The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2713: background

I am very grateful to the students of the songs (999, lucky star 68488 classmates (999, Yun Tanfeng 6 students (588, Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (400, literati Sis students (100, mableip classmates (199, said no Miss Miss classmates (99, Bookmate 141209195141510 classmates (99, * burning smoke * classmates (99's reward!

"No wonder these six people will get together and they will be married to life and death. It would be strange if such a person of temperament is not married to a confidant."

The man who made the gun was a very awkward person when Xu Ziyan first saw him and the beast killed. But once he stopped killing, he gave a gentle temperament and formed a strong contrast. The four seas smiled bitterly:

"Four seas, you are so full of us!"

For the first time, he knew that the other party was called the Four Seas, but the sound of the "Four Seas" was unusually smooth, as if he had always known that the other party was called the Four Seas, and he had been called for many years.

Upon hearing such a name, the heart of the four seas immediately opened up, and his face showed a bold smile, and he said to the other side:

"Thank you!"

The man who made the gun waved: "You don't want to thank me first, and your mood may not be so good for a while."

“Well?” I went to see the look of the four seas, and then the two eyes showed a deep and deep look.

Having said that, his eyes swept through the other four humanities: "I am afraid that all six of us have secrets. Today, the four seas have been saved by the purple smoke, and they dare not fill the true identity of the benefactor. I am the same, and for a while. I will tell my real name and background. But after we have a name, we may end our time of dying together, and we will formally know it before we separate."

His voice paused and his eyes fell on the Danxiang body: "If I didn't guess wrong, Danxiang's real name should be called Ding Dingxiang, the daughter of the Star Alliance Continental Masters."

Miao Dingxiang raised his hand and licked his ear and smiled. "Yes, when I took out the green grade eight medicinal herbs, I knew you were not. And I also look forward to treating you with sincerity."

"it is good!"

The woman who made the gun man’s gaze fell on the woman who threw out the space symbol: “You should be the daughter of the squad leader, called the flower language.”

Fuhua language also smiled and said: "When I make up the space, I know you are not. You are good, I am a flower language."

The gaze fell on the man who made the hammer: "If I didn't guess wrong, you should be the son of the Master of the Union of the Masters. Don't be a weapon."

Tang did not nod and smiled, but did not speak. In the end, he set his gaze on the man who made the big sword. The man had a pair of ice and ice faces, and the whole person gave a cold feeling.

"I can't guess your identity!"

The ice cube twitched at the corner of the mouth, it seemed to be laughing, but the smile was not flattering.

"My name is cold!"

"Cold cold!" Everyone frowned slightly, and it was obvious that they had never heard of the name.

Cold and cold took a deep breath and said something difficult: "My father is called a cold star."


The five people were shocked. The cold starlight was the head of the first adventure group starlight adventure group in the Tiangong. It suddenly fell down a hundred years ago. Now the head of the Starlight Adventure Group is the cold starlight worshipping brother Wu Siyue. But after the five people were shocked, they temporarily put the matter down, but looked at the man who made the gun. The man looked at the four seas:

"My name is Zhou Peng!"

The face of the four seas is a change: "You are the second son of the Holy Land of the Holy Land?"

"Yes!" Zhou Peng looked at the opposite side of the sea with a smile.

Everywhere around, I was quiet, and the look on the faces of the four seas kept changing. The hostile people of the Starlight Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace know that they do not know that Zhou Peng and You Sihai, who have experienced three years of life and death together, now know each other’s true identity. What will be the end? There is a full time, and the sea is screaming and laughing:

"Ha ha ha..."

Zhou Peng’s smile was also magnified, and then he laughed. Tang did not, cold, Fuhua language and curtain Dingxiang, although the four people did not laugh like the two of them, but the scorpion is also full of joy.

"Zhou Peng!" The laughter was gone, and the look of the four seas became serious. He said seriously: "It is the fortunes of the four generations to be able to know each other with Zhou Xiong!"

Zhou Peng extended his big hand: "It is also the luck of Zhou Peng's three lives!"

"Chou brother, I will not keep my hand on the battlefield!"

Zhou Peng laughed and said: "Zhou will not stay."

The two men looked at each other and laughed again. Tang does not have a cold, cold, Fuhua language and curtain Dingxiang four people's eyes reveal a sad color.

"Cough..." Xu Ziyan coughed twice and attracted everyone's eyes: "I just knew your name, but I don't understand their background. It seems that you all have a great background. Could you tell me?"

Xu Ziyan heard the introduction of these people and was overjoyed. She is very strange to the mainland of Starlight and does not know how to understand. I heard that the six people in front of me are all people with backgrounds, and naturally they will not miss this opportunity.

"I went hunting and only the monsters came back, we talked while eating!"

