The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2687: High tower

I am very grateful to Jie Ji (560), Jinniu Feifei _ classmate (280), mableip classmate (280), **** classmate (200), the master of my mother (100), and Lu Wenjing (100)!


The root is more important than the trunk above, but the strength of the Yanshan soul plus the peerless giant knife in the hand makes the tree completely under the wind. Although thousands of stems are like a strip of dragons attacking the Yanshan spirit, they are suppressed by the rules of Xu Ziyan. Its artistic conception has completely suppressed the soul of Yanshan, and lost its biggest card. The tree has no resistance under the attack of Yanshan soul. It is necessary to know that the Yanshan soul is the eighth peak of the holy level. There are very few worlds in this world that can compete with each other.

At this time, by joining the four masters of the lord, it was only less than ten years, and the entire tree was only one trunk left.


Xu Ziyan sacrificed a virtual sword, and a sword smashed the huge trunk into two halves, while the body shape swept away toward the tree.

The heart of a tree turned into a set of green light and fled to the ground. Xu Ziyan left the virtual sword to the heart of the tree, but the moment the virtual sword caught up with the heart of the tree, and a big green hand sticked out from the virtual sword. The wood attribute sword spirit was changed, and the heart of the tree was seized, and it flew toward Xu Ziyan.

"Leave the heart of the tree!" At this time, I have recognized that the four gods, who are the heart of the tree, screamed in unison, and each of them turned a big hand and grabbed the sword with the sword.


From the underground, a knives were pulled out, like a pair of squats. In the past, the four big hands that were transformed by the four gods were broken.


The shape of the Yanshan soul came out from the ground. Holding a peerless knife in his hand, he looked at the four saints in the cold, and his eyes were full of killings.

Xu Ziyan grabbed the sword of too much, took the heart of the tree, and then held the sword of too weak, and his body shape swept, and stood side by side with Yanshan soul. Looking at the four saints of the lord.

The greed in the eyes of the four holy eyes gradually disappeared. At this time, the hearts of the four of them also understood that if they were not Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, the four of them might fall here. But the heart of the tree that could make them lost to the four holy monarchs was taken away by Xu Ziyan. The four of them were really unwilling.


How can this be?

The exploration of the Phoenix City is not over. It’s unwise to have a conflict with the Yanshan soul here, and everything is waiting for the exploration to end.

At this time, the fear of the Four Saints for the soul of Yanshan has been reduced a lot, because their cultivation has improved on this road, not the Lord. There is almost no difference between the mid-level eight-story and the Yanshan soul of the lord of the sage, and the squad is the eighth-level intermediate peak of the holy level. And the realm of Yanshan soul, that is, the demon Lord also reached the peak of the eighth level of the holy level, they have reason to believe that once they join forces. Yanshan soul is definitely not an opponent.


Suddenly there was a roar, which was the roar of the entire space.

The entire ** space is collapsing after losing the tree, and the face of Wu Sheng and Xu Ziyan is a change. Space collapse creates spatial turbulence that can also cause fatal damage to them. Wu Sheng and Xu Ziyan immediately rushed out into the crack of space, and the more than one hundred monks outside were rushing back. Waiting for them to stay away is after dozens of miles. When I got back and looked back, I saw that the space had collapsed in half.

The monks silently stared at the ** space that was collapsing. After nearly a moment, the entire ** space collapsed completely, and then gradually dispersed in the space, as if there had never been a ** space half. After the eyes of the monks shrank and disappeared into the space, the city of Phoenix appeared again, and a tower appeared in their field of vision.

A twelve-story tower.

The five holy exchanges of each other's eyes, almost at the same time flew away toward the tower, Xu Ziyan and others followed. Between the shackles, the monks had stood before the tower, and the eyes of the monks looked toward the tower. Then they saw the whole tower from the tower to the spire, and the whole tower was carved. It seems more grand and mysterious.

These symbols are full of mystery for Xu Ziyan, but there is also a familiarity. Xu Ziyan’s heart was a move, and he began to seriously calculate the symbol above the tower.

At this time, the five saints stood in front of the tower, and they were measuring the symbols above the gate. It’s just that the symbol is too arrogant, even if the five saints can not find clues. The lord turned back and waved at Hua Yu, and Hua Yu flew in, and looked at the symbol on the door with Wu Sheng.

Hua Yu’s mind was instantly immersed in the esoteric symbols. These symbols seem to form a layer of space. Hua Yu’s knowledge is revealed layer by layer, even if he is a late monk, he is now The knowledge of God quickly consumed almost to his end.

