The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2689: conflict

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The body of the demon Lord seems to have become a black hole at this time. From the black hole, a few large tentacles are extended. One of the tentacles is drawn on the body of a woodcarving. The woodcarving is broken instantly. The woodcarvings that were not completely broken were smashed by the ancient devils and the devils. The speed of advancement does not fall to the Lord.

The demon Lord once again reveals the body of his eight arms. Each hand holds a powerful fairy, which will smash the surrounding wood carvings, or repel, the battle between the ancient demon and the demon monks. The array also exerted tremendous power, and opened a path with the lord and the demon.

Kui Tian extended her world and integrated her men into her own realm. The ancient monks were integrated into her world, and the power was multiplied.

Yanshan soul is a peerless giant knife in his hand. At this time, he has already played the power of the peerless giant knife. The knife light spreads out in a circle, and all the wood carvings that touched the knife are broken. The ancient monks under the hands of Yanshan were also extremely brave, and opened a path like a sharp knife.

Xu Ziyan followed the Yanshan soul, and took thousands of miles, Jianxu and Xu Xingfan followed Xu Ziyan's body, constantly releasing the fairy, attacking a piece of wood carving.

The speed of the five teams is not bad, and the five saints have used all their strength. What they want is not to kill as many wood carvings, but to enter the transmission array first. But the speed of the five teams is similar. No one has pulled anyone down.

Xu Ziyan put away the sword of too, with the protection of Yanshan soul, she would not be attacked by woodcarving. Her hands each stretched out a finger and quickly painted a void in the air.

She can instantly make a void character, but the instant void character is not the most powerful. The most powerful void painting Xu Ziyan still can't be instant.

At this time, she is sketching a kind of void painting that she created alone after the greatness of the spatial attributes, called the space blade.

The empty space has not yet been completed, and it has exuded tremendous power. The four masters of the sage saw that Xu Ziyan had the ability to outline such a void of virtual power, and the emotions in his heart were very complicated.

On the one hand, I felt that Xu Ziyan had grown too much, so I joined hands with Yanshan Soul to make them feel scared. And now the Yanshan soul is no longer as lonely as the past life, and behind him is the Xu Ziyan. On the other hand, the situation at this time, of course, the stronger the appearance of Xu Ziyan, the better for them.

After all, this is a battle they don't have much confidence in.

There is no life, no fear, and strong strength. This is the essence of wood carving. Under the impact of this kind of woodcarving, the three tribes suffered the greatest crisis.

Fortunately, the Five Sacred bears most of the attacks, otherwise only the first round of shocks will cause the three tribes to lose half. But even so, although there are no casualties, it has clearly fallen behind.


In front of Xu Ziyan, there was a complete space blade, and with both hands pushed, the symbol of the space blade flew out toward the woodcarving group in front.


A large piece of broken space spreads toward the woodcarving, and the broken spaces are interlaced, stirred, and cut...

In the moment of the battle of Yanshan soul, a vacuum belt appeared, but the ancient monks who had not waited for the Yanshan soul belt cheered, and in the distance they rushed to the dense wood carvings.

Xu Ziyan looked at the monks in the five battles. From the battles among these monks, it can be seen that the ancient monks were much stronger than the current monks.

This is not only the strength of the battle, but also their nerves, as if the steel is cast in iron, the look on the face is not the slightest fluctuation. Even if the defensive shield they released has been cracked by the purpose of approaching, it will be shattered at any time.

Under the leadership of the ancient monks, the tribes of today's tribes gradually calmed down and the look on their faces was as frozen. The potential of the whole body is developed to the extreme. At this time, they have only one purpose, that is, approaching the transmission array, as long as they can enter the transmission array, they can survive, otherwise they will only fall. Whoever survives in this marginal woodcarving, Wusheng is no exception.

At this time, with the help of Xu Ziyan's uninterrupted void paintings, Yanshan soul has begun to surpass the four teams such as Xianzhu and approach the transmission array.

The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Kui Tian face are discolored. If Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul first enter the transmission array, and then the transmission line is destroyed, they will only stay here and wait to die.

The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec began to drive the entire battlefield toward the Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, but the distance has been opened, and the Yanshan Soul has the help of Xu Ziyan. How can it be pursued?

Strictly speaking, the team of Yanshan Soul is now the most powerful. The lord, the demon and the demon Lord, in addition to the current tribes, the demon and the demon have ancient monks, and the lord has the same Not afraid of death, only know the celestial spirit of the offense, but their holy masters are only the lord, the demon and the demon. Needless to say, the Kui Tian lineup is not as good as the lord, the demon and the demon.

