The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2741: Great wilderness

H2>Thank you for the stunned Xiaomeizhang classmates (588, Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200, Jie Jie classmates 2 (99, sprout槑 classmates (100, dream too long 999 classmates (100, Lu Wenjing classmates (100, Red pepper 8 classmates (99's reward!

"At the junction of the Temple of Heaven and the Holy Land, the Temple of Heaven is in the north, the Holy Land is in the south, the upside down land and the great wilderness are on the east-west line. The Great Wilderness is on the west. The inverted land is on the east."

Xu Ziyan said with a deep heart: "There is a chance to see."

The look of the four seas is a tight one: "Ziyan, you don't want to be rash."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I just go see!"

"Yeah!" The four seas nodded: "Be careful, my father has been there, and I have not stayed for one day."

"My father has also been there!" Zhou Peng also said: "I have not stayed for one day."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. The fathers of these two men are all peaks in the late stage of the purple grade. It is equivalent to the peak of the eighth grade of the holy level. Such a big monk can stay in the inverted place for less than one day. I can imagine the danger there. .

“Let's do this!” Xu Ziyan said with a deep heart: “We first implemented according to this plan. Anyway, there is still a long way to go before we can develop the attention of Tiangong and the Holy Land. If we can't find one in the future, we can develop independently. Where we set up the adventure group and develop into forces like Dan League, the League of Nations, and the League of Nations, there is no need to compete with the Heavenly Palace and the Holy Land. If we find a place to develop, we will say it at that time."

"Good!" Cold, and the four seas and Zhou Peng also let go of their minds.

Xu Ziyan waved away the ban, and everyone began to chat again, and Xu Ziyan just broke through and put down the cultivation, sitting and listening, in order to understand the starlight continent.

Three days later.

The fairy boat stopped at the edge of the great wilderness, and the monks walked out from the fairy boat. Xu Ziyan’s eyes looked in the direction of the great wilderness.

Here is a small town called the Great Wilderness.

The Great Wilderness Town is mainly to solve the supply of the monks here, and there are also various forces to acquire the fusion beast here. From the mouth of the Great Wilderness, you can see the great wilderness.

It was covered with a layer of five-colored fog, and the fog was very light. You could see the scenery inside the wilderness through the fog. There are grotesque plants, and from time to time you can see one or two fusion beasts roaring and running. At the same time, there is a team of adventure groups to enter the Great Wilderness. Sometimes, a team of adventure groups can be seen coming out of the Great Wilderness. Many monks are carrying them, and even lack of arms and broken legs. Some teams came out with only three or two people. At first glance, they knew that almost all the troops were wiped out.

Xu Ziyan, they have already prepared for the supply, so the cold and cold, the Star Adventures did not enter the Great Wilderness Town to take a rest and walk towards the Great Wilderness.

The heads of the two teams that had just set off and came to the Great Wilderness with them came over.

"Cold leader!"

"Lv head, Chu head!" Cold and politely greeted.

"Cold leader, how do we act together with the three adventure groups?" Lu said with a smile, and the head of the Chu also nodded.

Cold cold immediately shook his head: "No, we still act alone."

The two monks looked stiff, but politely handed: "Good luck to you!"

"I wish you good luck too!"

Looking at the back of the cold and other people, Lv Tuanchang and the head of the Chu side looked at each other, and Lu’s face appeared on his face:

"I really think of myself as a character, and I can’t estimate a few people from their strength."

"Forget it! Since they don't want to, let's join forces."

Passing through the fog, it really entered the great wilderness, a desert of breath rushed in the air, with a touch of Tianwei in the air. This is different from the environment in which Xu Ziyan first encountered a fusion beast in the Dragon Palace. Tianwei here has a kind of suppression for the monk. This kind of suppression makes Xu Ziyan feel that his body is heavy, although he can still move freely and not delay flight, but the heavy weight is real.

"Who have you ever been to the Great Waste?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"I have been here!" Zhou Peng and the four seas said the same.

Two people looked at each other and Zhou Peng made a gesture of asking for a smile.

"The more you go inside, the stronger the strength of the fusion beast, and the stronger the gravity. The ability to gradually lose. As to when you can't fly depends on the individual's cultivation."

"Sure enough, this Tianwei has restrictions!"

Xu Ziyan sank and said: "We will choose a place to station, and then you will pass the lore to everyone."

"it is good!"

The crowd began to fly to the front, where the super-equivalent people had already followed the cold and they learned the lore in the day. What is to be taught today is the sixteen monks who have just turned to them. Looking for a valley to be stationed, first let the sixteen monks swear by the heavens to not pass the loneliness, and then began to teach them the lore.

