The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2755: collision

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates, the little Mei Zhang classmates, Lu Wenjing classmates, friends 00070390 classmates to reward!


Cold and cold regained his gaze and looked at Zhou Pengdao: "When you arrive at your site, let's arrange it.<"

Zhou Peng smiled lightly: "Of course I went to my house. I also have a house in Star City!"

"Do not hide your identity?" asked the four seas with a chuckle.

Zhou Peng’s gaze looked to the front, and a slight smile appeared in the corner of his mouth: “I just want to hide and hide, my dear brother has come.”

Everyone heard the words and looked forward to Zhou Peng's gaze, and saw a team in front of him, with thousands of people. In the middle is a bright and luxurious flying carriage. There is a thousand people around the carriage. Each monk is riding a flying fairy horse. The whole team is neat, majestic and rich.

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look back at the Star Adventure Group. What kind of clothes are worn, and what realms are there, compared with the other side is the appearance of a miscellaneous army.

The opposite team suddenly stopped and was neat as a person. The surrounding monks stood on both sides of the street, whispering one by one.

"The team of Dagongzi is really imposing!

"The big son is not the leader of the young generation of our holy land."

"There is a great son who is the blessing of our holy place!"

"What do Dagongs do this time?"

“Looking like it seems to be greeted.”

"Who is there? Who else can afford to be greeted by the big man? And is there such a big squad?"

"Not the people who are opposite him?"

"How is it possible? Just the adventurers of the community? Are they worthy?"

"But...only they are standing in the middle of the street..."

"Ha ha ha..." At this time, an unrestrained laughter sounded from the luxurious carriage. Zhou Hao’s figure appeared on the carriage, coming down from the carriage and striding toward Zhou Peng.

"Second brother, I heard that you came back from the outside, the big Goths came to pick you up!" His eyes glanced at Xu Ziyan and others:

“Is this your friend of the adventure group?”

The monks on both sides of the street whispered again: "Is that the second son?"

"How can these two sons be married and adventurous?"

"Yes! What are the qualifications of those rough adventurers who are friends with Ergong?"

"The second son is too disappointing."

"Fortunately, there are still big sons in our holy places, otherwise the holy places are worried."

Zhou Peng’s heart is filled with anger, and there is no doubt that this is Zhou Yu’s intention to do so. The news of coming back soon will spread throughout Star City, and it will be helped by Zhou Wei. Your own reputation will become unbearable in the shortest possible time.

I took a deep breath and my face was calm and even showed a sweet smile:

"There is a big brother coming to meet."

“No work!” At this time, Zhou Wei had already walked to Zou Peng’s face and took a close shot of Zhou Peng’s shoulder:

"Go, Big Brother has arranged a banquet, this is going back with the big brother, the older brother washes the dust for you."

Having said that, Zhou Wei looked at Xu Ziyan and other humanities: "You must first find a place to live. After our brothers talk, my second brother will call you again."

Xu Ziyan, cold and cold, and the four seas stood there with no smile. They can naturally see that this is the deliberate provocation of Zhou Wei, that is, Shi Xiaotian and others are only shocked at this time, but they are not in the mood to be angry. . They never imagined that Zhou Fei would be the second son of Zhou Sheng, the holy man.

Zhou Peng’s angry flames can be punished, but there is still no change in his look.

"Big brother, you and my brothers don't have to be so polite. These are my friends, I have to put them down first. Then I will talk to my older brother."

Zhou Wei waved: "It’s just some adventurers, the second brother doesn't have to worry, I will send someone to put them down."

Going forward to a monk: "Red eyebrows. You find them in an inn."

At this time, the monks of the Star Adventure Group have already woke up from the shock, and heard Zhou Wei’s instructions, and the faces were discolored. Even if you are a holy man, don’t you put us in the eye?

"Big brother, no need!" Zhou Peng said faintly: "I said, these are my friends. I have to put them in my house, so I don't bother big brother."

Zhou Wei’s face sank: “Two brothers, don’t mess around. What is your identity? You are the noble holy land of the two sons. What are their identities? They are rough adventurers. Let them be your men. It’s already right. Their gift, do they have the qualification to be your friend?"

"To shut up!"

Zhou Peng suddenly sighed. This loud drink directly left Zhou Wei there.

How can Zhou Peng be like this?

Have you seen yourself before, not always loyal? How dare he blame himself? How dare he blame himself in the face of so many people?

Zhou Wei’s face sank at once, and his eyes glared at Zhou Pengdao:

"Second brother. Are you being held by them? You can rest assured that there is a big brother, no one dares to threaten you. Come, follow me, I see who dares to stop?"

