The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2679: Rule victory

I am very grateful to Lu Wenjing (300), Shannee (280), mableip (280), Jie Jie (200), Jinniu Feifei _ classmate (200), l1995x classmate (100) for the reward!


This is the power of the rules of heaven. Xu Ziyan’s eyes can only be blocked by the rules of heaven.


Twelve ray of light emerged from the body of Xu Ziyan, which is the spirit of the virtual sword and the golden wood water, the wind and the light, the light and the thunder, and the eleven kinds of sword spirit. These twelve sword spirits were instantly blocked in front of the eyes of the ice phoenix, and then turned into twelve long swords. The eleven long swords surrounded the eyes of the ice and phoenix in the air, and the handle was too weak. The spirit slowly approached from the air toward the eye of the ice phoenix in the middle.

Every inch is approached, and from the eleven-handed sword, the silk energy is absorbed into the spirit of the Taixu sword, making the Taixu sword spirit more and more powerful.

The eye of the ice phoenix rushed to the right and left in the sword array, but rushed out of the heavenly rules of eleven attributes.

"Attack the body of the ice phoenix!"

Yanshan soul screamed, and Wu Sheng led nearly two hundred monks to attack the body of the ice phoenix in the air. The ice phoenix floated in the air, the wings fluttered, the endless ice spread, and the big mouth spurted out a pair of ice blades, whistling and screaming toward the monks.


The peerless giant knife in the hands of Yanshan spirit came out, and the ice blade in front of it was swept away. The endless knife was smashed on the body of the ice phoenix. The energy of the ice phoenix swayed a bit, and the mouth screamed fiercely. The tweet, and then the fairy of the four saints and nearly two hundred monks bombarded on it, made her tweet more violent, but its power did not weaken much.

The ice-phoenix eye in the air sword array did not move at this time, but the heavenly rule above it was thinking about the expansion outside, resisting the power of the sword array, and the speed of the approaching sword in the middle almost stagnated. It is like being trapped in a swamp.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed an anxious color, and the situation in front of him was caught in a war of attrition, but it was obvious that they were not consuming ice.

"No! This must have a reason. Even if it is a real ice phoenix, it is impossible to not consume it, not to mention that it is not really a phoenix."

"Ziyan, this is not the way to go, you open the eyes of the space to see!" Yanshan soul anxiously called.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan immediately opened the eyes of the space, the whole room disappeared in her vision, turned into a face, and instantly turned into a line, and then became a point...

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped. At this time, she understood that this room is a five-line space. It is a space that combines five attributes. As long as this space is not destroyed, it will be supplemented with the eternal rules of Tianfeng to Bingfeng and Bingfeng. In the eyes, they will eventually die in the eyes of Bingfeng and Bingfeng, because they can't afford it.

"Xu Daoyou, what did you see?" the Lord asked in a hurry.

At this time, all the monks, including the Five Lords, such as Xianzhu, looked anxiously at Xu Ziyan. At the juncture of this crisis, they did not realize that through the performance of Xu Ziyan on this road, they actually regarded Xu Ziyan as the backbone of the subconscious. Even the Five Sacred is no exception.

"found it!"

Xu Ziyan sighed lightly. Since she knew that it was a five-space space, she naturally found the five nodes of this space space.


On the head of Xu Ziyan, there were five thousand-handed swords. The five thousand-handed swords were instantly merged into five huge swords, and they screamed toward the five nodes.

"Booming and banging..."

Five huge roars, the whole room was shaken.


Cracks appeared on the ground, the ceiling and the surrounding walls, and the cracks were still spreading.


The ice phoenix screamed and released a greater power. A piece of ice and snow spread toward the crowd. Like an avalanche, only eight monks who were slightly lower were broken and the gods collapsed.


The cracks in the five elements of space actually began to heal, although the bridging was slow, but it was actually closed.

"Xu Daoyou, it began to heal..." There was a horror in the eyes of the demon Lord.

"We attack!"

At this time, they also saw the five nodes of Xu Ziyan's blasting. The Five Saints immediately condensed their greatest power and bombarded the past with the five nodes. They simply did not control the attack of the ice phoenix.

"Booming and banging..."

The continuous blasting sound, the sound of "squeaking" sounded in the ear, and the crack that was originally closed began to crack and spread, but the five elements of space were still not completely broken.

At the same time, the Five Saints were also bombarded by the gods of Bingfeng, tumbling in the air, spurting out blood, accompanied by screams, and the six monks who were slightly lower were fallen.

In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, there was an anxious color. The teeth were bitten, and the five swords of Jinmushui and Fireland spurred toward the five nodes. At the same time, the remaining Sword Spirit once again surrounded the eyes of the ice phoenix.


