The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2758: Runway contest

This square is full of more than 100,000 sects. These 100,000 luminaires come from all over the mainland, and they all understand what it means to be a sudden contest. Maybe they will fly and the reputation will rise.

Xu Ziyan found a table with his own brand. The rules of this competition are very strict. The pen, the animal skin and the animal blood are all provided by Fu Meng. The quality is the same, for fairness and justice.

Xu Ziyan stood behind the table and looked at the surroundings. At this time, the rest of the clerk were looking at each other. Some eyes are quiet, some are provocative, some are proud, some are stunned...


A bell rang, a middle-aged clerk stood on the high platform and said: "Dear friends, some of you are the red-level qualifiers who have already registered in Fumeng, and some have not registered in Fumeng. Fu Shi. For those who have already registered in Fumeng, this game will be regarded as an advanced assessment. As long as you can make a red peak, you will be allowed to enter the next competition.

For those who have not registered in Fumeng, we don't care which side you come from. If you can also make a red peak, you will also be allowed to enter the next round. Of course, after this round of trials, whether or not you have produced a red peak, as long as you succeed in producing a red flag, you are eligible to join us. If you want, after this round, you can Apply for admission to the scene. And whether or not you are willing to join the League, the first floor of our library will be open for you for half a day, that is, you can read half a day on the first floor of our library. ”


The square has uploaded the voice of discussion, but Xu Ziyan does not care, just the first floor of the library, there must be nothing worth watching.

She doesn't care here. But it does not mean that others don't care. It is necessary to know that there are a lot of scattered repairs in the square in the square, and there is no systematic study of the technique. Now with a half-day chance, the help for them is huge.

"Okay. Give you an hour of time, now start the game."

Xu Ziyan glanced over the few monks who were beside him. When they saw the monks, they did not immediately start the game. Instead, they took the animal skin and began to refine it with Yuanli.

If Xu Ziyan has not been to the Starlight continent, she really does not know the importance of refining the hides before making Fuxi. After the refining of the hides, the production of the scorpion will increase, both in terms of grade and power.

She had previously learned how to refine her skins from Fuhua. And after her deduction, the method of refining the hide has been raised to the height of a heart.

But even so, Xu Ziyan did not immediately start to refine the animal skin, but spread his own knowledge. She has that self-confidence, with the intensity of her current knowledge, not the eyes of these sects, sitting on the high platform. The runes on the top can not find their own knowledge.

She divided her own knowledge into hundreds of thousands of rumors, shrouded all the clerk and observed their refining techniques. Then he found out that he was really rewarding. Although the tactics on the starry continent are the same heritage. But even with the same inheritance, everyone learns differently, and everyone has their own insights. And these insights are now being absorbed by Xu Ziyan.

A quarter of an hour or so. All the clerkes have already refining the hides, and then they have begun to purify the blood of the beasts. This is also the uniqueness of the star-studded continental clerk. After purifying the blood of the beast, the effect is of course different. However, this way of purifying the blood of the animal, Xu Ziyan does not need to learn. With her understanding of the Tao, her technique is much better than these monks.

Although she did not purify the animal blood before the Shangyuan, she was purified in alchemy. So this is a good way for her to get along. Only then did she still not start the game, but closed her eyes and pushed the way she had just obtained the refining of the skin.

No one noticed Xu Ziyan at this time. Those sects are nervously purifying the blood of the beast, and those on the high platform. To be honest, this level of qualifiers is not interested at all. Only after the game in the back will cause their interest, so they either close their eyes or whisper, they simply don’t look at the square, they are the aides, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language are no exception.

At another quarter of an hour, Xu Ziyan has absorbed those refining techniques, and her technique of refining the animal skin has been refined.

However, Xu Ziyan at this time also has a flaw, that is, her cultivation is too low, only the middle class of the green class, can not display her understanding. Fortunately, these qualifiers who are now trying to do it are not much higher.

Xu Ziyan only used the time of a quarter of an hour to refine the animal skin, and spent half a quarter of an hour to purify the blood of the animal, then flatten the refined skin on the table and pick up the pen. The fullness of the blood of the beast begins.

