The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2677: Eye of ice phoenix

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Other monks also want to comprehend because they know that this is both a danger and an opportunity. But let alone they are the one level of the holy level, which can't be done in a thousand miles, because the wind blade is too dense and powerful, just want to resist with the defensive shield, it can't resist for a long time, only the sacrifice The device continues to fight back. So how do you understand the heavens here?

Only Wusheng and Xu Ziyan have the qualifications and strengths to comprehend here.

Gradually, Xu Ziyan deepened his understanding of the heavens here. After all, this is only the heaven of the five attributes, and Xu Ziyan is a fusion of eleven attributes. The cultivation of Xu Ziyan is not as good as Feng Zu, even the Five Sacred. But in the rules of heaven, Feng Zu is not as purple as smoke.

If it is divided into grades, Xu Ziyan who comprehends the eleven kinds of attributes is the Datiandao, but only the Fengzu and Wusheng who have realized the five attributes are the small heavens.

The suppression of the rules made it possible for Xu Ziyan to realize that the heavens laid by Fengzu here are much easier. About half a day later, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and condensed:

"Don't resist, I will transfer everyone to a different position!"

Wu Sheng suddenly opened his eyes and instantly focused on the body of Xu Ziyan. Yanshan Soul also asked with surprise:

"Do you understand?"


When the words fell, Xu Ziyan propped up the defensive shield, and the figure flew up in the room. Every time he flew, he grabbed a monk and placed him in a position in the room, only less than a quarter of an hour. He changed all the monks back to the position, and then swung the sleeves, and the bodies of the monks who died before were taken into the storage ring.


The whole space is a quiet, and the ice blades of the sky are instantly still in the air. Then it disappeared silently.


All the monks were relieved with a long sigh of relief, and then began to look around, and each of them saw an admirable look. Sure enough, these people were re-arranged by Xu Ziyan. At this time, they seemed so pleasing to the eye. They had a feeling that they should stand here and only stand here to be perfect.

Yanshan soul's eyes are full of joy, he did not expect Xu Ziyan to have such understanding. However, I will understand the thoughts, because Xu Ziyan has realized the reasons for the eleven attributes. The other four saints looked deeply at Xu Ziyan. At this time, these holy monks raised the jealousy of Xu Ziyan, which only had the second level of the holy level.

"What do we do now?" Yanshan soul smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan.


I haven't waited for the purple smoke to sound, I heard the sound of opening the door. Everyone turned to the first place and saw that the door they had always wanted to close opened. From the inside, nine people were rushed out. At the moment they appeared, all The monks felt an uncoordinated, extreme disharmony.

The look of Xu Ziyan was changed. He immediately shouted: "Hurry up and crush them, then put them away. They destroyed the heavens here."


The disappearing ice blade appeared again, and these ice blades did not attack the nine figures, but attacked the tribes.


The Five Saints immediately attacked, but in less than three weeks, they smashed the nine scorpions into pieces, and then all the monks began to resist the attack of the ice blade while collecting the humanoid fragments of their side. When the last piece of debris was taken into the storage ring, the room was quiet again, and the dense ice blades disappeared silently.

"Xu Daoyou, we can't stand here for a lifetime..."

I haven't waited until the Lord's words are finished, and I rushed in from the door to the nine demons. This time, there is no need to make a fuss about Ziyan, and Wusheng will shoot again. When the time is less than three, the nine demons will be killed, and then everyone will start collecting debris on the ground.

However, at this time everyone's mind was settled a lot, because they found that the strength of these rushing into is very low, and they do not pose a threat to them. It seems that these cockroaches only came in to cause the imbalance in the room and attack. They just played the role of an introduction and did not have a strong attack power.

When the last piece of debris was taken up, the ice blade in the air disappeared again. At this time, the monks had an expectation in their hearts. They did not believe that those crickets would be endless. When those crickets were killed, it would not be too late to think of them.

Therefore, this time no one asked if Xu Ziyan would stand here for a lifetime. All the monks' eyes looked at the open door. Sure enough, from the outside of the door rushed into the three Mozu 傀儡, the room has become a world of ice blades.

