The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2684: Jianmu?

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"Thank you Xu Daoyou!" The lord was still polite, but the demon Lord looked dark and uncertain, and eventually did not apologize, but did not make any trouble, just standing face to face with a calm face.

"Xu Daoyou knows the method of cracking?" asked the lord again.

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head immediately. She really doesn't know, here is not the like, but also has nothing to do with Heaven.

"I don't know, or do you know why you don't want to say it?"

The demon Lord said faintly, now he has a strong sense of crisis. Kui Tian originally stood in a camp with Yanshan soul, but only for the contradiction between Xu Ziyun and Yanshan soul. But after Xu Ziyan gave her two groups of gray energy, she and Xu Ziyan had released their former suspicions. The Lord of the Devil also helped him to get Jin Ling because of Xu Ziyan, no longer hostile to Xu Ziyan. And because Xu Ziyan owes a promise to the lord, the attitude of the lord is very good now. Only his demon Lord was left out.

Therefore, he couldn't help himself. In the future exploration, he did not know what treasures he would encounter and what differences he had. If the four holy couples started at the time, it would still be his loss. So he needed an alliance, so he began to take the opportunity to pick it up. It is best to isolate the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls.

In the eyes of the lord, a trace of suspicion was revealed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan spread his hands for no reason. Yanshan soul thought and said:

"This is like a green sword!"

"Evil Lord, do you mean that there is only green sword grass here, and there are no other treasures? Is it that I am busy with the lord?" The demon Lord has a faint look. At this time, he does not care about this treasure, as long as he can isolate the Yanshan soul. Reached his purpose.

"Green Sword Grass?"

The face of the lord is a joy, but at this time the eyes of Yanshan soul are sarcasm to look at the demon Lord. The look of the demon Lord suddenly stunned, and then exclaimed:

"This is Green Sword?"

He did not know Green Sword. Just thinking about the isolation of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, I did not react. This green sword grass is a superb plant. As long as there is a seed, Green Sword can produce a piece, which has two uses. As long as the main grass in this piece of green sword grass is found, and then refining it into the body, it will automatically absorb the wood attribute between the heavens and the earth, and the absorption speed is not slow. It is equivalent to the speed of a monk practicing.

what does this mean?

This means that even if you are not practicing. The absorption of the wood attribute is also equivalent to the state of cultivation. This is a treasure for the Mulberry roots. Of course, it is also a treasure for the Holy Master. You can use the time to absorb the wood attribute to cultivate other attributes.

Second, it will become a supernatural power. When you fight against the enemy, you will form a green sword grass around your body. Auxiliary monks are strangling the enemy. Moreover, this magical power is different with the realm of the monk, that is to say, if the master of the holy level masters this magical power, it can directly threaten the opponents of the same level.


The body of the demon lord flew again into the space covered by the eight pillars. As for how to capture green sword grass as a holy master, you know. That requires the power of the **** to sense the position of the main grass, as long as the main grass is captured. The green sword grass here will all disappear.

The body shape of the lord also immediately entered the eight pillars, while resisting the attack of the green sword grass, while releasing the power of the gods to sense the position of the main grass of the green sword grass. Xu Ziyan no longer cares about the lord and the demon Lord, but also for Jin Ling. There is no interest in Green Sword. Now she has eleven swords and she doesn't need those things.

Xu Ziyan began to look around the eight pillars to see the wooden property exercises above. Record them and leave them to Zongmen to be placed in the library. Give cultivation to the monks of Zongmen.

At this time, the monks such as Yanshan Soul are also recording the practice of practice on the eight pillars, and then sitting on the knees outside the eight pillars to absorb the power of wood. Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a move, can he get the wood attribute exercises and metal exercises to make his sword spirit practice?

Immediately communicated the metal and wood properties of the sword spirit, the two exercises were conveyed to the past. After a quarter of an hour, I received two messages of joy and joy. These two exercises have a great effect on their growth. After thinking about it, Xu Ziyan took out the Taixu sword and put it on the knees. In the sea of ​​knowledge, he immediately conveyed the emotion of the wood attribute sword spirit, and a large number of wooden attributes forceed toward the Taixu sword. Absorbed by the wood attribute sword spirit.

Xu Ziyan had some regrets in his heart. He knew that in the first palace, he took out the Taixu sword and let the metal sword spirit absorb the metal power. Suddenly in the heart, this too virtual sword is a natural super product. At the beginning, the lord used swords to squash for hundreds of millions of years. The degree of hardship does not need to be said. It should not be afraid of the attack of Jin Jiancao. Although he has not entered the eight pillars, but with the experience of the first palace, the wooden attributes within the eight pillars must be the strongest.

