The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2722: auctions

As long as the adventure group does not betray in battle, it does not prevent members from leaving. Of course, if the adventurous adventure group is despised, but setting up a risky group by itself does not violate any unspoken rules and will not be condemned. The last five people also had to congratulate the six people, such as the cold, and wished their adventure group a thriving.

Xu Ziyan just said a few words at the beginning and the five people. After that, he never said anything more, just sitting there quietly. The conversation between them is not small, and the surrounding monks can hear clearly.

The three monks suddenly stood up and walked toward the cold, and turned to the cold and others:

"Super in the next paragraph!"

"At the night of the beam!"

"In the white mark!"

Cold and cold eyes are bright, and the reputation of the three people in front of them has also been heard. These three people set up a small adventure group, probably with less than fifty monks, and the reputation in the adventure group is also good, cold Han and others rushed to stand up and handed over the ceremony:

"The three leaders of the original heroic adventure group face to face! Please sit down."

"Don't dare to be!" Duan Chao sat down with a smile, looking at Xu Ziyan, and then said:

"I just heard that the cold brother is preparing to set up an adventure group?"

Cold and cold nodded, no words. Duan Chaojing said: "I don't know if the cold leader receives the players?"

“Well?” The cold and cold look whispered: “What is the leader of the section?”

Duan Chao said earnestly: "I want to go to the cold head with the heroic adventure group, I wonder if I can accept it?"

Duan Chao's export of this sentence is not only a glimpse of Xu Ziyan and others, but also a surname of Ma and his family. They naturally do not know that Xu Ziyan and his seven people once exhibited in Weizhen, killing two blue-level late and one blue-level late peak monk. Therefore, the surname Ma is very suspected that the cold adventure group has not registered, how can someone come to run?

The five surnames of the surnamed Ma did not know, but Duan Chao’s three people saw the cold and cold six people together to catch up with the three blue-level late masters, and the one who sat on the side of Xu Ziyan was even awkward. Killed two blue-level late monks and a blue-level late peak monk, knowing that the number of newly formed adventure groups is small, but the strength is very strong. And the current situation of their brave adventure group is not good, if you can join this powerful adventure group. It is definitely good for you. There is no harm, and maybe your own destiny will change. The most important thing is that the cold adventure group has just been established. Insufficient manpower, he joined the heroic adventure group at this time, also counted as a veteran, will be valued. and so. I heard the cold and cold, and there was a bitter bitterness on my face:

"Cold leader. Our heroic adventure group encountered a blue-level monster in the forest some days ago. The brothers finally escaped, but they lost twenty-three players. Now we are brave and risky. It’s not as good as before. And... the thorny adventure group wants to annex us, we are not willing to join the thorny adventure group, but they only gave us three days. Now two days have passed, we trust the character of the cold leader. And we are more trustworthy, so we are willing to join the group."

After that, Duan Chao’s three people looked at the cold and cold. Cold eyes looked at Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan did not seem to hear the conversation between them, looking at the window with a wine glass.

Xu Ziyan has a clear understanding of herself. She doesn't know about Starlight, so she is not prepared to participate in the opinion. Moreover, this adventure group is cold and cold. She does not want to intervene too much. She joins this adventure group only. One purpose is to travel in the starlight continent.

Cold cold took his eyes back from Xu Ziyan's body, and looked at the four seas and other people. The four people and other people gave him a look that was made by you. Cold cold thought about it.

There is no doubt that today's Star Adventures has just been established, and it is extremely lacking in team members. But this does not mean that everyone is cold. He still knows a little about the heroic adventure group. Although the strength of this adventure group is a little worse, it has a good reputation. The thorny adventure group is exactly the opposite. The strength is in the middle of the game. It is much stronger than the heroic adventure group. Of course, it is not comparable to the Tianci adventure group, but its reputation is very poor. It often does some sneak attacks on other adventure groups. Treasure thing. The head of the team is a blue-level mid-term monk with more than 200 members.

Such an adventure group, Duan Chao and others are naturally unwilling to join, the so-called different ways of doing things. But this also means that once the cold and cold have received Duan Chao and others, it is undoubtedly the face of the thorny adventure group, to confront the thorny adventure group, is this sensible for an unformed adventure group?

Cold and cold just made a decision in an instant, and accepted the heroic adventure group. If the thorns adventure group can not pass this, how can he find Wu Siyue revenge in the future? Then bring the Star Adventures to the position of the first adventure group of the entire Starlight continent?

"Welcome to join!" A cold smile appeared in the cold eyes.

