The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2738: Sword of sword

H2> "Boom..."

A sword of mans with signs of sag fell from the sky and squatted on the fairy boat. Let the fairy boat roll in the air and fall to the ground. Although the master of the fairy boat tried to control it, the fairy boat crashed into the ground and half fell into the ground.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock. The first thing she thought of was the people of the Tianci Adventure Group and the Starlight Adventure Group. The cold and other people’s eyes also showed tension. The thoughts in their hearts were the same as Xu Ziyan. At this time, I heard the owner of the fairy boat screamed:

"Maohua, I want to kill you."


The owner of the fairy boat opened the door and rushed out. Xu Ziyan and others looked at each other with a sigh of relief. They all came out from the hatch and looked up into the air.

There are two people fighting together in the sky. One is the master of the fairy boat, the other is a scarred monk. From the two people killing one side, everyone knows that these two people are enemies, and that face is scarred. The monks have intercepted the masters of the fairy boat more than once, but the strength of the two sides is quite equal, and they are not cheap at all.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan’s eyes glanced, and he saw the scarred monk throwing a picture to the bottom. The picture was unfolded in the air, and a huge suction was sucked toward Xu Ziyan and others. The body of Xu Ziyan and others Involuntarily flew toward the picture.

"Wang Zhong, you dare." The master of the fairy boat in the air angered, but in exchange for Wang Zhong's laughter.

Only in an instant, dozens of people on the ground were absorbed by the scroll. Wang Zhong haha ​​laughed and folded the scroll, and the big sleeves were rolled out, and the figure disappeared leisurely. The master figure of the fairy boat disappeared in the same place, and it was chasing after it. However, after about half a day later, the owner of the fairy boat appeared again in the sky above the fairy boat. The anger of the face was that the king was given up and chased. The fairy boat was put away, and the figure disappeared into the air, leaving only There was a sigh.

Xu Ziyan was in the middle of painting, but there was no fear. The fascination of the peaks of the early nine levels of the Holy Land spread. I found the painting soul of this painting very much. There is a glimpse of the gods. With the realm of Xu Ziyan, it is easy to erase his gods, but Xu Ziyan did not do this.

She has a feeling that Wang Zhong did not come to the head of the fairy boat, but came to them. Maybe it was coming from the imaginary treasure, so Xu Ziyan did not erase the gods in the painting soul, but closed his eyes and cultivated.

This is a space fairy, the concentration of the elements inside is not only lower than the outside, but also much higher than the outside. Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the gods has also been swept to the cold and other people. When they saw them flying around and looking for the exit, they shook their heads slightly and no longer care about them. She knew that before Wang Zhong did not reveal his purpose, they did not There will be any danger, here is a cage. The power of Xu Ziyan's Yuanshen is completely beyond the realm that this space can suppress, so Xu Ziyan can go in and out at any time, and he is not in a hurry.

About seven days later, Xu Ziyan felt that Wang Zhong seemed to stop, and then transmitted the knowledge from the picture. When he saw that he did not know when, Wang Zhong was already in the shape of an underground world and was flying in the passage.

Suddenly, the consciousness of Xu Ziyan shrank, and there was a slight fear in his heart. That was because Wang Zhong stopped at this time, standing in front of a giant sword, looking at the sword with great gaze, just now It was Xu Ziyan’s gods who accidentally passed the huge sword, and the sly sword meant her shock.

When Wang Zhong stopped the time of less than three interest, he sighed softly, and then his body flew again, and he entered a cave house. After entering Dongfu, Wang Zhong sacrificed the scroll to the coldness in the scroll. The coldness came out of the scroll and was remade by the king. Then he looked at the cold and sighed and shouted:

"Tell me, what treasures have you got in the forest?"

"Hidden?" In the cold eyes, a smile smiled: "We didn't get any treasures."

"Hey!" Wang Zhong coldly sighed: "Now the entire Yiyao City knows that you have got the treasure, you have to deny it? Otherwise, where did you come to buy the best place?"

"Is the Dan League ally not declaring those celestials that they lend to us?"

"Do you say I will believe it?" Wang Zhong looked coldly and coldly.

Hearing this, Xu Ziyan has already understood, this Wang Zhong is listening to the rumors of the Star Adventures, so they have all caught them here. At the moment, he no longer hesitated, and he stepped out of the picture and waved a punch to the king.

The shape of Xu Ziyan fell from the picture and was enlarged in the air. A fist burst out of pure orange.

Yes, at this time, the repair of Xu Ziyan has been upgraded to the first three grades of the orange grade, which is equivalent to the repair of the late Yuan Ying. The embarrassing shackles went to the king.

