The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2730: Dan League Library

I am very grateful to the lainyacs classmates (10000, lo丶you灬 classmates (1888, lucky star 68488 classmates 2 (588, I am a little bird 2006 classmates (999, nickname can use classmates (999, Jie Yi classmates (200, Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (888, mableip classmates (200, * burning smoke * classmates (100, stunned back ~ classmates (99, red pepper 8 classmates (99,, Xuanyuan Shi Hui classmates (99, step by step treasure classmates (99 , Moonlight cool blue smoke student classmates (99, literati Sis students (99's reward!

The level of cheats stored in each layer of the library is different. For the first time, the red-level practice and alchemy methods and Dan Fang are placed. Then, in the order of red orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, but at the fifth level, there is only a green practice, and there is no cheat in alchemy.

Xu Ziyan decided to look at the Dandao of this world first, because she knew that with her understanding of Dan Dao, she should read the cheats of Dan Dao.

Xu Ziyan did not look at the flowers, but looked very fine. Although the first layer of alchemy is very simple, it is a basic foundation for Xu Ziyan, but it represents the most authoritative alchemy on the mainland. And indeed there are some things that are different from those on the Yuan Dynasty, and they have great inspiration for Xu Ziyan.

The higher alchemy is also based on alchemy, so the basic theory is very important. The first layer has the most cheats. Xu Ziyan used half of the time to see half of it, and then returned to the staff to arrange for her. The room began to practice.

Xu Ziyan spent two days reading the first layer of alchemy cheats. On the third day, she did not go to the library, but sat in the room to analyze the basic alchemy knowledge of the first layer.

At the moment, the staff and others waited in the alchemy room, arguing with each other about the feelings of alchemy in these days, while waiting excitedly for the arrival of Xu Ziyan.

Every day, several of them will wait for Xu Ziyan here on time. For many years, they have never been so excited, and they have never worshipped a person so much. They are not so anxious to wait for someone. The image of Xu Ziyan has been limited in their hearts, because they found that the more they asked, the deeper the understanding of Xu Ziyan's understanding of Dan Dao, giving them a feeling of bottomlessness.

Just three days passed, let them overthrow the previous speculation in their hearts. They have a feeling that Xu Ziyan is definitely not as simple as the early alchemist in the Qing Dynasty. Maybe it is a young middle-level alchemy teacher.

Curtain Dingxiang stood behind several elders with a happy smile on his face. I remembered that when these elders heard that they had become the astonished expression of the green-grade six-product alchemy teacher, she was happy to laugh. Moreover, the aides have promised her to let her stay in the Star Adventure Group, closely following Xu Ziyan.

A figure walked into the alchemy room, and a pair of eager eyes immediately fell on Xu Ziyan's body. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile. Every time she came, these people were so enthusiastic and almost melted her. Suddenly, the eyes of the aides moved and then handed over:

“Congratulations to Xu Zongshi to break through to the late Chi-Chi.”

At this time, everyone also found that Xu Ziyan broke through to the late Chi-Chi, and they all congratulated Xu Ziyan. However, in their hearts, Xu Ziyan did not take it as a matter of course. They respected the alchemy of Xu Ziyan, not her cultivation. I really want to talk about repairing, and Xu Ziyan’s cultivation of this point is nothing to be proud of.

They do not do the same thing, do not mean that others do not do the same thing, behind a few people, the curtain Dingxiang squinted and looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise.

How long has this been?

Xu Ziyan broke from one to the late Chi. This speed makes the curtain ding slang, the key is that Xu Ziyan is still an alchemy teacher, a clerk, and also involved in the refining.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is also very happy. She just broke through to the late Chi-Chi, which is equivalent to the knot period. The hurricane that has been shot has become a pure red color.

“Thank you!” Xu Ziyan bowed his hand and smiled happily: “Today I will tell you the basics of alchemy.”

"Basic?" Everyone is at a loss.

"Yes, it is the foundation!"

Xu Ziyan nodded faintly. In the past three days, she finally merged the basic alchemy of the red level into a perfect basic alchemy, but the aides and others did not agree. They are not the basic alchemists. How can hard have the realm of today?

But since Xu Ziyan said it, they are not good to refute. Listen first, just relive the past.

However, with the explanation of Xu Ziyan, these original indifferent alchemists became so solemn and immersed in the explanation of Xu Ziyan, and their hands swayed the alchemy handcuffs from time to time, and their faces were confused for a while, and ecstasy for a while...

Xu Ziyan left the alchemy room and went to the library. The people in the alchemy were still not awake from the intoxication, but the look on the face became more and more joyful.

