The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2680: Ice Phoenix's life experience

No one is going to take the elixir, because at this time the room is turned into the most powerful force between the heavens and the earth because of the bursting of the ice phoenix. All the monks are absorbing this element and recovering their own repairs. for.

After three hours, all the heads of the monks 66 resumed to the peak state, but no one received the merits, still madly absorbed, the accumulation of power in each monk is madly elevated, even Xu Ziyan The same is true. At this time, the intense energy in her body is climbing toward the critical point, and she only feels full of strength.

However, after all, there was only one ice phoenix, and after an hour or so, the energy in the room was absorbed by these monks. One by one, the monks opened their eyes in an unfinished manner, and there was a trace of regret on their faces.

Xu Ziyan's gaze first fell on the eyes of the ice phoenix in the sword array. Seeing the ice phoenix eye at this time lost the protection of the five elements of the heavens, it is not the opponent of the eleven swords. Gradually in a weak position, there is a tendency to be refining by the eleven swords.

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw the ground. The original patterns on the ceiling and the surrounding walls had disappeared and turned into an ordinary palace. There was no such feeling of perfect heaven.


Xu Ziyan couldn't help but shake his head and smile. This Fengzu is really rich. The whole house is made of diamonds. This is really a big deal!


Xu Ziyan hurried back and looked at the eye of the ice phoenix in the ban of the eleven swords. The "squeaky" sounded softly, and the eye of the ice-phoenix eye cracked a thin gap in the white, and the power of a trace of soul floated out.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan shrouded the past and captured and refined the soul of the ice phoenix. A message emerged.


The crack in the eye of the ice phoenix began to expand, like a spider web. More soul power has flowed out of the eyes of the ice phoenix. The five saints are also transmitted like a purple smoke, and the power of the soul is wrapped in their own knowledge of the sea and refining, and a stock message is in their knowledge. The sea is revealed.

Around half an hour, the white of the eyes of the ice phoenix disappeared completely, and then the eye of the ice phoenix changed. After a while, it became a round inner Dan. Ice phoenix.

Inside the inner lining, there are five colors of brilliance, and the five-color brilliance condenses a layer of hoarfrost every week, and then scatters between the heavens and the earth. Xu Ziyan understands that this is the ice phoenix that transforms the power of five attributes into ice attributes.

Every holy monk will choose a way of cultivation that belongs to him. The power generated by the five attribute equilibrium is always not as sharp as a single attribute. Therefore, each monk will use the five attributes as the basis of cultivation, and then choose a direction that suits his cultivation. For example, this ice phoenix chooses the cultivation direction of the mutated attribute ice attribute, which is now the confusion of Xu Ziyan. She does not know whether she is continuing to balance the eleven attributes, or to select an attribute as the main attribute of her own cultivation based on the eleven attributes.

She has never had a choice. On the one hand, I don't know which property I am most suitable for. On the other hand, she has not fully integrated the time and space attributes into the nine attributes, but only reached the realm of Xiaocheng. In the case of uncertainty, Xu Ziyan decided to fully integrate the time and space attributes before making a choice.

Reach out for a trick. The eleven swords were turned into eleven to the streamer into the sword of too weak, and the mind was filled with a virtual sword, and then raised a hand. I caught the inner dan of the ice phoenix that was also drawn by her.

At this time, the eyes of the five saints were also gathered on the inner altar, and the lowest-minded magical eyes flashed. He is very eager for the inner Dan. With his current cultivation, if he refines the inner Dan, he feels that he can at least upgrade to the eighth grade of the holy level, and even reach the mid-level peak of the eight-level level with the spirit of Yanshan.


The ownership of this inner Dan is supposed to belong to Xu Ziyan, because this Nei Dan is the eleven swordsman of Xu Ziyan, and the five elements of space are also broken by Xu Ziyan. Although Wusheng has a force, it is not It is very important to push forward. The layout of the sky that was used to crack this room was also made by Xu Ziyan. So no matter from that aspect, Xu Ziyan's output is the biggest, and it is crucial. Wu Sheng who won this inner dan will cause other four sacred controversies, and only Xu Ziyan will make this controversy to a minimum, almost no.

But that is a combination of five attributes, and is a holy level of about nine layers of the holy ice phoenix, the five attributes of the heavens is invaluable for a monk. No monk can refuse this temptation. If there is no existence of Yanshan Spirit, I am afraid that Sisheng will rob this time.

