The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2696: I'll try

Chun Sanniang is very excited. Happy to quickly gather all the monsters above the Xianzun period, and then Xu Ziyan's body shape suddenly broke away from the battlefield, rushing toward the forefront of the battlefield.


Yanshan soul was shocked. The rest of the monks also looked at Xu Ziyan, I don't know what Xu Ziyan is doing. Does she think that her cultivation is more powerful than the Five Saints? Want a person to break open the blocked chaotic beast and kill a **** road?

How can this be?


The shape of Xu Ziyan has already rushed to the forefront of the battlefield, and the sword in his hand slammed forward. In an instant, thousands of swordsman formed a world of swords, and slammed toward the chaotic beast in front. .


The chaotic beast in front of it fell into a powder, but there were endless chaos in front and on both sides. Xu Ziyan’s mind was moved, and more than 5,000 fairy tales appeared at the forefront of the team.

"Peach blossoms are not born in the grass... Oh..." Spring 30, when she came out, shouted and shouted, but only shouted half, she suddenly got stuck in the neck.

"Master, where is this?"

"Less nonsense, give me forward!" Xu Ziyan shouted.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the militant group of Chun 30, at this time, his face was also pale, driving more than 5,000 monsters to the past.

At this time, the monks reacted from the shock, and did not expect Xu Ziyan to have such a card. Although the strength of these monsters is not comparable to the ancient immortals released by the Five Saints, the number is objective. Under the urging of Chun Sanniang, a fierce attack was launched towards the front.

However, their strength was low, although the effect was very obvious, but it took less than a quarter of an hour to rush out the distance of nearly three hundred meters. It is only a hundred meters away from the central lake, but in less than a quarter of an hour, there are less than fifty of these 5,000 monks.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but feel a heartache. Knowing that the remaining dozens of them had no effect, they shrouded them. When they thought about it, they took them into the body space. At the same time, the figure retreats toward the rear. Returned to the battlefield.

It is only a hundred meters away from the central lake at this time. All the monks saw hope, and the Five Saints broke out with great power and swept all the chaotic beasts in front. Although this five-year atmosphere was somewhat weak after the outbreak of this round, the monks finally found the prohibition.


At this time, the Yanshan soul that rushed to the front was suddenly bounced back, and the hearts of the monks suddenly became cold. There is only one explanation for this situation. That is, there is a layer of ban on the central lake, if this layer of ban is not broken. They are only here and these chaotic beasts die, the end of the dead will not be used, everyone is very clear.

"Battle, turn!"

The lord suddenly shouted. The battle formation turned into a defensive battle. If the lord screams toward Yanshan:

"The evil master, the matter of cracking the ban is handed over to you!"

The face of Yanshan soul showed a bitter bitterness: "The lord, it seems to be a ban on the road. It is not a ban!"

The look of the Four Saints has changed, and the meaning of the words of Yanshan Soul is very clear. He can't crack this ban. However, although they have studied the ban on the ban, they have not reached the level of proficiency. There is a Fu Zong lord Hua Yu here, but the level of Hua Yu is not much stronger than the Four Saints.

"I'll try!"

At this time, the sound of Xu Ziyan sounded up. The Lord of the Lord shouted without thinking:

"You don't want to mess up!"

Yanshan soul quickly rushed out from the front of the ban, stood on the edge of the battle, put into the defense, and gave the position of the study prohibition to Xu Ziyan. No one knows more about Xu Ziyan's understanding of Fu Dao than he is. I am afraid that no one in this world is more than Xu Ziyan on the road.

After the singer slashed a chaotic beast, he yelled at the soul of Yanshan: "Is the evil master, is Xu Daoyou sure?"

"I don't know!" Yanshan soul shook his head. He is telling the truth, although he knows that Xu Ziyan has a deep understanding of Fu Dao, but he does not know whether Xu Ziyan can crack this prohibition. After all, this is the prohibition left by Feng Zu. If it is so good, is it Feng Zu?

However, this sentence made the heart of the four saints cold, and their hearts could not believe Xu Ziyan. Fu Dao is not so well understood, how long is Xu Ziyan? Now that I have cultivated to the peak of the second level of the Holy Level, how can I still have time to understand what is the way?

The lord meditated and had to say to Hua Yu: "Hua Yu, you can try it too!"


