The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2737: Going to the Great Wilderness

H2> I am very grateful to the little Mei Zhang classmates (588, Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200, Lu Wenjing classmates (100, wskhyx classmates (100, mableip classmates (100, * smoke * classmates (100 rewards!

Xu Ziyan was very busy these days, but no one knew what she was doing. I locked myself in the refining room of the resident. Xu Ziyan was refining the pillars. In a world without formation, there was no need to lay out any advanced arrays. Just a simple magic array would make it fall. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is going to set up a magical array here, and he will not be able to lay out the advanced array.

In three days, Xu Ziyan refines a hundred and eight pillars, then puts in a storage ring and walks out of the refining chamber. Cold and cold, four people like Youhai and Zhou Peng came out of the room and looked at Xu Ziyan curiously. Xu Ziyan did not talk to them. When he squatted his sleeves, he flew up into the air. His mental power shrouded the past, and then he thought about it. One hundred and eight pillars surrounded her, and Xu Ziyan beat him. Into the array of columns, the columns fall one by one towards the ground. It was only a long time, Xu Ziyan hit one hundred and eight pillars into the ground, and the figure fell to the ground.

Cold and cold people quickly swept away, looking at Xu Ziyan one by one and surprised, they did not know what Xu Ziyan was doing, Xu Ziyan smiled and took everyone to the edge of the station, then turned to face more than twenty The monk said:

"Do you see any difference?"

Cold and other people looked up and down several times, then shook their heads together: "I don't see anything, isn't it still a wall?"

"You go over and see?"

"I come!"

Cold cold really feels that there is no fear, can the wall be transformed into flowers?


Cold and cold, I was shocked to see that the environment around me had changed. At this time, he was not in the place of the adventure group. There was no wall in front of him, but an ice sheet. The biting wind blew and the air seemed to be frozen. Cold and cold took a step back, but the surrounding area is still an ice sheet. He walked on the ice sheet, and the cold gradually made him somewhat intolerable.


A beast, a powerful power can come to the surface, cold and cold took out the sword, waiting for it.

"What happened to him?" Wu Sihe and Zhou Peng asked inexplicably.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "You can go and see."

Traveling around the world and other people are eager to try, anyway, they know that Xu Ziyan will not harm them, there will be no trouble with Xu Ziyan here. So the people of the Star Adventures rushed over and then each of them found themselves standing alone on an ice sheet...

About a decade later, Xu Ziyan pulled them out of the magic array one by one. When I first came out of the illusion, I hadn’t reacted from that illusion, and I had been screaming for a long time before I yelled.

Xu Ziyan gave them a good explanation. They realized what exactly Xu Ziyan had set up and realized that this thing was called the formation. Then Xu Ziyan passed the method of controlling the battle to the cold, swimming around the sea, Zhou Peng, Tang Bu, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language six people, as other people just told them the way to enter and exit from the gate, the rest Did not tell them.

The people of the Star Adventures are having a good time, and Xu Ziyan is retreating. She wants to close a small pass and upgrade her skills to the orange level.

The movement of Xu Ziyan in the daytime was seen by many spies who left behind the Stars Adventure Group. At night, there were several figures who sneaked into the Star Adventure Group, and then they fell into a magical array, which was captured by the cold and others. .

Twenty-one people were arrested one night, and all parties have their own power. Let the four seas laugh and cry, not even the spies of Tiangong. Several people discussed it, first sealed these people with air and locked them in the dungeon.

For a few days, people like cold and cold are very busy. During the day, they take out some essential items for the Great Wilderness, and at night they have to catch the spies who are caught in the magic array. This situation lasted for three days, and no more spies came to explore the Star Adventures. And they are ready to go to the Great Wilderness. Just waiting for Xu Ziyan to go out.

At this time, people like cold and cold realized that the array was so powerful that the Star Adventures had this formation as a monk wearing a defensive fairy, and the Star Adventures without defense was like a completely undefended people. Moreover, the strength of the Star Adventures is not strong now. If it is not fortified, even the cultivation is not at ease. I don't know when it will be assassinated. However, with this array now, they are in absolute security.

On the fourth day, the various parties in the Rizhao City began to send high-ranking monks to visit the Star Adventures. They talked about the magical array of the Star Adventures, but the cold and other people laughed when they talked about it. Language, or rumor other. The waves of visits made the cold and the like annoying, but as a risk-taking group, they were naturally unable to refuse visits from other forces. Therefore, these days, the cold and the like were so miserable that they had been looking forward to Xu Ziyan’s exit. So leave the Yosemite City and go to the Great Wilderness.

Nine days later.

Xu Ziyan went out, and he was repaired as a breakthrough to the early stage of the orange class, which is equivalent to the Yuan Ying period. This is not the most happy thing for her. The most happy thing is that her body strength has finally risen to the seventh level of the Holy Level.

