The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2773: Infinite stack

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200, Cheng Mengyi Bing Zichang classmates (100, rest 123 students (100 rewards!

"Xu Zongshi, let's get started!"

Yun Qianli will be repaired in the middle of the green level. There is also a direct relationship between the void painting and the repair. After all, the void character is drawn by the force, and the difference is different. The speed and power of the void painting are different. The design of the void character is also naturally different. Even the instant void design has a noticeable difference.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are condensed. She knows that her cultivation at this time is far from the clouds. She is relying on the understanding of the path to go far beyond the clouds. But even so, Xu Ziyan can't outline a powerful void character, because the power in her body will be very expensive. When the energy in her body is consumed, I am afraid that there is not much consumption in the cloud. This is repairing. The difference in the realm.

If it is life and death, Xu Ziyan can completely touch each other with his own body strength, but this is just a discussion of the void painting.

Yun Qianli's palm turned over to Xu Ziyan and patted the past. In his palm, he quickly sketched a void character, and the clerk around him was amazed.

"The speed of the vice-president is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes twitched slightly, and this speed is not enough in Xu Ziyan’s view. In order to be fair, his instant void painting is just a green symbol. With his late blue-level revision, the speed of the instantaneous void painting was considered slow by Xu Ziyan. There is only one reason, that is, his understanding of the Fu Dao is far less than Xu Ziyan.

The palm of the cloud has not fallen in midair, and the void symbol in the palm has not yet been completed. Xu Ziyan has already seen that the void character being generated is a frosty character.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth showed a smile, and it was not a good idea for her to use the void painting and the cloud to the blast, even if the two people were all green-level voids, but the other’s strength reserve was much higher than her. The last element of exhaustion must be Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan wins the realm of comprehension, and she can easily see the weakness of the frosty character in her current realm. Every kind of symbol has weaknesses, but there are weaknesses that no one can see, even if you look It may not be able to crack out, unless your realm is far higher than your opponent, and Xu Ziyan is exactly the right person.

Nowadays, Xu Ziyan’s martial arts realm, the release of the void painting has not been outlined in the palm of her hand, she has been able to do whatever she wants. When he was bent, he took two void characters from **** and spurred toward the clouds.

The face of the surrounding clerk was a sluggish face, and the rune that just heard the news came over was also unbelievable.

“Can the void character still be like this? Can the finger be? Can it have this speed?”

Xu Ziyan did not release the green-level void character, but the yellow-level void character. Although it is only a yellow-level void character, it accurately collides with the two nodes of the green-level void character that has just been released in the cloud. The green-level vanity character did not explode, but sneaked away.


Yun Qianli was shocked. He did not say that the speed of the purple smoke to release the void symbol was that the yellow-level symbol broke his green-level symbol and he could see that Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the Fu Dao far exceeded him.

Clouds are excited in the heart.

Not bad!

Not fear, it is excitement. Only by cooperating with such a great master can only find their own deficiencies and improve their own strength.

His palm was shot again, this time his instant void painting is already a green level, so in the eyes of others is still instant, very fast. But in the eyes of Xu Ziyan, it was a slower one.

Xu Ziyan’s left-handed five fingers were successively out, and a void painting appeared in the air, hovering in the air, three of which were shot at the blue-level symbol that had just been released from the hands of Yun Qianli, hitting three nodes. , the void painting is broken. In her left hand, the five fingers are still constantly coming out, and a virtual void is generated. At this time, eight empty frames have appeared in the air, and the purple smoke is controlled by the gods and waits for the void painting of Yun Qianli.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan's right hand five fingers are also constantly coming out, but the empty hand characters in the right hand are green-level symbols, and these green-level symbols are hovering from time to time in the air, but stacked in a row.

"Limited superposition!"

Clouds and thousands of miles almost exclaimed exports.

"No no no! It is impossible to limit the superposition!" Yun Qianli repeatedly shook his head. The limit superposition is only a theoretical way of saying that it is a high-grade symbol by superimposing with low-grade symbols. Nowadays, on the starlight continent, the highest level of understanding of the limit is the Fueng League main runes, but the runes can only superimpose six void characters.

Only after the superposition of six void characters can be upgraded from the green level to the green level. Looking up and glanced at the eight yellow-level voids in the air, the clouds were condensed.

