The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2739: Sword

H2> I am very grateful to the little Mei classmates who are dull (588, Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200, Jie Jie classmates 2 (99, Lu Wenjing classmates (100 rewards!

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and perceive the heavenly rules contained in the sword's intention through the power of the gods...

Xu Ziyan's footsteps are close to the sword little by little, and she has been forcing her eyes. She relies entirely on the perception to the most intense and fierce travel of the sword. There is naturally that between the swords. And as Xu Ziyan's footsteps approached, the sword's mind was constantly shrinking.

By the time of the holy level, the rules of heaven can be used. It is the degree of understanding of the rules of heaven that causes the realm of the holy monks to be different.

Xu Ziyan is not inferior to any one of the two worlds of the mainland and the starry continent, because her power of the gods is the peak of the nine levels of the holy level, and the eleven attributes are all realized to the great consummation. But these are the foundations. Xu Ziyan has never created a sword in his own way. That is, the sword is also a basic sword.

Not bad!

A sword-breaking method is a high-quality sword method for the Holy Class, but it is already a foundation for the Holy Master. But now she is comprehending this trick, but Xu Ziyan is excited, not only the sword is originally strong, but also the breakthrough of Xu Ziyan has been pushing the sword.

Since Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the sword in the city of Phoenix, she has been continually deriving in these years, and she wants to derive a sword that is truly her own and suitable for her own, but she always feels that there is a film for her. Unclear, but now the sword that I got here makes her mind clear, and there is a feeling of seeing the clouds.

Seven days spent in the silence, at this time Xu Ziyan is less than five meters away from the sword of the sword, and the sword has been reduced to less than three meters high.

There was a footstep behind her. It was Wang Dalei who appeared behind Xu Ziyan with his men. He saw his sword and his eyes brightened. Of course, his realm could not be seen. It was not a real sword. It is a sword of sword. But he can feel the power of the sword.

I didn’t want to think about it, the figure flew up and rushed toward the sword of the sword, trying to **** the sword of the sword.


Wang Dalei’s figure flew out, and a sword rushed into his sea of ​​knowledge, but he instantly smashed his god.


The body fell to the ground and fell.

Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in the comprehension at this time, and did not find the situation around him. Wang Dalei’s men stayed awkward and then flew to Wang Dalei’s front, only to find that Wang Dalei was dead. I couldn’t help but look up at the sword of the sword, and slowly looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, one by one full of fear.

No one looked closer to the sword. At this time, everyone knew in their hearts that the power of the sword was not something they could resist. But they are also wondering why Xu Ziyan can resist, isn't she an orange-level repair?

There was a footstep behind them, and everyone turned around and saw that it was cold and so on. Leng Han and others saw Wang Dalei lying on the ground, and saw the appearance of Xu Ziyan's comprehension. His face was tight, and his body shape swept to the body of Wang Dalei. His eyes looked sharply at Wang Dalei's hand:

"what's going on?"

"This is the case..." One of the monks explained the matter in a few words, which made the cold and others look at the sword's gaze.

In fact, they don't understand Xu Ziyan. What they know about Xu Ziyan is that the strength of the body is high, and the speed of Yuanli cultivation is not known, but the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan is very high. Therefore, they do not understand that since Xu Ziyan can stand opposite the sword, why does Wang Dalei die?

"I will try it!"

Zhou Peng’s words fell, and he carefully walked toward Xu Ziyan. The eyes of everyone looked at Zhou Peng. At this time, Peng Yu and others came from behind and saw Wang Dalei's body. After inquiring about the reasons, he could not help but lock Zhou Peng.

Zhou Peng walked behind Xu Ziyan and frowned slightly. He didn't feel the slightest change. He took a deep breath and stepped forward with Xu Ziyan.


A sword rushed to the surface, Zhou Peng snorted, and hurriedly took a step back. Even so, the sword was also conscious of the left and right of the sea, this is still only standing side by side with Xu Ziyan, immediately quit, Did not directly rush to the sword of the sword like Wang Dalei.

Zhou Peng immediately sat down on his knees and clung to his own god. He did not dare to comprehend the sword, but tried to expel the sword.


Cold and Peng Yu and others all flew over, looking at Zhou Peng's pale face, and the mouth also oozing blood, one by one, and then looking at Xu Ziyan, all eyes showed a dignified color. At this time, they saw that Xu Ziyan was absolutely not simple. In particular, Peng Yu and others no longer dared to look down on Xu Ziyan as an orange-level repair.