Xu Ziyan immediately took the sword from the knees and raised his hand. The sword was inserted in the green sword grass among the eight pillars.

Feeling the joy of the virtual sword, Xu Ziyan showed a smile on his face, closed his eyes and began to concentrate on absorbing the wooden attributes within the hall.

In the end, the main grass of the green sword grass was obtained by the demon master. The green sword grass grew to such a degree that it has actually become a demon, so the demon Lord’s perception of the green sword grass is better than the fairy. After the demon master captured the main grass, those green swords will be turned into a pure wood attribute energy into the main grass.

Ignore the laughter of the demon Lord and the depression of the lord, Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, they immediately entered the eight pillars and began to absorb the strong wood property.

In the next move they were a lot faster, and the facts proved that the inferences of Yanshan Soul and others were very correct. They got the water attribute exercises in the third palace, and Kui Tian got the water spirit there. In the fourth palace, everyone got the fire attribute practice, and the lord got the fire spirit there. In the fifth palace, everyone got the soil attribute exercises, and the Yanshan soul got the earth spirit.

On this road, the virtual sword absorbs a lot of strong wood water and fire, and the four attributes of the power, so that the other spirits of the sword spirit noisy to purple smoke to them also find such a strong force, the metal sword spirit is sitting too The corner of the virtual sword, a look of resentment. Let Xu Ziyan have a headache.

After the fifth palace, everyone quickly walked out of the starry sky. A straight canyon appeared before the crowd. It’s just that this canyon is very long and can’t be seen.

As soon as they entered the canyon, the monks felt the heavy pressure descending from the sky. After a little temptation, I know that I can't fly here.

In their vision, they did not see a sign of danger, but the footsteps of Yanshan soul stopped, and Huayu and Xuan Tianao also had horrified expressions on their faces.

The eyes of the master of the Yanshan Spirit Road immediately saw that there was a heavy ban, and Xu Ziyan, who is already the best congenital genius, naturally saw the essence here.

The eyes of Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao jumped with excitement. If they can comprehend here, they both believe that they can definitely raise the realm of their field to a higher level. Of course, you need to stay here for tens of thousands of years, and even millions of years will not know.

At this time, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not walk in front. In front of them were the four masters of the lord, the devil, the demon and the Kuitian, and the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls took the miles, the sword was empty and the Xu Xing walked in Behind them.

When Xu Ziyan and Yanshan spirits stayed in the footsteps, the four big monks who walked in front had already triggered the first ban. If the energy that erupted in an instant is not the four holy monks, I am afraid that it will be twisted into powder. This is the case, and the four holy monks are so embarrassed that their clothes are fragmented.

After the four holy monks retired, they were immediately attracted by the dazzling light in front of them, and they looked at the wolf in their eyes and looked at the front with gaze.

In front of the roar of energy, a separate space was opened. At that time, the independent space opened a huge crack to them. Through the huge crack, they saw a giant tree and went straight into the sky.

"Building wood!"

This is the sound that emerges from the hearts of all the monks, including the Five Saints. The whole giant tree looks exactly the same as the legendary building. It is said that building wood can prop up a world and communicate countless spaces. The monk who owns the building can say that he has the whole world. If he can refine the building, he will become the real master of the whole world.

For example, whoever can't help the five saints now, although Yanshan soul can defeat the devil, but it is difficult to kill the demon master, but once the Yanshan soul refines the building wood, it can easily decide the life and death of the devil. . Similarly, if the devil refines the building wood, it can easily determine the life and death of the Yanshan soul.

Not to mention those monks and monks, that is, the five saints are also crazy when facing Jianmu. The lord smirked and said:

"Now this world is the world of the human race, and I am the owner of the human race. This is not the root of me."

When the words fall, the figure will fly toward the building.

"Fart!" The look of the demon's face has been distorted: "From ancient times to the present, this world is the world of our demon Lord. When our demon Lord ordered the world, your Terran is still as weak as an ant. This building wood can only belong to me."

The body of the demon lord took the afterimage in the air, followed behind the lord, and did not hesitate to shoot at the lord.

"When is my demon master not there?"

"Hey, the treasures of the world have a chance!"

Kui Tian’s figure also rushed out. No one is blind to such treasures. The eyes of those monks and monks have become red. If it is not because there are five saints in front, they know that if they dare to act rashly, they will die immediately. Under the palm of the five saints, these retain the last sense of wisdom, not becoming crazy, otherwise they have already rushed out.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued) r655

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