The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2688: Selfish

The eyes of the monks also gathered on Xu Ziyan's body, because Xu Ziyan opened the door of the tower, and all the monks thought she should be able to see something.

"I don't know!" Xu Ziyan shook his head. "If you want to know, just go through the transmission array and see where it will be sent to us."


Under the earth, suddenly the sound of rumbling came out, and the monks changed their minds. They felt the violent vibrations coming from the earth under their feet, and then they were in front of them. The earth was bulging, and a demon with only the golden light The beast jumped out of the ground.

"This is a golden beast!"

The monks are all in the heart, and the golden beast is already an ancient behemoth that has been lost. They are born with a variety of metals, do not magical, but the body is very powerful. It is a few of the ancient monks who have a headache and a beast.

"The demon Lord, is there a way?" The lord called.

"The only way is to break them!" The demon snorted.

"What is this method?" Kui Tianxuan said: "How do you like this demon, the golden beast is also a monster, you are the demon, can't order them?"

The face of the demon Lord left a bitter smile, but the hand has taken out the demon gun and rushed toward the golden beast.

Xu Ziyan also took out the virtual sword, suddenly jumped in the heart, suddenly had a flash of light.

Here, in the extraction of metallic heavens, it is natural not to extract only the metallic heavens of these invaders. They are only a small part, and most of them are the metallic heavens extracted from the heavens and the earth on the tower. Then there are a total of twelve floors in this tower. Does it mean that each layer draws a kind of heavenly road, and then some kind of fusion is carried out on the twelfth floor through some secret method? Or Fengzu gathers eleven heavenly rules on the twelfth floor, and absorbs refining and refining in some way. Want to see through the heavens and the earth?

Feng Zu did not know what secret method Xu Ziyan used on the twelfth floor, but he firmly believed that there should be no mistakes in his speculation. I can't help but look forward to the twelfth floor.

In front of it is a dense gold beast. The golden beast is a treasure, because he swallows metal, so his body is the essence of metal. It was the treasure that the refining room dreamed of. At this time, the monks bombarded the golden beasts and collected the pieces of the smashed golden beasts, showing a happy smile.

Xu Ziyan’s sword cut off the head of a golden beast and waved his body. He looked too far and saw the dense gold beasts continually jumping out of the ground and rushing toward them, and the monks It seems that I have forgotten that the metallic heaven inside the Yuanshen is constantly being drawn here. Of course, there are still many monks who are not metal roots. They have no concerns in this regard.

Looking into the distance, I saw four figures fluttering toward the transmission array. Those golden beasts were simply vulnerable in front of these four people. They were bombarded by four people and flew to both sides. The voice of Yanshan soul was spread in the ear:

"Purple smoke, don't worry about those golden beasts, hurry to send the array!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped, and the heart understood that it was the Five Saints who had speculated on this tower like himself. They all thought about going to the twelfth floor. The figure shouted loudly toward the front:

"You, don't be in love, have you forgotten that you are taking your heavenly rules?"

"Ha ha ha..."

At this time, the lord has taken the lead in rushing to the transmission array, and laughed loudly: "You, you are here to collect the golden beast, hahaha..."

"No, he wants to destroy the transmission!"

All the monks were hopping in their hearts, one by one quickly gave up the golden beast and accelerated to fly toward the transmission array.

A ray of light flashed, and the figure of the lord disappeared on the transmission array. The demon Lord, the demon Lord, the Quebec and Yanshan Souls broke out all their potentials and rushed to the transmission array.

Second floor.

A huge transmission array flashed, the figure of the lord appeared from the inside, and the figure jumped into the air, and then the sword in the hand smashed toward the transmission line below.


A figure flew out, but it was the demon Lord. The demon Lord had long expected that the lord would destroy the transmission array. Sure enough, he had just appeared on the second floor of the transmission array, and he felt that the power of the side had come to him and immediately stabbed him out.


The demon Lord, Quebec and Yanshan souls quickly emerged from the transmission array. Behind them were Xu Ziyan, who took thousands of miles and other monks, one by one from the transmission array. The eyes of every monk looked badly at the lord.

At this time, the lord did not hide his **, and his eyes swept through the four holy paths:

"Twelve layers of treasure belong to me. Whoever fights with me is an enemy of the entire Terran!"

"Fart!" The demon Lord screamed: "Do you think the demon?"

"We are not afraid of you, do we want to start a family battle now?" The Mozu also showed no weakness.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward in front of the two steps and Yanshan soul, said faintly: "We are too imaginary to be a human being, but with your lord. You can't represent the human race!"