Xu Ziyan held this inner Dan in his hand and felt the heavenly law inside. He frowned and thought about it. This inner Dan is not very helpful to her. The law of heaven contained in it is about nine levels of the Holy Level, and a little more, maybe a little less. What Xu Ziyan lacks now is not the understanding of the law of heaven, because her power of the gods at this time is already the peak of the eighth level of the holy level. Even in the understanding of the rules of heaven, it is weaker than the inner one. Maybe it's a little higher than it. What she lacks now is the accumulation of Yuan Li, so this Nei Dan is really not very attractive to her.

The hand raised the inner Dan to Xu Qinyang, Xu Qinyang has five spiritual roots, and now the cultivation has been promoted to the peak of the late Tianzun, and after accepting the blood of the emperor, the physical strength has reached the holy level. If you can refine this inner alchemy, Xu Qinyang will immediately break through to the holy level.

"Qin Yang brother, you refine this inner Dan!"

Xu Qinyang heard a glimpse of it, and then he showed gratitude in his eyes, but he shook his head:

"Ziyan, or you refining it!"

"I don't need it!" Xu Ziyan shook his head gently.

The Lord of the Lord is shouting: "You don't need me to need it!"

But when I glanced at the Yanshan soul, the Lord’s heart sighed softly, and looked at the lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian, ​​and they didn’t have much dissatisfaction on their faces, although they had A little bit unwilling, but clearly agree that this inner Dan belongs to Xu Ziyan, with the purple smoke.

There is no way for the monks and other monks to do so. On the one hand, Xu Ziyan has the qualification to dominate. On the other hand, the strength of Yanshan’s soul is strong. And this is just a Nedan. The city of Phoenix has not yet been explored. Maybe it has a better treasure. It is not the time to turn your face.

Xu Qinyang thought for a moment: "I don't need it either!"

"Well?" All the monks were shocked to see Xu Qinyang, and even the Five Sacred is no exception. Five saints see Xu Qinyang's five attributes, and he also knows that his current body strength has reached the holy level. As long as the inner alchemy is refining, he can be sanctified immediately, and because of the existence of the inner law of Nedan. At the very least, he does not need to consider the power of the gods before entering the fifth level. Does this make a treasure he won't need?

Xu Ziyan also looked at Xu Qinyang, Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "When the Emperor first purified the energy of the bloodqin, it was completely integrated into my body, and there was a rich heaven. There is no shortage of the power of the gods, and Those rich heavens have not been completely digested by now, but I have only digested a small part. I think I will be able to enter the holy place after a long time. This inner Dan is not the owner, then give it to the stars!"

Xu Qinyang raised his hand to throw the inner Dan to Xu Xingfan. Xu Xingfan held the inner Dan and looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, Xu Xingfan excitedly put Nedan into the storage ring. At that moment, Xu Ziyan clearly felt that a killing intention looked at Xu Xingfan.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul frowned slightly at the same time, looking at the Lord of the Lord. At this time, the demon Lord has no intention of killing, sitting there faintly. Xu Ziyan thought about it and released a space fairy to Xu Xing:

"Xing Fan, the next blast of the Phoenix City, you should not participate, enter the space fairy to begin refining this inner Dan! Remember, do not refining and slowly refining."


Xu Xing's body shape was vertical, and it became a streamer into the space fairy. Xu Ziyan took the space fairy into the body. The Lord's eyes dimmed, and he knew that Nedan had no real relationship with him.

Yanshan soul's face showed a smile, said faintly: "We still come to synthesize that we got the message from the ice phoenix soul! Let me first say, I got the message that this ice phoenix is ​​indeed a real life. Phoenix, but she fell in love with a dragon and betrayed Fengzu, who knows that the last dragon has abandoned her and fell in love with a dragon. This ice phoenix killed the dragon and ran back to Fengzu. In front of Feng Zu, his two eyes were dug up and crushed, indicating that he had no eyes and wanted to obtain the understanding of Fengzu."

The monks were stunned, but they did not expect this ice phoenix to have such a miserable experience. The monks looked at the soul of Yanshan and waited for him to continue. The Yanshan soul shrugged and said that he knew this.

“Feng Zu did not forgive her!” Xu Ziyan said on the side: “Feng Zu will kill him, then seal it before she wants to reborn, and then set up a five-line space with Great Spirit, which is just now. The space was cracked, and then the inner lining was sealed with an eye on the ceiling of the space, and the essence of the ice phoenix body was sealed on the ground of the space, the ceiling and the surrounding walls. Let her not The chance to reborn in the fire."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)



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