The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2717: communicate with

Thank you very much for Lucky Star 68488 (588), Jie Jie (200), Resting 123 (100), Lucky Star 68488 (99), General Xiaowu (99), Steamed Squid (99),* Burning smoke* classmates (99), Zixin Yiyi classmates (99), shannee with (99) reward!

Big Brother brows and raises his head: "There is nothing difficult. - Top-point-small-speaking--The forest is big, but the two sons come out of the forest, they will definitely pass through Wuzhen, we are here waiting for him, then Look for opportunities to kill him."


A footstep came in, and a monk walked in quickly. "Big brother, people who have already had a god-given adventure group came out of the forest. I have already inquired clearly. They have encountered great danger this time. Five hundred people in the adventure group suffered serious casualties. Just seven people entered Wuzhen today, and they said that they might not be able to return more than 100 people alive."

"The fourth child, have you heard the news of the second son?"

"No, according to the people of the Tianci Adventure Group, they all fled separately. But they did not see the death of the second son."

"Then we will wait here!"

In the forest.

The cold and cold seven people are killing with a dragon, Xu Ziyan did not go forward, but stood by and watched. This is the first monster that the seven people met on the third day after their departure.

This earth dragon has a blue mid-level realm. Although his defensive power has reached the late blue level, its strength is not much higher than that of cold. And there are six people going up here, so Xu Ziyan will not do it. The most important thing is that she is not easy to use.

In the cold and cold, the six men in the hands of the weapons waved to release the road. But Xu Ziyan was released because she did not understand the exercises in this world. If she fights, she can only rely on the strength and martial arts of the body. As a result, they will be suspected by the cold and other people. It is only a moment before they can save them. They may not notice that if they are the same, it is impossible to want them to pay attention. So she made up her mind that she would not be able to shoot before she left the forest.

Xu Ziyan is not very worried, nor does it ask for a kind of exercise like the cold and cold six, because she knows that although the two worlds are slightly different, most of them are the same, and there must be selling the exercises outside. Instead, I bought a practice myself.

The more the Xu Ziyan stood on the side, the more involuntarily wrinkled his brows. The six people were all based on the tacit cooperation of many years of cooperation, and there was no basis for a little battle. In Xu Ziyan's view, if these six people are easily deployed, they can kill the dragon, but now they are still deadlocked.

It took more than half an hour to kill the dragon. Then he cheered happily, began to dissect the dragon, and collected the materials used again. Then he smiled and walked toward Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan. Why are you frowning?" Mu Dingxiang asked with a smile.

"Do you usually cooperate like this?"

"Yeah!" Curtain Dingxiang proudly said: "How? tacit? Is the power very strong?"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "You haven't learned the battlefield?"

"War battle? What battle?"

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in his heart and asked: "You have no alliance of actors here?"

"Malaysia Alliance? What is that?" Six people looked at Xu Ziyan strangely.

Xu Ziyan understands that the most prosperous of the mainland is the Fu Shi and the teacher. The level of Dan Shi is very low. The actor is not even. Xu Ziyan did not explain, but said:

"I teach you a kind of combo technique. This kind of combo is called a lore. Two people can form a group. Three people can also form a group, and many people can form a group. The more people, the stronger the power."

Six people nodded. But there is not much excitement. They don't have any understanding of the battle, so they don't think it will be much better. But wait until Xu Ziyan passed the lore to them. After a long day of hard work, they looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze, although they have not actually fought, but they have been able to feel the power of this battle.

Six people couldn't wait to find a monster experiment, and soon they found a monster in the late stage of the Qing Dynasty. Six people swarmed up, and the lore was turned. It was just a face-to-face killing of the young-level peak monster. In the past, they were able to kill a young monster in the late stage, but it was not as easy as it is now. Xu Ziyan has become more mysterious in their hearts.

With this lore, Xu Ziyan and his group were promoted in the forest like a meat grinder. The six-person lore array encountered a blue-level late monster on the ninth day. Great strength to kill. This made the six people ecstatic.

During the nine days, the cold and cold cultivation was speeding up. It was because he had been practicing with the hailstones that Xu Ziyan gave him. The blue level was divided into three major levels, the blue stage, the middle stage and the late stage. Each level has nine sub-levels. The initial stage of the blue level is equivalent to the Emperor of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. The middle stage is equivalent to Xiandi, and the later stage is equivalent to Xianzun.

The original cold and cold cultivation was already the peak of the nine-grade early stage of the blue-level. On the 9th, with the help of the ice-cold Lingshi, it actually broke through to the blue-level mid-term product, and two blue-level mid-term products from Zhou Peng and You Sihai. It is not far away.