However, these Mozu shackles still could not withstand the bombardment of the Five Sacred, and the time of less than three interest was smashed. After the monks charged the pieces, they thought:

"The Terran, the Mozu and the Yaozu have all appeared. All the cockroaches should be wiped out. Should we find a way to leave this place?"

At this time, all the monks have a cold that is cold to the depths of the soul. It is not really cold, but a feeling of extreme danger.

All the monks looked up and looked at the palace ceiling above the head. Focus on the top of the pattern. It was an eye, a closed eye, but at this time it had a tendency to open. The extreme ice cold came from that eye.

No one was alarmed, even those who were monks and monks did not panic at this time. This is not because they do not feel the extreme threat, nor because there is the existence of five saints. It’s the adventure of this road. After nearly a hundred days of death, the minds of these people have all been improved. At this time, each monk raised his own cultivation to the extreme, and a stalked ware was hung above the head, creaking, radiant, and eager to try.

The eyes in the air opened a slit, and the soul of Xu Ziyan was a shock. The gods in the sea fluctuated and an uneasy emotion spread.

"Follow the Yuanshen!" Yanshan soul snorted and said: "This is a soul attack."

The monks in the hearts of the monks, one by one to keep the gods, but also brewing the gods to counterattack. In the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, the power of the gods came out of the spirit of the gods. A palace quickly outlined and protected the gods. The palace is magnificent, and above the main hall in the palace, Xu Ziyan’s **** is sitting on a high-backed chair, and his eyes are closed.

After the palace was finished, a maze was quickly drawn around the palace...


A mysterious sound, the eye on the ceiling slowly opened, and the extreme coldness spread to the sea of ​​the monks. Only in an instant, those monks and monks felt that they were not the opponents of that eye at all. Where did they dare to wait for the power released by the eyes to enter their own sea of ​​knowledge?


All the monks of Tianzun immediately transcended the gods and actively attacked the past toward the inundated power. A series of squeaking sounds sounded, and one day the monk's seven monks ooze blood, and at first glance, they know that the gods have been hurt.


The five holy gods burst out and surrounded the eye in the middle, resisting all the power, attacking the past toward the eye.

All the monks were loose in their hearts, and then they looked nervously toward the ceiling. The eye was completely open at this time, and there was a hint of fear in the heart. The eye had no eyes, and the whole eye was white, white, and the temperature in the room dropped sharply. The smell of a frozen soul was radiated from the eye.

The eye was pure white, and the frozen moments filled the space. Although the power can block the five holy, but the ice is everywhere.

"what is this?"

Xu Ziyan was amazed, and the sound of the singer's dignified voice rang in the air: "This is the eye of the ice phoenix, everyone is careful."

Xu Ziyan didn't know what the eye of the ice phoenix was, but it can be inferred from this name. This should be an ice phoenix eye.

"This... turned out to be a real eye?"

Xu Ziyan was shaking in her heart. Although she did not directly confront the eye of the ice and phoenix, she was able to feel the power of the Holy Class and the 9th level only by the power that it exudes. In this way, this ice phoenix should reach the level of about nine levels when it is alive. Although it can only attack God, it is absolutely dangerous. Even if the five saints join hands, there is no grasp of winning.

As the eye was completely opened, the entire room was frozen.


The ground, the walls, and the ceiling were frozen, and even the two doors that were opened before and after were frozen, and the eyes were more awkward in the frozen room. But it is also more majestic.

The only thing that can deal with this kind of **** attack is that God has lost its function. Whether it is attack or defense.

Sure enough, the five holy hands could not completely seal the power of the eye, and a trace of God infiltrated from the hands of the Five Holy Alliance.


The whole room vibrated, and the pressure of the mighty power made the Tianzun masters feel overwhelmed, and despair in both eyes.


The wall with the gods and the gods spread out from the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, but the wall composed of the gods in an instant constitutes a maze of maze, enveloping the left and right monks, including the five holy . The trace of the pressure fell into the maze, rampaging, and constantly destroying the maze. And Xu Ziyan kept driving the gods and adding the maze. The wall of the gods was destroyed, but then it was condensed.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the novel reading network (readnovel) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. readnovel.)

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