The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2676: Heaven trap

"How?" Xu Ziyan asked with concern.

"It's okay!" Yanshan soul laughed and said: "The ancestors of Fengzu have already consumed seven or eighty-eight, but that sacred knowledge has a supernatural power, and it is slightly more troublesome to deal with."

At this time, I saw that the lord had gone out and slammed his fist on the door. After the bang, the door did not have any cracks. The face of the lord was not surprised at all:

"Sure enough, we have eliminated the ancestor of Fengzu, which is equivalent to destroying the key. Only the violence destroys the door. The evil Lord is handed over to you."

Yanshan soul nodded, took out the peerless giant knife, and squatted on the golden gate in front.


A loud bang, the door was smashed into four or five pieces, falling from the air and falling to the ground. Showing the world inside.

The monks walked into the gate under the leadership of the Five Saints. The entrance was a large hall, and there was no other sculpture in the hall. The monks searched carefully around, only to find a door on the back wall and never found anything else.

Slowly the monks gathered in front of the door, Yanshan soul extended a hand and pushed it gently. Surprisingly, the door was pushed away.


The heat wave that was extremely hot was thrown out of the door. The monks stared at it and saw that it was a sea of ​​fire in the door. Nothing could be seen except fire, or fire.

Yanshan spirit stepped forward, releasing a hood around the body, blocking the fire outside. Xu Ziyan thought of a move, the fire attribute sword spirit came out from the Taixu sword, and spread from the surface of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan's body surface burns out the flame, and the flame in the fire sea not only does not hurt Xu Ziyan, but also the essence of the silk flame is absorbed by Xu Ziyan.

The monks, including the Yanshan soul, looked at Xu Ziyan with amazement, but no one spoke, walking toward the front, and all the monks released a defensive shield to resist the endless fire, only Xu Ziyan seemed to be This piece of fire and sea is a fusion of the general.

Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan walk side by side, the lord, the devil, the demon Lord and Kuitian walk behind, and then take the Wanli, the sword is no imaginary and other big monks, one by one holding the defensive shield immediately behind.

After about a quarter of an hour, all the monks were not very good-looking because they didn't see the end of the sea of ​​fire. On the other hand, they found that the gods could not spread here. Once they extended, the sea of ​​fire turned to the gods. There is a burning effect.

The monks kept moving forward in this uneasy mood. After walking for about a day, they finally saw an exit, which was a white light, and the closer it was, the lower the temperature. .

Finally, everyone went to the white spot, it turned out to be a white door. From the door, a kind of yin to cold. Yanshan soul once again reached out and pushed it gently, and the door opened to the outside.


A cold wind rushed in with heavy snow, and then melted and evaporated instantly. The eyes of the monks were a condensation, and the outside was actually an ice sheet.

The monks walked out of the door, and they really felt the ice and fire two heavens. Here is a world of ice and snow. The wind is raging, the snow is heavy, and the eyes are white. Only a huge ice phoenix floated in the air in the snow.

"That is..." Yanshan soul slightly raised his eyes: "That is not a real phoenix."

"That is a palace!" said the singer.

"you've been to?"

"I haven't been there!" The lord said bitterly: "Now it is completely different from before, and it is completely strange to me."

Yanshan soul looked up at the ice phoenix in the air, stepping forward toward the front, the body shape flew into the air, Xu Ziyan also hurriedly stepped into the air, followed. However, the yin to the cold will cover the fire cover around the body of Xu Ziyan and force it to stick to the body.


The monks floated at the head of the ice phoenix at this time, and the big mouth opened by the ice phoenix was the entrance to the palace. At this time, the monks were very excited. The palace was revealed in the image of the phoenix and should be the true palace of Fengzu. There should be countless treasures in it. Among the great monks, the lowest one is also Tianzun. It is reasonable to say that there are very few things that make them excited.


Is Fengzu’s treasure a general treasure? Not to mention them, it is the five saints that are hard to hide their excitement.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Sheng took the lead to enter the gate. As soon as he entered the monks, he was shocked by the dazzling beauty. From the outside, it is an ice palace, but when it enters into it, it is a world of hustle and bustle. There are colorful lights everywhere, and the monks are replaced into a dreamlike world.

