The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2724: Terrifying practice speed

I wish my comrades a happy spring, all the best!

Because in the recent period of time, the cold and other people no longer take the medicinal herbs under the advice of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan will no longer refine the green Jiu Pindan. From the curtain Dingxiang refining green five-grade Xiandan to Duan Chao to take them. Nowadays, there are a lot of herbs in the curtain Dingxiang, which can refine the elixir with care. By refining these immortals, Xu Ziyan firmly believes that she will break through to the green six-inspired alchemy division. After all, she is now the peak of the green grade five products in the late alchemy, and in theory has accumulated a degree of breakthrough, the difference is just more refining.

Moreover, in the late stage of the five products, the medicinal herbs in the world are not in the low-ranking medicinal herbs. They have already belonged to the peak of the late medicinal products. Duan Chao and others may not have the money to buy one.

Tang did not go to the refining of the emblem, and Xu Ziyan locked himself in the house and took out the scripture.

I watched it from beginning to end, then gently lowered the scriptures and closed my eyes. Xu Ziyan was immersed in comprehension. She fully realized the time of the day, and her face showed a surprise smile. At this time, her heart has already understood why this world has never practiced this scripture. Even if someone has cultivated it to the level of the orange level, it is the reason for the struggle with the same-order monks.

Because this method of practice is not for the ordinary monks to cultivate, but for the practice of eleven kinds of property monks to practice. Even a five-property monk can't fully cultivate this practice. Xu Ziyan is somewhat confused. How did this Tianjing appear? Is that great power created?

Xu Ziyan's practice of this practice is completely without problems, and it is still her best practice. It is a treasure for Xu Ziyan to be regarded as a chicken rib by the whole star-light continent.

She did not rush to practice, but came to the room of Fuhua language and asked her about the origins of this practice. But Fuhua language gave her an incredible answer.

It is said that this skill that was originally obtained by a second-level adventure squad, how it was obtained, is now unknown. Then the Tianjing caused a sensation. It could have caused a lot of winds and changes. It is considered a chicken rib.

"Ziyan, do you want to practice this practice?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I am just curious!"

Xu Ziyan heard the legend of the Book of Heaven and did not dare to tell the Huahua language that he wanted to practice this practice. Because once the news spread, people know that they can cultivate this practice, and they will once again cause a storm in the starry mainland. The master came to arrest himself and forced himself to surrender the practice of practicing this practice.

She is going to secretly practice. Anyway, after this successful practice, she can imitate the skills of any attribute. When I choose a property, it will be revealed.

After the debut of Fuhua, Xu Ziyan returned to his room. I took all the exercises on my body and carefully selected one side. In the end, she took out a water attribute exercise, and she prepared to reveal her own exercises with water attributes in the future. First, after using an hour of time to comprehend the water attribute method, I took it up, and then took out the jade of the Tianjing, and carefully read the side with the gods again, then The jade was collected, and this was sitting cross-legged and closed his eyes.

Now Xu Ziyan's body has already contained eleven kinds of attributes, and her body has been very strong, reaching the peak of the sixth level of the Holy Level, and the body is pure to the extreme. The most important thing is that her power of the gods is very high. There are very high realms for the eleven kinds of attributes. Although the combination of heaven and earth is different from that of the Upper Yuan, the origin is the same. These days, the purple smoke has been combined with the heavens here. There is a deep understanding, and for several reasons, she is very fast at the time of cultivation.

She has a class for almost one day. In seven days, Xu Ziyan has not been able to break through to the early seven grades of the red age, which is equivalent to the seventh layer of the refining period.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and extended a finger toward the air, and a light red light was transmitted through it. Xu Ziyan was very happy in her heart. At this time she fully understood the cultivation methods of this world. It was only a derivation before, and now it has been practiced in real life, so that she can truly understand the world of this world.

It turns out that every cell can treat it as a Dantian, but the size is different. The two worlds' heavens complement each other, and the mood of Xu Ziyan is once again improved. Her power of the gods further advances toward the peak of the nine levels of the holy level, and the strength of the body has also been improved a bit, looking for a breakthrough. The seventh floor of the Holy Land.

She calculated that Tang Buji should also complete the refining of the emblem, so she went into the purple smoke space and took a bath and changed her clothes. Then she left the purple smoke space and pushed out the door.

The courtyard was quiet and everyone was practicing in the room. Cold and cold people are no longer wasting their time because they set up their own adventure group and have a sense of responsibility. And they also want to lay a solid foundation earlier. As long as the foundation is solidified, you can take the green dan of Xu Ziyan again. As soon as I thought of Qing Dan, the strength of their cultivation was strengthened.

