The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2723: Tianjing

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\"This is a practice method called Tianjing...\"


There was a laugh in the crowd, and there was a smile on the face of Fuhuayu and others. Let Xu Ziyan be somewhat inexplicable. At this time, I heard a voice ringing from the crowd:

\"李道友, every time you take this Tianjing out of the auction, every time you shoot, you are really persevering!"

\"Hahaha...\" Everyone laughed, and Li Daoyou’s face was slightly red, standing there a little embarrassed.

Xu Ziyan is not clear, so he asked in a low voice to the flower language: "What is going on?"

Fuhua said with a smile: "This is the small place in Wuzhen that will take the Tianjing out of the auction. The Book of Heaven is a practice method, and it is a kind of attribute cultivation method. This attribute cultivation method is said to be practiced. After that, the immortality that can release various attributes is no longer limited by the attributes. It is a very powerful fairy. It used to cause a sensation in the starry continent.

However, this kind of exercise is very difficult to practice. Two people practice at the same time. One person cultivates the scriptures, one person's other monks practice, and the people who practice the scriptures are still at the red level. The other person is a yellow-level monk. And since the advent of the Book of Heaven, no one has cultivated the scriptures to the green level. And it has not been as strong as the one mentioned in the first chapter of the Book of Heaven. In the battle of the same ranks of monks, it is at a disadvantage. Gradually 3. The land has become a garbage practice on the starry continent.

However, there is also a legend that the reason why no one really understands the Book of Heaven, so for thousands of years, there are still many people who have bought it for research. But in the end, no one has practiced the power recorded in the Book of Heaven. I don't know where this Wanbao store got this Tianjing, and auctioned it several times. It is just a small place like Wuzhen, and maybe I will come across a fool to buy it.\"

When Xu Ziyan’s heart moved, she did not think that this Tianjing was a kind of sacred practice, but that she wanted to understand the various exercises in the Starlight continent. She wanted to study all the exercises. So I decided to This technique was taken.

At this time, Li Daochang, despite his awkward face, tried to preach the scriptures. He then placed the scriptures on the table:

\"This Tianjing starting price of a thousand best fairy crystal!\"

The following sounds of everyone screamed: "Old Li. You still have to withdraw the Tianjing and start the second auction. Don't delay the time here."

\"Ha ha ha...\" There was another laugh in the hall.

Li Daochang’s face showed Nai, but there was nothing to lose. At the beginning they just used the price of one hundred best fairy crystals. This time, I can’t shoot it, then I will talk about it next time. Anyway, one hundred best Xianjing is not a big deal for Wanbao shops. But once it is shot, it will be at least ten times.

\"one thousand!\"

He just wanted to put away the jade slip, but he heard a voice that was asking for a price. He couldn’t help but be happy. When he followed the sound, he saw a beautiful woman holding up a small hand.

\"紫烟!\" Fuhuayu hurriedly said: \"What are you doing with it? That is a garbage."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: \"I am curious. I have not seen the scriptures. Besides, a thousand best fairy crystals are nothing, all of which satisfy my curiosity."

Everyone couldn’t help but smile. They all thought that this was the case. Xu Ziyan must be curious. Li Daochang’s heart was also very happy. After three times of shooting, the Tianjing was finally photographed, although he knew that no one would bid with Xu Ziyan. But still asked three times. Then completed the auction.

Xu Ziyan handed over a thousand best fairy crystals on the spot, and then took the jade slip in his hand. Fuhuayu and others did not say anything. Who are they now?

They are all people who are worth hundreds of millions of people, and a thousand best crystals are really not in the eyes.

The next nine auction items, Xu Ziyan, did not have a single shot, but those auctions did not flow and were auctioned out.

Although the treasurer of Wanbao Commercial Bank saw that Xu Ziyan had no regrets, he still sent seven people to the door. After seven people and Wanbao shopkeepers left the house, they went to the Sensen Inn, where they were the heroic adventure group. Station.

There are hundreds of meters away from the Sensen Inn, and you can see the two teams in front of the Sensen Inn. Duan Chaozheng stood in front of the gate with more than twenty people, waiting angrily opposite. Standing opposite them Hundreds of people.

\"Blue Fox, I said that my heroic adventure group has been dissolved. Now we have joined another adventure group."

Nearly a hundred people stood in front of a short and fine monk, with twinkling eyes shining in the cold.

\"Duan Chao, less nonsense. You tell me the name of the adventure group. If there is such a risky group to take care of you, my blue fox will not talk about it and turn around. However, if you deceive me, then Don't blame me for being rude. I can't afford to see you, I don't want to know you!"

