The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2740: development plan

H2> "Not bad!" Zhou Peng gently patted the table: "Cold cold, I think we should not simply form this adventure group in the form of a adventure group. It is better to develop towards a sect. Waiting for the way to the Great Wilderness. In the days, we have several negotiating rules."

Xu Ziyan hurriedly waved: "You three will do, I will not participate, my cultivation is too low, I must seize all the time to cultivate."

Cold and cold, the four people who visited Sihai and Zhou Peng looked at each other and nodded together: "Good!"

These three people, one from the first adventure group, one from the Heavenly Palace, and one from the Starlight Holy Land, are all familiar with the rules, and there are absolutely no problems in the rules negotiated by these three people.

Therefore, since she boarded the fairy boat, Xu Ziyan sat in a corner and closed her eyes and entered the cultivation. Sitting around her are members of the Star Adventure Group. There is no problem with safety. At this time, Wang Dalei’s 16 men also officially joined the Star Adventure Group, so the number of Star Adventures to the Great Wilderness increased from 15 to 31.

Cold and cold, Zhou Peng and You Sihai are always studying the rules and regulations of the Star Adventures. Every time a rule is proposed, the purpose and reason of this rule will be stated. Let the players of the Star Adventures who are sitting next to listen. Have a **** boil. This is where the adventure group was established, which is clearly built to build a sect.

There is still a three-day journey from the Great Wilderness. The smell of Xu Ziyan has fluctuated again. Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and forced the breakthrough. Because the breakthrough here will cause a lot of power to gather, maybe it will destroy this fairy boat. Feeling the fluctuation of the breath of Xu Ziyan, the monks above the fairy boat looked at Xu Ziyan, cold and happy:

"Ziyan, are you going to break through?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded, then headed to the surrounding monks: "You, can you stay for one day, wait for the purple smoke to break through and go to the Great Wilderness, Ziyan has its own report."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan took out two storage bags and handed them to the heads of the two adventure groups. The heads of the two adventurous groups found that the storage bag was swept away, and a smile appeared on his face. Xu Ziyan put 100,000 fine crystals in each storage bag, which is already a small adventure group like them. It is a lot of money. Immediately nodded and agreed that the owner of the fairy boat naturally had nothing to say. Then Xianzhou landed in a valley. Everyone was a day off. They gathered together and talked about some interesting things while drinking wine. Xu Ziyan entered the depths of the valley and began to break through.

Tiandi Yuanli began to gather, and it formed a huge Yuanli vortex on the head of Xu Ziyan, and then gradually fell and wrapped Xu Ziyan inside, and Xu Ziyan was lost in the eyes of everyone. Everyone grew up with amazement.

This... Is this an orange breakthrough? Don't say it's orange, is the yellow level not so big?

They have doubts in their hearts, and Xu Ziyan’s heart also has doubts. She does not understand why there is no catastrophe here. Is it because of my own reasons or the breakthrough of this world?

The breakthrough of Xu Ziyan lasted for two hours, and the strength of the body has been improved a bit. The realm of Yuanli has been upgraded to the later stage of the orange level, which is equivalent to the distraction period.

The heavens and the earth gradually dissipated, and the shape of Xu Ziyan flew from the ground and disappeared. Everyone did not care. After knowing the breakthrough, it should be to discharge some impurities, and Xu Ziyan went to find the water source to clean it. Xu Ziyan did go to clean, but there was no impurity in her body. His body was transparent, but the breakthrough still showed some sweat, which was very uncomfortable.

When Xu Ziyan took a shower and changed into a dry clothes, everyone returned to the fairy boat and flew toward the wilderness. Under the four seas, I looked at Xu Ziyan. When I wanted to ask something and closed my mouth, Xu Ziyan waved and set up a soundproofing ban to be cold, swimming around the sea and Zhou Peng, and then looking at the four seas:

"You can say it now."

The four seas pressed down and said: "Ziyan, in fact, I have been stunned for a long time. Why didn't you have a robbery when you broke through?"

The sounds of the four seas fell, and the cold and Zhou Peng also noticed the purple smoke. They have been paying attention to Xu Ziyan for a long time, and there is no robbery every time they break through, which makes them very curious.

When Xu Ziyan heard the words, he immediately understood that the breakthrough of monks in this world was also a catastrophe. The reason why he did not have a catastrophe should be his own reason.

But what is the reason?