Starlight Adventures, Wu Siyue sat in a chair and listened to his report, his face showed an incredible look:

"This is real?"


The Godsend Adventure Group, Kong Zhi looked thoughtfully at the opposite side of the hand: "So, do they really want to go to the wilderness hunting fusion beast?"

"Yes! They have already booked the fairy boat to the Great Wilderness and set off the day after tomorrow."

Kong Zhi frowned. "Don't they really find the treasure in the forest, but the fairy crystal borrowed from Dan Meng? But why should Dan Meng lend them Xianjing?"

A fairy boat flies between the white clouds. This fairy boat is not large, and there is no separate room. It is just a public cabin with only 50 seats in the cabin. The Star Adventures team dispatched a total of fifteen people, Xu Ziyan, cold and cold, swimming around the sea, Zhou Peng, plus Duan Chao brought nine people. Fuhua language, curtain Dingxiang and Tang did not stay in the Rizhao City, their task is to refine the refining device and the system, to improve their own realm. However, Fuhua language, Miao Dingxiang and Tang Buji have been together with Xu Ziyan for a period of time. They also feel that they have further understanding of the alchemy refining device or the system, and it takes time to settle.

Today's Star Adventures is the best place. It has a magical array of defenses, it will not be disturbed, and there are many materials purchased at the beginning, so Fuhua language, Miao Dingxiang and Tang Buji left after Xu Ziyan and others left. The three of them began to retreat. The entire Star Adventures is also in a state of retreat and no longer receives any visitors.

Xu Ziyan was sitting on the last seat in the fairy boat. His eyes swept through the cabin. In addition to the fifteen people, there were more than thirty people. This is also the two teams that went to the Great Wilderness Hunting. The group is similar. Of course, it can't be counted as Xu Ziyan. In the eyes of the two adventure groups, the Star Adventure Group is suspected to be the weakest of the three teams. Because there is an orange-level Xu Ziyan, in their view, Xu Ziyan is completely looking for death. The place where the great wilderness is the orange-level monk can go?

The master of Xianzhou is a middle-aged man, the repair of the three grades in the late blue period, the beard of the face, just look at the appearance is a sly person.

"Cold leader, have you been to the Great Wilderness?" The other is the head of the thorn flower adventure group called Peng Yu.

Cold cold shook his head and said: "No!"

There is a trace of uneasiness on Peng Yu’s face: "I heard that the fusion beast of the Great Wilderness is very strong. I don’t know how much we can hunt for this strength. Right, Wang, the leader, have you been to the Great Waste?"

The third adventure group, Wang Dalei, head of the Tianzhu Adventure Group, nodded lightly, and brought a trace of pride on his face:

"Of course I have been there."

Peng Yu’s spirit is a revival, and the cold and cold eyes are not overlooked. Wang Dalei is a sigh:

"The wild beasts are indeed very powerful, and their combat power is doubled. If we encounter a fusion beast with our ranks, it is definitely not an opponent. So give you a piece of advice..."

Cold and Peng Yu rushed to express their gratitude. Wang Dalei continued to say: "After entering the Great Wilderness, don't be greedy. Be sure to look for the fusion beasts that are placed in the order, and you must rush to kill them in the shortest time, otherwise you will be attracted. Come to other fusion beasts, just wait for death."

The owner of the fairy boat, who had been sitting at the forefront, showed disdain on his face, and his eyes swept over the monks in his seat. In the heart:

"After these people have entered the Great Wilderness, I don’t know how many people can come out!"

The eyes swept over a monk who was talking hotly there, shaking his head in the heart.

Great waste!

It is a paradise for monks and a nightmare for monks.

There was a trace of memory on his face, and he looked like he had an unforgettable experience in the Great Wilderness.


His eyes fell on the Xu Ziyan in the corner. She did not participate in any discussion, but sat quietly and sat there. The owner of the fairy boat looked at it for a while and couldn’t help but smile.

He saw that Xu Ziyan actually practiced there, and this... is it diligent?


Is this useful?

You shouldn’t be a big man in an orange class. Now think of it...

The owner of the fairy boat sighed and sighed gently, shaking his head and looking around the side.

Gradually, the atmosphere in the cabin calmed down, and the four-day time passed. Everyone lost interest in conversation, and most of the time they were practicing, just talking a few words.


The owner of the fairy boat suddenly turned his head and looked at the Xu Ziyan in the corner. The breath of Xu Ziyan was released. Her cultivation has been upgraded to the second grade of the orange grade, which is equivalent to the middle of the Yuan Ying. After taking out an elixir swallowed, Xu Ziyan began to stabilize the realm of the orange grade.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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