The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2678: Bingfeng

At this moment, the strong sense of the peaks of the late eight layers of Xu Ziyan revealed the power, which actually blocked the meaning of power. The labyrinth of the gods constantly collapsed and reorganized constantly, as if the two great forces were colliding and vying for the territory...

All the monks of Tianzun looked at Xu Ziyan with stunned eyes. They did not think that Xu Ziyan actually protected everyone with his own power. The immortal and others were no exception. At this time, they still can't see the power of the gods of Xu Ziyan is not weaker than them, and even stronger. At the same time, they also showed joy in their hearts. With Xu Ziyan protecting them, we can attack the eyes without worries.

Xu Ziyan continued to convey the power of the gods, while watching the situation of the five holy and the eyes attacking each other. Her gaze is naturally the first to look at the Yanshan soul.

The fascination of the Yanshan soul has become a huge peak. The giant peaks are connected into a mountain range, like an ancient dragon rushing toward the eye. The eye released a world of ice and snow, ice fields, icebergs, glaciers, ice, ice...

The gods of both sides violently collided, the mountains of Yanshan soul collapsed, and the ice and snow world of the other side collapsed. Only the speed of the ice and snow world collapsed was much slower than the collapse of the mountains of Yanshan soul.

Looking at the fairy, I saw a fairy palace flying in the air, the sound of the sound, the ray of light, the ice, the iceberg, the ice, the ice. At the same time his fairy palace is also rapidly collapsed.

The deity of the demon Lord turned into a dark cloud, and the black cloud rushed into the world of ice and snow, hanging down the huge black tentacles, and only one tentacles entwined the icebergs, tightening...


The icebergs are broken and the ice is flying...

The demon master's knowledge became a big demon, a huge head, two thick thighs, and two wings on the back, but with eight arms.

"This is... his body shape? What is this...the beast..."

Although Xu Ziyan couldn't help but be a beast, she did not delay her feeling of his power.

Kui Tian’s gods turned into a three-color ocean, and Wang Yang firmly spread to the front, wherever he went, destroying everything.


The world of ice and snow is too strong, and although it is constantly dying, it is constantly being generated, and the speed of generation is not slower than the speed of collapse.

Xu Ziyan looked at the attack between the five saints and the eyes, swallowed them, and realized their essence. Whether it is the Five Sacred, or the Eye of the Ice and Phoenix, the five attributes are perfected and then turned into a single attribute, which makes them more attacking.


At this time, Xu Ziyan had a feeling at this time. Even if they cultivated their cultivation to the extreme, I am afraid that the peak of the holy level is their ultimate goal, and it is impossible to make a deeper breakthrough.

But is there a realm above the Holy Level?

Xu Ziyan’s heart has a trace of confusion...

"should have!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are firm, and the five attributes blended to the extreme is the ultimate of the five saints, but it is not their own extreme, because their eleven attributes merge.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze seemed to penetrate the palace at this moment, penetrated the city of phoenix, and penetrated the layers of space...

"I must smash the **** of this world!"


Suddenly, the eyes of the ice and phoenix shine brightly, and the endless ice and snow world pushes forward violently toward the front, ruthlessly crushing the mountains of Yanshan Spirit, the palace of the lord, the black cloud of the devil, the demon of the demon Lord, Kui Tian Wang Yang...

At this moment, the closure of the five holy joints appeared a larger gap, spreading more power from the gap.

The whole room has completely turned into a frozen world, and even the power in the space has been frozen and turned into a hailstone falling from the sky.


The labyrinth released by Xu Ziyan continually collapsed, and the power of the snow and ice quickly rushed toward all the monks in the maze. All the monks are in the heart, and even the five saints are no exception. If you lose the protection of Xu Ziyan, don't say that these monks will die, that is, the Five Sacred does not dare to attack the eyes of the ice and phoenix. It is necessary to leave a part of the gods to protect themselves.

The full-scale attack can't beat the eyes of the ice and the phoenix. If you split a part of the defense of the gods, what will happen? It goes without saying that everyone knows.

Seeing that the snow and ice will spread directly to the monks in front of the monks, the faces of the monks are discolored, and they are transmitted through the gods, trying to block the power that spreads to themselves.


As a result, they were desperate, and their gods were as fragile as thin paper in the face of the ice-phoenix's power, and collapsed faster than the purple labyrinth. The look of the Five Saints is fretting, and the eyes are hesitant. I don’t know whether to continue to attack with all strength, or to separate a part of God’s defense.