Xu Ziyan thought a little about it, and then determined that it was two reasons. One reason was that his own body had reached the holy level, and breaking through such a small realm would naturally have no catastrophe. But another reason should be accurate. It is that you have spent the day on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty. You should have the mark of the source in the body. Although the combination of heaven and earth is different from that of the mainland, the source is the same, so there is no more. Give yourself a day to rob. Of course, she couldn’t tell the truth to them, but she sank:

"Maybe my body has surpassed the realm of today's power, so I didn't drop the catastrophe. I don't know the specifics."

Cold and other people listened to nod, and in their hearts, only this reason makes sense. Traveling around the world will admire the drop:

"You are so happy! You don't know how painful it is to resist the catastrophe."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled: "It can't be said that the robbery is a test of the monk on the one hand, and a gift to the monk on the other hand. The body of the monk who has experienced the robbery will become more transparent."

"This is also true!" The four seas nodded and smiled.

Cold and cold took out a jade slip to Xu Zi flue: "Ziyan, this is a good rule we negotiate, you look."


Xu Ziyan turned out to be a jade, and he explored the gods and began to read it. After a quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan returned the jade to the cold road:

"Head, this set of rules is very good, just have a question and don't know if you have considered it."

"What problem?" Cold, Zhou Peng and You Sihai were all curiously looking over. The three of them felt that the rules were perfect. Is there any omission?

Xu Ziyan said solemnly: "According to this rule, we are likely to develop into the third largest force in the Starlight continent. Have you considered the pressure from the Heavenly Palace and the Starlight Holy Land?"

Cold and cold, the look of the four seas and Zhou Peng is a glimpse, and then they are silent. At first they only thought about how to develop the Star Adventures, and because they were the sons of the Holy Land of the Holy Land, and the son of the Lord of the Temple, they naturally ignored the threat from the Temple of Heaven and the Holy Land. It was raised by Xu Ziyan, and this realized the seriousness. If you are traveling to the Tiangong Palace, Zhou Peng becomes the Holy Lord of the Starlight Holy Land, and they will not be troubled.

But they are not!

If the Star Adventures really developed according to their ideas, it is a star-light sanctuary, or the Heavenly Palace will not let the Star Adventures grow bigger, and the Star Adventures will be destroyed.

So their plan is not to develop the Star Adventures, but to send the Star Adventures to death!

Cold and cold silence for a while: "In fact, we do not need to develop a risky group to such a large, my wish is just revenge."

The cold and cold sentence doubts whether or not the plan was just decided. He could not swim for four seas and Zhou Peng because of his personal desires. The four seas and Zhou Peng looked at each other and the eyes of two people were full of bitterness.

Xu Ziyan bent his fingers and gently tapped on the armrest of the chair and said: "If you can have a place where the Heavenly Palace and the Starlight Holy Land are not covered, you can solve all the problems."

Cold and cold, the eyes of the four seas and Zhou Peng were bright, and then dimmed.

"No?" Xu Ziyan glanced at the three people in front of him.

"Yes!" Cold and bitter smile: "The Great Wilderness is a place. It is said that the Temple of Heaven or the Holy Land can't control it. It is said that there is a very powerful holy-class fusion beast."

Xu Ziyan heard and shook his head. The places where Tiangong and the Holy Land did not dare to provoke. These people ran there to establish a base. Isn’t that looking for death?

"There is still a place." Zhou Peng said bitterly: "It is the land of the Yaozu."

Xu Ziyan also immediately shut up, relying on these people to face the entire Yaozu? It would be better to go to the wilderness.

"There is still a place!" said the four seas: "There is no monster in there."

Leng Han and Zhou Peng looked at him eccentrically: "What are you talking about?"

"Well!" He said with a smile: "I just said, huh, huh... adjust the atmosphere."

"Reversed land? What is it?" Xu Ziyan asked curiously.

The three people looked at each other and finally said by the four seas: "Ziyan, half of the territory of the starlight continent is an unknown place. Humans have not explored it. It is very dangerous. For example, the ice sheet you came from belongs to For the development of the place. The remaining half, the Yaozu accounted for one-half, and our Terran occupied one-half.

In the territory of the Terran, it is not completely occupied by the human race, such as the Great Wilderness. If the Terran's territory is counted as ten, the Great Wilderness occupies one point, the Starlight Holy Land occupies three points, the Heavenly Palace occupies three points, and some mysterious places occupy one point, and the largest mysterious land occupies two points. Points, that is the place to reverse.

The land that is upside down is very weird. The rules of heaven and earth seem to be reversed. On the human race or the Yaozu, it is very uncomfortable to get there. If you stay for a long time, you will have insanity. ”

"Oh, there is such a place? Where is it?" Xu Ziyan was very curious.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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