spirit of Yanshan frowned slightly: "The sacred knowledge left by Fengzu will not be weak?"

"Nature will not be weak, but Fengzu is already dead. That ignorance has become a rootless drifting. After so many years, I am afraid that she has lost her original power. Our five joint players should be able to destroy her. Kill. Of course, once you start to move, if you can’t kill it, it’s us who are killed. Do you think about it?

Four Sanctuary is a white eye, has come here, how could it be so returned?

"In this case, we will pass the knowledge together in a moment, and we will know the ancestors of Feng Zu."

"Good!" In the meantime, the five holy bodies are full of war.

"go with!"

The lord sighed softly, and the five sacred priests were transmitted through the gods into the gate. Xu Ziyan did not go to see the reaction of the gate, just watching the look of Yanshan soul, as long as the look of Yanshan soul showed a bad sign, she immediately transmitted the gods into the door.

Time seems to be extremely slow, and it is like a year. Fortunately, the expression of Yanshan soul is still calm, although sometimes stiff, but not too uncomfortable.


Suddenly, the monks behind him exclaimed, and Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at it. Then he saw that the golden door instantly became dazzling. The one phoenix released a magnificent color, and then it seemed to have lost something. And gradually become ordinary. As ordinary pictures of the mortal.


Xu Ziyan turned to look at the Yanshan soul, and saw Yanshan soul spit a long breath and opened his eyes. Looking towards the other four saints, they also opened their eyes and their faces showed joy and relaxation.


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