The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2715: Purple smoke proposal

I am very grateful to the drunken classmates (999), lucky star 68488 classmates (588), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (2oo), mab1eip classmates (99), lucky star 68488 classmates (99) for the reward!

"It took me two years to finally find the ruins, and I saw a glimpse of my father there. It was a sneak peek of my father before my father was dying. I was hiding there. It didn't take long for the person to know that there was no deposit, but my father found a place of inheritance there and hid in the inheritance jade ball.

My father told me the reason for the matter, and after passing it on to me, he forced him to improve my cultivation with his sacred knowledge..."

Having said that, such a cold man will cry and cry. Everyone knows his words, his father is truly degraded, and even the last glimpse of the gods has dissipated.

"Then, I learned the inheritance in the ruins, and I was cold. I left the relics two years later. At that time, my ice shovel was slightly small, and my temperament changed greatly. It’s hard to recognize someone again."

Speaking of this, cold and cold slowly took off the silver mask on his face, revealing a cold face.

For a while, the space was quiet, and everyone did not know how to comfort the cold. The cold face showed bitterness, and the mask was slowly put on.

Xu Ziyan thought quickly and looked at the appearance of the six people in front of him. When he walked out of this forest, he would part ways. Due to the exposure of Zhou Peng, it is impossible for him to wander in front of the eyes of the four seas. The reason why Zhou Peng’s departure is because he travels all over the world, and all the four seas are also embarrassed to stay. It is bound to leave. In order to avoid implicating friends, I am afraid that I will leave, and Fuhua language will leave because of the secret of the escape marriage. Six people have left four, and Tang and the Dingxiang will feel that they have not stayed in the Tianci Adventure Group. What do you mean to leave.

This is not the result that Xu Ziyan wants. She wants to learn the method of making lacquer symbols from Fuhua language. She wants to know about the world's alchemy and refining equipment from Mu Dingxiang and Tang Buji. What is different. I want to know from the other three people how the cultivation method here is different from that of Shangyuan 6. It is best to learn a method of cultivation. So she doesn't want to separate these few people. It's best to form a small group with them and travel around the star.

The time of this time is different. It is very attractive to her. So, she thought a little, then she had a plan, condensed:

"Zhou Peng. Four Seas!"

Zhou Peng and You Sihai looked at Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan looked seriously at the Four Seas:

"Four Seas. If Zhou Peng only represents himself, not the Starlight Holy Land, can you really get along with him?"

"Of course!" The four seas answered with conviction: "He is the brother I can entrust to the back. When we are really hostile in the future, I will defeat him in a bright and honest manner."

"Cut!" Zhou Peng’s eyes showed a scornful look: "You said it is against it. It should be that I am defeating you with great brightness."

"Let's practice now?" The beard on the face of the four seas shook.

"Afraid you are not?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and waved his hand to stop two people, and looked at Zhou Pengdao: "If you travel around the world, it only represents himself, not the identity of the second son of Tiangong. Can you really meet?"

"Of course!" Zhou Peng's look also became serious: "The old boy has a word that is not wrong, and my back can be handed over to him with confidence."

Zhou Peng and Wu Sihai looked at each other. Everything in the eyes reveals the color of cherishing.

Xu Ziyan looked at Tang, and Fuhua and Dingxiang three humanities: "Ziyan wants to communicate with the three people, the system and the experience of alchemy, and hope that the three will not give up."

Fuhua language and curtain Dingxiang have not answered yet. Tang’s eyes are bright and excited:

"Ziyan, are you really a teacher?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I said before, I only know a little about the refiner, the realm is about the same as you, maybe a little higher than you. So we can only communicate with each other, I can teach you not. many."

Tang’s heart is excited, and he is very happy to be able to meet a teacher who is similar to his own realm. In the past three years, he has never encountered a teacher who is similar to his own level. He naturally nods and agrees with Xu Ziyan. Experience together.

The Huahua language and the curtain Dingxiang are even more happy. The two of them have heard a different meaning from the words of Xu Ziyan. She only knows a little about the refiner. It is similar to the realm of Tang, and Xu Ziyan does not say that he knows a little about the technique and alchemy. It proves that Xu Ziyan’s technique and alchemy are very high, at least two of them are higher. many. So the two of them did not hesitate to nod.

Xu Ziyan happily turned his gaze to the cold: "Cold cold, can't you just hide for a lifetime?"

