The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2729: Borrow a little

No way?

real or fake?

Is there an alchemy teacher in the world who is better than the lord?

Wiping his eyes and carefully looking at the look on the face of the staff, it is doubtful that the look of the staff is very respectful.

Is it all true?

In about a quarter of an hour, there was a sound of looming in the door, and then several figures rushed into the alchemy room, and then stayed there.

The people who came here are all the top leaders of Dan League, all of them are masters of alchemy. Just less than three times, these masters were intoxicated.

Indulge in the alchemy technique of Xu Ziyan, and indulge in the explanation of Xu Ziyan.

Until Xu Ziyan's refining was completed, these people were still immersed in the explanation of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s explanation is that Dan Dao, which combines the two worlds of the Upper Yuan Dynasty and the Star World, may not let them hear it.

Xu Ziyan closed the fire, opened the lid, and returned Yuan Dan, and then held his hand.

The alchemy teacher was very quiet, and the guards quietly retired, then closed the stone gate and alerted him outside.

About two hours later, the alchemists opened their eyes one after another, neatly glimpsing toward Xu Ziyan.

"See the guru!"

Xu Ziyan was sympathetic to them, she understood the rules of the alchemy world, and her guidance was the gift. The curtain went straight up and said respectfully:

"Xu Zongshi, let me introduce you, this is the vice-president of our Dan League, Li Dan."

Li Danao gave a gift to Xu Ziyan, and also explored the repair of Xu Ziyan, and his look could not help. How can the masters who can refine the green-grade Jiu Pindan be so weak?

"This is the priest of our Dan League."

"This is the outsider of our Dan League, Ye Zhixiong."

"This is our main lord."


After some introductions, several people looked at Xu Ziyan with a squint. That means you are not pointing us out again?

Xu Ziyan sank a bit: "Predecessors..."

The aides immediately hurriedly said: "Don't dare to do it, Xu Master went to not call me a predecessor, just call my name."

Xu Ziyan looked at the curtain and scented it, and then turned to the curtain: "The uncle, I have something to do this time."

Seeing Xu Ziyan calling him an uncle, the curtain was overjoyed. This is not to take him as an outsider, and immediately said:

"You said that as long as I can do it, there is no problem."

"Let a little bit of fairy crystal!"

The aides have not spoken yet, Li Danao rushed and said: "Xu Zongshi, how much do you need? I don't need to borrow, I gave it to you."

"Yes, as long as Xu Zongshi needs, I can." Yulin also said quickly.

"I can too……"


The beard was so cocky that he curled up and screamed: "Shut up!"

Li Danao and others closed their mouths, but the eyes that looked at Xu Ziyan were very enthusiastic, expressing a meaning:

I have money, let me borrow it!

"Xu Zongshi!" A smile on the face of the aunt.

"One hundred billion best crystals."

The face of the abrupt change of the face, and then looked at Li Danao and others, the look of the eyes revealed:

You borrowed!

Li Danao and others immediately bowed their heads. Xu Ziyan apparently came to Danjing to borrow Xianjing, instead of borrowing from any of them. No one of them can come up with so many fairy crystals, that is, the aides can't, only in the Danish warehouse.

Although the face of the abrupt change slightly, but did not refuse, but immediately nodded:

"No problem! Go, let's go now."

The staff behind the curtain with Xu Ziyan and others went to the Dan League warehouse, and then gave Xu Ziyan a hundred billion yuan of fine crystals, Xu Ziyan took out a space fairy to install it. There is no need for the company to borrow money, as long as Xu Ziyan is required to live in Dan League for a while.

Xu Ziyan agreed, and Dan Meng not only lends himself one hundred billion yuan, but also does not have interest. If he goes away, it does not make sense.

Xu Ziyan let the curtain Dingxiang go back with a hundred billion yuan of fine crystals, so that they will see the station to buy it, and then recruit some monks to prepare for the Great Wilderness.

Xu Ziyan said that there are not many, because the cold and other people are old adventurers, more experienced than her Xu Ziyan. She believes that cold and cold people will do a good job, and her purpose in coming to Starlight is not to build a brilliant adventure group, but to complete the heavenly combination of the world.

Therefore, when the staff and others asked Xu Ziyan to give them a confession on Dandao, Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to raise his own conditions.

I hope that Dan League can open the library to her.

After a slight deliberation, the staff and others nodded and agreed. In their opinion, the books on alchemy in Dan League had nothing to keep secret in front of Xu Ziyan. The realm of Xu Ziyan's alchemy was much higher than them. I am afraid that the purpose of Xu Ziyan is not the alchemy cheats, but the cultivation cheats collected by Dan Meng.