Xu Ziyan did not stop in the courtyard, walked away from the courtyard and strolled on the streets of Wuzhen, and occasionally entered a shop to see. Learn more about the world.

After about two hours, Chu Ge returned to the station and saw everyone in the courtyard. Tang did not see Xu Ziyan, and immediately shouted to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, how come you look at the emblem of my refining?"

Xu Ziyan walked over with a smile, took a look at the group emblem, and his face could not help but reveal the color of joy.

It is a round emblem with a cluster of galaxies, and the galaxies that were made by Tang will slowly rotate, like miniature galaxies, very beautiful.

"Too beautiful!" Xu Ziyan praised.

Tang did not hesitate to listen to music, Xu Ziyan will be the emblem of the group in front of the chest, to everyone to see, see everyone is also a happy look.

"Ziyan!" Curtain Dingxiang ran over with joy, holding the arms of Xu Ziyan with both hands: "I became a green-grade Liu Pindan master!"



“Congratulations!” Xu Ziyan happily congratulated.

"Hey!" Curtain Dingxiang proudly said: "I have refined a group of green-grade Liupindan, and I will send them to them!"

Duan Chao and others all clenched their fists with excitement. At the beginning, they got the green-grade five-pin remedy for the Ding Dingxiang. They already felt very happy. I didn't think that this was only a few days later, they could use the green grade Liupindan to cultivate.

This happiness is too much!

Duan Chao took the jade bottle handed to him by the curtain Dingxiang and looked at the cold road: "Head, don't you?"

The cold and the four people in the world looked at each other and smiled. "We have eaten a lot of medicinal herbs before, and we can't eat medicinal herbs for the time being. We need to lay a solid foundation."

Duan Chao and others looked like a stay, and then the eyes showed bitterness. It’s a different life! I have not eaten the green grade Liupin Dan in my life, and people have already eaten it. But when I think of myself, I will be like this, and I am excited again.

"Ziyan, you have been retreating in the house for a few days, but have you started practicing?"

The words of the four seas are exported, and Duan Chao and others look a glimpse. They saw the power of Xu Ziyan, but at this time they heard the question from the four seas.

"What do you mean? Has Xu Ziyan never practiced?"

Seeing that Duan Chao and others were there to blaspheme, Fuhua explained: "The purple smoke her master has always let her cultivate the strength of the body, and has not cultivated Yuanli."

Duan Chao and others recalled the sight of Xu Ziyan’s close killing of the three blue-level monks. However, my heart was also shocked. Xu Ziyan only killed three blue-level monks by virtue of his own strength. If she had the power, what level of horror would it be?

Fortunately, she has just begun to practice, and I don’t know how long it will take to reach my level. It doesn't take thousands of years, it takes five thousand years.

Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded: "Well, I have already begun to cultivate!"

"What is your choice?" Fuhua asked with concern. She was really afraid of Xu Ziyan to cultivate the scripture.

"Water attribute exercises!" Xu Ziyan smiled.

"Going to the red level?" Zhou Peng asked.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, then gave a finger, a light red color pointed out from her hand.

Seeing the pale red hurricane, everyone’s look is a glimpse, and the cold eyes flashed and said:

"This is... the first seven products of the red level!"

"Yes!" Chugo's face showed a happy look.


The monks in the yard looked at each other and what qualifications it is! One class a day, seven days of cultivation to the early seven grades of the red.

real or fake!

This is this... This is too illusory!

However, the one that Xu Ziyan sent out couldn't deceive people. It is indeed the first seven products in the early red age. Those who have not reached this cultivation are unlikely to issue such awkwardness.

"Ziyan, you will not always practice at this speed?" Zhou Peng asked incredulously.

"It shouldn't be!" Xu Ziyan said with some uncertainty: "Maybe just start this way."

"We should celebrate!" Cold cold clap: "Go, let's have a drink, then leave Wuzhen and go to Rizhao City!"

"Yes! Have a drink! Celebrate the purple smoke and celebrate the Star Adventures!"

In the afternoon, Xu Ziyan and his party flew in the fairy boat to the city of Ri Yao. In the fairy boat, Chugo entered her room and took time to practice. She had already heard the curtain Dingxiang said that it took about a month from Wuzhen to Rizhaocheng, and after the last battle, she deeply understood. There is no inconvenience in this world, and I hope to improve my strength in this one-month period.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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