The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2695: Last layer

I am very grateful to the lucky star 68488 classmates (688, Niu Niu Mama classmates (588, Jie Yi classmates (200, Jin Niufei 榕 _ classmates (200, Qing? Micro-drinking classmates (100, mableip classmates (100, white jade tofu classmates (100 hits reward!

There is almost no consumption in Wusheng, just walking behind Xu Ziyan. Yanshan soul glides over the four holy, faintly said:

"When the purple smoke is restored, let's go up together."

Four holy eyes glanced at the transmission array, and then looked at the Yanshan soul, and finally nodded. This is not because they are in the public mind, but they do not know what kind of situation they will encounter in the twelfth meeting. It is safer to have the most cherished Yanshan soul and the most cultivated law of the heavens.

Although together with the Yanshan spirit, it will reduce their chances of robbing the treasure, but compared with life, the chance is still behind.

After half an hour.

Xu Ziyan came out of the body space of Yanshan Soul. At this time, her cultivation was not only to return to the peak state, but also to condense a 10,000-six-level six-layered peak martial sword in the time array method, from the Yanshan soul. After the body space came out, he took the lead in the transmission array.

Wu Sheng and Xu Ziyan stand side by side, their faces are very ugly. At this time, a hundred meters away from the square, there are some creatures wandering around, these creatures are different from the different races of the Upper Yuan. Some are like chaotic beasts, but the breath is much weaker.

The sky, the ground and the space are somewhat chaotic. Although it is not very obvious, it can feel that the energy of this chaos is much richer than that of the Upper Yuan.

This is the result of the over-integration of eleven attributes. In fact, the eleventh attribute of the Upper Yuan dynasty is also a fusion state, but it is too thin, and it is a refreshing world in front of the monks. But here, eleven kinds of attributes seem to be bound by a regular force, reaching a certain concentration of fusion, resulting in a certain degree of chaos.

And those wandering creatures seem to contain the energy of the eleven attributes, and the monks speculate that these creatures were born because of this chaotic world.

Xu Ziyan has such a chaotic attribute on the edge of the internal space. Yanshan Soul and others are just five lines of space. The degree of chaos outside the edge of the body's internal space is much worse than that of Xu Ziyan. Therefore, Xu Ziyan clearly knows that this is a chaotic world with a very low level.

This is enough to make Xu Ziyan surprised. The most important thing is that it is full of the rules of heaven and the integration of the eleven attributes, and is becoming mature.

Xu Ziyan seriously perceives, and the heart is a jump. She perceives that the eleventh attribute of this place has already merged into a realm of greatness. As long as this fusion reaches the great perfection, this space will be transformed into a real chaotic space.

"This tower has such an effect!" Xu Ziyan suddenly burst into shock: "Since Fengzu is not a big monk of the eleven attributes, it is impossible to understand such a heavenly rule and create such a tower. So who is this tower? Created? The monk who created this tower has completely integrated the eleven attributes. Who is this person? The monk will not be here?"

Xu Ziyan was shocked and flirted, and Yanshan Soul and others tried to transmit their own knowledge. Originally, after they entered the city of Phoenix, the gods were compressed and further compressed after entering the tower. Now they have come to the twelfth floor and are further compressed.

After scanning their gods for a while, they found that they seemed to be on the edge of the twelfth floor. In the middle, the chaotic gas is richer. The twelfth layer of secrets or treasures should be in this twelfth. The center of the layer.

Six people looked at each other and then looked at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan hesitated. Some are uncertain and say:

"It seems that there are only these chaotic beasts, there is no other danger."

Wu Sheng Wen Yan sighed softly, they are really afraid that there are traps in the previous eleventh floor, especially the time and space traps, if only these chaotic beasts, then kill it.

"We are jealous!"

Yanshan soul eyebrows picked one, took the lead to step out, Xu Ziyan and Xianzhu also stepped out of the edge. The wandering chaotic beasts felt their breath and turned to look at them one by one. Then they began to rush toward them.

Yanshan soul took out the peerless giant knife, Xu Ziyan took out the virtual sword, the fairy took out the fairy sword, the demon took out the demon gun, the devil took out the magic knife, and Kui Tian took out the sword. The six monks rushed toward the center.


A roar is emanating from a chaotic beast.


Thousands of chaotic beasts roared.


A layer of roar came from a distance, and the earth began to vibrate. It seems that the chaotic beasts in this space knew through the snoring that Xu Ziyan had come in and they were coming toward them.