Xu Ziyan came to the second floor of the Dan League Library, where the cheats were much less than the first one. Xu Ziyan spent all four hours reading them all, and then went back to practice.

Xu Ziyan's life has become very regular. Four hours a day, he is pointing to the staff and others. Four hours are in the library, and four hours are closed.

After another three days, Xu Ziyan read all the alchemy techniques in the Dan League Library, and spent another day sorting out the summary. He has a complete understanding of Dandao in this world.

Dan Meng is the alchemy sacred place of the world. The collection here is naturally concentrated on the essence of the entire starlight continent. It can be said that today's Xu Ziyan really integrated his Dan Dao into the world. After fully integrating the Dan Dao of the two worlds, she felt that her Dan Dao was faintly showing signs of breakthrough.

It’s just that she is somewhat confused. Now she is a supernatural innate master. I don’t know what it will be after a breakthrough.

When Xu Ziyan completely integrated the Dan Dao of the two worlds, the understanding of Dan Dao was profound, and it was clear when the explanations were given to the staff and others, so that these people benefited in just a few days.

It’s just that these people saw Xu Ziyan today, and their eyes were a bit strange, because only a short three days passed, they found that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation has been upgraded from the late Chi-Chi product to the second product.

They are not surprised by the cultivation of the purple smoke, but rather the speed at which her cultivation is ascending. This speed has never been heard on the mainland.

The integration of Dan Dao, the repair has been improved, Xu Ziyan's mood is also very good, for the teachings of several people to pay attention to the land. Among these people, the realm of Ding Dingxiang is worse. The remaining few people do not know how long they have been immersed in their own realm, so they are only a few key places. It is often Xu Ziyan pointing them, they are very cheerful. Only in the past few days, several people have made breakthroughs.

The aides have already succeeded in refining a successful Yuan Dan yesterday, stepping into the early stage of the green-grade nine-products alchemy division, which made him excited, and he found that his realm is getting higher and higher, the more he feels that the purple smoke is unfathomable. This made him deeply adored Xu Ziyan as a young man.

Li Danao also broke through the late eight-product alchemy division of the green class. He was excited to find that the level that had plagued him for thousands of years passed so easily.

The rest of the people have also made progress, and even the curtain Dingxiang has become the green-grade six-product mid-integrator.

Xu Ziyan began to watch the cheats of cultivation from the first floor of the library. Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the heavens was there. Although the world and the heavenly continent have slightly different combinations, the origins are the same. And now she doesn't know a little about the world's heavens. She has had her own unique insights when she entered the starry continent for so long. Especially after the cultivation of her scriptures, the understanding of this world's heavens has become more and more profound. Therefore, although she did not understand Dan Dao, she was not slow.

In just ten days, she has already reached the fifth floor, and in the past ten days, her cultivation has also been upgraded to the late seventh grade, which is equivalent to the seventh floor of the knot period.

This made the staff behind the scenes very shocked, but fortunately their energy was placed on the alchemy, and it was not very important for the cultivation.


The late seven grades are also red, belonging to the bottom of the starlight continent, there is nothing to pay attention to. Perhaps it is because the level is too low, Xu Ziyan's breakthrough is so smooth, until Xu Ziyan's repair is higher, it will definitely slow down, so these people are very throwing Xu Ziyan's repairs aside, waiting every day. Ask Xu Ziyan Dandao.

On this day, Xu Ziyan came out from the sixth floor. She has been in Dan League for more than 20 days, and her life is very regular every day. This is inevitably a bit boring, so I decided not to practice today, and I will make a good turn in Dan League to understand Dan League. Understanding the surrounding environment is also part of the practice.

Xu Ziyan wandered around in Dan Meng. When passing by a restaurant, there were several men sitting on the second floor. One of them was tall and tall, and some pale monks saw Xu Ziyan, his eyes were bright.

So beautiful!

He was so excited that there was a blush on his pale face. He had been in Dan Meng for so long, and he had never seen such a beautiful woman. I saw that Xu Ziyan only had a red level of cultivation, and it seems that she had never seen Xu Ziyan. I hope that Zi Ziyan should be a woman with no background. When I reached down and pressed the table, my figure floated down and stood in front of Xu Ziyan.

"Oh..." The second floor and several people at the same table also jumped from the house and stood behind the pale man.

Xu Ziyan calmly looked at the man in front of him, as long as the eyes released from the man's eyes, Xu Ziyan knows what the other party is playing. Although she has not been harassed for a long time, but has not been harassed? How could such a look like her?

That person has a sleeve, so it is said: "Is the fairy not our Dan League?"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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