The lore is in the cold and cold. They think it is a secret that is not a must. It will be the watch card of the rise of their Star Adventure Group, which is naturally taken seriously.

These people are there to practice the lore, and Xu Ziyan has left here. She is very curious about the Great Wilderness, and she is not only hunting the fusion beasts, but trying to catch a large number of fusion beasts. As long as there is enough fusion beast, her master Jianxu has a breakthrough to the holy Level of possibility.

She spent three days in a circle around, killing some of the fusion beasts, and also caught some of the fusion beasts in the space fairy, thinking of the cold, they should say that the killing is almost passed, then they return The valley.

After entering the valley, everyone has learned the lore, but not enough. This needs to be gradually familiar in the battle, and only in the battle can grow faster.

Xu Ziyan and the cold cold together left the valley to start hunting the fusion beast, Xu Ziyan did not shoot, just watching the cold and cold of their lore, Xu Ziyan just followed the shot, cold and so on, naturally there is no opinion, because they know Xu Ziyan is very powerful, although Xu Ziyan sees that the current cultivation is only in the late orange period, but when she did not have a little repair, she was able to kill the blue peak of the late stage, and this killing was taught by Xu Ziyan. She stood there and didn't shoot, just checking whether the loneliness was running smoothly.

But those who joined the war did not know, they had an opinion on Xu Ziyan in their hearts. Everyone is now an adventure group of stars, and you Xu Ziyan is the person who is the lowest, even when everyone is shooting, you stand by, what do you mean?

Engage in privilege?

Are you qualified?

However, people who saw cold and cold did not respond, and those who joined them had to be patient.

After a day's time, seeing them relying on the lore in the Great Wilderness, as long as they don't take risks, there will be no danger. Xu Ziyan will wait for the cold and cold:

"Head, you are here to hunt the fusion beast, I will go inside and see."

Those who joined the monk couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan with a slanting look, one by one:

"What? You want to go deep into the wilderness? Have you made a mistake? Just go deep into your strength, don't know how to write dead words?"

However, they found that people like cold and cold did not have the slightest accident and worry. How could they have accidents and fears? Don't forget where Xu Ziyan came from, but it came out of the ice sheet. The monsters there had headaches for the Lord of the Palace and the Lord of the Holy Land, but Xu Ziyan was able to enter at will, and there was nothing to worry about in the wild. So a few people in the cold nodded, Xu Ziyan saw and said:

"You have to be careful, the strength of the fusion beast is very strong, far beyond their own cultivation, to do what they can, not too deep."

"Know! You are also careful!" Cold and others said together.

"Well, I am leaving!"

Xu Ziyan’s words fell, and his body shape swept away in the Great Wilderness, and it disappeared.

"Let's go!" The cold body exudes arrogance: "Soon enough to kill, good debt."

"The head of the team..." The cuckoos who joined were somewhat confused: "We are still in debt?"

"Yeah!" Leng Han smiled: "At the beginning we bought a piece of land in Rizhao City, not so much money, so we borrowed a little money with Dan Meng. This time to come to the Great Wilderness is to kill enough integration. The beast pays off debt."

"Oh, just borrowed a little!" Du Fu put down his heart, no one wants to just join a risky group. This adventure group owes a lot of debt, so the welfare of the players is definitely not good, there is no cultivation resources, Hard work, what about joining the Star Adventures?

"Head, our adventure group dive into the Dan League how many Xianjing? Head, our adventure group is very powerful, even able to borrow from the Dan League."

"I haven’t borrowed a lot, borrowing a hundred billion yuan."

"That's okay... What? One hundred billion... the best... Xianjing?" Du Fu's body began to scream.

Nima, this is 100 billion, not a thousand! It is the best fairy crystal, not the next product. One hundred billion of the best fairy crystal, he has never dreamed of so many fairy crystals, and now he has joined a risky group with so many debts.

This also makes people not live!

The four cuckoos looked at the bitter face of Du Fu, and said: "Well, don't put a crying face, we are here to pay off the debt in one lump sum. Besides, the Great Wilderness is also a good place for trials. I think that we will not stay in this place for a short time. After the trials in the Great Wilderness, we may have a breakthrough after we return."

"Just by us..." Du Fu's face is still very ugly, but it is just bitter, but there is no other meaning.

"You want to say that we, people, such strength, to kill in what year and month to be able to pay off 100 billion?" You said with a smile.

"Yes!" Du Fu was honest and nodded.

"Don't worry, isn't there still purple smoke?"

" orange level..."

"Okay!" Cold and cold interrupted Du Fu's words: "We hunted the fusion beast as much as possible, and collected the fusion gas. Waiting for the purple smoke to come back to meet us, that is, when we leave the Great Wilderness. Go!"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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