The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2756: Return home

The carriage is a space fairy with a very large space inside.

The carriage began to turn around and headed for Zhou Peng’s house. Zhou’s people opened the road ahead, and the monks of the Star Adventures followed.

"Second brother, do you really want to turn your face with your eldest brother?" asked Zhou Yuyin.

"Big brother!" Zhou Peng's face showed a trace of sadness: "This is all forced by you. I didn't want to compete with you for the lesser Lord, but I didn't think you would send someone to kill me. So I still need Are you polite? Brother, you are still reserved for me, you are not worthy."

"Oh..." Zhou Hao suddenly laughed. At first, the voice was still very low. Later, it was a loud laugh:

"Ha ha ha..."

After laughing for a dozen times, Zhou Wei was able to put away the laughter and looked at Zhou Pengdao with sarcasm:

"Zhou Peng, you don't have to be fake. You think I don't know your thoughts? You don't argue? Are you thinking about the indisputable mind? Are you doing it for your father? You think I don't know you. Thoughts?"

Zhou Peng stunned, and then looked sadly at Zhou Weidao: "Big Brother, you are really sad!"

"Less here is installed!" Zhou Wei screamed: "Zhou Peng, don't think that you have a qualification group to compete with me. Yes, I don't dare to kill you in Star City, but unless you never leave Starlight City, otherwise it is your death."

Zhou Peng is too lazy to talk to Zhou Wei. Of course he can't stay in Star City. He came back only for Rune. Starlight City has been run by Zhou Peng in 7788. It is no longer possible to recruit any monks here. Only go out and leave here. Build your own power in the vast world outside.

The Star Adventures is the first force he needs, and he believes that cold will not bear him. At that time, he will come back again. At that time, it was a moment of reconciliation with Zhou Wei.

Xu Ziyan has been eccentric about the fights between these brothers, so she simply closed her eyes and cultivated. The state of mind she possesses, the strength of her body, allows her to practice as long as she practices. She has already felt that her strength is low today, so she will not give up any time.

Her actions naturally fell into the eyes of Zhou Wei, and her face showed disdain:

"Second brother, is this the monk you recruited? Green level? Or the woman you recruited?"

! "Snapped" Zhou Peng Ao week a slap in the face of rejection, snapped shouted: "Shut up, in Star City, I was not able to kill you, but they can beat you if you want to wait a moment out of time, black and blue. Just shut up."

At this time, Zhou Peng really has the heart to kill Zhou Wei. Nima, Ziyan is you able to humiliate? I don’t say that people are in the alchemy masters, they say that the speed of cultivation of others is probably not long before they will surpass you. What are you proud of?

It doesn't matter if you humiliate the purple smoke. If you let the purple smoke have a view on me, who am I going to cry?

Zhou Wei was stunned by Zhou Peng’s slap in the face. He just wanted to worry about Zhou Peng’s threat, and thought that if he really went out with his nose and face, it would be impossible to see anyone. Then he closed his mouth and glanced at the faces of Zhou Peng and Xu Ziyan.

After about an hour, I came to Zhou Peng’s residence.

Zhou Peng stood up and said to Zhou Wei: "Thank you, my brother, I have a chance to get together."

When the words fell, they got up and walked out of the carriage, and Xu Ziyan and others continued one after another. The people with the Star Adventure Group went to the door. Zhou Tong’s figure instantly entered the carriage, and his palm stretched out on Zhou Wei’s body. Zhou Wei spit out a long breath and resumed repairs.

Zhou Tong’s face showed a hint of twilight: "Da Gongzi, do you want to kill them?"

Although Zhou Wei’s face was blue, he shook his head and said: “Jun Peng has already said in public that the monks of the Star Adventures are his life and death, and they can’t kill them as spies. Let’s go back.”

"Da Gongzi..."

"Reassured, this thing is not over!"

Zhou Qilian did not have a car, and he returned with everyone. At this time, Zhou Peng and others stood in front of the gate of the mansion, and Zhou Peng’s eyes showed a complex color.

At the beginning, he was here. He was not wary of his eldest brother. He was here to walk out of the gate without warning. He left the Star City and wanted to go out and do something. He will practice in the future and come back to help his older brother.


The reality is so cruel, his unsuspecting in exchange for a cruel pursuit.

At the beginning, in order to express his affection for his eldest brother, he said that he did not have a fight with his eldest brother. He did not recruit a monk in this house. When he left the house, there were only a few people in the house.