A crisis emerged in his heart, and he immediately wanted to withdraw his own knowledge, but found that the knowledge that entered the door could not be recovered. There is a power that is locking his gods, and he wants to constantly extract the power of his god.

Hua Yu was shocked and tried to recover his own knowledge, but the situation was getting more and more dangerous. He decisively cut off the knowledge of the gods, and the seven blood spurted and fell to the ground.

"Hua Zongzhu!"

Liu Jinsong and other monks rushed up, and the gods swept away. Liu Jinsong immediately took out an elixir into the mouth of Hua Yu, and then extended a finger at the throat of Hua Yu, and the elixir would go down the throat.


At this time, the Five Saints also cut off the insights of the gods in desperation. Fortunately, their power of the gods was strong, and they did not reach the loss, but they also made their faces extremely pale.

Xu Ziyan felt the familiarity of these charms. She did not explore through the gods, but only looked at it layer by layer. As the first prime minister of the best, she soon discovered that these Fuxi and her obtained Dan Fuzong inheritance Under the pulse. However, the symbol above the high tower is much higher than what she has learned, and has reached the peak of the peak of the best. And these symbols are so mysterious that she can't figure out what the nature and purpose of these symbols are. But instinctively felt a danger, this is the instinct of being a great first teacher.

Suddenly I felt the violent fluctuations in front of me, and I took back my eyes and looked at the undulations. I saw the pale sacred five sacred and the Hua Yu lying on the ground. The figure flew.

"what happened?"

"Great!" Yanshan soul's eyes flashed a trace of horror, the reason for the matter was told again. Xu Ziyan asked with concern:

"What the **** is it?"

"Nothing, just adjust it a little bit!"

When the words fall, Yanshan soul swallows an elixir and sits on the ground. At this time, the emperor and other four saints have already sat on the ground, and the work has been adjusted.

Xu Ziyan came to Hua Yu’s side and checked Huayu. He knew that he was too much loss of consciousness. He took out one of his best refining yuan, Shen Shen, and took him to the tower. Before the gate.

Stopping the introduction of Yanshan soul, she naturally does not use God to explore, but directly open the eyes of Peng Peng, the heart is a hi, the level of the symbol above this gate is not high, just the initial grade of the best, that is, from The function of a door lock, but there is a lock soul array inside, which makes the consciousness of Wu Sheng and Hua Yu locked.

The palms fluttered, and the empty paintings appeared on the palm of your hand, and then they hit the door one by one. The light on the door highlighted the light, and then the light disappeared into the gate, and the symbol above the gate began to flow. Then it turned into the shape of a fire phoenix. There was a phoenix sound above the gate. The door was open without wind and the sound of a booming sound. The world inside the gate was in front of Xu Ziyan.

Five holy eyes opened their eyes and stood up from the ground. The lord, the devil, the demon and the prince saw Xu Ziyan, and the taboo in his eyes was deep. Hua Yu also opened his eyes, but his face did not recover from the blush like the five saints, still pale as paper, slowly stood up from the ground and looked into the door.

Although the tower was very large from the outside, when they looked through the gate, they realized that it was a huge space, extremely huge.

The monks did not hesitate, and have already come here, no more hesitation. Under the leadership of Wusheng, he entered the door. Inside the gate, the monks were facing a lot.

Looking up, it was a blue and white cloud filled with metal roads. These metallic roads poured in from all directions, and then a vortex in the air poured in, and there was a transmission array on the distant ground.

Although the monks did not know where the metal tract was drawn by the vortex in the air, they were able to speculate that the transmission array should be the passage to the second floor of the tower.

"What is this place?"

The monks and monks shouted in a sudden fear, not only in their hearts, but also in the hearts of Xu Ziyan. At this time, she actually felt that the rules of the Tao in her own gods had a tendency to be divorced from the vortex of the Yuanshen.

Xu Ziyan stunned toward the Five Holy Hopes and saw that the faces of Wusheng were also discolored. It seems that they also have the same feelings. While the monks kept their own gods, they flew toward the distant transmission array. At this time all the monks knew that they had only two choices.

One is to quit immediately and leave from the gate. One is to rush into the transmission array to the second floor. Although I don't know what the second layer will be like, everyone chose to go to the second floor, so they quit, and no monk is willing.

Both the opportunity and the danger coexist, and everyone understands this truth. But everyone has chosen the opportunity, even if it is risking to fall.

"Ziyan, do you see where it is here?" Yanshan soul asked while flying and fluttering.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued




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