Duan Chao’s look is a stagnation. He just forgot to ask the name of the adventure group of the cold in the restaurant. He couldn’t answer it for a while. The blue fox’s face showed a sarcasm:

\"It seems that you are playing with me, I will give you a face, you don't, don't blame me...\"

\"He joined the Star Adventures!\" Suddenly a sound came up.

\"Star Adventure Group? I have not heard of it, the Starlight Adventure Group has heard of it.......[,!]\"

The blue fox turned his head and looked at it, and then his face changed. He saw the cold and seven people slowly coming toward this side. When the cold and cold people were fighting against the four blue-level monks, he I also saw it next to me. At this time, I saw seven people coming over, and my heart was a jump. The face immediately showed a smile, and I turned to the cold and cold seven people:

\"Friends of the Tianci Adventure Group, what did you just say is the Starlight Adventure Group?\"

The cold cold eyes are cold: \"No, it is a star adventure group established by our seven."

\"You...stars...adventurous group?\"

\"Good!\" A few steps before the cold cold, has approached the blue fox, the eyes released a cold light: \"Do you have opinions?\"

\" come!\" Blue Fox said with a smile: \"Congratulations!\"

\"哼!\" Cold and faintly snorted, like the blue fox, this mid-stream adventure group, he really did not put it in his eyes. Anyway, he was also the head of the Starlight Adventure Group, and later it was a godsend adventure. After a few years in the group, how could his eyes put the blue fox in the middle of the adventure group?

From the side of the blue fox, the paragraph has already ushered up, and said: "See the head!"

Cold cold nodded: "" Packed up, we went to the Adventurers Alliance registration!\"

Duan Chao smiled: "There is nothing to clean up, we can leave at any time."

\"That's good, let's go now!\"

\"Yes, leader!\"

Looking at the cold and with Duan Chao and others to leave, the blue fox's eyes flashed a bit, hate authentic:

\"let's go!\"

They left in vain, and the monks around them also dispersed. The cold and cold people came to the Alliance of Adventurers, Xu Ziyan, Fuhuayu and Ding Dingxiang gathered together, walked behind the crowd and whispered As the crowd entered the Alliance of Adventurers.

The adventure group is divided into four levels, A, B, and D. Each level of improvement not only has the number of requirements, but also the accumulation of points. The lowest level of the D-level adventure group also needs five people, want to upgrade from the D-level to the C-level Not only is the number of people raised to 50, but it also requires 10,000 points. This 10,000 points is earned by completing various tasks.

Cold and cold took everyone to the service desk, sitting in the service desk with an old man, seeing the cold and other people are not salty or not:


\"Registered Adventure Group.\"

The old man took out a jade slip on the table and said: "The name of the adventure group, the number of people, the emblem is entered. There are ten pieces of Xianjing."

Cold and cold picked up the jade and looked to the crowd: "What does the star emblem look like?"

The monks were slightly frowning and thinking, Xu Ziyan slightly thought: "We call the Star Adventures, it is better to design the emblem into a galaxy pattern!"

Cold and cold eyes are bright: \"Good!\"

The monks also nodded, so they entered the message in the jade.

Group name: Star Adventure Group.

Number of people: twenty-eight.

Then a galaxy pattern was designed to be transported in, but it was not immediately handed over to the old man, but the jade was handed to the Xu Zi flue:

\"紫烟, how do you look at the emblem? No, we can change it again!\"

Xu Ziyan took over the jade slip, and looked into the gods and nodded. Then he handed the jade slip to the Fuhua language around him. The jade slipped in the hands of everyone, even Duan Chao and others read it again. They all nodded. The cold and cold handed the ten pieces of Xianjing and jade to the old man in the counter.

The old man was very registered, and then said: "Your adventure group has already been established, they can do the task."

\"Thank you!\"

Cold and cold slightly leaned over, then walked outside the gate, everyone followed behind. Out of the door, cold and cold footed the footsteps:

\"We need to stay here for a few days, Tang Xiong, you will refine the star emblem for everyone. As for who's fairy is worse, wait until we arrive at the Nishitake City, and then refine them."

\"it is good!\"

Leng Han and others did not live in the inn, but rented a relatively large courtyard. Twenty-eight people lived in it. Once they lived inside, everyone first understood the strength and strength of the twenty-one that the heart joined. Although these 21 people are not strong, they are all pure monks. No one will make the alchemy system, so there will be no dignitaries in the mouth of the Dingxiang, Fuhua and Tang. Twenty-one people were given to the battle halls of the Four Seas and Zhou Peng’s ancestral hall.

Ask for a pink ticket! ticket!

To be continued) r752

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