In fact, Wang Dalei and Zhou Peng could not bear the sword of swordsmanship. That is because Xu Ziyan has absorbed the sword of the sword of swordsmanship and absorbed most of the sword. From the distance of ten meters, it has absorbed the distance of four meters, and the closer it is. The sword of the sword, the sword is dense and strong, if it is the original ten-meter sword, they will not be injured and die.

At that time, the king was accidentally discovering this place, and he has been absorbing the sword here, but his power of the **** is still too low, absorbed for a hundred years, but absorbed a hundred meters of sword.

One day later.

Zhou Peng opened his eyes and rested for the rest of his life. I saw Zhou Pengyi in the four seas and hurriedly asked:

"Zhou Fei, what happened?"

"Sword meaning! Good swordsmanship!" Zhou Pengxin said with a sigh of relief: "You don't try, you can't bear it."

I went to the four seas and nodded. I knew him very well about Zhou Peng’s cultivation. They didn’t know how many times they had learned each other. He couldn’t afford the things that Zhou Peng could not afford. Only he looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of curiosity, not only him, all people are very curious about Xu Ziyan at this time.

It took another seven days.

Xu Ziyan has already sat on the ground at this time, and the sword has become the size of the palm, and the body around Xu Ziyan slowly hovered. Finally, it turned into a silky sword and entered the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

Another day passed. Xu Ziyan opened her eyes and revealed the color of information in her eyes. She has fully realized this sword, but what makes her happy is not to comprehend this sword, but the sword he wants to create has a basic The prototype, as long as it is further improved, can have a sword that is entirely his own.

"How is the harvest?" Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and looked at the people laughing.

The faces of everyone are bitterly saying: "Where there is any treasure, even if it is there, it will be scrapped by Wang."

Xu Ziyan heard and laughed and shook his head. "Then let's get out of here."

The group spent half a day coming out of the underground world, and then inquired about it in a nearby town, knowing that there is still a long way to go from the Great Wilderness.

It takes more than a month for the Great Wilderness to reach the junction of the Tiangong and the Starlight Holy Land. Xu Ziyan’s space fairy has a cloud baby. At the beginning, she has transferred the cloud baby from the purple smoke space to the space fairy, but she does not want to expose her own things too much, not to mention she came here to travel around. So they first hired several flying horses in the town and spent five days in a medium-sized city, Bright City.

These days, Xu Ziyan has been sitting in the train and practicing. As soon as he enters the city of Guangming, Xu Ziyan feels that he has reached the point of breakthrough. Therefore, Xu Ziyan immediately searched for an inn, and then went out to find the fairy who went to the Great Wilderness. Boat, and Xu Ziyan is seeking a breakthrough in the inn.

There is no obstacle in Xu Ziyan’s state of mind, so her breakthrough is a matter of course. It took only two hours to break through to the middle of the orange class, which is equivalent to the early stage of the transformation. At the same time, I felt that my body strength also had a slight increase, which made Xu Ziyan happy.

The buddy was sent to the bath tub and the bath water. After the purple smoke was properly packed, it came out of the room. Looking down on the porch on the second floor, I saw the cold and others sitting in the restaurant below, Xu Ziyan went down the stairs, and when I saw Xu Ziyan coming over, I laughed:

"Ziyan, you are really Missy, we are all busy, you are resting and taking a shower, you women... eh?"

The four seas suddenly widened their eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan, and they shook their eyes in disbelief:

"You, you,...the middle of the orange?"

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye and sat down on a chair beside him: "What's the big surprise in the orange class, isn't it worse for you?"

“Not the same!” The four seas shook his head and said: “How long have I been practicing? How long have you been practicing?”

Xu Ziyan chuckled and said in his heart: "Of course it is different. My body is the beginning of the seventh level of the Holy Level. The power of the Yuanshen is the peak of the nine levels of the Holy Level. What we have to do now is nothing but accumulation."

However, she opened the topic: "How about, have you found the fairy boat to the Great Wilderness?"

"Yeah!" Cold nodded and said: "You can leave tomorrow morning."

“Great!” Xu Ziyan said happily: “We rushed to the Great Wilderness and hunted the fusion beast to pay the debts of Dan League.”

"Right!" Cold and whispered: "When Wang Dalei died, his men want to join our adventure group, how do you see purple smoke?"

"You have looked at the head of the team, but one thing has to explain to them that in the execution of the task, the order must be executed, even if it is death."

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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