In this palace, Xu Ziyan observes some of the surrounding, whether it is the strokes on the wall, the sculptures in the palace, the furniture, or even the beads inlaid on the ceiling, all of which are laid out to make people feel that all this should be in this way. If you make a slight change, it will destroy the beauty here.

And all the materials arranged here are pure and horrible, and the five materials of Jinmu Shuihuo are perfectly matched, and the whole space is filled with a mysterious atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped. This is the breath of heaven. Once again, I went to see all the layouts around me. Xu Ziyan was shocked and opened his mouth.

All of this layout is in harmony with the heavens and makes people intoxicated.

"Don't be addicted to the heavens here!"

The voice of Yanshan Soul suddenly sounded, and I was awakened by the Xu Ziyan who was intoxicated. Looking back, the big monks were awakened by the wrong face.

Then there was fear on their faces. Just now they were completely immersed in comprehension. If there was any danger at that time, they would not have the slightest resistance.

"Evil Lord, what do you see?" Quebec asked. At this time, she was also very admired for the evil Lord. Just now she even had a trace of lost in this kind of heavenly world, but it was awakened by the Yanshan soul. I can imagine the power of the Yanshan Soul God.

The Yanshan soul has already stopped at this moment, and his eyes are looking around. The look became dignified:

"Don't think it's safe here. I don't think Fengzu will give a monk who broke into her palace a place to understand the heavens. Maybe these heavens are traps."

No one opposed the Yanshan soul, and even the Emperor Sisheng did not object. Nowadays, the cultivation of Yanshan Spirit is the highest here. His understanding of Heaven and Tao should be stronger than other people. The problems he sees must not be wrong.


Can't you stand here like this?

Suddenly, the sound of the air broke out inside the palace, and the ice blade with a huge power swept over the monks. It was only a moment that smashed a few monk defense shields that were repaired to the lowest, and they were broken into pieces.


Under the command of Yanshan, all the monks erected the defensive shield and rushed toward the opposite gate.


The entire palace was filled with huge wind blades in an instant, like a blizzard, rushing toward the monks, and the monks immediately sacrificed the fairy, while fluttering while flew forward, but their speed gradually slowed down because Those ice blades are too dense, and the power is huge, even the speed of the Five Saints is slowing down.

And the rooms that didn't seem to be big at this time seemed to be infinitely extended. No matter how they flew, it seemed that they could never reach the opposite door.

Xu Ziyan looked up and down, his eyes flashed blue, and opened the eyes of Peng Peng. She saw all the layouts in this room, so it was so harmonious and natural.

Suddenly, her heart jumped and shouted: "I understand!"

"What do you understand?" Yanshan asked, and the rest of the monks looked at the anxious eyes.

"The layout of this room is all in accordance with the heavens, so as long as there is a tiny thing entering this room, it will destroy the heavens here, so it will open the trap of this space. Without killing us, the attack here will always be It won't end."

All the monks are sinking in the heart, and this Fengzu is really amazing. It is possible to set up a perfect heavenly room, as long as a trace of foreign matter enters the perfection of the heavens that destroys it, it will be attacked by the heavens here.

This has not been heard before, and this has to achieve the level of understanding of Heaven. Are you in this trap of heaven and earth, and hope for living?

"How to crack?" the Lord asked in a hurry.

"Understanding the heavens here."

"Understanding the heavens here?"

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “The entry of these people has destroyed the layout of the heavens here, but the destroyer is us, and then turning it back into perfect heaven can only be us.”

The eyes of the Five Sacred Lights up: "Do you mean to re-arrange a perfect heaven with the positions of those of us?"

"Yes! It's like a seesaw. The original seesaw is balanced, because our presence breaks this balance, but we can also rebalance it."

"then comprehend!"

Wu Sheng immediately sat cross-legged, releasing a defensive shield on his body and began to understand the heavenly road laid in this room. Xu Ziyan also sat on the ground, but she did not have the strength of the Five Saints, while holding up the defensive shield and comprehending the heavens here. She summoned the space sword spirit, and the space sword spirit shrouded Xu Ziyan inside, and the swirling ice blade was turned in the direction of the space sword spirit, and a handle blade was swept past her.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea, the look of the gods released a ring, this ring exudes the atmosphere of eleven kinds of attributes, emitting a circle of light behind the head of Xu Ziyan...


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