The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2683: Conflict

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The closer to the Jinling, the stronger the erosion of the howling, and the step of the demon is approaching, but at this time the Jinling is very close, the devil and Xu Ziyan are sweaty, but firmly toward the gold. The spirit is approaching.

The power of Xu Ziyan's body was consumed sharply. Compared with the strength of her god, her power is still too low. At this time, her power in Dantian has been consumed.


Xu Ziyan continuously opened the power of nine holes, and the pale face recovered the blush. At this time, the power of the demon Lord was also consumed in a large amount. Suddenly his face changed. According to the extent of his consumption, Xu Ziyan, the second level of the holy level, may have reached the end of the strong. So can she still stick to it?

If he can't keep going, at this time, it is not possible to collect the problem of Jin Ling, but the Yuanshen is in danger. He does not think that if the dragon and the phoenix of Xu Ziyan stop, his **** can withstand the attack of Jin Lingxiao, although it will not fall, but the injury is certain, and the injury is not light.

Looking back at Xu Ziyan with trepidation, the look is a glimpse. At this time, what is the appearance of Xu Ziyan? It is clearly the appearance of the body full of power.

"How could this be?"

Although the demon Lord put down the hanging heart, but the performance of Xu Ziyan was extremely shocked, but also slightly taboo.

"How can she have such a deep power in a holy level?"

Taking a deep breath, the Lord stabilized his mind, mobilized all his potential, and approached Jin Ling to the past. Finally, he stood in front of Jin Ling, and then he saw that he took out a black bead and shot a handcuff to the black bead. The bead released a black light and shattered the circle. The seal of the shape enveloped the golden spirit.


The golden spirit disappeared on the round table and was taken into the black beads. The whistling sound within the space disappeared at once, and both the Lord and Xu Ziyan felt that their mind and body were light. The two of them did not hesitate to sit on the ground immediately. Within the scope of the eight pillars, the metality was full of horrible horror. What are you waiting for at this time?

The soul of Yanshan, the lord, the demon Lord and the head of Kuitian immediately plunged into the eight pillars, and then they sat on the ground and began to absorb the strong metallic power here.

Those monks and monks outside the eight pillars naturally did not dare to enter the eight pillars and compete with the five saints for the rich metallic power. One by one, sitting cross-legged outside the eight pillars, began to absorb metality. Yuan Li. The metal elements other than the eight pillars are also extremely rich.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked out. He took the opportunity to ride the Wanli, the sword was empty and Xu Qinyang, and the three people in Wanli immediately entered the eight pillars, sitting behind Xu Ziyan and began to absorb the metallic force. Although the monks and other monks were not happy in the eyes, they thought that the four palaces might even ask for Xu Ziyan, and they closed their eyes and ignored them.

This cultivation is seven days and seven nights, and the metallic power within the hall is absorbed by the monks. Of course, some monks and monks did not absorb, because they are not Jinlingen, and Wusheng, Xu Ziyan, riding thousands of miles, swords and virtual and Xu Xingchao have received great benefits, and their metallic strength has a horrible improvement.

Xu Ziyan was very happy at this time. This road completed a promise to Kuitian. Here, he got a promise from the Lord. After Xu Xiang, he didn’t have to hide in Taixu. He could go out and travel, or even go back. Go to the land of the Mozu.

The Lord of the Lord was more pleased with the heart of Jin Ling, and the rest of the Four Saints were full of expectations for the future, so the metal power within the hall was absorbed, and the monks continued to move forward under the guidance of the Five Saints. What makes the Five Saints happy is that those monks and monks have no casualties.

Out of the hall, naturally it is necessary to pass the galaxy and walk on the opposite light belt. It took another half-day time, and the monks walked out of the galaxy and continued on the undulating light belt. About three hours walked, and a galaxy appeared in their field of vision, and there was also a palace in the center of the galaxy.

This time everyone has been familiar with the road, and the half-sunlight scene has set foot on the star in the center. When the monks came to the door of the palace, they saw that the gate of the palace had been opened. Five saints couldn't help but stepped into the hall. Xu Ziyan and other monks followed closely. I saw that the layout inside the main hall was almost the same as that of the first hall. It was surrounded by empty pillars. There were eight giant pillars in the center, but in There is no round table within the scope of the eight pillars.

The entire hall is filled with rich wood attributes, but the figures are five.

Then... Who opened this door?

