The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2716: Star Adventures

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is still full of wonder: “Why?”

"Ziyan, please sit down, let's talk slowly!" The four seas politely asked.

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly, and sat on the ground, his eyes swept to the crowd, and saw six people looking at their own eyes at this time without any doubt, and the heart could not help but loose.

"This kind of stone is called a hailstone. It is only found in the ice field. My father used to go to the icefield expedition. He once got seven. My father naturally wants to get more hailstones. Stone is not only invaluable for the monks who cultivate ice properties, but also invaluable for the refining room.

Later, my father searched for a clue, and found a valley. There is a holy ice dragon in the valley. These hailstones are produced by the holy ice dragon. My father fled immediately after seeing the ice dragon, but he almost lost his life.

In my father's words, there is a step-by-step crisis in the ice field. Not only is the environment bad, but the high-order monsters are everywhere, and life is at risk. After my father escaped from the ice sheet, he never went there again. But I have seen the seven hailstones. And the hailstone that you brought out almost... Well, the quality of your hailstone seems to be higher than the hailstone that my father got. ”

Listening to the lectures of the four seas, Xu Ziyan could not help but secretly nod. She strongly agreed with the father of the four seas, where there is indeed a step-by-step crisis. If it is not the intensity of his own consciousness that reaches the early stage of the holy level, he can detect the position of the monsters there in advance and avoid it early, with his current strength. Maybe it will fall into the inside.

The hailstone of the father of the four seas is derived from a valley inhabited by ice dragons. The purple ice stone of Xu Ziyan is derived from a valley with ice flames. Xu Ziyan is not strange. She did not search for treasures in the ice field. It almost directly avoided the various monsters and walked out of the ice sheet, so she did not encounter the ice dragon. However, she also knows that the father of the four seas is a holy monk, and he whispered:

"What is the repair of the four seas?"

"My father is the peak of the purple grade eight products!" said the four seas proudly.

The heart of Xu Ziyan is a vibration, and the peak of the purple grade eight products is equivalent to the peak of the eight grades of the Shangyuanda 6 on the other side. This has already passed the repair of Yanshan soul.

"But..." The four seas said again: "When my father entered the ice field, the repair was a purple six."

For the father who traveled around the world, he had been to the ice sheet almost all of the stars. Such things will naturally be promoted. So when other people saw the hailstone, they also believed Xu Ziyan's words. So these people were all excited and asked about the things on the icefield. Xu Ziyan also said the place he passed through in detail, so that these people are even more convinced that Xu Ziyan.

However, Xu Ziyan also realized that the monks of Starlight 6 were curious about the ice field. If they were allowed to spread this matter, they might cause trouble for her. So seriously said:

"Please also give this purple smoke a secret!"

Six people immediately responded and nodded together: "Ziyan. You can rest assured that this is only known to us, and even our relatives will not say it."

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan said sincerely.

Cold and cold stood up from the ground, and prayed deeply toward Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan. These hailstones are too expensive, but I have to accept it for revenge. Later, I will be sent, cold and cold will not deny. ”

Xu Ziyan has not opened yet. Traveling around the world, he said: "Cold cold, you now have a chance to reciprocate the purple smoke. We set up an adventure group, do you disagree? Don't say those useless, just now Zhou Peng has said, if you Dare to disagree, we will agree with you."

The cold cold eyes swept over the six people in front of me, and the cold eyes gushed out, and nodded heavily:

"I agree!"

"This is not going to end!" Swim the four seas and shoot: "Come, cheer for our adventure group!"

Everyone was excited. Not to mention that these two ancestors had revenge for the cold, they said that they would set up their own adventure group. It would be enough to make them excited without relying on the family. One by one shouted and raised the wine gourd, which is the two women of Fuhua language and curtain Dingxiang.

"Right, what is the name of our adventure group?" Fuhua said excitedly: "Is it good to call Huamanlou Adventures?"

“Not good!” The four men shook their heads together and traveled around the world to say, “It’s too feminine.”

"What's wrong with the girl?" Fuhuayu traveled around the world.

The four seas laughed and said: "We don't agree with the four, and the minority obeys the majority."

Xu Ziyan naturally does not mind what name to take, so she does not speak, just smiled and looked at the six people in front of the argument, and finally Zhou Pengdao:

"Our purpose is to revenge for cold and cold, then take a name similar to the Starlight Adventure Group. How about the Star Adventures?"

