The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2757: Fu Meng

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In the past, the two sons had no place in the Holy Land. The world is very realistic. When you don't have the strength and power, no one cares about you. Zhang Bo has a good experience of the world. <

No one in Starlight City regards the second son as a child, and no one regards the people in the second son as the same thing. In the eyes of the monks, the second son is just a dog leg of the Dagongzi, but it is a slightly dogleg. They are actually scorned and bullied.

But how can this be?

Who wants the second son to want to follow his older brother? But does his older brother regard him as a follower?

Zhang Bo’s wife is Zhou Peng’s wife, so Zhang Bocai became the master of the second son’s house. He was loyal to the second son, but he was loyal, and he was only a descendant, unable to change his master’s thoughts.

In the past few years, he has also heard rumors that the second son died outside. However, although Zhang Bo is only a red monk, but his age is there, he is not a fool. He did not believe that the second son had died outside because he knew that if the second son really died outside, they would have been killed by the big son, and the house would be taken away by the big man.

They have been okay, and you have proved that the second son is still alive. It is only Zhang Bo’s heart that is clear that the second son must be in danger and must be chased and killed, and the person who pursues the second son must be a big son.

Therefore, this year he has been worried and feared. I was afraid that the news of the death of the second son would really come from that day.

But now he is relieved, the second son is not only alive, but also back. It is back with a group of people. In the future, they will not have to accept any more insults. So when he heard the call of the second son, he hurried to the hall of the parliament.

After entering the hall. Towards Zhou Peng, he said: "Two sons, are you looking for an old slave?"

"Zhang Bo, if you go out and inquire, is the poison of the League's lord dismissed? If it is lifted, who is it? And whether the Dan League ally has arrived."

"Two sons, don't have to go to inquiries, I know all these things."

"Oh?" Zhou Peng looked at Zhang Bo curiously.

"Two sons. These things have been rumored in Star City, I have heard about it."

"Tell me!"

"Yes, the second son!" Zhang Bo sorted out his thoughts and said: "The Dan League lord has already come last month, but still has not dispelled the poison of the ally."

Everyone looked at it and Zhou Peng continued to ask: "Are you sure?"

Zhang Bo hesitated. "I heard all the rumors, but one thing can prove that this rumor is true."

“Hmm?” everyone showed interest.

"This is the case. After three days, Fumeng will hold a contest. It is said that it is necessary to choose the ones who have been in good spirits to accept the teachings of the Fumeng master in the next four months and participate in the gambling with Dagongzi. It seems that the Fumeng master should not have detoxification yet."

Everyone heard the words and nodded secretly. After Zhou Peng asked a few questions, Zhang Bo left. The atmosphere inside the main hall is a bit heavy. Looking around the sea, looking at the Xu Zi flue:

"Ziyan, can you detoxify?"

If you travel around the world, you will be able to export. Cold and Zhou Peng did not react, but Du Fu, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei Kuihan were there, and the hearts of the ones rose.

"Don't Xu Ziyan still be an alchemy teacher? Dan League all have no way to detoxify, can she detoxify? Is her realm of alchemy more powerful than the Dan League?

This is impossible!

However, when the head of the team took out a lot of medicinal herbs, they should be refining them. No wonder that she can be the deputy head of the Star Adventures team with her green level. ”

Originally, these people were still not convinced of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the eyes of Xu Ziyan were full of respect.

Can't be disrespected!

Alchemy teacher! With the existence of Xu Ziyan, the alchemy teacher, their cultivation will surely advance steadily. The alchemy division is highly respected on the Starlight continent. As for the adventurers like them, they met the alchemy teacher. Which one is not respectful?

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "I didn't see the co-owner. I can't be sure. Let's go visit tomorrow."


Nothing to say overnight, Xu Ziyan is still practicing for one night.

the next day.

Everyone has nothing to do. Simply Xu Ziyan, Zhou Peng, cold and cold, swimming around the sea, Du Guke, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Kuihan and Du Fu nine people left the house together and went to Fumeng.

Along the way, Zhou Peng took everyone to the direction of Fumeng, while explaining the surrounding scenery, everyone was also watching and listening while watching.

After about an hour, the monks came to the main entrance of Dan League. Zhou Peng held a hand to go forward and guarded the monk at the door:

"The starlight holy land Zhou Peng seeks to see the co-owner, please also pass."

The monk listened to Zhou Peng’s words, his face changed, and he did not reach out to pick up the prayers in Zhou Peng’s hands. Instead, he whispered coldly:

"Roll, we don't welcome you."

