The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2693: Each card

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Kui’s figure rushed into the 100-meter area of ​​the transmission, followed by the Lord. But the demon Lord, Xianzhu and Xu Ziyan looked at the light and arrows.


The lord, the demon Lord and the Xu Ziyan both released their own boundaries and enveloped themselves. The light arrow began to destroy the three worlds, compressing the three worlds, and their three forwards became difficult. While resisting the attack of the light and arrow, while breaking the light arrow in front, Xu Ziyan is because the repair is not enough. The lord and the demon Lord are because the body is too worn out. At this time, there are some forces that are not caught, and the world is released. It is suppressed more and more by the light arrows.

Although Xu Ziyan is young, but he has experienced a lot of things, so even in such a dangerous situation, there is still no fluster, and the mind quickly thinks about the solution to the predicament.

The movement of the heart, the dark side of the light. What if I release the boundary of the dark attribute alone?

When I thought of it, Xu Ziyan immediately put away the other ten attributes, leaving the dark attribute alone.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape disappeared. She was like a black hole. When the light arrow hit the black hole, it was quickly dissolved and dispersed...

Xu Ziyan must be in the heart, and his body shape is accelerating toward the front. At this time in front of her, the lord and the demon Lord are already in extreme danger. Both of them are like the spirit of Yanshan. They are repaired to consume 7788. The light arrows have already compressed the boundaries of the two to the distance. The body is less than one meter. Every step forward is very difficult, and the dense light and arrows come together, like a wall that keeps hitting them.

The most frightening thing is the speed of light arrows. It is too fast, except for hard work, there is no room for dodge.

Xu Ziyan has seen the difficult back of the demon Lord, with the attitude of the demon Lord before Xu Ziyan, and the hatred between Yan and Wushan, the first choice of Xu Ziyan is to let the demon Lord die.

However, in this high tower, Xu Ziyan also knows that more than one force will provide more protection. Only she still hesitated. After all, here is the best time to destroy the demon Lord. Leaving here, it is hard to kill the demon Lord, but it is very simple to do here. As long as they don't care about him and the lord, they are likely to fall into this world of light.

Sinking into a glimpse of the gods will tell the story of Yanshan, and the Yanshan soul just made a decision in an instant.

"Ziyan, save them."

There is no explanation for the reason. Because he knows that Xu Ziyan understands, just to ask for his opinion. Xu Ziyan's body shape quickly approached the demon Lord. Cheering to the demon Lord:

"The demon Lord, don't resist!"

Hearing the voice of Xu Ziyan, the demon Lord looked back and saw a black hole swallowing him. Although he couldn't see the shape of Xu Ziyan, he could hear the sound of Xu Ziyan.

"How is this possible? I can't hold it anymore, Xu Ziyan should have fallen under the light arrow. This is... this is a dark attribute..."

The demon Lord was in a state of sorrow. At the moment of his life and death, he resolutely gave up the black hole that resisted the release of Xu Ziyan and wrapped him toward the front. Because his heart is very clear, if Xu Ziyan wants to harm him, he should not spend this effort. If he ignores him, I am afraid he will fall here.

He was swept away by Xu Ziyan, and looked around at the dark attribute world. The demon Lord’s heart was full of curiosity. Soon, Xu Ziyan wrapped the fairy in it and flew forward, rushing into the transmission range of 100 meters.

A black hole rushed in and took a jump to the leader and the devil who had been waiting anxiously inside. The black hole shrank toward the middle, first revealing the lord and the demon, and then revealing the shape of Xu Ziyan.

"Soul Lord, demon Lord, are you all right?" Kui and Mozhu have given up their grievances in this tower and asked with concern.

"Nothing!" The lord and the demon took a deep breath and looked at Xu Ziyan at the same time: "Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "No!" Looking at the two now thin and ruthless lords and magic masters, Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart:

"You also made the last effort for everyone."

"Go to the seventh floor!" Snapd back, the eyes flashed with excitement, getting closer and closer to the twelfth floor.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan's body shape swept the transmission array to the seventh floor. Sure enough, as Xu Ziyan speculated, here is a dark world, dark as ink, full of nothingness.

Guanghua flickering, Kui, demon Lord, the lord and the demon Lord appeared around Xu Ziyan, looking at the endless darkness outside, the eyes of the four great monks looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but smile. The four great monks also realized in a moment that Xu Ziyan’s light attribute might restrain the dark space here, but it was not subject to the long-term repair of Xu Ziyan. It is unrealistic for them to pass this dark space.

