The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2690: You crazy

The entanglement of the Yanshan soul and the lord of the lord made the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the priest catch up some distances, but even if they were three saints, it was very difficult to face the advancement of the woodcarving group.

The lord was constantly forced to retreat, and the Yanshan soul was also provoked by the real fire, suddenly squatting from the battlefield and rushing toward the lord.

"Yu Tian, ​​today, brother is killing you here!"

The sword in the hands of the lord is thorning toward the soul of Yanshan. The space instantly becomes a world of swords, and thousands of swordsmen are stabbed toward the soul of Yanshan. The soul of Yanshan was smashed out. Wherever the knives passed, the swordsmanship was broken and the figure was rushed to the front of the lord. The peerless knife has reached the door of the fairy.

Both of them are holy monks and they are close to each other. Every fairy has no effect on both sides. To hurt or kill each other, only rely on the power of the source. Therefore, their moves have been succinct and simple, just like the war between the martial arts. However, the energy contained in each stroke is the result of moving mountains and reclamation, bursting stars.

A group of flying woodcarvings swooped toward the Yanshan soul and the lord. The fairy saw that the dragon-shaped woodcarving had swooped down toward him, but there was no energy to deal with it, because the opposite Yanshan soul was attacking him with all his strength. His repair is originally a little lower than the Yanshan soul. At this time, Yanshan soul is desperate, and he has the slightest energy to deal with wood carving. However, there is no slight confusion in the eyes of the lord, because at this time there is also a phoenix woodcarving behind the Yanshan soul to the Yanshan soul. He did not believe that Yanshan soul would ignore it. As long as Yanshan soul went to kill the woodcarving, he naturally had the energy to kill the dragon-shaped woodcarving.

The look of the lord suddenly changed. He found that the Yanshan soul simply did not pay attention to the meaning of the woodcarving, and still locked all his energy tightly.


The phoenix wood carving claw caught the soul of Yanshan. The body of Yanshan soul suddenly burst out of the sharp knife knives, cutting the wood carving into pieces, while the peerless giant knife in the hands still flew to the lord without losing speed.

The lord's gaze is a shrinking, Yanshan soul is to fight the consumption of the body's original strength does not give him the whisper of the prince.


The dragon-shaped woodcarving bite into the lord, and the sharp mansion of the lord broke out a giant dragon head into a powder. It is not a problem to deal with these woodcarvings with the power of the two of them, but the two sides are in a fierce battle. But also to release the source of power to destroy the woodcarving. Will increase their consumption. I am afraid that it will not last long after the cultivation of the two of them.

"Evil Lord, you are a madman!"

The lord is a little scared. Unlike the body of Yanshan Soul, Yanshan Soul may exhaust the power and fall asleep. After all, he refining all the bodies of the past. The body is like a stone and is not a general stone. It is a stone on the peak of the sky. But the lords are different. He is just hard to kill, but he is not killing.

Obviously, the soul of Yanshan is now to sneak up on his own sleep. The two people originally had a deep hatred like the sea. At this time, it was the lord who provoked the spirit of Yanshan. All of a sudden, it inspired the evil spirits in the soul of Yanshan, regardless of the time and place. Each stroke brings a piece of space to break.

This is desperate!

At this time, not only the fear of the Lord, but also the Lord of the Lord. The fear of the demon Lord and Kuitian also gave birth. Let the Yanshan soul and the lord fight so hard, I am afraid that eventually all the monks will die here. They didn’t have much confidence in the face of this exhausted woodcarving. Most of these woodcarvings were the power of the holy level. They were so shocked by so many holy-level wooden carvings, even if they were holy monks. Feel chilling. There was still a glimmer of hope in the original Five Saints. If the Yanshan soul and the lord were both defeated, they would wait to be drowned by the woodcarving army.


The body shape of the demon stalked from the battlefield, and swept away toward the position of the Yanshan soul and the lord, and shouted in the mouth:

"Don't fight!"

The soul of Yanshan is a crazy smile, the giant knife is on display, and the demon Lord is also involved in the knife.

"The demon Lord, die here today!"

"Crazy, you are a madman!" The demon screamed against the attack of Yanshan Soul and yelled: "The evil Lord, trouble you to look around the situation, do you really want to die here?"

"I can't die, I can't fall asleep, but you two will definitely die here, hahaha..."

The demon in the distance secretly rejoices that he did not stand up like a demon, otherwise he will be entangled by the madman of Yanshan.

"Magic Lord, are you not coming?" And at this time, he did not provoke the spirit of Yanshan, but Yanshan soul shouted to him:

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, I have been fighting for you three. How do we fight now? Hahaha..."