When the words fell, Zhou Yi extended a big hand and grabbed it toward Zhou Peng’s shoulder. Zhou Peng’s eyes were sharp. He knew that if he was brought back by Zhou Wei, what would be the result, even if he would not kill himself, he would make an accident and make himself a loss and become a waste.

Therefore, Zhou Peng did not hesitate to take the shot, and the back of the palm shot to the palm of the hand.

Zhou Wei’s eyes were sharp. He did not expect Zhou Peng to shoot at him. His face showed a trace of disdain. He suddenly upgraded his cultivation to the extreme. From scratching to shooting, he slammed the past toward Zhou Peng’s palm.


There was a space crack between the two people, like a small snake spreading around. Both of them shook their shoulders at the same time and took a step back.

Zhou Wei looked at Zhou Peng with a shocked look. His cultivation has always been above Zhou Peng. In the past few years, he has been working hard to cultivate, but he did not think that his cultivation has not only made Zhou Peng go further. Instead, it was chased up.


"Big brother!" Zhou Peng is still calling his eldest brother at this time, but the tone is very cold: "These people are not my men, but my brothers and sisters. The life and death. My things don't need you to control, Please still come back."

Zhou Peng’s sentence was exported. The faces of the monks on the stars behind his adventures showed excitement. At this time, they already knew that Zhou Peng was the second son of the Holy Land. This identity is much higher than them. But the mouth of the holy son of the Holy Land said that they are his life and death. How can this not excite them?

Xu Ziyan, the eyes of the four seas and cold cold also showed a gratifying color.

However, Zhou Wei’s face is a glimpse. His own palm was actually blocked by Zhou Peng, and it seems that this **** star adventure group has become the power of Zhou Peng, I really did not expect. The hard work of these years has made him a climate.

His eyes glanced over the Star Adventures: "The second brother, are these people the monks of the Star Adventure Group?"

"Not bad!" Zhou Peng's gaze shrinks, and he looks at Zhou Wei.

Zhou Wei’s eyes flashed a slap in the face, and he shouted: “The Star Adventures is a force belonging to the Heavenly Palace. Now the teachers are moving into the Star City and holding the sinister purpose. Come and kill them all.”

Zhou Hao’s abacus is very fine. As long as all the people in the Star Adventures are killed here, there is one Zhou Peng left. What can he pick up? When he and his father said that Zhou Peng colluded with the power of the Tiangong, Zhou Peng was completely abolished.


The monks behind Zhou Wei who are riding Tianma will urge Tianma to kill. But in an instant, I traveled around the world and cold and cold, and Zhou Peng formed a lore to surround Zhou Wei.

In the moment of the composition of the loneliness, cold and cold. You can see both Sihai and Zhou Peng at the same time. At this time, all three people understand that Zhou Hao must be restrained, otherwise they will die here. More than a thousand people will die here. After all, it is the card of the Holy Land, and here is absolutely absolute. The right to speak.

Zhou Wei’s look was a change. In the cold and cold, when he traveled around the world and Zhou Peng’s shot, he felt a breath of lore to cover him. There is no room for resistance at all.


The three palms were caught on Zhou Wei's body, but they only stopped Zhou Wei in an instant. The monks who rode the Pegasus immediately stopped. The face became extremely ugly. However, Zhou Wei has already fallen into the hands of Zhou Peng at this time. I dare not take a step closer.

After the Zhou Hao was stopped, the cold and the four seas retreated. Zhou Peng held Zhou Hao’s hand and his face smiled affectionately:

"Big brother, thank you for coming to meet the younger brother, then trouble the big brother to send the younger brother back to Fuchu!"

The words fell, striding to the opposite of the luxury flying carriage. Seeing those monks riding the Tianma stopped in the middle, Zhou Peng Li sighed:

"Not yet!"

A white-bearded old man looked at Zhou Peng gloomyly and said coldly:

"Two sons, you are really grown up. But are you ready to meet the anger of the big son?"

Zhou Peng stared at the other side. He knew that the old man in front of him was a monk who was recruited by Zhou Wei. When he was just recruited, it was only the late stage of the blue-level, and it is now the peak of the blue level.

"Zhou Lao, this is something between me and my eldest brother. Do you intervene and really think that my father is a display?"

Zhou Tong’s look changed slightly, and he immediately recovered his calmness: “The second son is because there is a Holy One, I hope you will not make things that you regret.”

Zhou Peng smiled faintly: "Big brother just wants to send me back, you still can't let it open?"

“This is the best!” Zhou Tong waved his hand to the sides: “Let's go!”

Zhou Peng grabbed Zhou Wei’s arm and walked onto the carriage, cold and cold, Xu Ziyan, swimming around the sea, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Kuihan and Du Fu also followed the carriage, Zhou Wei’s face was blue, he never received With such a big shame, both eyes have already spurted the flame.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued)

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