The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2754: Starlight City

Xu Ziyan is really not a little bit grasped, she has her weaknesses, her biggest weakness is that her cultivation is only green, only the strength of the body is not good, there will be inherent defects in the battle.

Zhou Peng is also a well-informed person. Naturally, he understands the meaning of Xu Ziyan, but he still calmly said:

"In any case, I have to go back. As you said, I have to go back and stop my eldest brother, otherwise let him grow bigger and bigger, and finally it will be our dead end. I just want to go back so brightly, but I have to look at me. How will Big Brother deal with me."

the next day.

Ten fairy boats carrying the stars of the adventure group of the monks flew toward the Star City, sitting on the top of a fairy boat in the middle of the Star Adventures. This fairy boat is more advanced and has a room. On the first moment of boarding the fairy boat, Xu Ziyan called the cold cold to his room, and then handed the jade bottle with a trace of ice flame to the cold road:

"Cold cold, you take this back and start refining immediately. It should help you to upgrade a few steps."

Cold and cold did not see what was inside the jade bottle. After thanking Xu Ziyan deeply, he left the room of Xu Ziyan and returned to his room.

After sitting cross-legged in the room, put the jade bottle next to it, first adjust his state to the peak, then pick up the jade bottle and open the lid.

The cold ice of the bones spilled out of the jade bottle, and the temperature in the room immediately fell. The walls of the fairy boat were immediately covered with frost, and the cold and cold eyes squinted. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to give him such a A piece of treasure, the eyes flashed grateful color. Close your eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he had already recovered his calmness and opened his mouth. Then he sucked the ice flame into his mouth. The skin on his face immediately became pale, and there was a trace of pain in his eyes. But he still insisted on his teeth...

In the room of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also sat down on the knees. First, she took five five spirits in a row, and then took the other attributes of the elixir, closed her eyes, began to practice the non-attribute exercises, and the power between the heavens and the earth gathered toward the body of Xu Ziyan, the body of Dan The power of medicine broke open...

There are also a few fairy boat teams behind the Star Adventures, which are also going to Star City. The Great Wilderness is located in the middle of the Tiangong and the Holy Land, so the monks who went to the Great Wilderness Hunting had both monks in the Heavenly Palace. There are also monks in the Holy Land. After the completion of the hunting of the great wilderness, the monks in the Holy Land naturally return to the field of the Holy Land. Of course, there are a group of people who want to return to the Star City.

But among these monks are not all adventure groups on the holy land. There is a team among these teams, which is the 500 people in the Starlight Adventure Group. At this time they are riding in the fairy boat, mixed in other fairy boats, followed by the Star Adventures.

"Deputy head!" A monk said to Luo Yin: "Now the Star Adventure Group has grown to more than a thousand people. We are more than 500 people who are not opponents!"

Luo Yin also frowned and thought for a while: "We will follow, look for opportunities to start."


In the sky, a fairy boat flies over, and people like the four seas know that there are many fairy boats behind them. And from time to time there are fairy boats beyond them. They are not doing the same thing, it is normal.

One day, two days. Three days...

Nothing happened, the monks of the entire Star Adventure Group entered the cultivation. Now they have the medicinal herbs. At this time, they are not practicing, what are they waiting for?

From the Great Wilderness to the Starlight City, it takes more than two months for them to speed up the fairy boat, but in fact they spend more time, because the monks of the Star Adventure Group have a lot after taking the drug. The monk began to break through.

A small breakthrough is all right. But the breakthrough in the big realm is that it needs to be robbed, so the Star Adventures has to stop from time to time. Waiting for those breakthrough monks to rob.

The successive breakthroughs of these monks made their hearts more excited, and they also had a sense of belonging to the Star Adventures. The monks who did not break through the road continued to cultivate, and the monks who broke through were happy to communicate with each other and look forward to the future of the Star Adventure Group.

On the top of a fairy boat in the middle, cold and cold, swimming around the sea, Zhou Peng, Xu Ziyan, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Kuihan, Du Fu and Duoleng did not react.

Zhou Peng and You Sihai have been continually taking innate Xiandan in this one-and-a-half-month period, but they have upgraded to the peak of the eight-stage mid-level of the blue-level mid-stage, but this improvement is too small, so they are silent, they are also two I am trying hard to cultivate.

Although the lonely guest is the first time to take the peak of the nine products, but to tell the truth, this grade of elixir for a blue-level late peak, equivalent to the role of the great monk in the late peak of Tianzun is really not great, so he is also the accumulation of Yuanli It is even stronger, but there is no slight improvement in the realm.

Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei were bitterly cold because the first time they took the Jiu Pin, the peak of Xiandan got a lot of benefits, but this grade of medicinal medicine has limited help for them, so their repair is limited, originally Their cultivation is in the early stage of the six-stage mid-blue stage, and now it is only approaching the peak of the initial stage. There is still a long distance from the initial peak.

However, the repair of Du Fu is lower because it is only the beginning of the second grade of the blue-level. It is only the first stage of the Emperor's Emperor. After taking the Jiu Xian Xiandan in the late stage of the nine-grade period, it was upgraded to the blue-level initial three products. It is equivalent to the peak of the early Emperor and is ready to enter the middle of the Emperor.

The speed of the increase of Ziyan in this month has also slowed down. Although she is taking the supernatural congenital immortal, she only upgrades to the early six grades of the green class, which is equivalent to the peak of the mid-day fairy.

The rise of cold and cold for more than a month is amazing. Until now, the ice flame has not been fully refining, but his cultivation has been upgraded to a blue mid-term product, which is equivalent to the early Emperor.

On this road, the Star Adventures has become a wonder, watched curiously by the surrounding adventure groups, because I don’t know when someone will come out to rob.

Seriously speaking, there are not many monks who are robbed, because under the rules of the mainland, only a breakthrough in a big order will be robbed. For example, if you are now a yellow level, you will only cross the sky when you break through to the green level. Robbery, the breakthrough between the yellow and green levels will not appear.

After all, the monks who are stuck in front of the big joints are still a few, most of them are breaking through the small mark, but even so is enough to make the surrounding adventure group amazed.

The original two-month journey took a full three and a half months to reach Starlight City. In the next two months or so, there was basically no more robbery, and there were not many monks who made breakthroughs. Because the breakthrough can be broken in the more than one month of taking the drug, after the breakthrough, their accumulation is also consumed and needs to be re-accumulated. Even if there is the help of the drug, it will not be able to break through again in a short time.

But the time in these two months is still very good for everyone. The first is Zhou Peng and You Sihai because they are taking the inferior immortal, and their cultivation is only the blue mid-term, equivalent to the Emperor, so there is a slight improvement, and the two of them are upgraded to the blue level. Mid-term nine products, equivalent to the late Emperor.

However, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei Kuihan finally reached the peak of the blue mid-term six products. However, there is still no improvement in the solitary loyalty. In his realm, he needs to comprehend the heavens more than the power. Du Fu has also improved, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the blue-level initial three products.

The cultivation of Xu Ziyan was upgraded to the middle of the green class, which is equivalent to the early days of Luo Tian Shang Xian. The cold ice of the ice flame has been completely refining, and the cultivation has been upgraded to the blue mid-level five products. It is not far from the repair of Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei.

Standing in front of the gates of Star City, you can see the glory of Star City. Through the gate, you can see a wide street stretching straight ahead, not at the end, on both sides of the street is a building, the bustling crowds on the street.

In contrast to the Rizhao City, the prosperity of the two cities is full of ups and downs, filled with a luxurious atmosphere.

Xu Ziyan and Leng Han and others walked in the forefront, followed by the monks of the Star Adventures. At this time, the eyes of these monks were shocked to look at the cold. They all knew about the cold and cold repairs. Three and a half months ago, they were only the first three blue-grade products, but at this time they were already blue-grade mid-term products.

What is the speed?

Compared with the cold cold repair speed, although the speed of Xu Ziyan is also very fast, and even some of them are more than cold, but her green mid-term product is able to compare with the cold blue mid-level five products?

Therefore, everyone automatically ignored Xu Ziyan at this time, and was shocked by the cold. Before the dissatisfaction with the cold has been turned into respect, it is now repaired as the colder than the cold, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei bitter cold also raised respect, so short time cold and cold repair is not far from them So how long will it be longer than their days?

In fact, even without the help of Xu Ziyan, the cold and cold repairs will inevitably surpass Shi Xiaotian and others in the future, because the practice of cold and cold cultivation is much higher than them. How far a monk can go on the road of cultivation has a direct relationship with the practice of his cultivation.

For example, the reason why Tiangong and Shengdi became the two giants of the Starlight continent is inseparable from the mastery they mastered.

"Head, where are we going?" whispered as he looked around and looked around.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued)

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