The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2697: Central lake

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The demon Lord looked awkwardly: "The evil Lord, why didn't you get out of the market earlier?"

The monks and other monks also looked at the Yanshan soul, and the dissatisfaction in the eyes was obvious.

The lord calmed down first and looked at the chaotic beasts in the platoon. Suddenly, the eyebrows were picked and the face became dignified:

"The evil Lord, are you prepared for that thing?"

Yanshan soul looked at him, although there was no words, but the dignity in his eyes was clearly visible. The look of the lord also became dignified:

"The evil Lord you... really think that thing will happen?"

Yanshan soul shook his head gently: "I don't know, I hope it won't happen."

At this time, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and Kui Tian also reacted, and the look became extremely dignified.


The body of the Chaos Beast burst and the formation was crumbling, and the formation space formed a crack in the crack. The fairy looks at the crack in the space of the array and looks like:

"The evil Lord, your array has not been fully refining successfully?"

This time, Yanshan soul finally said: "It is not without training, but it requires a lot of arrays to jointly set up a large array. Now I have not refining much, and losing one will waste me a lot of time and materials."

The lord is silent, and the demon Lord no longer condemns the lord. Instead, there are some embarrassing standing there. Although other monks did not know what the five saints were talking about, the dignity from the five holy looks did not feel good. One by one looks dignified but dare not ask.


The battlefield of Yanshan soul burst, and countless chaotic beasts slammed again. Yanshan soul sighed and threw out a battle.

At this time, Xu Ziyan, who had been standing still, suddenly moved, his hands continually slamming, and each time the palms were raised, a hollow picture would appear in the palm of his hand. Xu Ziyan entered the defensive shield in front of his eyes.

The defensive shield rippled in front of Xu Ziyan. The above signs began to flow quickly, and the fluctuations of the defensive shields alerted all the monks, one by one. Turning his gaze from the chaotic beast to Xu Ziyan. Also turned from Xu Ziyan's body to the defensive shield.

As Xu Ziyan's hands slap faster and faster, the chaos of the sky surges, and all the chaotic beasts are screaming uneasy.

"This is... Do you want to open the defensive shield?"

All the monks had an expectation on their faces, and at this time they had reached extreme exhaustion. And the most fearful thing is that they couldn't see a trace of hope before, and now they see Xu Ziyan's move. The hope that they have died in their hearts has emerged again, and the eyes of each one have an excited look.

The lord, the demon Lord and the demon Lord looked at the eyes of Xu Ziyan, and now the strength of Xu Ziyan is not as good as them. But the potential of Xu Ziyan showed them shock. Even if they are not proficient in the road, they know that this is the tribute shield under Feng Zubu, and it will be cracked by Xu Ziyan. This undoubtedly reveals that Xu Ziyan is still a proficient person.

Today, the strength of Yanshan is the strongest, and it is the strongest division in the fairy world. Although Xu Ziyan’s repair at this time is still low. But from today it can be seen that she is the strongest teacher in the entire fairy world. The lord looked at Xu Ziyan's back with some disappointment. There is a speculation in his heart. Xu Ziyan will not be strong like Fengzu.

His eyes were somewhat blurred, and the back of Xu Ziyan became blurred in his eyes, as if he and the back of Fengzu gradually overlap...

The eyes of Yanshan soul revealed surprises. Even if he was confident enough about Xu Ziyan, he did not expect that Xu Ziyan would crack the defensive shield left by Feng Zu in such a short time.

Gradually, their eyes were extremely shocked. They originally wanted to let the purple smoke only destroy the entire defensive shield, but the scene in front of them made them seem to be in a magical array.

"How can this be?"

In their vision, a portal was opened on the defensive shield in front of Xu Ziyan. Even those monks know that destroying a prohibition is much simpler than cracking a prohibition. To break a prohibition, it is necessary to completely ban the prohibition. Transparent. Is Xu Ziyan fully comprehending the prohibition left by Feng Zu in such a short period of time?

At this time, Xu Ziyan extended a finger and shot a brilliance from his finger on the defensive shield. The brilliance of the brilliance shot was full of mystery.

It is this uninterrupted mysterious charm that maintains the opening of this portal. Xu Ziyan snorted and said:


Yanshan soul immediately shouted: "Enter!"

At the same time, the four saints, such as the lord, also issued orders for the monks to enter, and the monks quickly rushed into the portal. Yanshan soul stood by Xu Ziyan, and Sisheng also flew over. The guard was in front of Xu Ziyan.