Looking at the heroic Yanshan soul, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord simultaneously jumped. Hundreds of millions of years ago, they did not have the slightest fear of Yanshan soul, otherwise they would not design to deal with Yanshan soul. But now there is a hint of fear in the heart of Yanshan.

"The evil Lord!" The magic of the Lord's eyes surged: "If you don't stop, I will shoot Xu Ziyan."

"Do you dare?" Yanshan soul sighed.

"Evil Lord! Let's stop it, otherwise we will all fall here." Kuitian also screamed at the wood carving and said:

"Even if we have different bodies, but who knows what a ghost place is here, don't you think that our wood property is being extracted continuously? Maybe even we will fall here."


The soul of Yanshan came out with a knife, and the body shape flew toward Xu Ziyan. The demon Lord also flew toward his own standing. The Xianzhu never dared to find the trouble of Yanshan soul at this time and fell back to his battlefield. Only at this time, the spirit of Yanshan, the monk and the monk under the master had different degrees of casualties. Because of the existence of Xu Ziyan and the ride of thousands of miles, the Yanshan soul has the smallest casualties. Secondly, the time when the demon Lord left the battle, the casualties were slightly closed. The most serious thing was the Emperor’s men. The Terran monks were wrapped in the dozens of Tianzun’s enemies without any casualties, but those who worshiped the heavens It is half dead.

"Everyone!" At this time, only Kuidian is the most suitable, and Kuitian understands this truth, and now this situation does not allow her to hesitate.

"Now we are fighting separately, I am afraid that the transmission array will be completely degraded, because I feel the atmosphere of the holy two-layer wood carving."

The monks heard that their faces were changed, but then they felt that the atmosphere of the second level of the Holy Land was rapidly approaching from a distance. The face of such a holy monk has changed, and the Yanshan spirit is no exception.

The reason for their discoloration is not only the emergence of the holy two-layer woodcarving, the holy two-level woodcarving has appeared, will there be a holy three-level woodcarving? Even strong wood carvings?

"We have to join forces to reach the transmission array at the highest speed."

Although the other four saints have no words, but the Yanshan soul has slowed down the speed, and the lord, the demon Lord, the devil and the Kui Tian are leading this battlefield toward the Yanshan soul.

"How about joining hands?" Yanshan soul looked at the four holy roads that had come close: "That can only transmit one person at a time, who will go first?"

The eyes of the monks could not help but glance at the lord, that is, the act of the lord on the first floor caused the suspicion between the five saints. The lord knew his position at this time, so he only struggled to attack the woodcarving, but he was silent. The demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec are silent at this time, and they all know that whoever goes up first will make others feel jealous. This is the best time to get rid of your opponent. As long as the transmission array is destroyed, these monks will die on this second floor.

"I will go up first, the mountain soul is finally."

The voice of Xu Ziyan suddenly rang. Xu Ziyan was very anxious at this time. Now it can be said that the monks have reached the edge of death. On the one hand, they have to resist the knowledge of the wooden properties in the sea. They are charged against the woodcarvings, and the most important is the strong holy level. Wood carving is approaching. Staying here for one more point is more dangerous. The only way now is to stand up and use your own relationship with Yanshan Soul. Naturally, it is impossible to go up and destroy the transmission array, and throw the Yanshan soul on the second floor. This five saints will be assured.

It’s not so easy to have the four sacred to destroy the transmission array. Although Xu Ziyan is also taking risks, it is very likely that Si Sheng will kill Xu Ziyan and destroy the transmission array, but Xu Ziyan also has confidence. The ontology is also the peak of the six levels of the Holy Level, and the transmission between the two layers is an instant.

The eyes of the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec are not bright, which is indeed a good idea.

"No!" Yanshan soul suddenly shouted, let the look of the Four Saints change.

"Evil Lord..."

"Ziyan can go up first, I want to go up the third. Otherwise, don't talk." Yanshan soul said coldly.

The monks immediately understood the thoughts of Yanshan's soul. It was afraid that if they were in the last one, the four saints would entangle the Xu Ziyan and then destroy the transmission array. So Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan would fall into this. The other four saints also understand this psychology, and also know that this is the last bottom line of Yanshan soul. And this result they can also accept, no matter who they go up, just protect the transmission array you can still do it, even if Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan join forces.

The lord is not to think about it. He himself knows that his own actions have already offended the four saints, and he is honestly ranked fifth, and he does not fight for the second sort.

"Then I am second!" The demon meditation and said.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*To be continued)




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