At this moment, a palace floated out of the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, and then quickly expanded to cover all the monks. The ice and snow world that came from the attack was blocked.

The five holy looking at the palace, the heart was shocked. Such a large and sturdy palace is entirely built by the power of the gods, and this palace is full of the power of heaven, which requires the power of the gods. At this moment, the five saints know that the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan definitely exceeds them.

Although the four saints, such as the lord, are not willing to admit it, they know in their hearts that as long as the purple smoke does not die, the future achievements will definitely exceed any of them. The repair of Yanshan soul is standing at the peak of the Five Saints. If Xu Ziyan is strong again, the couple will unite together. What other forces in the world can resist them?


Yanshan soul screamed, and the mountains gradually merged into a huge mountain. Four saints also distracted in the heart of this time.

Thousands of fairy palaces have gathered to form a huge fairy palace.


The fairy palace fell on the peak of the Yanshan soul, and released the endless power.

"Oh la la..."

The three-color Wang Yang, which is the master of Kui Tian’s knowledge, hovered around the giant peak and surrounded the giant peak of Yanshan’s soul.

The demon of the demon Lord’s deity is standing on the fairy palace where the gods know the gods. The eight arms condense eight kinds of fairy instruments and scream.

The magic cloud enveloped the sky.

At this time, the five holy gods merged into one place, as if there was a giant peak standing in the ocean. The peak of the giant peak was located in a huge fairy palace. There was a big demon standing in the fairy palace. The big demon floated on the head. Endless magic cloud, inside the magic cloud, hangs thousands of ink tentacles.


The power of the joint outbreak of the Five Holy Spirits reached a new peak, rushing into the world of ice and snow, and instantly hitting the world of ice and snow.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy, and the five holy gods are rapidly approaching the eye of the ice and phoenix. This is a stalemate. If the five holy gods rushed into the eyes of the ice phoenix, even if they could not hurt the eye of the ice phoenix, they also took advantage. On the other hand, if the **** of the eye of the ice phoenix rushes into the sea of ​​the five saints, it is that the five saints have lost their advantage.

Such a situation is developing in a positive direction, and the sanctuary of the five saints is approaching the eye of ice and phoenix.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped, and she found that the collapsed ice and snow world turned into tiny fragments that spurred around. This is definitely not only the power generated by the collapse of the ice and snow world, but the power of the ice and phoenix's eyes.

"What is it doing?"


Thousands of pieces hit the ground, the walls, the ceiling...

The pattern in the whole room radiates icy light, and this cold light is intertwined to form a world of jealousy. Xu Ziyan glanced away and saw the shed, the ground, and the various patterns on the surrounding walls faintly moving, seeming to fall off the wall.

"No, these patterns are going to live!"

The monks heard a word in their hearts, and an eye of ice and phoenix made them face death. If these patterns are alive, do they still have life?

"Fast attack those patterns!" Xu Ziyan screamed.

The monks heard the words and immediately sacrificed their own fairy instruments and bombarded them with the patterns. For a time, the convenience is loud and the various fairy tales are criss-crossed.

However, those patterns still fell from the ground, the ceiling, and the surrounding walls, but did not attack the monks, but gathered toward the middle, and all the attacks disappeared as they approached them.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a contraction. It is the power of the rules of heaven. It seems that they are immune to all attacks in the process of their convergence. Xu Ziyan glanced over the pattern, and the heart jumped. The pattern was not a complete pattern, as if a pair of patterns were cut into countless copies, and it was being reassembled.


All the patterns are assembled together, and in front of everyone is a phoenix, an ice phoenix. Just missing two eyes.

Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart, she felt a huge danger. This kind of danger made her all over the body, looking at the ice phoenix floating in the air, seeing the two holes in the eye on her head, Xu Ziyan suddenly awakened.

"Eyes, stop that eye!"


The eye fell off the canopy and flew toward the ice phoenix.

At this time, every monk knows that it is bad. It is only one eye that they can't cope with. If the eye and the ice phoenix are merged together, do they still have a way to live?


At this time, the five sacrificial offerings were not just the knowledge of the gods, but the sacrifice of the fairy, and the bombardment of the past with the eyes of the ice and phoenix. As long as the eye of the ice and phoenix is ​​smashed, everything can be solved.

But in the eyes of the ice phoenix, a strong heavenly rule suddenly emerged, and the attack of the five saints was blocked out and flew toward the ice phoenix.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the novel reading network (readnovel) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. readnovel.)

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