“Hey...” Kui Tian said with a cold smile: “I am a lonely man, but who wants to swallow the twelfth layer of treasures, I promise that I will be his nightmare.”

The fairy face was gloomy and his eyes flickered. With Yanshan soul staring at the holy masters such as the lord, Xu Ziyan has the strength to look around. Looking into the surroundings, I saw a huge transmission array in the distance, where the passage to the third floor. But at this time, no one dares to move first. Whoever moves first will immediately get an attack from all monks.

Slightly wrinkled his brows, Xu Ziyan felt that this second game is extracting the wooden property of the gods. Once the heavens are drawn, the realm will fall. If they are all taken out, they will become a mortal, although they will not fall. Although she was able to hold on to her own **** at this time, she did not know that in this case, after a long time, could she keep it.

"Mountain Spirit, we can't stay here for a long time. Here we are extracting the wooden property of our gods."

The bodies of the monks are all shocked, that is, the Five Sacred is no exception. But each other's eyes are clearly revealing distrust, full of precautions.

Xu Ziyan looked at the transmission array, and the heart was a dark one. This transmission array was clearly prepared for Feng Zu alone, and only one monk could be transmitted at a time. This makes the five saints go to the third floor first, and the rest of the monks are not at ease.

The earth suddenly trembled, and the sound of the rumble came and flew from a distance to a tall figure.

"It's a woodcarving!" There was a trace of tension on the face of the lord: "This is a great army under the ancestors of Fengzu. Each woodcarving is hand-carved by Fengzu, and it contains the spirit of Fengzu. We are temporarily Let go of your differences and fight!"

The marginal woodcarvings came to the monks, all kinds of, the appearance of the race, and the appearance of the demon and the demons. Run on the ground or fly in the air. The flexible state of the show, if not the lord pointed out that this is a woodcarving, it is impossible to see that it is a woodcarving. And the smell of the body is also very strong, giving the feeling of Xu Ziyan, every wood carving seems to have reached the level of the holy level.

Such a team only knows the crazy attack, and there is no fear of the woodcarving army, that is, the highest Yanshan soul may not be able to survive from here. It is no wonder that the look of the lord reveals a trace of tension. At this time, the face of the monk and other monks of Yanshan also showed a trace of tension.

Different from the first layer, the first layer of the golden beasts, although hard-core, did not enter the holy class. At this time, with the perception of the great monks such as Xu Ziyan, they know that many of these wood carvings have reached the holy level. The strength of the layer.

The fairy's big sleeves waved, and he saw dozens of heavenly monks around him, but it was the dozens of Tianzun that were left by the tribes.

"The Terran!"

At this time, the Terran monks had put down the things that the lords were preparing to throw them down to destroy the transmission array, and quickly gathered around the fairy to set up a battle.

The Yaozu is releasing a Yaozu, which is more than a thousand. Although there is no existence of the Holy Class, it is not all Tianzun, but it is also above the level of Xianzun. So many of the Yaozu gather together and exude A strong atmosphere. Xu Ziyan stared at them. The body of these Yaozu not only exudes a strong breath, but also exudes an ancient atmosphere.

"This is the ancient demon!" Yanshan soul said.

"Ancient demon?"

"Yes, it is the ancient demon who has been sealed in his world."

When the words fell, Yanshan soul sacrificed a palace, and the palace was engraved with three large characters: the evil main palace.

The gates of the House of the Evil Lord rumbling opened, and a powerful monk rushed out of the gate. There are races, demons, and demons. Xu Ziyan recognized at a glance that these powerful monks were the sealed monks she had seen in the House of Lords.

At this time, the demon Lord also released more than a thousand ancient devils, and Kui Tian also released more than a thousand ancient monks in ancient times. The followers of the Mozu and the demon monks also gathered at the scene of the demon and the demon.

Yanshan soul glides over the ancient monks around the other four saints, and there is a trace of memories on his face, sighing one voice:

"At the beginning of our war between the five saints, we could say that the cards were all over, and now we have left this home."

Under the leadership of Wusheng, at this time the tribes of the three tribes were divided into five teams, facing the woodcarvings that had come face-to-face. The scenes were chaotic and the five battles were submerged in the woodcarvings.

Wu Sheng did not have the slightest reservation at this time. At this time, it is reserved to find death. The head of the fairy is surrounded by a fairy palace, and the sword in his hand is square. A piece of wood carving was smashed, and the scorpions and Terran monks around him were in a war and propelled in the direction of the transmission.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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