The monks stood in front of the eight pillars and looked into the inside. The giant pillars enclosed by the eight giant pillars cover a radius of ten miles, and they are empty.

Wusheng began to discuss, do not ask, although the scope of the eight pillars covered in this time is empty, but the five holy hearts are clear that there must be treasures there, because the wood property here is too strong. Even if there is nothing here, it will be like the first palace condensing a golden spirit to condense a wooden spirit.

Now that you can't see Muling, it means that there should be a treasure, a wooden property treasure, just don't know where it is hiding.

The wood property is full of anger, as the demon of the Terran and the demon of the demon are the most in need of this treasure. Instead, the Lord of the Lord, Kui Tian and Yan Shan soul are not very needed. The demon Lord has already received the Golden Spirit, and the treasure of the soil property that Yanshan soul needs most. After Kuitian lost the opportunity to acquire Jinling, he has already focused his mind on the treasure of water property, so she did not fight. Therefore, at this time, the lord and the demon are left there to try to convince each other.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and remained trapped in thinking. She discovered an anomaly that was within the limits of the eight giant pillars, and the ground was different from the ground outside the eight giant pillars. The ground outside the eight pillars is made of diamond, which is hard and gorgeous. But within the scope of the eight giant pillars, the ground is the soil.

Why is that?

Suddenly, she felt that the fluctuations of Yuanli came from not far away. It turned out that the lord and the demon master could not convince anyone, and finally decided that two people would enter the eight pillars together, and whoever got it would be. The two figures instantly rushed into the scope of the eight giant pillars, and at the moment when the two of them rushed in, Xu Ziyan saw an anomaly and hurriedly called:


But the lord and the demon have already rushed in.


In the center of the eight giant pillars, a leaf grass was born from the ground. This grass grew wildly to more than five meters in an instant, with two palms wide, like a green giant sword.


The leaf grass swayed toward the lord and the demon Lord. The demon Lord and the lord did not dare to care about it. They took out the fairy, and they went to repair it and attacked it.

The three rays collided in the air, and the lord and the demon took a step back. The leaf grass was smashed into three sections, one section still rooted in the ground, and two paragraphs on the left and right ground.

Both the lord and the demon Lord are relieved. Although this leaf grass is powerful, there is only one, but it is not their opponent. It is time to look for treasures.

At this time, I saw that the leaf grass that had been cut off in the soil was growing wildly, but it only grew to about five meters in an instant, like a green sword. At the same time, the grass blades that were cut off on the ground were turned into two green heads. There was a scream in the mouth. Then the "砰" sound dissipated in the air.


A dense sound, within a radius of ten miles, a dense grass blade was drilled from the ground, but it was only about five meters in an instant, like hundreds of thousands of smashed swords, madly attacking the lord and the demon master. .

The lord and the demon Lord were shocked, and the whole body was opened, and the body swept away from the pillars. When they plucked out, they did not suffer any harm, but they were also very embarrassed.

The demon Lord's eyes showed a violent gaze, and spurred toward the purple smoke, and sighed in the mouth:

"Little girl, since I know the danger inside, why not say it early? Do you want to harm me?"

An icy gaze swept the demon Lord. The demon Lord’s heart was a cold, and he stopped his footsteps and looked at the Yanshan soul. He saw the eyes of Yanshan’s soul as a sharp arrow. But at this time his heart was so angry that he looked coldly at the Yanshan soul. His current strength is slightly inferior to that of Yanshan, but this does not mean that he is afraid of Yanshan soul.

The lord also flew in, but his look was very polite, and he turned to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, what do you see?"

The lord is polite, and Xu Ziyan naturally does not have a high profile. The gaze looked at the scope of the eight pillars, and the grass had disappeared, and the yellow-brown soil was revealed. Xu Ziyan stretched out his finger and pointed to the ground there:

"Soul Lord, look!"

The lord glanced at it, but it frowned slightly: "What?"

"There is a dark red color there." Xu Ziyan said with a sigh.

"That is... blood stains?" The look of the lord was slightly shocked.

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “I also saw the blood stains before I remembered that when I entered the first palace, there was a demon monk who was discharged by the galaxy because he received a set of exercises. He had to go another A light band that bypasses the galaxy, and we stayed in the fairy palace for a short time. He should arrive here early, and he also entered here and was killed by these grasses. The blood stain should be left after his death. Down."

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