The array was broken, and the dense chaotic beasts rushed toward the monks who were flying.


The shape of the five saints leaped into the air, turning at both hands toward the outside.


A circle of space cracks spread to the distance, the earth is cracked, and the chaotic beasts of the circle and the circle are broken...


Seeing the last day of the monk's hour in the portal, Xu Ziyan shouted. Wu Sheng did not stop at all, and the body shape swept into the portal. The chaotic beast behind him has already fallen behind Xu Ziyan.

When Xu Ziyan’s body shape swept, he entered the portal. She just entered the portal, and the five saints joined forces to blast a fairy stalk outside the portal.


Beyond the portal, the chaotic beast flew and broke in the air. The portal turned into a stream of light and gathered in one place, closing the portal.


Countless chaotic beasts hit the defensive shield, and everyone looked worriedly at the defensive shield in front of them. The defensive shield was only slightly swayed and the calm was restored.


All the monks had a long sigh of relief, and those chaotic beasts seemed to have hit the defensive shields more than once, seeming to know the sturdiness here, and after a while, they gradually calmed down and then revolved around the defense. The shield wandered around, and some chaotic beasts left here and rushed toward the distance.

Until then they were finally safe, and everyone immediately turned their eyes to the lake. They have come here one by one, isn’t it the treasure here?

In the center of the lake is an altar. Above the altar is a ball of light floating around the eleven areas in the lake surrounding the altar. It is the lotus of eleven areas. The lotus in each area is one hundred and zero. Eight flowers, each lotus has a size of a grinding disc, each region of the lotus exudes a property, the lotus in eleven regions is exactly eleven attributes.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes for a while, and there was some speculation about the efficacy of this tower. The first floor to the first floor of this tower should be an attribute of the heavens between the heavens and the earth. Then it is transported to the twelfth floor, and the twelfth layer has the effect of condensing the eleven kinds of attributes of the heavenly law, so here a low-level chaotic space is formed, and a low-level chaotic beast appears. And these heavenly laws are finally concentrated here, inside this defensive shield.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and looked at the lake, looking at the lotus in the eleven areas. At this time, he already understood that the lotus flower was a kind of circuit. Through this circuit, the law of heaven, which was concentrated here, was sent to the altar, and then the ball of light was condensed through the altar.

Needless to say, the ball of light is filled with eleven attributes of the heavenly rules.

Taking a deep breath, the anxiety in my heart was temporarily put down, because she found that not only the defensive shield isolated the attack of the chaotic beast, but also the ten kinds of heavenly laws in this defensive shield were very rich, so they knew The heavens in the sea will not only be extracted, but also absorb the heavens here.

Xu Ziyan looked at the light ball on the altar, but the visual sense felt that the eleven kinds of fusion in the light ball had reached the realm of Dacheng. Xu Ziyan thought about it:

"This altar should be the place where Feng Zu was sitting there to cultivate. Unfortunately, Feng Zu has fallen. Otherwise, she will probably reach an incredible realm now?"

Looking at the light group above the altar, Xu Ziyan’s eyes shone with light, and did not hide his thoughts. She wanted to get the light group too much. If there is that light group, she will have a understanding of the rules of heaven. A qualitative leap, the light ball is a fusion of the myriad of millions of years that Fengzu disappeared.

At this time, the ears heard the quarrel of the Five Sacred, Xu Ziyan listened for a while, then he stepped toward the Five Suns. The five holy controversy is the distribution of those lotuses. There is no doubt that this is the last treasure of the city of Phoenix. There is no doubt that these lotuses contain a strong law of heaven. Each lotus has a kind of heaven, and eleven kinds of lotuses breed eleven heavenly rules.

This kind of heavenly rule is a treasure for the Five Saints, so the focus of their argument is how to distribute these lotuses. They have not vie for the light ball above the altar, because there is only one light ball, and everyone will rely on the means.

The original plan was to divide the lotus into five parts, one for each of the five saints. However, Yanshan's soul does not agree. The reason for Yanshan's soul is also very good. On this road, Xu Ziyan's power is not less than that of Wusheng, so it has to be divided into six parts, and there is a purple smoke. Wu Sheng naturally disagreed, so he quarreled.

These lotus flowers are naturally divided into one, and the heavens contained in them are even more precious to her. So she came directly to the five holy, and firmly said:

"Lotus I want a copy."


Ask for a red ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued)

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