The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2694: The eleventh floor

"The other sword spirit..."

"No problem, I will accept all the thunder and will not hurt them."

"it is good!"


Xu Ziyan sacrificed a too weak sword, and Thunder sword spirit got into the sword.


Too virtual sword rushed out with a bang, and then "snap" into a giant sword.


The power of Thunder was bombarded on the sword of Taixu, but it was completely absorbed by the Taixu sword. The thunder of Xu Ziyan came to the thunder.


Xu Ziyan screamed and rushed out, standing under the virtual sword. Seeing Xu Ziyan safely, Yanshan soul five holy eyes are a bright light, one body shape flies out, all standing under the virtual sword.

"Thunder, don't patronize the Thunder, go!" Xu Ziyan shouted to the Thunder sword.

The Thunder some reluctantly began to fly in the direction specified by Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan and Wu Sheng moved with the bottom. This time it was risky to cross the Thunder world and enter the 100-meter transmission array. The Five Saints are all relieved with a sigh of relief. This is the easiest time since entering this tower.

The tenth floor.

Wu Sheng Du Nai looked at Xu Ziyan, this layer is a time attribute, although they did not go in, but they can feel the flow of time inside.

"Ziyan, you are wandering around us, how long it will last for a long time, and we will consume some Shouyuan."

Yanshan soul naturally will not allow Xu Ziyan to accept the fairy and other people into the body space of Xu Ziyan, which will expose the difference in the space of Xu Ziyan, so only Xu Ziyan is required to wrap them around, and the boundary of Xu Ziyan is only released at this time. The boundaries of time attributes, the lords will not find points.

The face of the lord and the like also showed a strong color, even if the purple smoke is only wrapped in the halfway of their journey, it is not a great loss of life. Anyway, they are also living with the world, have a long life. It only has some damage to the body function. As long as you leave here, it will take a long time to recover.

To be honest, if you don't want to save some strength and climb to the twelfth floor, they just don't have to use purple smoke, and they can go through with more strength.

I didn't think that Xu Ziyan had a bitter smile on his face: "Mountain Spirit, you don't understand the time attribute, and its flow has positive and negative. I just used the knowledge of God to explore it. The time flow of this space is reversed."

"What? What do you mean?"

The soul of Yanshan is somewhat obscured, and the four saints, such as the lord, are also looking at Xu Ziyan with their eyes.

"That is to say that this time space is not the flow of urging people, but the flow of rejuvenation."

"Will it affect the repair?" Yanshan asked with concern.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "This is not going to happen."

"There is no problem!"

Five saints are happy, what makes them younger?

The look of Xu Ziyan is even more bitter: "The time flow here is very, I will calculate it for the time being.


Xu Ziyan glanced at Wu Sheng, and suddenly there was a hint of laughter in his eyes: "If its flow rate is sufficient, it may turn everyone into a youth."

"That's very good!" The four sages of the lord and the gods have long been reborn in the reincarnation of the Yanshan spirit, a young man's appearance. Nowadays, I am also very happy to hear that they can become younger and that they are not reduced.

"But... maybe you will turn everyone into a teenager..." Xu Ziyan continued.

"Oh..." The Lord said with a smile: "In this way, we are just like the evil Lord. Yes, good, hahaha..."

His laughter suddenly stopped, because he found that only he laughed again, the fairy, the demon and the Kuidian did not laugh. Looking at Xu Ziyan with an eye. Xu Ziyan swallowed a mouthful of water:

"Maybe... you will turn everyone into a boy..."

"No way……"

Wu Sheng was shocked, Xu Ziyan looked at the Five Sacred Hearts and thought that the Five Saints would become the boy's appearance. Even if the crisis was in front of him, his eyes would not be bent into a crescent, showing a smile.

"The most serious thing is to turn everyone into a baby!"

"No way……"

This time, five people shouted together. The heart of the lord suddenly moved: "That... we will recover after we leave here."

“No!” Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: “You can only grow up slowly as time goes by.”

Five Saints, look at me, I look at you, one by one, can not help but bow down. Suddenly, Yanshan Spirit looked up and looked forward to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, you must have a solution, right?"

The four saints, such as the lord, also looked up and looked forward to Xu Ziyan. People like them are not afraid of the positive time flow, they are all living with the world, even if it is a million years, their appearance will not change a little, but they are afraid of the reverse flow rate. If it becomes a baby... it is not good to be a boy!