Wang Zhong’s eyes showed disdain, although he was shocked why Xu Ziyan was able to come out of the picture, but when he saw Xu Ziyan’s explosion, it was orange, and the eyes were only disdainful, lifting his right arm and facing it casually. Xu Ziyan took the time.


The squatting man was broken under the random one of Wang Zhong’s random, Xu Ziyan’s body was rapidly approaching, and Wang Zhong’s front arm was also pumping toward Xu Ziyan’s fist. Wang Zhong’s face showed a sneer, and he could imagine that when the arm was drawn, only the orange-level Xu Ziyan would be crushed by him. This just happens to give a cold look, let him feel fear, and tell the truth, telling where the treasure of the forest is.


Xu Ziyan’s fist and Wang Zhong’s arm finally collided together, but the moment’s arm was bursting, and the flesh and blood flew, and Xu Zi’s fist did not stop. Although Wang Zhong wanted to dodge at this time, but for Xu Ziyan The contempt made his preparation insufficient.


Wang Zhong’s head was blown up by Xu Ziyan’s fist, and even the gods in the sea were blasted. On the side of the cold and coldly looking at Xu Ziyan, he was not shocked Xu Ziyan broke Wang Zhong's head, he knows that Xu Ziyan's body strength is very strong, so this is nothing to be surprised, he was surprised that Xu Ziyan actually orange grade initial three products Now, in the middle of the orange class, the speed of this cultivation is too great, right?

The scroll that has been floating in the air falls to the ground at the moment of Wang Zhong’s death. Xu Ziyan puts the scroll in his hand, then transmits the gods to erase the sacred **** in the painting soul, and then releases the monks from the scroll. Come out.

When Peng Yu and Wang Dalei saw the cold and Xu Ziyan in Dongfu, they immediately decided that they had saved them from cold and cold. As for Xu Ziyan, an orange-level monk would not have to pay attention. Therefore, the two of them immediately led their men to thank the cold. Leng Han also knows that Xu Ziyan does not want to expose his own cards, so he simply accepted their gratitude.

Cold and cold took the storage ring of Wang Zhong’s body and took it away, and then scraped the entire Dongfu. Although Wang Dalei and Peng Yu looked at their eyes, they did not say anything. After all, their lives were cold and cold, and everything here should belong to the cold and trophy.

After the hole was scraped, everyone left Wang Zhong’s Dongfu and walked along the passage toward the front. Not far away, there were seven ramps in front of the road, and everyone stopped. Wang Dalei’s eyes turned round, and the heart was dark:

"If they have been following the cold, they are the ones who have encountered the treasures? Their lives are saved by the other side, and they are too embarrassed to compete with each other. It is better to separate them."

Thinking of this, Wang Dalei is waving to the cold and cold: "Cold leader, it is better for us to separate here."

Cold and cold naturally understand Wang Dalei’s mind, then nodded and said with concern: “Be careful!”

Wang Dalei and Peng Yu took a path with their own men and went in. After the cold figure disappeared, Wang Dalei and Peng Yu disappeared and asked Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, let's go that way?"

"Head, on the way, I saw a giant sword. There is a sword in the giant sword. I want to go there and see. We can go together. Of course, you can go to other places first. ”

Cold and cold pondering: "The sword is there, anyway, let's go somewhere else. What do you think?"

The four seas and Zhou Peng all nodded, so Xu Ziyan and the cold and other people broke up, and Xu Ziyan walked in a martyr. According to the memory when I came in, Xu Ziyan came to the front of the giant sword, and there was a ten-meter long distance to feel the sharp sword.

Xu Ziyan measured toward the giant sword. The giant sword was more than five meters high. The eyes of Xu Ziyan suddenly shrank. She found that the giant sword was not a real sword, but a sword. . Looking at the tip of the sword, I saw that there was a skeleton under the sword. It must have been that a big monk had killed a man with a sword here, but the sword was not condensed and formed a sword. The sword of meaning.

No wonder that Wang Zhong did not put the sword away, not that he did not want to receive it, but could not receive it at all. But who was the original intention of this sword?

The lack of understanding of the world made Xu Ziyan see the origin of the sword at all, simply no longer pay attention to it, and walked toward the sword.


A sword is rushing in the face, and Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. The sword is filled with the meaning of hegemony and destruction. The power of the **** of the first stage of the nine-layer sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred moment instantly perceives the master of this sword. It is a holy monk, but he has just entered this sword, and he still can't perceive accurate repairs.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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