The six monks of Xu Ziyan issued their own fairy tales, which will block the chaotic beasts in front of them into pieces. The strength of these chaotic beasts is much worse than the original six-armed scorpion, which is no longer a standard. The figure of the six monks quickly flew down on the ground and advanced.

As they advance, the chaos of the chaos becomes gradually rich, and the strength of the chaotic beast is gradually increasing. The front and rear of the six monks, including the sky, were surrounded by dense chaotic beasts. The so-called good tigers could not stand the wolves. The speed of the six monks gradually slowed down and gradually fell into danger.

The fairy robes sleeved a wave, releasing those Tianzun and the Terran monks from the world, shouting loudly:


Immediately, Yanshan Soul, Demon Lord, Demon Lord and Kui Tian also released the monks one after another, forming a huge battlefield, guarding their left and right and front, and the Five Saints only face the front direction and go to the center. .

Xu Ziyan will also take thousands of miles, Jianxu, Xu Qinyang, Xu Ziyun and Xu Xingfan to transfer out. Xu Ziyun has already had a sacred atmosphere at this time, refining the group of gray air masses, and let Xu Ziyun’s physique undergo a change, looking for a trace Break through to the holy level.

Xu Ziyan took them into the battlefield and rushed toward the center.

The speed of the forward rush was once again added. The faint monks saw a lake in front of them, but they were shrouded in a faint chaos, which was not very clear.

Xu Ziyan and Wu Sheng’s knowledge swiftly spread out, but the lake had a layer of ban to reverse their knowledge.

The monks were shocked, and they had hopes and fears. I don't know what they are going to face.

The monks kept falling, but there was still a long distance from the central lake. The dozens of Heavenly Masters of the Emperor have already died, and the Terran monks have begun to fall. The fairy's big sleeves waved, and more than a thousand fairy statues were released and filled into a large array. Yanshan soul and other four saints could not help but cross the eyebrows. At this time, the lord showed his cards, which was too embarrassing.

With the participation of more than a thousand new forces, the battlefield has been stabilized, and various fairy scorpions have bombarded the dense chaotic beasts. The battle array once again increased the speed of the move.


There was a giant python in the sky, and Xu Ziyan and other monks looked up and looked great. The flying chaotic beasts in the air flashed open to the sides, flying over a dozen giant chaotic beasts from the middle, each of which spread over a few miles, with two heads and four huge claws under the belly. Each paw exudes a sharp glow.


On the ground, the sound of heavy objects landed from all around, and the chaotic beasts began to flash toward both sides. From each of the four directions, a huge chaotic beast appeared. The law described them as huge, which is the whole of a toe head than Xu Ziyan. The body is several times larger, and the fierce breath rushes to the surface.


Yanshan soul sighed.


The whole battlefield was full of momentum, the chaos of the chaos was shocked, and the body of one monk suddenly enlarged, like a giant giant, and the fairy in his hand was enlarged.

This is the battlefield of a giant...

There are violent collisions everywhere, and the battles of the three tribes are running fast, and the sacred scorpion spreads around the battlefield and attacks...

But now in the area close to the central lake, these chaotic beasts have grown to the point where they can threaten the monks, especially the giant chaotic beasts. Although the single and the five saints are nothing compared to each other, they are together Saint is also in a hurry. Gradually block the footsteps of the Five Saints and further compress the entire battlefield. There was a stagnation in the entire battlefield, but this stagnation caused many monks to start casualties.

Chaos beast is really too much!

This battle lasted for seven days and seven nights. In these seven days and seven nights, the five saints only marched less than ten meters, and a large number of chaotic beasts were killed, but there was also a trace of exhaustion on the face of the five saints. At this time, the Five Sacred did not give up the stunts they had performed, because they knew that once they had made such a stunt, they would not completely lose the ability to fight, but they would be greatly reduced. In this situation, what it means to be a big drop is very clear in the heart of the Five Sacred.


The knives of Yanshan's soul are like the practice of crossing the sky. Wherever they are, the powerful flying chaotic beasts are broken, but a group of chaotic beasts are swooping toward him.

The four saints and the Yanshan souls suffered the same experience. Although they are constantly destroying those chaotic beasts, the chaotic beasts seem to be exhaustive.

Xu Ziyan knows that at this time, he has already reached the moment of life and death. What cards do you have on the cards? If the people die, what cards are in vain.

Xu Ziyan sank into the body space, and now the monsters in the space of Xu Ziyan have grown to hundreds of thousands of degrees, and there are more than 5,000 people in the fairy. Xu Ziyan immediately informed the Spring Thirty, let her concentrate the monsters above the Xianzun period and prepare to fight.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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