"It seems that I want to defeat Xu Zongshi. I want to use the blue-level void painting. It is impossible. I don't understand the Fudao as a master. I am very disadvantaged in speed. But I also have my strengths, that is me. The strength is stronger than her. Try the blue-level void character to see if you can still crack it?"

At this time, the clerk around the training ground was nervous to the extreme, and the runes were no exception. Because he saw Xu Ziyan's rune overlay, he also saw the blue-level void character that Yun Qianli is sketching. As for those elders, they are stunned. To be honest, when Xu Ziyan and Yun Qianli walked into the practice, no one thought that Xu Ziyan would win. Although Xu Ziyan is a master of Fu Dao, he is far beyond the clouds in the realm of Fu Dao, but the strength of the two people in repairing is very different. No one would think that Yun Qianli, who has a blue-level late stage, will be slower than the purple smoke when releasing the void character. If Xu Ziyan’s repair is to release a symbol that exceeds the green level, the release speed will be slow. Clouds are not going to be. So Xu Ziyan lost.

But now the minds of these elders understand that after all, the road is a sign, and it is related to cultivation, but there is no absolute relationship. Xu Ziyan’s realm is more than a thousand miles. People don’t need to release powerful vanity symbols. They just release low-level vanity symbols, and they can rely on people’s understanding of the way to find the weakness of Yun’s release. , easily crack it.

At this time, there was a realization in the minds of these sects. The original martial arts’s martial arts reached a certain height and was able to be regarded as a high level. Although the repair of Xu Ziyan has a gap with Yunqianli, Yunqianli has a large gap with Xu Ziyan in the realm of Fudao.

The palm of the cloud is swept through the air, and the speed of the stroke is very slow. The void character he released this time is a blue-level seven product, the strongest void character he can release. As he quickly sketched the void in his palm, he looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's gaze is also shrinking, the other party actually wants to release a blue-level seven-product empty picture, which makes Xu Ziyan's heart also have a trace of tension.

The left hand is five fingers, and there are five more empty characters, and the right hand also has five empty characters.

Seeing this scene, the heart of Yunqianli is a pumping. Before that, Xu Ziyan has superimposed five green-level symbols, and now there are five green-level symbols.

What does she mean?

The Fumeng master can only superimpose six void characters, and she has five empty characters. Is she going to superimpose ten empty characters?

Is she really limited to superposition?

At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan's five-finger stroking, and the thirteen empty paintings hovering in the air circled her and greeted the empty painting he had just released.

His blue-level seven-piece void painting has just been released, and before he has time to zoom in, there are nine symbols that have crashed into this blue-level seven-piece void painting.


What surprised the cloud is that the nine yellow-level symbols are not to crack the blue-level void character he released, but to detonate. Detonated less than one meter away from his body, this naturally has no damage to the distant purple smoke, but the clouds are terrible.

In the roar, the defensive shield on the body of Yunqianli was broken, but it also just offset the power of the blue-level seven-empty vanity, which made the face of Yunqianli shocked, and he was afraid after a while. If the power of the Void is stronger, he will be seriously injured if he is not dead.


He did not hesitate to release the defensive shield again, and he carefully looked towards the opposite Xu Ziyan. Seeing Xu Ziyan’s left hand, there were five yellow-level vanity characters, hovering in the air. The right hand is controlling the green-level voids to constantly overlay.

At this point, the rune has not paid attention to Yun Qianli, but has locked her eyes tightly to Xu Ziyan, locking the void character she is superimposing. He can only superimpose six void characters, but looking at the appearance of Xu Ziyan, it is definitely not just superimposing six void characters.

Rune’s gaze suddenly shrank, and he saw the difference between Xu Ziyan’s superposition of void characters. The first five void characters are metallic symbols, but the sixth void character is a soil property void.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he had been superimposed with the void of the same attribute, but it has reached the limit in the sixth chapter. But the superposition of Xu Ziyan today made his heart jump.


The void character of the same attribute will be extremely unstable during the process of continuous superposition, and the six sheets have reached the limit of stability, and then superimposing one will cause an explosion. However, in the sixth void design, the void character of other properties, such as the void character of the soil property, will solidify the superposition of the metallic symbols, make the void character stable, and have the basis for continued superposition.

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