"Good!" Everyone listened and listened. On the side of the screen, Ding Dingxiang glanced brightly: "Who is the head of the team?"

"Of course it is cold. Not who can he still be?"

"This is not good!" Cold and cold quickly refused: "The four seas and Zhou Pengxiu are the highest here, or one of the two of you is the head of the team!"

The four seas turned over and said: "We seem to be the highest in purple smoke?"

Xu Ziyan quickly waved: "I can't be the head of the team. I don't know when my master will let me return to the ice field."

"I don't want to be!" Fuhua also shook his head: "I will eventually return to the Union of Fuss."

"Me too, it is going to return to the Danshi League sooner or later." Curtain Dingxiang also shook his head.

Tang did not know what to do with his hand: "After waiting for the cold, I will return to the division of the division."

You didn't talk to Sihai and Zhou Peng. They just shrugged their shoulders toward the cold. The meaning is very clear. They will return to the Heavenly Palace and the Starlight Holy Land in the future. Cold and bitter smile:

"Well, I will be the head of the team!"

"See the head!" Xu Ziyan, six people, bowed their hands to the cold, with a smile in their eyes. Cold and bitter smile:

"You don't tease me!"

"Head leader..."

"Don't!" Cold and cold quickly waved: "You still call me cold!"

Ding Dingxiang did not insist, and continued: "Cold cold, although you became the head of the team, but can not let us all be small soldiers? How can we give each of us a position?"

Cold and cold, he waved: "What position do you want to pick yourself?"

"I am a Dantang master! In the future, I will be responsible for the alchemy of the team members." Curtain Dingxiang said.

"Then I will be the master of the church, and I will be responsible for the team members in the future."

"I am the master of the house, and I will be responsible for the refining of the team members in the future."

"I am the master of the battle, responsible for the battle!" said the four seas excitedly.

"I am the lord of the war! The person responsible for the battle should be me." Zhou Peng said calmly.

"Fart, I am the highest, and the lord is mine."

"Good smell!" Zhou Peng raised his hand and fanned in front of his nose: "You repaired to the highest? We compare?"

"Than it is better than!"

"You two don't fight!" Curtain Dingxiang said: "You two are better to set up two battle halls, the first battle hall and the second battle hall!"

"Then I want to be the first warlord!" Zhou Peng rushed.

"Fart, I am the first warlord, you are the second child!"

"Good smell!"

Xu Ziyan heard and said: "It is better to do this. When the Four Seas first proposed to the battle hall, he would be the owner of the war, and Zhou Peng would be the master of the temple."

"Yangtang?" Zhou Peng's eyes are bright: "I like this name."

"Ziyan!" Fuhua language looked at Xu Ziyan: "What is your head?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "You are all the owners, you must have a small soldier, I will be a small soldier."

"This can't be done!" said six people in unison. Cold and cold thought a little bit: "Ziyan, you come to be the deputy head!"

"Well, Ziyan will come as deputy head!" Everyone applauded.

Xu Ziyan did not deny it. For her, the deputy head is just a name, and she also knows that those church owners are just a name for people like Sihai. Everyone just thinks that it is fun to do this. After the revenge for the cold, these people will leave the adventure group. Give a complete and powerful adventure group to the cold.

"And we can't reveal our identity, or the previous pseudonym." Zhou Peng said: "I am also called Zhou Fei. Whenever I ask you to call me Zhou Fei."

"Ziyan, I will introduce you again!" Touring the four seas: "My name is Tour IV, Tang is not called Tang Qi. Cold cold is called cold hatred, the curtain Dingxiang is called Danxiang, and the flower language is called flower attack. Purple smoke, do you want to take a pseudonym?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head: "No one knows me, I am called Xu Ziyan."

"Good! We have a rest for a night and start to leave the forest tomorrow."

“How long do we need to get out of the forest?” Xu Ziyan asked softly.

Touring the four seas: "It takes at least two months. There is a small town outside the forest called Wuzhen. There is an adventurer alliance, where we can register our adventure group."


There are three people living in a four-party courtyard. These three are blue-level warriors, one is the blue-level late peak, and the other two are the blue-level late. At this time, three people were sitting around the table, and their faces were a bit gloomy.

"Big Brother, after three years of secret investigations, we finally found out that the second son was invisible in the Tianci adventure group. Now he has entered the forest, this forest is so big, it is not easy to find! We must be ordered by the big son. Kill him, and here is the territory of the Temple of Heaven, it is not easy!"

Ask for a red ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)


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