"Thank you!" Duan Chao’s face showed an excitement: "Cold leader, I will go back and bring the players to meet the head!"

Cold and cold hand gestures: "Don't be so anxious, tell me about your station, then go back and wait for us. We will also attend an auction in a while, we will go to you after the auction."

"Yes! Head!" Duan Chao stood up and took up the wine glass against the cold road: "Have a cup of the leader!"

Liang Ye and white marks also picked up the wine glasses. After they had finished the cold and cold wine, they were respected by five people, including the four seas, and finally looked at Xu Ziyan's look and hesitated. On that day, they saw Xu Ziyan's great demeanor. The blue-level late peak monks were the strongest masters they had ever seen, but the strongest masters in their hearts were killed by Xu Ziyan and stood at the height of Xu Ziyan. In front of the monks, there is no small pressure on Duan Chao’s three hearts.

The five surnamed Ma’s monks looked at Xu Zi’s eyes and showed a trace of confusion. The five of them also used the knowledge of God to secretly explore the cultivation of Xu Ziyan. The purple smoke is simply an ordinary person, a person who has not been cultivated. They don't understand why people like cold people will take in a person who has no cultivation, and it seems to be very respectful to her. Now I have discovered that Duan Chao’s three people are cautious in the face of Xu Ziyan, and they don’t understand it.

"That..." Duan said with care to Xu Ziyan: "Predecessors... can you have a cup under you?"

Xu Ziyan picked up the glass and showed a gentle smile on his face: "We will be a family in the future, call me purple smoke!"

"Thank you... the seniors... purple smoke!"

Duan Chao’s faces appeared on the faces of three people. After respecting Xu Ziyan’s cup with respect and respect, he chatted with people such as Leng Han and excitedly left the restaurant and went to his own station.

"Big brother, we are finally saved!" said the white mark with excitement.

"Not bad! With the cold leader, we can ignore the thorny adventure group."

"Yeah, that kind of junk adventure group still wants to swallow our brave adventure group, it is a dream."

"Let's go back and tell the brothers this good news!"

The surname Ma’s monk looked at Xu Ziyan thoughtfully. He did not think that Xu Ziyan was a high-level person, hiding his cultivation. It is to think about whether Ziyan has a deep background, or what advanced skills, such as making a refiner. However, he did not recklessly talk with Xu Ziyan, knowing that they were going to participate in the auction, they would not bother, and they still had injuries and no feelings. After simply eating it, he and the cold and others will leave. Cold and cold also asked him to separate himself from the Godsend Adventure Group, and independently set up the adventure group to sue the head of the Godsend Adventures, and then the two sides separated.

Five surnames of the surname Ma went to find the inn to stay, and Xu Ziyan and his party went to the Wanbao shop to participate in the auction.

This is a small auction, with only a hundred people attending, sitting in a hall. Xu Ziyan and his party were arranged in the front row by the owner of the Wanbao shop. He knew that Xu Ziyan and his party had just got a large amount of Xianjing, which is a big customer and will naturally take special care. Fuhuayu sat on the right side of Xu Ziyan and said, pressing down the voice:

“Ziyan, Wuzhen’s auction really didn’t mean anything. Waiting for us to go to Rizhao City, the auction there will be able to see good things.”

"Ri Yao City?"

“Well, the Starlight Adventures and the Tianci Adventures are all located in the Rizhao City. The large adventure groups in the Tiangong territory have established a residence in the Riyao Castle. In other words, the adventure group without the resident in Rizhao City is not first class. Adventure group."

"Then we also go to the Nikko City." Xu Ziyan condensed.

“Where it will be so easy!” Fuhua said bitterly: “It takes a lot of Xianjing to buy a real estate in Ri Yaocheng. It’s a monk who wants to buy a house in Rizhao City and needs 10 billion yuan of fine crystals, let alone we are Need a station that can hold the next adventure group?"

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan was not surprised. The most expensive place in the land of prosperity is the real estate. Just like the imaginary city of Taixu, it is simply priceless, and the property of Ri Yaocheng is more expensive. It is also normal.

At this time, a middle-aged monk walked up to the front of the hall. There was a table there, and he came to the table and turned to the crowd:

“Thank you for coming to this auction. This time, the auction held by our Wanbao store will auction a total of ten treasures. Most of the friends here have participated in the auction of our Wanbao store more than once, so I will not Hey, immediately start auctioning our first treasure."

The storage ring on the left finger of the right hand was wiped out, and a jade slip appeared in the hand. He placed the jade on the table:

"This is a practice method, called the Book of Heaven..."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued)

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