Kui deep took a deep breath and dipped heavily on Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, if we have not caught it, I hope you can reach out to help."

"no problem!"

Xu Ziyan nodded immediately, and it might be a problem for her to wrap the four holy passages through the dark space from beginning to end, but it was just wrapped around them and there was no problem.

Kui stood on the edge of the dark space, Xu Ziyan, the lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord followed. Kui's body is also like the former Yanshan soul. Like the demon, the lord quickly dried up, but Xu Ziyan could feel the energy of her body being condensed.

Step by step, stretched out the right hand and five fingers open.


An ice hole is generated in front of everyone's eyes and extends continuously toward the front.


Five monks rushed into the ice cave and flew forward along the ice cave. Xu Ziyan flew up and looked up at the ice hole. The endless darkness began to erode the ice hole. The ice hole began to corrode at a speed visible to the naked eye and became thinner and thinner. Finally, the ice cave melted silently, and the darkness shrouded in all directions.


The eyes of the four holy monks were gathered on the body of Xu Ziyan, and the distance from the transmission array was less than 500 meters.


A world of light has spread out of the center of the purple smoke, covering the four saints and slamming the past toward the darkness. Xu Ziyan, while the gods locked the transmission array, burst out all the potential, such as the wind. The darkness and the light collide with each other, entanglement, erosion...

Just a few moments of time, the light world of Xu Ziyan was compressed to three meters. Xu Ziyan clenched his teeth and tried his best to spur the light world and resist the erosion of the dark world. The power inside Dantian is quickly consumed. The Kui, the lord, the demon and the demon who are wrapped in the light world feel that Xu Ziyan is rapidly becoming weak and weak, and one can not help but see the color of anxiety.


Xu Ziyan opened the power of the acupoints, and the light world once again became full, and the dark world was once again forced back. This made the face of the four holy faces shocked, and did not understand why Xu Ziyan suddenly became strong again.


Xu Ziyan wrapped in the four holy rushed into the transmission array within 100 meters, put away the light world, his face became pale, and the power of the open hole was almost consumed.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate, and immediately let Yanshan soul appear from the space. Yanshan soul saw Xu Ziyan pale face, a pain in his heart, and immediately took Xu Ziyan into his body space.

Four Saints saw the state of Yanshan Soul at this time full of state, and the heart could not help but be surprised.

"The repair of Yanshan soul has been so strong? How long has it been, he has completely recovered?"

Yanshan soul stunned the four holy eyes, it is blaming the four holy will Xu Zi smoke tired to such a degree. Then the figure swept toward the transmission array.


The Five Saints came out from the transmission and came to the eighth floor. This is a world of wind. Without everyone, the Lord of the Lord stood up and took out the sigh of the demon. This arrow extracted 90% of his power. When he shot it, he rolled up a tornado and rushed toward the transmission array.

The five-sacred figure rushed into the tornado, and followed the sigh of the devil to rush toward the transmission. The hurricane of the outside world swayed, struck, and tore the sigh of the demon. The Yanshan soul flew in the forefront at this moment, and the wind tunnel was shattered, reaching out to the air.

Not moving like a mountain.

The wind tunnel immediately became a cave of earth properties, and at this time the position of the transmission array was only three hundred meters. The five holy spurs smoothly crossed the cave and entered the transmission array within 100 meters.

Five saints came to the ninth floor and looked at the thunder world outside. They could not help but face each other. Now the best way is to enter the Yanshan soul in the world of Yanshan, let Yanshan soul take them through the Thunder world. Otherwise, they are really not in the status of their present.

However, they can accept it in the realm of Xu Ziyan. After all, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation is low. They feel that even if Xu Ziyan has any bad thoughts, they can break through. But if they are allowed to enter the realm of Yanshan, they will not only be a bit timid. If Yanshan Soul has any thoughts, they will have almost no resistance in the realm of Yanshan Soul, not to mention their state at this time is very bad.

In the knowledge of God, I heard Xu Ziyan’s call. At this time, Xu Ziyan has come out of the time array and shouted in the body space of Yanshan Soul. When Yanshan’s soul was heard, Xu Ziyan was transferred. Looking at Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul suddenly moved in the heart.

"Ziyan, I remember you have a Thunder sword..."

Xu Ziyan looked at the thunder world outside and summoned the sword spirit Thunder out: "Is it sure?"

The Thunder looked at the thunder world outside, and there was an excitement in his eyes: "It’s too much problem. However, I can’t go out in the form of sword spirit, I can’t stand it. You still put me back to the virtual sword. In, then I will control the sword to go out."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued




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