Because they all see that the purple smoke is only the realm of the mid-peak of the red, this realm is simply too weak, and does not meet the identity of Xu Ziyan Alchemist. I must have purple cigarettes to find a cheat that is suitable for her cultivation.

So there is nothing to reject in Dan League. Dan League’s secrets of starting alchemy, Dan and the like, they don’t care too much about the cultivation methods.

So Xu Ziyan lived in Dan Meng and divided his time into three parts. The first part was used to point out several Dandan high-level alchemy, and the second part was used for cultivation. Her current repair is still too low. And soon she will go to the Great Wilderness, so she hopes to improve her cultivation. The third is to read various cheats in the Danish collection.

The things that Xu Ziyan entered into Dan Meng and the interior of the Curtain Alchemy were concealed. The eight monks who had stopped Xu Ziyan were also strictly warned not to leak a word. And immediately removed the eight monks from the Rizhao City, Xu Ziyan as a green grade nine alchemy master is too important, they need time to persuade Xu Ziyan to join Dan Meng, before this can not let anyone know the sun There is a green-grade nine-story alchemy master in the city. Otherwise, all parties will come to recruit Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan joins other forces, the advantages of Dan Meng will not exist.

Ms. Dingxiang ran back on the same day. She knew what her father would leave for Xu Ziyan. How could she miss this opportunity? Therefore, Xiang Jing was handed over to the cold, and Xu Hanyan’s words were relayed to the side and he hurried back to Dan Meng.

When she came back, Xu Ziyan was in the alchemy room of the staff, and Li Danao and others were explaining the problems they raised.

Among these few people, the aides are the late-level alchemy masters of the green eight-products, Li Danao is the green-grade eight-product mid-altitude division, Yulin is the green-grade eight-industry alchemy division, and Ye Zhixiong is the green-grade seven-product late-stage alchemy. Teacher, Zong Jing is a mid-level alchemy teacher in the middle of the green level.

Chugo has already agreed with these people that they will take four hours each day to confuse them and teach Dandao. At the beginning, although the postures of these few people were very low, they basically put themselves in the same position as Xu Ziyan. After all, in their hearts, Xu Ziyan is only a green-grade nine-inner alchemy teacher, which is slightly worse than their realm. high.

But after an hour, their faces have changed. Xu Ziyan’s erudition has a speculation in their hearts. Xu Ziyan is probably the worst in the middle of the green class.

After two hours, their demeanor has become respected. Xu Ziyan’s in-depth understanding of Dan Dao has already made them extremely shocked. In the places where they seem to be puzzled, the problems that have plagued them for years, even decades, are often a few simple words that make them suddenly clear.

This made them speculate again on Xu Ziyan's speculation, one by one in his heart, I am afraid that the purple alchemy realm of Xu Ziyan has reached the peak of the late nine-grade green products.

After three hours, these high-ranking Dan League officials sitting in front of Xu Ziyan have been like an elementary school student who has just started, looking at Xu Ziyan with respect and admiration. When they asked questions, they were also cautious, and after they got the answer, they were so happy that they returned to their childhood and learned from Master.

After four hours, Xu Ziyan left the alchemy room. Holding the token given to her by the curtain to the Dan League Library, while the staff and others looked at the back of Xu Ziyan’s departure, and the eyes sparkled with excitement. They had a speculation that Xu Ziyan might not be the green alchemy room. So simple, maybe it will be a blue alchemist. The curtain turned to look at the curtain Dingxiang beside him, and the voice trembled and asked:

"Dingxiang, do you know what kind of alchemy teacher is Xu Zongshi?"

"I don't know!" Curtain Dingxiang shook his head. "But I know she can refine Qing Dan."


Everyone had some speculation in their hearts, but when the curtain Dingxiang told them that everything was real, they were shocked and almost jumped up. Several people looked at each other, and each face showed an excited look.

Qingn alchemy teacher!

This level of the alchemist was developed by Daniel in accordance with the ranks of the League and the Fumeng, but there has never been a Qinglian alchemist. I did not expect a young alchemist to appear in front of them today, and personally give them Confuse.


The aunt suddenly cried, and Li Danao and others all cried.

At this time, Xu Ziyan came to the library of Dan League. There are seven layers in the library, and each floor is divided into two parts. Part of it is about alchemy, part of it is about cultivation. There is a wide channel in the middle to separate the two areas.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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