The moment when the five sword spirits left gave the gap between the eyes of the ice and the phoenix, and a sensation of the sea to the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan extended a finger to the god.


The sensation of the sensation is the momentary silence in the air, and the eye of the space of the purple smoke is also rotated. Although this static time is only a moment, it is lasing to the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, but it gives Xu Ziyan The time to display the space magical powers, hands clasped the chest and turned outwards.


There was a black hole between Xu Ziyan's hands, and the gods released by the eyes of the ice phoenix plunged into the black hole, and the space magical power of Xu Ziyan was transferred elsewhere. However, the strength of Xu Ziyan is still relatively low after all. In the end, there are still some gods who have rushed into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen released the eleventh attribute aura to expand outwards, and the **** of ice and phoenix eyes colluded with each other, and there was a sharp pain in the sea. This is not because Xu Ziyan has the peak of the eight-level late stage. The power of God, only this collision will fall. Even so, Xu Ziyan is pale, with nose and nose spurting blood.

Fortunately, at this time, the eyes of the ice phoenix couldn’t take the attack on Xu Ziyan, and smashed the five sword spirits of Jinmu Shui to attack the space node, rushed out from the sword array and rushed toward the ice phoenix.

Xu Ziyan and Wu Sheng want to block, but they are too late, and those big monks have time, but they can't stop. Just for a moment, the eye of the ice phoenix rushed into the eyelid on the left side of the ice phoenix head. There was still some dull ice phoenix that suddenly became vivid.


Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief and smashed the knowledge of the last ice phoenix in the sea. When he reached out, he took out the sword. Twelve swords in the air turned into twelve streams of light and spurred toward the sword of Xu Ziyan’s hands, and they sneaked into the sword.


Too martial arts Guanghua, a burst of humming sounds like the beginning of the world.


Xu Ziyan looked up at the five nodes in the air. She was confident that the five nodes were bombarded by five thousand swords, and together with a bombardment of the five saints, the most attacking of the five swords of the golden woods and fires was superimposed. This space is no longer sustainable.

Sure enough, the crack began to spread again, and the speed of the spread suddenly increased. With a burst of sound, the entire space collapsed.


Bingfeng screamed, and the sound transmitted an excitement.


The shape of the five saints flew to the side of Xu Ziyan, and his eyes looked at the ice phoenix in the air. At this time, the body of the ice phoenix began to boil the ice flame, and the original illusory body seemed to have a solid tendency.

"Not good, it has to be reborn!"

The lord shouted in amazement, and Xu Ziyan gazed at the rising ice flame in the air. The heart was shocked. The ice phoenix body in the ice flame became more and more solid, no longer an illusory appearance.


Yanshan soul in the hands of a peerless giant knife, rushed to the ice phoenix, Xu Ziyan also led the hands of the too virtual sword and Yanshan soul rushed out, followed by the lord of the four saints also released their greatest potential, time around The ice phoenix broke out with a violent attack.

The ice phoenix in the air screamed, and the eye on the left revealed fear, unwillingness and anger.

The fragmentation of the entire five elements of space has disappeared from the rule of heaven that protects it, and at this time it is in the stage of rebirth and the weakest time. It’s just that the five saints are enough for it to eat, let alone a purple smoke?

At this time, Xu Ziyan also knows where his weakness is. The fairy singer she released does not work for the ice phoenix. The repair of the peak of the second level of the holy level is too weak compared with the ice phoenix, even if it is The weak ice phoenix in the rebirth of the fire. Therefore, she holds the virtual sword and fights directly with the ice phoenix.

The power of such a purple smoke is fully revealed. The virtual sword is a super-innate fairy treasure, and the body strength of Xu Ziyan is the peak of the six-level stage of the holy level. When combined, each attack will cause damage to the ice phoenix.

At this time, the six holy monks gave up the fairy tales, but they used their own fairy wares to condense the power of the whole body and the close combat of the ice phoenix. The flames of the ice-frozen body began to weaken, and the breath of the body became weak. The attack of the six monks of Xu Ziyan became more fierce, and finally burst into bursts. The body of the ice-phoenix dissipated and turned into a rich energy filled the room.


The eye of the ice phoenix wants to escape, Xu Ziyan will be too virtual sword to the eye of the ice phoenix, and the eleven sword spirits rushed out from the sword of too weak, turning into the eleven handles and the sword will be ice phoenix The eye is banned in the air and then spins rapidly.

Xu Ziyan looked at the eyes of the ice phoenix trapped in the sword array and realized that he had lost the protection of the five-line space and the rule of the heavens, and it could not rush out of the ban of the eleven swords. The interest is up. At this time all the monks were exhausted, and even the body could not help but tremble. Sitting one by one and panting, and entering into the interest rate adjustment.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the novel reading network (readnovel) to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read. readnovel.)

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