The meeting asked for a red-scale symbol, a fire charm.

For this level of Fu, Xu Ziyan is just a glimpse. Just use less than ten minutes to make the symbol. This is still her level of control, but even so, she made a half-step orange-level symbol.

Shaking his head, Xu Ziyan said in the heart: "It is because of this sign will cause the discovery of the staff and others."

Xu Ziyan put down the pen and saw that there was no monk to complete the system around, and he simply closed his eyes and entered the cultivation.


Another bell rang, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, and saw the surrounding clerk also put down the pen, but each person's face looks different.

Some are happy, some are depressed...

Of course, these qualifiers will be made of Fu, but some people have not made the symbol of the red peak, which means they have been eliminated.

Soon after, thousands of clerks entered the square and began to check the symbols of each cultivator's refining system. Only in this first round of competition, more than half of them were eliminated. It is obvious that there are many qualifiers who come to see it. .

A clerk walked to the front of Xu Ziyan, and glanced at the symbol on the table, and his face immediately showed a hint of surprise. However, the calm was restored in an instant, and the one-and-a-half-step orange-level symbol was not great in Dan League. After a message was sent in the jade slip of Xu Ziyan, the next clerk was inspected.

Xu Ziyan came to the library with everyone exiting the square.

At this time, a seven-story building, after Xu Ziyan entered, found that there is a mustard space, which is very huge, just a glance, know that there are more than one million jade slips here, these are the basis of the system .

Tens of thousands of people are excitedly flooding into the library, which is the same as those in the Dan League. After all, even if they want to enter the library, they will spend a lot of money, but now they are It is free to watch for half a day.

Xu Ziyan casually picked up a jade slip, and the gods swept in. I swept away, put down the jade, and picked up another jade. With her understanding of Fu Da at this time, she can only see the essence of this jade slip with the knowledge of the gods. If it is useful, it will be deduced, and if it is not, it will be put down immediately. And to be honest, this layer is really not useful for Xu Ziyan.

After half a day.

Xu Ziyan left the library with a touch of joy on his face. Although the harvest was not big, it also had a harvest. For example, the way to refine the animal skin is systematically recorded here, and there are different comprehensions left by different qualifiers. This is still very useful for Xu Ziyan, which gives her a more refined approach to refining the hides.

Xu Ziyan did not leave the Fumeng, and Fumeng arranged the residence for them. After Xu Ziyan entered her room, she began to practice immediately. At this time, she needed to improve her cultivation at the fastest speed. Only the higher the cultivation, the clearer the understanding of the world. She came to the Starlight continent in order to find a chance to break through. She believes that once she realizes here, when she returns to the Yuan Dynasty, she will immediately get a breakthrough.

More than 50,000 monks left the north gate of Fumeng, and the cold people sitting on the tea house saw Xu Ziyan not coming out from the inside, and his face showed excitement. In the eyes of Shi Xiao and others, there was a horror. I didn’t expect Xu Ziyan to be more than just an alchemy teacher, but also a clerk. I really don't know what the team leader used and will recruit such a talent. Is the head of the team using a beautiful man?

Several people couldn't help but look at the cold mask. In the heart, what kind of face would be behind this mask?

After a while, Du Fu came in. With a smile on his face: "The head of the team, I have already inquired clearly. This is the game of the red level stage. Today, the orange level will be tested. Now the qualifiers who passed the red level test are left. In the Dan League."

"Then we will not go, just meditate here to practice." Cold and laughed. Everyone agreed.

Shi Xiao looked at the cold road: "Head of the delegation, revealing, what is the real division of the deputy head?"

Cold and cold thought a little bit: "In fact, I don't know, just know that she can quietly make a green-level symbol. What kind of realm she is, I really don't know."

"Green level? That's not too low!"

The second day.

Xu Ziyan entered the square with the crowd and looked around. There were also many people who saw the orange-level test, and there were still more than 100,000 people. More than 50,000 people who have joined today are registered in the Orange League.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued




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