The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2714: Unspeakable experience

Xu Ziyan understands that the Danshi Alliance is a relatively independent and relatively loose alliance. Of course, Xu Ziyan also understands that there is a fundamental difference between joining the Danshi League and the alchemy division who does not join the Danshi League. For example, there are two alchemists in Tiangong, one is not joined the Danshi League, and the other is a member of the Danshi League. The position of the two alchemists in Tiangong must be different. In essence, the monk who did not join the Dan Division is a member of the Temple of Heaven. The other alchemist and the Temple of Heaven are either an employment relationship or a status as a guest. The Temple of Heaven cannot restrain this alchemy teacher.

“How does the Danshi League distinguish the level of Dan Shi?” Xu Ziyan cares more about this issue, and needs to figure out what level his current alchemy realm will be here.

"There are seven grades, which are red orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Each level is divided into nine small grades. Red is refining Vandan, orange grade refining, and yellow refining is a pandan. The green refining is the elixir, the blue, the blue and the purple..."

Speaking of this, Miao Dingxiang is somewhat embarrassed: "These three levels are only theoretical levels. So far, no one of our alchemists has broken through this level, so these three levels can be refined. What kind of remedy is still a blank."

"Actually..." Curtain Dingxiang paused again: "The next three levels are set by us according to the ranks of the division of the division and the league of costumes."

The look of Xu Ziyan could not be ignored. She thought that the level of alchemy in the mainland of the starlight would be very low, but she did not expect it to be so low.

"Then...What is the realm of the highest alchemy teacher on the mainland of the Stars?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

"It's my father! My father is the ally of the Danshi League. He is the late-level alchemy master of the green eight-product..."

Having said that, the curtain is fascinating, and then the eyes are brightly looking at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, the most powerful alchemy teacher is not my father."

"Who is it?" Xu Ziyan also came to interest.

"It's you! Didn't you refine the green-grade nine-product late-stage remedy? You must be a green-grade nine-pronged master, right?"

The side of Zhou Peng and the eyes of the four seas are also bright, but they heard the curtain Dingxiang said: "Ziyan, are you joining our Danshi League? My father will be very happy and let you be the vice-president."

"Cough cough..." Four seas coughed two channels: "Ziyan, come to our Tiangong, come to our Tiangong, we will meet all your alchemy needs, what alchemy resources you need, we will give."

"Cut!" Curtain Dingxiang said: "We don't dare to compare with your heavenly palace. If there are more resources than alchemy than you, there will be no less than you."

Zhou Peng opened his mouth and thought about his current situation. He finally sighed and closed his mouth.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This thing will be said later."

"Alright!" Both the curtain Dingxiang and the four people in the tour know that Xu Ziyan needs to consider and nod. Tour the four seas to see the curtain Ding Xiang Road:

"Dingxiang, why don't you stay in the Danshi League and run out?"

The curtains of Ding Dingxiang flashed a firm radiance: "I want to get rid of the world, taste the grass, and study Dandao, breaking through the realm of alchemy that has never existed on the mainland."

"I am motivated!" All the people raised their thumbs together.

Curtain Dingxiang took the hand of Xu Ziyan and said: "Ziyan, can I worship you as a teacher?"

Xu Ziyan is a shout: "Worm me as a teacher?"

"Yeah, your alchemy is so high, I am now a green four. Do you teach me alchemy?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "You don't have to worship me as a teacher. We will exchange often in the future. Rest assured, as long as you are willing to learn, I will definitely teach."

"Thank you for the purple smoke!" Curtain Dingxiang happily held Xu Ziyan's arm tightly in his arms.

Fuhua language also hugged Xu Ziyan's other arm in the first two steps: "Ziyan, do you teach me how to make a good character?"

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan looked at the flower language inexplicably, and in the heart, seeing the space symbol that you threw out, the level of the character of the Fu Shi Alliance should not be low!

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself first." Fuhua said a little embarrassedly: "The nature of our Union of Stars in the Starlight continent is similar to that of the Danshi League. I will not say more. My father is the Union of Fushi. The lord. The syllabus has a long history in the mainland of the starlight, and it has a very high level. It is divided into seven grades, which are also red orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The red level is the magical division, the orange level is the charm teacher, and the yellow level is the treasure teacher. The green level is the immortal teacher, the green level is the congenital fairy teacher, the blue level is the best congenital fairy teacher, the purple level is the super product congenital fairy symbol. Each level is divided into nine categorical grades. My father is a blue The grader. Now I am the eight-character teacher. I just saw that the symbol of your refining should be the green-level peak, and see your smooth standard, not only the green level, you teach me the good character. ?"