The four squares flew toward the forest, and the rest began to pick up some wood and gave birth to a campfire waiting for the sea. The bonfire was just ignited, and a beast was coming back from the sea. After some cleaning, it was placed on top of the campfire. Xu Ziyan took out the fairy brew and won the unanimous appreciation of six people.

You have a sip of the scent of the sea, and you can enjoy it with your face, and then you say to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, don't you know about Starlight?"

“I don’t understand!” Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head. “I have been practicing with the Master in the mountains since I was a child. This is the first time I have traveled. Master did not tell me anything. He told me that this is also part of the tour.”

You have been swimming for a while and said: "Respect the teacher!"

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "Four seas, you still introduce me!"

"Good!" The four seas were originally a heroic person: "The Starlight continent has two of the greatest forces, one in the south, called the Starlight Holy Land, and one in the North, called the Heavenly Palace. There is a continuous stream of the Sundial between the two places. The Starlight Holy Land is well-versed, and the Tiangong is proficient in the Tao. The two sides often have wars, and they all want to unify the starlight continent, which is a natural contradiction.

I am the second son of the Dragon Palace of the Tiangong Palace! "When I talked about it, I went to see the darkness of the four seas: "My cultivation is higher than my older brother, so many people in the Tiangong proposed to make me a lesser lord." So I sneaked out. My older brother, he... I was very good to me since I was a child. I can see the pressure on him when he faced me. ”

"You are escaping!" Zhou Peng said faintly.

I went to the sea and smiled bitterly: "I know."

"Can you escape for a lifetime?" Zhou Peng stared at the sea.

"Can!" The four seas said with a slap in the face: "I can not go back for a lifetime, just in this day, the adventure group will be mixed."

"This will delay your cultivation!" Zhou Peng said: "If you stay in the Heavenly Palace, there will be countless resources for you to cultivate, but you are in the adventure group, the situation does not need me to say that you also know. I am afraid that now your brother's repair It’s already over you, and it’s getting more and more behind you.”

"I know, but I am willing!"

"Oh... your big brother is really happy!"

Zhou Peng waved his hand: "Four seas, don't mind if I say this, I am telling the truth, your older brother is much more happy than my older brother."

Everyone looked at Zhou Peng with great interest. Zhou Peng looked at Xu Ziyan: "I am the second son of the Holy Land of the Starlight Holy Land. My cultivation is not as good as my big brother, but even so, my older brother spared no effort to hit me, huh, huh..."

Zhou Peng’s eyes are full of complex colors, painful and ridiculous: "But I thought that as long as I don’t compete with my older brother for less, I will be the big brother. Our two brothers will once again be brothers and sisters as a child. Brother Christine. Things seem to be the same as I thought. After I stated that I didn’t have the idea of ​​vying for the Lord’s Lord, and after I became suspicious in my actions, my older brother did a lot better for me. Four years ago, my father retired, I was The Holy Land stayed and talked, and left the Holy Land to travel. But I did not expect that when I left the Holy Land, I ushered in the pursuit of my eldest brother.

Big Brother never gave up killing my heart, but he did not dare in the Holy Land, but he had to hide his killing intentions and improve his attitude towards me, so that I lost my heart to my older brother. As soon as I left the Holy Land, I started to pursue it. So, I fled all the way here. ”

"They haven't looked for you again in the past few years?" There was a hint of concern on the faces of the four seas.

Zhou Peng said bitterly: "It should always be looking for it. But here is the Temple of Heaven is not a holy place, so they only look for it slowly, and I hide it, so they should have not found me. I stayed in the Godsend Adventure Group." Years have been long enough. I will leave after this time out of the forest."

"Are you ready to escape this life?"

Zhou Peng’s look is bitterly bitter: “What is the way I have? In the beginning, in order to show that I and my brother did not compete for the idea of ​​the Lord’s Lord, I have not cultivated any power at all, even if I want to return to the Holy Land now. I am afraid that when I appear on the way back to the Holy Land, I will be killed by the big brother. Well, not to mention my business, it is your turn to say."

The remaining four people looked at each other, and Ding Dingxiang smiled and said: "I will say first, in addition to the two forces of the Heavenly Palace and the Holy Land, there are some forces that are free from them. These forces do not participate in the Holy Land. The battle between the Tiangong and the Tiangong, such as our Danshi League.

Our Danshi League has branches in various areas of the Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace. We only practice alchemy and do not participate in various battles. The Danshi League will evaluate the world's masters. Once a Dan teacher has passed the assessment of the Danshi League and joins the Danshi League, he will receive the corresponding benefits. Of course, some Dan teachers do not come to our Danshi League assessment, nor will they join our Danshi League, but choose to join the Holy Land or the Temple of Heaven. And even if Dan Shi came to our Danshi League for assessment and joined the Danshi League, our Danshi League did not object to joining the Holy Land and the Tiangong, or organizations. ”

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