At this time, the gate of the mansion was closed, but the front door was very clean and the door was very clean. It seems that the people in the house are very diligent. It also shows that Zhou Wei did not bother these people.

Zhou Peng’s face showed a bitter smile. The house is just a few people. What is it worth to worry about? As long as he does not die, Zhou Wei will keep the house. I am afraid that when he dies, the house will be occupied by Zhou Wei immediately.


The small door on the gate opened, and an old man came out and saw more than a thousand people standing outside the door. His face was shocked, and then the body began to tremble.


"Zhang Bo, it is me!" Zhou Peng spit out a long sigh of relief: "Is the house still okay?"

"Okay, everything is fine!" Zhang Bo excitedly groaned: "Two sons, please come in."

"Zhang Bo, these are my best friends, you arrange accommodation in the house."

"Good! Good!"

Zhang Bo’s face has already shed water, and his heart secretly said: “The second son finally opened up and began to build his own power.”

"Please, let's get home!"

Zhou Peng’s face showed a smile, and cold and cold, swimming all over the sea, Xu Ziyan and others walked side by side to the house.

Above the main hall of the palace.

The people have been cleaned, used up, and sat on the main hall. Cold and cold looking at the crowd:

"It’s only been more than four months since the test of Zhou Wei and Fu Meng. We are going to visit the League tomorrow."

“Zhou Peng!” The four seas frowned and said: “If we help Fumeng, will your father have any opinion on you?”

"No!" Zhou Peng shook his head. "The bet that Zhou Hao took out this time is not a shop in the Holy Land, but a private shop that belongs to him completely. And once I take it, my father will only think that this is my brother. The means of fighting between them, as long as there is no crisis to the Holy Land, my father will not manage."

“Really?” Some of the four seas did not worry about asking.

"Nothing will happen!" Xu Ziyan said softly: "And Zhou Shengzhu will not be disgusted."

"Why?" This time Zhou Peng asked, he just dared that his father would not manage, but he was not sure that his father was not disgusted. After all, this is to help Fu Meng to suppress Zhou Wei, and from a certain point of view, Zhou Wei also represents the Holy Land.

"Even if the rune is finally dead, Fumen eventually loses. But your father won't think that Fumeng is losing half of the shops in Star City, but just killing a lord will hurt the bones? In countless years, the bottom line will be so shallow?

Although your brother's actions have gained interest in the face and gained fame, he has actually offended the League. The Fumeng is likely to think that this is what your father is secretly instructing your older brother to do. I am afraid that the relationship between the League and the Holy Land will be very tense.

It is necessary to know that the forces of Fumeng are all over the starry continent, not just in the Star City, and the Starlight continent is not the only one of your starlight holy places, but stands side by side with the Tiangong. If, because of this, the League completely abandoned the neutral attitude and completely formed an alliance with the Heavenly Palace, what do you think your father would think? ”

"That... why didn't my father care?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and his face showed a trace of irony: "When your father knows about this, your older brother has already done it. Can you admit that your father is poisoning the runes?" Can your father admit that this gambling is done by your older brother alone?

Although Fu Meng’s heart has determined that your brother is poisoning, he has suffered from no evidence. If your father admits at this time, isn't it waiting for Fumen to turn his face? Of course, except that your father can help Rune detoxification, now we need to understand the rune's poison has no solution. If it is solved, who is it? If it is an aide, it proves that your father is helpless with this poison.

Also, your father can't admit that this gambling is done by your older brother alone. If he admits, it is that the squad is weak and he can't afford to lose that person. So your father was **** by your eldest brother, and your father must be very angry at this time. But can't blame your big brother.

If you think about it, if you appear at this time and give the rune a poison, what do you think of your father's heart? Will you be disgusted? ”

"No!" Zhou Peng's spirit was alive, and then his head was a slap in the face: "But I will not detoxify."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Are we not asking the staff to help detoxification? Anyway, the aides are also our help, and the League will get this."

"Then we will visit Coulee tomorrow." Zhou Peng said excitedly.

Cold and cold condensate: "I still send people to find out if the poison of the rune has been lifted, and the master of the curtain has not arrived."

"Not bad!"

Zhou Peng spread the knowledge and found Zhang Bo. He passed the voice into the secret road: "Zhang Bo, you come to the hall to see you."

At this time, Zhang Bo had already arranged the monk of the Star Adventure Group to stay, standing under a tree and stupid. In the past, the coldness of the house finally disappeared, and the second son finally began to build his own power.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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