The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2702: Was thrown out

The eyes of Wusheng immediately lit up, and the eyes of Xu Ziyan also shone.

"Ziyan, you refining the light group, but know how to refine this high tower space?" Yanshan soul asked.


Not waiting for the opening of the purple smoke, the whole space suddenly and violently vibrated, and even the big monks like Wusheng stood unsteady and their bodies swayed from side to side.

"what happened?"

All the monks looked around in horror, and there were countless monks who looked at Xu Ziyan. Because only Xu Ziyan refining the light group. Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head:

"do not know!"

Outside the tower, I saw that the tower suddenly flew up into the air, broke the space, and flew away...

Xu Ziyan and other monks did not know what happened, but only in an instant they found themselves in a loop of vortex that was involuntarily born in the air, and then they were smashed out.


Wusheng and Xu Ziyan were thrown to the ground, looking up, and saw the tower hanging in the air, and the monks were smashed out and fell toward the ground. In the end, the tall tower turned into a light and flew toward the sky, but it disappeared in a flash.


One monk fell from the air on the ground, not five saints, that is, those monks and monks did not know how long it had not been like this, but now it is like a doll, generally fell to the ground, although there is nothing Hurt, but that powerlessness makes them endlessly frustrated in their horror.

"What kind of treasure is this tower?"

"Where did it go?"

"Does that tower have a master? Then... what kind of realm is the master's repair?"

Slowly calming the excitement, embarrassment and uneasiness in the heart, the monks looked at the surroundings, and this was a surprise. It turned out that they had left the space of the Phoenix City, and the vortex that entered the air in the space of the Phoenix City was slowly disappearing.

Eventually the vortex disappeared silently, and Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of the space, but could no longer find the trace of the space.

"Ziyan, how?" Yanshan soul asked.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "Disappeared!"

The demon Lord, the devil and the Kui are all looking to the lord, after all, this is the demon Lord found. There should be a method of exploration. Sure enough, the lord has his own method of exploration. After a probe, there was a color of regret on his face:

"It really disappeared!"

There were regrets on the faces of the monks, but they immediately became very curious about this space. The demon Lord looks at the fairy road:

"The lord, you know the origin of the tower, is this really the city of phoenix?"

The lord carefully said: "This is the city of Phoenix, but I have not seen the tower. I don't know the origin of it. I am human beings, the secret of many phoenix cities. Fengzu is not going to Let me know."

The monks heard the words and nodded. At this point, the lord did not lie. How could Fengzu completely believe in a human being?

? She is not a demon, she will not believe, she believes only the Phoenix.

The lord. The eyes of the demon and the demon Lord looked at the monks who were respectful, and the muscles on their faces were twitching, and the heartache was so extreme. Each of them is not easy to keep more than a thousand ancient respects. But now there are only more than 500 left in each side, almost losing the average. The monks who were originally transferred from the major gates had only forty members left in each race. The loss of the city of Phoenix is ​​huge. Fortunately, both the Sovereign and the Shangyuan League are still alive.

Yanshan's soul and Kui's face are also not good-looking. At this time, the two of their men also have less than five hundred. However, there are many people on the side of Xu Ziyan. There are thousands of miles, swords are not empty, Xu Ziyun, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan are also quite a lot.

Since these ancient monks are revealed, the lord, the demon and the demon are not ready to take back. The Yanshan soul and the princes have taken these ancient monks into their own internal space, and their internal space needs to be taken care of. The lord, the demon, the demon, the Kuiyanshan soul and the Xu Ziyan stood together, and the lord thought for a moment, and then waved to take the mile and then said:

"Dear friends, I think we are now born again. Should we continue the agreement between us in ancient times?"

Xu Ziyan did not react with Wanli, they did not know what the agreement was. It is the soul of Yanshan, the demon Lord, the devil and the Kui Wen nodded.

The lord looked at Xu Ziyan and took the road: "After the war in ancient times, there were only five of our great monks. So our five holy monks agreed with each other, as long as no monks provoked us, We can't reach out to the fairy world when we are five holy. Of course, if we are attacked at the door, we can still shoot, otherwise the other four holy forces will attack the person who violated the agreement."

Xu Ziyan and Wanli heard nodding. Now they are already holy masters. It is natural to know the power of the monks. It is not a monk who can resist. It is unceremonious that a holy monk can completely destroy a large Zongmen. If the Holy Master is free to take the shot, the world will be in a mess.

