The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2698: altar

"Do you have that qualification?" the demon Lord asked sarcastically. <

Yanshan soul just wanted to speak, Xu Ziyan said faintly: "I think I am more qualified than you."

The demon Lord’s look was awkward, and then he was furious, and he pointed his finger at Xu Ziyan. He just wanted to swear, but he heard Xu Ziyan’s tone faintly said:

"Maybe we will return from the same way in a while. If you think that my qualifications are not as good as you, I can't do these lotuses, but then I will act alone with the mountain spirit. You want to leave the city of Phoenix and rely on yourself."

The demon's fingers in the air are a stiff one. Don't say that leaving the tower needs a purple smoke. It is the labyrinth space with space debris on the outermost part of the city of Phoenix. If there is no purple smoke, they can't go out. Think about it carefully, Xu Ziyan's role in this road is really not weaker than them.

The lord, the Lord of the Lord looked at Xu Ziyan, and added a point of vigilance in his heart. They were surprised to find that although Xu Ziyan is not as good at repairing as they are, they are not far from them in terms of comprehensive strength, and they still have to win some points in some aspects.

Four saints looked at each other and showed helplessness in their eyes. Since ancient times, the situation of their five holy control has changed now. Xu Ziyan has squeezed in, and they have a feeling that it seems that they have not fully seen Xu Ziyan’s cards. Xu Ziyan's body is full of mystery, and her growth rate is even more shocking.

She is definitely not relying on the soul of Yanshan. They even have some doubts. Even if there is no Yanshan soul around Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan has a way to get a piece of cake from their hands.

Since I know the importance of Xu Ziyan, Sisheng no longer adheres to the original opinion. There are 108 lotuses in each area, and the six monks are exactly one in eight. The six monks plucked toward the lake and picked up their own lotus. The lotus in the lake was quickly searched, and the monks on the shore watched the six monks sculpting the lotus flowers, and each of them showed an envious color.

The earth looked at Xu Ziyan's figure, and he couldn't help but sigh. The Xu Ziyan who had just arrived at the ancestors was so weak. How many years have passed? She has been able to win a treasure of her own from the hands of the five saints, and they were originally more powerful than the purple smoke, but at this time they could only stand on the shore and watched. There was a remorse in my heart. Was it wrong to let Xu Ziyan leave the lord?

Looking at the figure of Xu Ziyan in Wanli, I also sighed in my heart. When he first met Xu Ziyan and accepted the purple smoke as a disciple, Xu Ziyan was even weaker. Today's cultivation has already surpassed him far.

Only Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan looked at the back of Xu Ziyan full of admiration, they have become accustomed to Xu Ziyan later. Constantly strong, there is even a firmness in their hearts. The future Xu Ziyan will definitely override the Five Saints and become the first person on the mainland. Standing on the edge of the fairy world.


The Five Saints almost searched the lotus flower of their own at the same time, and then rushed to the ball of light above the central altar without stopping. Every monk had long felt that the law of heaven contained in the ball of light was full of horrible. Xu Ziyan’s movements are slower. So still picking the lotus there.


The ball of light on the altar suddenly turned into a large palm, sweeping toward the Five Holy. This sweep can't see the slightest power, but the law of the day was everywhere. The shape of the five saints suddenly felt that they didn't listen to their own calls. The big hands that stretched out changed their direction, and they grabbed each other and then they were A big palm swept out.

At this time, Xu Ziyan just put away the last lotus flower, looking at the figure of the five holy flying out, the look of his face could not help. The palm of the hand is full of the law of heaven. It can be said that the five saints are not defeated in power, but are defeated in the law of heaven.

Xu Ziyan's body shape retreated toward the shore. At this time, she temporarily gave up her mind to compete for the ball of light. It seems that this ball of light is not as good as the lotus flower. It may have passed through so many billions of years, and the wisdom has already been born.

Falling from the air on the ground, Xu Ziyan immediately sat cross-legged and entered into the interest rate adjustment. Regardless of whether you can finally get the light group, you must adjust your own training to the peak state.


The five saints fell on the ground and sat without saying a word. They also know that it is only possible to get the light group if they return to their peak.

Other Tianzun masters also sat on the ground. They just looked at the five monks of Xu Ziyan who envied the lotus and forgot the exhaustion. At this time, I saw that the six monks began to adjust the interest rate. This made them feel extremely exhausted. Even when some monks swayed, they sat on the ground. One by one, they began to adjust their interest immediately.