Hua Yu’s figure walked through the battle, and soon stood next to Xu Ziyan’s body, looking at the forbidden in front of him.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has opened the eyes of Peng Peng, and his face has a hint of joy. Although the Fuzhou here is very profound, it has a deep connection with Xu Ziyan.

The inheritance of Dan Fuzong originally came from the inheritance of Feng Zu. Later, Xu Ziyan got the details of Feng Yu and got some inheritance from the soul of Feng Zu. Therefore, although the ban on the front is temporarily broken, there is a context.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up. He understood the prohibition in front of him. This is a large-scale ban on the formation of a billion-dollar ban.

The energy of each ban is strong and weak, but they complement each other, but they reach a delicate balance that makes the entire defensive shield extremely powerful. No wonder so many powerful chaotic beasts can not break this defensive shield, Xu Ziyan's heart is moving, if you can understand this defensive shield, it will be of great use in the future.

Xu Ziyan did not rush to try to crack, she did not want to completely hack this defensive shield, if the defensive shield is completely hacked, they can enter, while the chaotic beast can enter here. What she wants to do is open a portal from the defensive shield, let the monks enter the defensive shield, and then close the portal, so that the chaotic beast can be blocked outside to ensure the safety of the monks.

The blue light in Xu Zi’s eyes shrouded the defensive shield in front of him, and his heart was amazed. Sure enough, it is Fengzu. This way of banned the ban constitutes a series of bans, and then forms a one-sided, a ban on a prohibition, an unusual cumbersome, is now the realm of Xu Ziyan, also feels difficult to crack .

But after all, the habits that Xu Ziyan learned came from the inheritance of Fengzu, and Xu Ziyan's current realm is not low. As time passed, she gradually found a path. Even so, she did not dare to rush, because she has already seen that if the way of cracking is wrong, this defensive shield will explode with unparalleled energy. This kind of energy explosion is probably the later stage of her sixth level. The strength of the peak of the peak can not withstand.

This kind of defense ban is called a ban, not a ban. It is because it is not the energy burst of the esoteric, but the law of the Tao.

Xu Ziyan has been completely immersed in the comprehension of this kind of martial art, forgetting the excitement around him, and the mind seems to be immersed in a space of incomparable silence, surrounded by circling.

Her realm of martial arts is rapidly improving. Before she was only passed down, but she did not have physical objects to practice her. Now she has such a defensive ban in front of her. She has not realized it before, or she just has a vague understanding of the inheritance of snow and ice. , presenting its secrets in front of her eyes.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has the ability to completely destroy this ban, but what she has to do is not to completely destroy, but to open a portal, which requires a deeper understanding of the ban.

At this time, the five saints and other monks were caught in a difficult position. Although the strength of the five saints was completely able to withstand the attack of the chaotic beast, if it was consumed so much, it would not be the five saints, that is, the ancestors of Feng Zu, I am afraid that they will eventually fall here.

Chaos beasts come from all directions, even if the five holy brave, but can not block all angles, so from time to time there are monks fallen, which makes the five holy hearts anxious, these monks are their men, especially those ancient monks Strong, not strong, and loyal to them. However, if these people are taken into the body space, they will not be able to protect themselves with the purple flowers that have been completely immersed in the world of the world.

This is still taking a part of the pressure in the Wanli, and the strength of the sword is not empty and Xu Qinyang is not low, Xu Xingfan comprehended a trace of the holy road, then Xu Ziyun is more powerful. These five people joined forces to block a space, but the faces of the five of them were exhausted. After all, their strength was much worse than the Five Sacred.

Yanshan soul looked back and looked at Xu Ziyan, who was immersed in the world of Fudao. His eyes flashed a little hesitation, considering whether he would release his own land. His look was seen by the lord, and he screamed:

"Evil Lord, don't!"

The evil master looks at the boundless chaotic beast, and the heart knows that the lord is correct. If you can kill all the chaotic beasts with one blow, you will have nothing because you become weak. But this is simply not possible. Even he himself does not know how many chaotic beasts there are. So when he is weak, he will reveal a huge loophole, which will bring tremendous pressure to the battlefield.

In the hands of Yanshan, there was an extravagant array, thrown out into the air, and the array disappeared in the air, and a cloud of clouds shrouded the monks. The dense chaotic beasts rushed into the big array, rushing around, fighting each other like enemies, and huge bodies bursting...


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued




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