Xu Ziyan was not sure in her heart. Only her age is the smallest. To become a baby, she is the first to become. When she thinks about this, her head is also pulled down. Seeing the appearance of Xu Ziyan, the four saints of the lord and the other have also reacted. Here, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are the youngest. If they become babies, they are two first-mover. Imagine the appearance of Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan baby. The face of the face can not help but show the color.

Yanshan soul anger said: "Ziyan, you take me away, do not have to deal with them four."

At this time, the emperor and other four saints seriously considered it. If Xu Ziyan wants to wrap up the five saints together, I am afraid that the consumption will be very large, and certainly will not adhere to the transmission array. If you only wrap up the Yanshan soul, but hopefully stick to the transmission array, even if you can't stick to it, it will be a little worse.

"Good!" The lord nodded first: "You don't care about us, you and the evil Lord go first, let's go."

Xu Ziyan nodded and simply absorbed the Yanshan soul into his own body space, and then released the bounds of time, flying toward the direction of the transmission array. Behind her, the four saints of the lord also flew out. Four Saints felt the flow of time, and the heart was shocked. It turned out to be the reverse flow rate, and the speed was extremely high.

Xu Ziyan's Yuan Li and Yuan Shen's power are all consumed by the fly, and Yuan Li is still a good solution. At that time, the power of the hole can be turned on. But the power of this **** is less, but it is less. Fortunately, she just restored the power of Yuan Li and Yuan Shen to the peak state in the time array method. It is able to withstand the erosion of the time flow rate.


Xu Ziyan rushed into the transmission array within 100 meters. Both Yuanshen and Yuanli were consumed severely, especially the power of the gods was almost exhausted. However, Xu Ziyan was excited and spit out a long breath. To know that she is now less than three hundred years old. If the power of her own **** is consumed cleanly, it will only be a moment in the flow rate at that time, and I am afraid it will become a baby.

Immediately transferred the Yanshan soul out, let Yanshan soul put her into the space, and then she entered the time array in her own space, began to take Xiandan to resume repair.

The four saints, such as the lord, flew in, and there was an excitement in each of them. At this time, Sisheng is a young man, looking at the Yanshan soul road with a smile:

"How is the evil master?"

The evil Lord screamed: "A group of old monsters!"

"You are also an old monster!" The demon Lord said not to be outdone.

"Brother is reborn and is a real boy!"

"Cut!" Four Saints grin at the same time.


Yanshan soul robe sleeves, the body shape fell on the transmission array, Guanghua flashed to the first floor.

The first layer is a world of space attributes. Yanshan's soul glides over the space debris hundreds of meters away, and the brows are tightly locked. Xian and others frowned. For the space attribute, only Xu Ziyan has some insights, so Sisheng will look at the Yanshan soul and want to let Yanshan soul remove Xu Ziyan from the body space and discuss it. Yanshan soul sat down on the knees:

"We have not cultivated space attributes, so we will not extract our heavenly rules here, or restore the repair to the peak state here."

The four gods, such as the lord, are all bright, and their body is very uncomfortable at this time. There are only three layers left in one body, which makes them feel insecure at all times. Sitting on the ground immediately, they swallowed the elixir into the interest rate adjustment.

Seven days later.

Xu Ziyan stood on the edge of the world of space attributes. Wu Sheng stood behind her and looked at Xu Ziyan nervously. As long as they pass this level, they can climb to the last level, and they are not nervous.

They are nervous because they don't want to enter the realm of Xu Ziyan this time. Who knows that at this last moment, will Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul harm them? Although Xu Ziyan is low, but if she is in her world, although she can't kill them, but hurt them, let them hurt, that can still be done. This will put them at a disadvantage in the twelfth floor competition.

Xu Ziyan took back the **** and said: "You are behind me, we need to walk through the gaps in the broken space, we must keep up!"

The lord of the four saints secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and he knew that he had just thought of being a villain. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul did not count their meaning. In fact, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul really did not conceal their meaning, because no one knows what dangers will be encountered on the twelfth floor. At this time, it is obviously not a good idea.


Xu Ziyan stepped out, Yanshan spirit followed closely behind, then Quebec, the fairy, the demon and the devil. This time, Xu Ziyan did not fly, but step by step carefully walked through the gaps of space, the vortex of the right eye appeared, and the eye of the space opened.

This line is about six hours, Xu Ziyan finally stepped into the 100-meter range of the transmission array, immediately closed his eyes, a drop of blood beads in his eyes. Let Yanshan soul put her into the body space.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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