Zhou Peng looked a glimpse, and then suddenly lost. This is a bad job. How can the two holy sons of this holy place be popular with the relationship between the Holy Land and the Fumen?

Xu Ziyan heard the words, and the heart also raised a bitter smile, step forward:

"This Taoist friend, please also pass a message to the Dan League ally, and he said that Xu Ziyan asked for it."

The monk squinted at Xu Ziyan. Of course, he knew that Xu Ziyan came with Zhou Peng. Just saw them coming side by side. Naturally, there was no good face to Xu Ziyan. He said coldly:

"Please leave immediately, otherwise don't blame us."

Zhou Peng’s look was an anger, Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: “Let's go.”

Zhou Peng glanced at the monk, and the monk also waited for Zhou Peng. Xu Ziyan turned and left, Zhou Peng and others also gloomyly followed Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, what do we do?" Zhou Peng whispered.

"We must find a way to see the co-owner. Your elder brother will not let us go, so we must fight against your big brother. This busy way is to help the League, but in the dark we are saving ourselves."

"But... we don't see the Confucian master at all."

"Let's go see the Fumen contest." Xu Ziyan said faintly.

Zhou Peng’s eyes are bright: “Ziyan. Do you want to go to the Fudao Competition?”

Shi Xiaotian and others listened to one another in their hearts: "Is this Xu Ziyan still a clerk?"

"This is the only way to go now. Let's go and ask. Where is the signing contest?"

"This is easy!" Zhou Peng reached out and stopped a passerby: "Where is this big brother, where is the registration of the Fumeng contest?"

"North Gate!"

"Thank you!"

"Let's go to the North Gate."

The north gate of Dan League is full of people, and these people are coming to sign up. Xu Ziyan went up to the queue, and Zhou Peng and others stood next to him. After chatting with the line-up clerk, Xu Ziyan learned that on the eighth day of the rune poisoning, Rune made the decision to pass the contest, and passed the news to the world. The teacher is from all over the mainland.

A team that has been in the middle of the day. Xu Ziyan signed the name and got a jade slip as proof of identity. He was told to come to the north gate in the early morning three days later.

Xu Ziyan took up Yu Jian and Zhou Peng and others and returned to the government. During the three days, Xu Ziyan did not go out. She seized all the time to practice.

Zhou Yufu.

A monk hurried into the hall and prayed to Zhou Wei: "The big son, the two sons went to the League, but they were blocked."

Zhou Yan’s face showed a sneer, and he said in his heart: "The second brother, the second brother. You can be really simple. With the relationship between the Holy Land and the Fumen, do you think you will be welcomed by the Union?"


who do you think You Are? Do you think that you will be useful when you see a rune? ”

"The second son was blocked. They went to the north gate again. A female practitioner next to the second son participated in the Fumeng contest."

Zhou Wei slightly frowned, and even stretched out. He does not believe that Xu Ziyan will be a powerful actor, maybe a little fur, want to take this opportunity to see the runes? But what if you let you see it? Then condense the channel:

"Continue monitoring!"

Three days later.

Zhou Peng and others accompanied Xu Ziyan to the north gate of Dan Meng. In addition to the clerk of Yu Jian, the rest of the monks were not allowed to enter. Zhou Peng and others waited at the tea house not far from the North Gate because they knew it. The eliminated clerk will be sent away immediately.

Xu Ziyan took the jade slip into the north gate and looked around. It is a wide set of stone roads, and the two sides of the road are lush old trees. In the ancient tree sword, it will occasionally reveal the corner of a palace. Walking along the stone road, it is a square completely made of fire spar. This square is very large, with a high platform around the square, and a table is arranged in the square. There is a number plate on the top of the table.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked toward the top VIP, and saw the aides sitting on it. Sitting side by side with him was a monk of similar age and auspiciousness. His face was very abnormal and had a faint black air. .

Xu Ziyan once determined that the person with a faint sigh on his face is the rune of the Fumeng lord. Looking at the back of the two people, in addition to sitting some old people, there are two young people, but it is the flower language and the curtain.

Xu Ziyan was mixed in the crowd, and the aides, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language did not find her. And Xu Ziyan did not immediately fly up to meet them, after all, that was too shocking. Moreover, Xu Ziyan has had a deep understanding of the world's heavens in the days after entering the Starlight continent, so I also want to learn from the world's qualifiers to see what kind of strength they are.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued)

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