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed. She just wanted to learn the skills of the world, and she nodded with a smile:

"We communicate with each other, purple smoke will not hide privately. However, there are some problems with the purple smoke when it comes to asking flowers."

"Flower language will certainly not hide private!" Fuhuayu laughed happily.

"Flower language, talk about why you ran out?" asked the curtain of the other arm of Xu Ziyan, asked his head.

“Hey!” Fuhuayu glanced at Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng touched his nose and asked, "What are you doing with me?"

"Not your big brother!"

"My big brother?"

"Three years ago, your older brother asked your mother to ask me to kiss me, let me marry him, so I ran away."

Zhou Peng’s look was cold, and he understood in his heart that if Big Brother really married the Huahua language, he would win the support of the Fu Shi Alliance.

"Big brother is really a good means!"

"I will talk about it!" Tang did not break the situation of the squatting ground: "My lord of the ally of the division of the division, the nature of the division of the division is the same as that of the division of the division, the division is also divided into red, yellow, green, blue and purple. Seven grades, the red level is the instrumentalist, the orange level is the spiritual master, the yellow level is the treasurer, the green level is the fairy teacher, the blue level is the congenital fairy teacher, the blue level is the best congenital fairy teacher, purple The level is a supernatural congenital teacher. My father is a blue level teacher. I am a green eight-level instrument."

Speaking of this, Tang does not look like a condensate: "Ziyan, I just saw your alchemy furnace, but you refine it yourself, are you a teacher?"

Everyone smells a word, and Xu Ziyan's cultivation is higher than them. At the same time, he is still a Dan teacher and a teacher. This is also a good thing. Is she still a teacher?

Xu Ziyan also understands the refiner. After all, she has a complete refining heritage, and she also has a refining device. However, she is also a nine-product late peak congenital teacher, equivalent to the late peak of the Qing-class nine products here, and it is impossible to refine a congenital fairy treasure. Wen Yan gently shook his head:

"No, I only know a little about the refiner, the level is very bad. The alchemy furnace is not my refining."

"Oh!" Tang did not show a trace of regret on his face.

"What is the secret of talking about this guy?" asked the four seas interested.

"I have no secrets. I always keep me in the refining room and let me refine the machine. I am annoyed and ran out."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh, and then they looked at the cold, and the cold lips twitched, and there was a trace of pain in their eyes. But closed his mouth again.

Zhou Peng gently sighed a voice: "Cold cold, we lived together for three years, experienced life and death. I have always felt a sense of guilt about hiding your life, I always want to tell you my life, but again I was afraid that when I was able to tell my life, I would be separated from the crowd. I... some reluctantly. Everyone said their own life today, and they can’t say that they are separated. If you really don’t want to say it, then forget it. Do not be embarrassed."

"Your father's death..." The four squares looked at the cold and cold.

"My father was killed by Wu Siyue." Cold and cold finally said: "You all know that Wu Siyue has a flame sword in his hand now!"

"Yes!" Tang did not nod and said: "That is a blue-level three-character fire attribute sword, my father is a blue-level four-quality instrument. That sword can be said to be the top sword on the starry continent."

"The sword was found in a relic. It was originally discovered by my father and Wu Siyue with some men. Then... Wu Siyue killed my father, my father did not think of his good. The Brotherhood suddenly assassinated him. Under the serious injury, it was not Wu Siyue’s opponent. Wu Siyue killed all the people in the ruins and returned to the Starlight Adventure Group. After he came back, he told everyone that they were exploring a relic. When the father died, all the people died, only he escaped. No one doubts him because he and my father are brothers."

Speaking of this, the cold eyes flashed full of hatred: "He was very good to me after he came back. I didn't have any doubts about him. Later I went out to perform an adventure mission, and suddenly a masked man appeared, right. Our squad launched a massacre. No one knows that my father once gave me a lifeguard jade card, which contains my father's strongest three-style attack. When life is in danger, it will automatically be issued.

These three attacks will injure Wu Siyue, who is under-prepared, and his true identity in order to cope with my father's three attacks. Because I am too familiar with his moves, as long as he makes his strongest moves, I naturally recognize them at a glance. I fled when I was seriously injured. Then I went to the ruins. When my father went to where to perform the task, I still remember that since it was accidentally encountered, it should be around the mission area. ”

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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