Through these nine observations, Xu Ziyan found that their cultivation was almost entirely based on real cultivation and improvement. This is not because they do not want to take medicinal herbs, but that medicinal herbs are too expensive in this world. Not to mention that they are now an adventurer, that is, in the identity of the original two ancestors, can not afford to buy a few of the world's highest eight-class Xiandan.

On the 9th, Xu Ziyan had exchanged alchemy, tune and refining, respectively, with Miao Dingxiang, Fuhuayu and Tang. When four people are free, they will get together and exchange their experiences. Through exchanges, Xu Ziyan has a more detailed understanding of the world's alchemy and refining instruments. After all, these three people have a great background, inheritance and orthodoxy.

The alchemy on the starry continent is similar to the alchemy mastered by Xu Ziyan. It is to help the monk to increase the concentration of the body and absorb the strength of the heavens and the earth. However, the monks on the Yuan dynasty sent Yuan Li to Dantian through the operation of the meridians, and the monks here infiltrated into the tissues, organs such as skin, muscles, bones, bone marrow, and dirty blood.

The syllabary is similar, but the syllabus here is the same as the practice of their cultivation. The emphasis is on the inverse, and the reverse is used to detonate the rules of heaven. This made Xu Ziyan have an idea.

The sign here is the inverse, and the conformity of the Upper Yuan is smooth. If we combine the shun and the reverse, will it form the power of chaos like the combination of yin and yang? Will the power of such a release be more powerful?

As for the instrument, Xu Ziyan discovered that the world's instrumental inheritance is no less than the Yanshan soul, and there are some differences with the Yanshan soul. However, her realm is not high. Although she can communicate with Tang and her, she has some insights, but Xu Ziyan knows that she can't communicate if she encounters a higher-level teacher. Therefore, she recorded the words of the Tang and the non-communication, and waited to return to the Yanshan soul.

On the two days, Dingxiang has been entangled in Xu Ziyan Alchemy, so that she can watch it. She and Xu Ziyan exchanged these days, faintly feeling that their realm of alchemy has improved, it seems that there is a breakthrough opportunity. Therefore, when they were free in the past two days, they were entangled in Xu Ziyan's alchemy, and the other five people looked at Xu Ziyan with a look of hope. They knew in their hearts that as long as Xu Ziyan refines the medicinal herbs, they will definitely take them.

Xu Ziyan also nodded, but she did not immediately refine the Dan, but was looking for some herbs. It stands to reason that she does not lack herbs. She first picked a large amount of herbs from the purple smoke space and put them in the space fairy. But in the exchange with the curtain Dingxiang, she discovered several of the world’s Dan She has not seen a few herbs. After learning about the medicinal properties of these herbs, she found that these herbs should be able to enhance the quality of the drug.

So on the two days, she searched for these herbal picks in the forest, and re-introduced the Dan of the world and Dan, which she had mastered, to create a new Danfang.

This kind of Danfang is only the peak of the nine products in the late stage. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that with these continually deriving, the Dans will be upgraded by these herbs or the main medicine, or as an auxiliary medicine, which makes her interested in the world of alchemy. Great increase, although the realm of alchemy in this world is still very low, but there are many herbs that she does not have, and these herbs can completely form some new Danfang.

Xu Ziyan left some herbs and soil together into the space fairy, and she also put a lot of fairy crystals in the space fairy, let these herbs grow well, waiting to leave the starlight continent, after Dantian opened, put these Herbs are grown in the purple smoke space.

Deriving a new Dan Fang, Xu Ziyan is preparing for alchemy. She is not worried about failure, nor will she fail. If the Danfang, which is the best innate fairy, is deduced, she may fail to refine. It is only a simple matter for Xu Ziyan.

This Dan Fang is a new type of condensate Yuan Dan that Xu Ziyan used in this world's condensed Yuan Dan and his own master of the condensed Yuan Dan. Whether it is the Condensed Dan of this world or the Condensed Dan of the Upper Yuan Dynasty, it is only Liu Pin Dan Fang, but after Xu Ziyan re-introduced the split combination, it has become a Dan Fang of the late peak of Jiu Pin.

When I saw Xu Ziyan took out the alchemy furnace, all six people came around. Fuhua language handed over a few of her fire charms, and the curtain scented eyes looked brightly at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, what kind of medicine you want to refine today!"

"Jingyuan Dan!" Xu Ziyan took a herb and smiled and answered.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued..)

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