The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2703: Go back to the sky

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Xu Ziyan heard the face and revealed the color of joy: "Thank you in advance for Master."

"Oh, huh..." It’s equally gratifying to take a ride and laugh. Xu Ziyan looked at the sword and sinned again:

"Master, you?"

The face of Jianxu reveals a trace of sorrow: "My own qualifications have made me break through to the holy level, and my cultivation has reached the peak of Tianzun's later period. It is the role of retreat and cultivation. Waiting for three. At the end of the ceremony after the month, I am ready to leave the Zongmen to see if I can meet the opportunity."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and thought a little about it. He also felt that Jianxu was right. It is not useful to refine the strength and qualifications of the sword. Now, if you go out to travel, you may be able to encounter any chance. Today, the Holy Masters are bound. Nothing is dangerous with the strength of the sword, then nodded:

"What Master said is."

Looking at Xu Ziyun: "Ziyun, can you break through to the holy level?"

Xu Ziyun’s look reveals bitterness: “The gray gas of the group has changed my physical condition, but it is not enough to make me reach the holy level. I think even if I retreat for a period of time, I will reach the half-step holy level at most.”

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy. If Xu Ziyun has the strength of a half-step holy level, then Xu Ziyun is the first master in the fairyland where the holy level is not present. She continues to be the sovereign of the Taixu, and she can completely ignore it. It is. So I said to Xu Ziyun with joy:

"That is too illusory to hand over to you, I don't care. It is just three months after the grand ceremony is also hosted by you, I will not participate."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyun nodded. “After the end of the ceremony, I will retreat and upgrade to a half step.”

Xu Ziyan nodded and looked at Xu Qin and said: "Qin Yang brother, what about you?"

Xu Qinyang thought a little bit: "I will participate in the grand ceremony after March. After all, I am not a holy class now. Such a grand ceremony still needs to demonstrate the strength of our imaginary. After the ceremony, I will retreat. Break through to the holy level one day."

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows jumped with joy: "Qin Yang brother, are you going to break through the holy level?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Although I feel that I will enter the holy level, but it will take a long time but I don't know. Now my power of the gods has reached the level of the holy level, and the body has also cultivated the space, only to communicate. The bridge of heaven and earth."

"What do I need to help me?"

“No need!” Xu Qinyang shook his head. “The **** piano has left many very old inheritances. There is a way to break through the holy level, but I need time to slowly sort out and comprehend.”

"Qin Yang brother, your body is really no problem? That blood piano..."

Xu Qinyang’s face showed a bright smile: “No problem, it was solved by the predecessors!”

"This is good!" Xu Ziyan showed a reassuring color on his face, looking at Xu Xing's words: "Xing Fan, what are your plans?"

"Aunt, I also participated in the ceremony first. After the ceremony, I also closed the door to understand the inheritance of Bingfeng and strive to break through the holy day."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan stood up happily: "Then I will hand it over to you, I am leaving!"

Xu Ziyan, who left the hall together with Wan Li and Jian Xu, then separated and broke away. Xu Ziyan flew to the peak of Xu Xiang’s cultivation.

Under an old tree, Xu Xiang held his hand and stood on his face. He is now locked in a sinister sect like a caged bird. He dare not leave the Taixu Zongshan Gate, fearing that he will be caught by the demon master, and his cultivation at this time has reached the peak of Tianzun’s later period, and the distance Breaking through the holy level is not far away. But he knew that everything was from the law of the heavens left by the Lord, and that these Heavenly Laws would allow him to ascend from cultivation to the first level. Once he reached the Holy Level, he wanted Once again, a breakthrough will become difficult.

As long as he is willing to work hard, he is not unable to continue to break through, but it is almost impossible to catch up with the cultivation of the devil and no longer be threatened by the devil.

And always stay in the illusory, lost the opportunity to travel, how can he get a breakthrough?

So Xu Xiang rushed to the lonely, and even the cultivation became careless. I lost my goal in my heart. Sometimes he really doesn't know where his meaning is.

"Small ring!" Xu Ziyan's body shape fell from the sky.

"Sister!" Xu Xiang's eyes suddenly lit up and turned to look at Xu Ziyan.

Seeing that the color of the face of Xu Xiang’s face has not yet dissipated, Xu Ziyan naturally knows the pain of Xu Xiang, so he did not go to make a sound, but said directly:

"Small ring, my sister brought you a good news!"

"Good news?" Xu Xiang’s face showed bitterness: "What good news do I have?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile: “I have already talked with the Lord, as long as you don’t want to, he will not find you any more trouble later.”