The shore of the lake became very quiet. This silence lasted for three days, and they all woke up one after another. Only Xu Ziyan still closed his eyes. At this time, her cultivation has already returned to her peak. The reason why she still keeps her eyes closed is because she found that the law of heaven is very rich, and the time attribute is automatically integrated into the nine attributes, although very slow. But it happened.

How can she let this opportunity pass, the whole body and mind are now immersed in the understanding of the law of heaven, completely forgetting where it is.

At this time, Wu Sheng was standing on the edge of the lake and looking at the light ball on the central altar. No one took the lead in this time. They all know that even if they do not get the first shot, they may not be able to get the ball of light. Instead, the later monks have more opportunities to learn from. So the five saints stood there quietly, observing the light ball on the altar.

Suddenly the Lord of the Lord said: "Now my cultivation is the lowest, I will give you a preview!"

There are no words in the Four Sacred Mountains of Yanshan, and the body shape of the Lord is flying out. Instead of immediately attacking the light group on the altar, he slowly approached the light group and then gently landed on the altar, looking at the light group floating in the center.

There was a ripple on the light group, and then two eyes appeared on the ball of light, and the Lord was looked up and down. The face of the demon Lord was also amazed and did not dare to move. The ball of light saw him, and then it changed, stretching in the upper and lower directions, and then turned into a human form, and then gradually revealed nothing, changed clothes, and even the opposite of the demon Lord. Only the eyes of the Lord are astonished and deep, and the Lord of the Light, which is changed by the light ball, is full of curiosity.

"He...has really possessed the wisdom..." the singer said shockedly. At this time all the monks were shocked.

The face of the demon stunned the shocked look, and his face was filled with shocking colors, revealing a friendly smile:

"Are you the instrumental spirit of this tower?"

The demon Lord, who changed from the opposite light group, shook his head, and the devil’s face never had a friendly path:

"What are you?"

The opposite "Magic Lord" shook his head and said: "I don't know!"

There is joy in the eyes of the Lord, and it seems that this wiseness was born soon, so the smile on his face became more and more cordial:

"Are you going with me? I am taking you out of here, there are lots of fun things outside."

The Yanshan soul on the shore is a tight heart in the four saints. If the demon swindles the light group, they will lose money. One by one nervously looked at the "magic Lord" opposite the Lord and the Lord.

The "magic Lord" squinted as if thinking seriously there, and then looked up and down the Lord. At this time, the Lord felt that he had never had the tension, and tried to keep a friendly smile on his face, looking forward to the opposite "magic Lord."

The "magic Lord" suddenly shook his head and said: "You are too weak!"

The smile on the face of the devil is a stagnation, gradually gloomy. Suddenly stretched out a big hand and grabbed it to the opposite side. The big hand was sharply magnified in the air, and it was necessary to cover the "magic Lord" inside.

The body of the "magic Lord" suddenly became illusory, and a layer of virtual shadow expanded toward the outside, and there was a law of heaven in the shadow.


The big palm of the Lord of the Lord was broken in the air, and a heavenly chain was entangled with the Lord. The face of the demon Lord immediately showed the color of horror. The heavenly chain was filled with perfect heavenly rules. If it was locked by this Tiandao chain, I don’t know what would happen. At the foot of the altar, the figure instantly left the altar and fell to the shore. The eyes of the monks who have been standing on the shore and paying attention to all of them are bright, and they have discovered a crucial secret.

The Tiandao chain was able to lock the demon master as long as it was further, but it shrank back. At that time, the Tiandao chain was just chasing the edge of the altar. Does this mean that the Tiandao attack by the light group can only be within the scope of the altar?

Since the demon Lord first tried it, the demon Lord was no longer polite, and the body shape swept across the lake and fell to the altar. The "magic Lord" on the altar was motionless, only looking at the demon Lord curiously, and then changed his body and turned into the image of the demon Lord.

Looking down at myself, I looked up at the opposite demon Lord and shook my head slightly. The look of the demon Lord is a sinking, knowing that the other party does not look at himself. However, I thought about the Tiandao chain, but I dare not act rashly. Slowly stretched out his hand and touched the opposite "demon master". He wanted to release his goodwill to the "demon master." The "demon" looked at him curiously, and also extended a hand to the demon's hand and grabbed it.



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Name: "Occupy Xianji

Author: Yiyi purple core

No.: 30258

Introduction: The reborn female match meets the female host.

Portable shop pk medicine space,

Opportunity and effort are essential.

Everyone will be stupid,

If you are slick, I will play pigs and eat tigers.

And look at this avenue, who is ups and downs!


*To be continued)

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