Xu Ziyan and Wanli heard the words and nodded, and they were not allowed to shoot. If someone dares to provoke them, they can naturally shoot each other. However, this possibility is very high. Who dares to provoke a holy monk?

There is also a monk who attacked the ancestral home of the Holy Master, such as attacking the Taixu Zongshan Gate, Xu Ziyan can naturally shoot. However, the possibility of this happening is even more. Who dares to attack the sect of the town where the Holy Master is sitting?

Yes, today's Taixu because of the Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan and the presence of thousands of miles is no longer a large sect, but a super sect.

Seeing Xu Ziyan and nodding in Wanli, the face of the lord also showed a satisfactory color, slightly thinking about it:

"Xu Daoyou, I think the influence of the Terran should be negotiated by both sides."

"Well?" Xu Ziyan looked at the fairy with a blank look. She did not plan to compete with the lord for the influence of the human race, and she was so tired of so many things!

The fairy saw Xu Ziyan’s expression, and his heart was bitter. He has never given the power of the Terran to others. But nowadays, the tyrannical sect is unique in the South. Even if you want to control the South, can you really control it? Even if Xu Ziyan does not want to control the South, with the strength of the current imaginary, will the Southern monks not take the initiative? When it is not so good, when it is not so, the South will be handed over to Xu Ziyan. It is also possible to hold the East and the North in the hands, and the Southern monks have been weak since ancient times, and they have not given any heartache to Xu Ziyan. The most important thing is that the South is not only a human race, but also the existence of the Yaozu. There must be a battle between the Terran and the Yaozu. In the past, when the Five Saints did not shoot, once the South was attacked by the Yaozu, they had to call monks from the East and the North to help the South. Whoever allowed the Emperor to be the Terran, he could not let the Yaozu attack the Southern Terran. ignore.

However, if the South is handed over to Xu Ziyan, the Emperor does not have to pay attention to it. You Xu Ziyan is also a holy monk, a leader of the southern tribes, and the conflict between the southern tribe and the demon is naturally resolved by you. Of course, if you need the Eastern and Northern Terran to help, it is not impossible. However, it is not helpless, and you need to get a certain amount of money for the purple smoke. From this point of view, the lord handed the south to Xu Ziyan, not only did not have any loss, but it is likely to have some gains and rich harvest.

"Xu Daoyou, from now on, the Southern Terran belongs to your sphere of influence."

Xu Ziyan heard the fairy, and frowned slightly. Now that the lord has come up in front of everyone, he is not veto, because the monks who came from the south are watching this place not far away.

"Forget it! Anyway, it is not a self-owner. As for the war between the Terran and the Yaozu, the strength of the Yaozu can not look down on the wind wolf. You will re-establish the city of Xianxian, as long as you give a certain time, the South The strength may not be as good as the East and the North. The reason why the East is strong, but because there is a relatively complete inheritance, these are not lacking."

Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan also nodded. When the fairy saw Xu Ziyan agree, his face showed a smile and his eyes looked at the four holy roads:

"So, let's separate here!"

The four holy situations nod, one by one tearing apart the space and leaving. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul returned to the south with a few monks from the south. The southern monks gave a greeting to Xu Ziyan and others, and agreed to hold the Southern Monk Conference three months later, throughout the South.

Back to the Taixu sect, Yanshan soul immediately returned to his own mountain and went to the refining front. At this time, Xu Ziyan also knew what Yanshan was eager to refine the market for, and would no longer bother him. Xu Ziyan returned to Zongmen to listen to the report of Sha Qianli, and his heart was even more happy. The disciples in Zongmen had a leap with the help of a large number of Dan Yao qi brought back by Xu Ziyan.

After the completion of the Zongmen incident, Xu Ziyan will take thousands of miles, the sword is not empty, Xu Ziyun, Xu Qinyang and Xu Xingfan stayed, and the gaze first looked at Wanli Road:

"Master, what are you going to do next?"

Indulge in the mile: "I will not wait for the ceremony three months later. Anyway, I am now a holy monk. I don't need me to be a master. I am now a holy level, I am. The retreat will begin tomorrow. This city of Phoenix has a lot of sentiments and may be able to break through to the holy level."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued




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