However, the Yanshan soul is different here. The original Yanshan soul is the most powerful among the five saints. Although Kuitian is also the mid-level peak of the eighth grade, the Yanshan soul has a peerless sword. At the same time, there are also thousands of miles of Xu Ziyan and the first level of the Holy Level. Three holy monks, let their team gradually step forward.

"Evil Lord, do you want a person to enter the transmission array?" The singer shouted. ,

"How about that?" Yanshan soul sighed and said: "You have not done it before? You have done the first day, can I not do fifteen?"

The look of the lord is a stagnation, the demon Lord, the devil and the singer can't help but scream at the lord. If he is not despicable, the Yanshan soul may not do so.

The face of the lord rose red, and he knew that he had offended the holy level. But no matter what, it is absolutely impossible for Yanshan Soul to be the first to rush to the front of the transmission array. The sinister's temper is very evil, and the temper is up, no matter where, at what time, in what situation. Not to be asked by soft words:

"The evil Lord, I used to do it badly. You also saw it. If I really ruined the transmission line, I am afraid that I am already dead in the hands of these wood carvings. This is only the second layer, if the evil Lord you And Xu Daoyou, on the third floor, can imagine how dangerous the third floor will be. You slow down, we can all be insured together."

"Brother is willing to take risks, brother is willing to face the danger of the third layer alone, how?"

"Evil Lord, don't be impulsive..."

"Brother likes impulsiveness!" Yanshan soul smashed out, and the knives stretched out, and the wood carvings shattered within a few feet of wide and long.


Xu Ziyan’s hands were raised, and a space-painted void painting was thrown into the air. The flying wood carvings in the air were cut and shredded...

Seeing the speed of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, the lord could not help but rush: "The evil Lord, you should not be unreasonable."

"Brother doesn't reason with you. Besides, when did the brother reason? It seems that you have forgotten the cruelty of the past brother!"

"The evil Lord, I will not let you succeed, die to die!"


The lord suddenly broke away from the ranks, and his figure flashed in the air. He flew over the head of the Yanshan soul, and the sword in his hand attacked the Yanshan soul.

"Great courage!"

The Yanshan spirit sighed hard, and the rivers and rivers flowed backwards. The peerless giant knife smashed into the air.


The swords intersected, and the figure of the lord flew back, but the knives that were used were still spreading, chasing the lord. The figure of the lord flicked in the air and got rid of the knife. He came to the left side of the Yanshan soul, and the sword was stabbed again like a snake.

"Roll!" Yanshan soul shouted, smashed out, the air roared, the wind raging.

At the same time, the opposite woodcarving swiftly rushed over, and the Yanshan soul and the team dropped by the lord encountered a crisis at the same time.

Dozens of Heavenly Masters wrapped the Terran monks in the middle, and they did not know how to resist life and death. Because they did not fear death, they were ashamed, and the standings were as close as one person, tight and smooth, although they had been forced by woodcarvings. The battlefield must be squashed, but it is tough in a short time. But the discerning person can see that losing the strong master of the lord, and then toughness can not last long.

Xu Ziyan once again took out the Taixu sword, and his body shape surpassed the Yanshan soul. He stood at the forefront of the battlefield, and at the same time merged with Xiaobai to form the arm of the Peng, and summoned the hope of the ancient vine.

The body is entwined with green vines, the right hand is too virtual sword, and the left hand is smashing the arm. At this time, Xiaobai or Guteng hopes that they have reached the peak of Tianzun's later stage. After being merged into the arm of Peng Peng, its power is better than before.

The eleven attributes are perfect and the communication is too weak. The sword is too strong, the sword is smashed, and the world is integrated into the sword. The world is undulating and swaying toward the front. . With a bang, the wood carving in front was a few points, and the wood carvings on both sides rushed up. Xu Ziyan’s left arm burst into a punch and a scream, a huge 鲲 鲲 冲 冲 从 , , , , , , , , 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬 瞬, rampage, wherever the wood carvings burst. The woodcarving that rushed in the gap was continuously slammed on the body by a root vine. Although it was not crushed, it blocked for a moment, let Xu Ziyan come out and shoot another punch and throw a sword. .

However, losing the master of Yanshan Spirit, the whole team is very difficult to advance in the woodcarving group. From this point of view, the strength of Xu Ziyan is still much worse than that of Wusheng. The whole team is like a small boat that can be broken at any time in the tide of wood carving. Every effort is made, and every effort must be made.

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