"Of course not!" Cold and cold said: "I will work hard to cultivate, and then kill Wu Siyue."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Cold cold, don't you want to take back the starlight adventure group left by your father? That is the foundation of your father."

There was a bit of pain in the cold eyes: "Think, but..."

Cold cold closed his mouth, but everyone understood what he meant. Starlight Adventures is the top adventure group of Starlight 6 and is ranked first in the Tiangong area. How easy is it to recapture the Starlight Adventure Group?

Xu Ziyan glanced at the six humanities in front of him: "I have a proposal."

"What proposal?"

Six people looked at Xu Ziyan.

"We have set up an adventure group for seven people, and then we will make this adventure group bigger, and we will take back the Starlight Adventure Group and fight Wu Siyue."

Cold eyes stunned and then went cold. But the other five people are shining. These people were originally people with status and status, and they have long cultivated a temper who is not afraid of fear, and has a strong risk factor hidden in his heart. And being able to make a career without relying on family is very attractive to them. At the same time, these six people were reluctant to separate, so when Xu Ziyan made this suggestion, their heart immediately moved.

Xu Ziyan's gaze has been looking cold and cold, and when he sees the cold cold eyes cold, there is a urgency in his heart. However, she still looked at the coldness and calmly looked at the cold.

At this time, everyone’s eyes also looked cold and cold, and the cold and cold felt the eager eyes of everyone, and there was a bitter smile in the eyes:

"No need!"

"What do you mean?" The four seas angered: "Do you think this will drag us down, and maybe it will let us die?"

Cold and cold hangs down, no doubt acknowledging the saying of swimming around the sea. Zhou Peng said faintly:

"Cold and cold, brothers don't talk nonsense, let go of your thoughts. Otherwise we don't mind yelling at you and playing you to agree to our help. And I tell you, if I have any difficulties in the future, I need your help. I will not hesitate to ask for your help."

"That's right!" Swim around the shoulders of Zhou Peng: "We will help the cold and take the Starlight Adventure Group back, then take the Starlight Adventure Group to kill the Starlight Holy Land, kill your big brother, let you be Less Holy Lord."

Zhou Peng turned a blank eye: "You still think about yourself, don't be caught by your father when you go back, maybe you have to go with me to the Starlight Holy Land."

Watching two people bickering there, Fuhua language and curtain Dingxiang grin. Tang does not look at the Xu Zi flue:

"Ziyan, why are you doing this?"

Everyone's eyes are on Xu Ziyan. In fact, everyone has this problem in their hearts, but Xu Ziyan is their savior. Everyone is embarrassed to ask. The origin of Xu Ziyan is undoubtedly mysterious, and they also want to know more.

Xu Ziyan sank and said: "Is there an ice field in the forest? Do you know?"

"Know!" The eyes of the six people are all bright.

"I have lived there since I was young and never left there. This is my first time to come out and experience, I am not familiar with everything outside. The purpose of my doing this is very simple, I hope to travel with you. Of course, if You don't want to, I won't ask for it. We can stop here." Xu Ziyan said faintly, although she wants to get to know the world with these people, she has her pride.

"That was not what I meant."

Tang’s face was red. Others are also a little embarrassed. In any case, Xu Ziyan saved their lives, but they still have some doubts in their hearts. They suspect that Xu Ziyan really came from the ice field and never heard of a monk living in the ice field. Is the ice sheet so good? It is almost an unavoidable natural danger. If you want to cross the ice sheet, it is not a holy monk, but also has a special treasure body. There aren't many people in the entire Starlight 6 who have been to the ice field. It is said that there is a holy monster in there, where is the place where people can live?

With the experience of Xu Ziyan, I naturally felt the suspicion of six people. I thought about it a little. I took out ten pieces of ice that I got in the icefield and handed it to the cold road:

"Cold cold, I see you practicing the cold attribute exercises, this should be good for your cultivation, just give it to you, I hope you can revenge as soon as possible."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and waved to the six people: "Fell!"

"Slow!" The four seas jumped up from the ground and prayed to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, I am waiting for the abruptness, please forgive me."

"Hmm?" Xu Ziyan looked at the sea in inexplicably. In fact, she knows very well that this stone should be a specialty of the ice sheet. If they take out the stone, they will believe that they are from the ice sheet. Sure enough, the tour said calmly:

"We just wondered if you came from the ice field. Now we know it is wrong."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)


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