Xu Xiang stunned for a long time, suddenly suddenly screamed: "Sister, what you said is true?"

Xu Ziyan said: "When did your sister fool you?"


At this moment, Xu Xiangyu’s depression in his heart suddenly broke out, and his body and mind rose up in the sky. He flew around in the air of Taixu, and his mouth was still screaming with a sweat!

As a late monk in the late Tianzun, the whistling sounds of the monks can be described as shaking the world. In the Taixu sect, one of the monks could not help but rush out from the cave, looking into the air, and then saw a figure flying back and forth in the air. Whistling from time to time in the mouth. And that figure is flying again, and can not hold the eyes of the monks, after all, Xu Ziyan and their time together for too long.

"It’s Xu Xiang!"

"He's crazy?"

"Is it a fire?"

"It’s not like how people who have gone into flames are flying around, and they have been killing people everywhere."

"Yeah, listening to his howling is full of joy!"



Xu Xiang made the last shout, and the sky was broken. He only felt refreshed and slammed into the face of Xu Ziyan.

"Sister, what is going on?"

Xu Ziyan said the story again. After Xu Xiang finished listening, he jumped around Xu Ziyan for a few laps, then flew in the direction of Shanmen with a bang, and his voice came from the air:

"Sister, I went out to travel!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the direction in which Xu Xiang disappeared, smiled and shook his head, then lowered his head and said to the ground:

"Green, come out!"

The space was rippling, and the green child appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. Looking at the eyes of Xu Ziyan, there was a surprise color:

"Ziyan, is your cultivation improved?"

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded. “I also brought back something that will make you upgrade.”

"My? Really?"

There was a surprise in the eyes of Green Children. She knew that Xu Ziyan could see the treasures of the eyes and the level would not be low. Xu Ziyan took out the heart of the tree and smiled and handed it to the green child. Greener was shocked and stunned, and then he was excited and shivering.

"Ziyan, this... is it really for me?"

"Thank you!"

Green child said excitedly, then Zhang mouth sucked, the heart of the tree was sucked into her mouth, Xu Ziyan condensed and asked:

"Green, how long does it take for you to refine it?"

"Very, I was a madman, and the heart of the refining and phasing tree could not be used for a month."

"Great, I will give it to you in the future."

"No problem, I am going to refine the heart of the tree."

When the words fall, the shape of the green child fades in front of Xu Ziyan and disappears. Xu Ziyan stood in the same place and thought about it. Now all the sacred doors are handed over to Xu Ziyun. The Yanshan soul is busy refining the market. It seems that she has nothing to do, and she shouts into the space:

"Green children, refining the heart of the tree and telling me."

In the sea, there was a light response from the green child. Xu Ziyan slowly walked along the mountain road toward Taixufeng and experienced the city of Phoenix. Now her cultivation has recovered, but her mentality is still somewhat fatigued. Therefore, she did not fly back to Taixufeng, but slowly walked in the pines and cypresses, relaxing her body and mind.

When she returned to Taixufeng, it was already seven days later, and the fatigue in her heart had disappeared. Xu Ziyun was found, and then the body of Dan Yi, the first class of six people were all released from the body space, let Xu Ziyun rebuild Wang Xiancheng, and also let Dan Yi go to Taixu Zong Sitang to teach.

After all this was arranged, Xu Ziyan returned to his cultivation room and sat on the jade bed for a while, then called out the small wood and entered the body of Xiaomumu. Xiaomumu slammed into the space and disappeared.

The vast continent.

The figure of Xiaomumu appeared, and then Zhang mouth spit, Xu Ziyan turned into a streamer, waved the small wood to collect it, and discerned the direction, the figure disappeared in an instant.

next moment.

She has appeared on the top of the Lotus Peak, and the knowledge spreads out, and then she frowns slightly. She found that there is no one she can know on the Lotus Peak today.

In fact, the whole Xu family did not know much of the people, that is, they knew the monks who were originally cultivated as higher monks. The rest of the monks did not know each other. They gently fell on the peak of the Lotus Peak and walked toward the practice room. go with. In her exploration of the gods, there is a middle-aged monk who is retreating and practicing, and the person who can cultivate here must be the patriarch of the family at this time. Only she does not recognize this person.

Although her figure walks on the lotus peak, no one can see her, standing in front of the cultivation room, her body is illusory, and then she appears in the cultivation room, looking at the front The middle-aged man who cultivated, seeing him at this time is already the cultivation of the peak of the Mahayana.

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