The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2774: Beast

Sure enough, the back of the purple purple smoke is still a metallic symbol, and the symbol after the superposition has not exploded, but it is very stable.


Xu Ziyan's right hand popped up five empty characters and began to superimpose. At this time, Yun Qianli also stopped. He had to stop. Even if the virtual character he released was too big, he would just release it. When Wei Neng is in use, Xu Ziyan will use several yellow-level vanity characters to detonate. This will not hurt Xu Ziyan at all, but it will hurt him.

How is this compared?

Unless Yun Qianli can also crack the empty space symbol released by Xu Ziyan like Xu Ziyan, but he does not have that realm at all, can't see the weakness of Xu Ziyan releasing the void character?

If he can't think of a way, Xu Ziyan is already invincible.

Clouds and thousands of faces are cloudy and unclear, and their eyes are twinkling. Suddenly in the heart, his right hand began to outline the blue-level seven-step void painting, while the left hand took a yellow-level void character to the release of Xu Ziyan. He wants to use the yellow-level vanity character and the yellow-level void character released by Xu Ziyan to collide in the air, intercept the yellow-level void character released by Xu Ziyan, and win the release time for the blue-level void character released by his right hand.


The speed at which Xu Ziyan releases the yellow-level void character is too fast, and it is not comparable to Yun Qianli. He was able to shoot a void picture with a palm, but Xu Ziyan played five fingers at the same time, popping up five empty characters. This ratio makes Cloud's plan directly ineffective.

Yun Qianli long sighed, scattered the empty space in his hand, the heart has already conceded, but his eyes still look at the right hand of Xu Ziyan, want to see what Xu Ziyan will superimpose the void symbol to what extent. Is it true infinite stacking?

Soon, Xu Ziyan superimposed eighteen virtual paintings, and its grade has reached the purple level. Xu Ziyan waved his left hand and dispersed the yellow-level void painting in the air. Then the right hand holds the purple-colored one-piece emptiness, with a smile on the opposite side of the cloud.

At this time, Yun Qianli’s face was only with a respectful look, and he said deeply toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, admit defeat."

Xu Ziyan played a few handcuffs and dispersed the empty space in the air, with a smile:



The runes and the elders gathered around, and they learned a lot of questions in the efforts of Xu Ziyan and Yun Qianli. Asked around Xu Ziyan and rushed to ask. Xu Ziyan who wants to rest like this. Not only did not get a rest, but here the mouth kept talking for more than an hour, and finally when the runes and other people contemplative comprehension, they quickly walked away.

At the entrance to the second floor of the Fumeng Library, Xu Ziyan stood there and looked towards the second floor. There are a lot of clerk in this layer who are watching the jade, and Xu Ziyan let go of the gods and found that the number of jade slips on this layer is much less, about 30,000.

I found a place to sit down and divide my knowledge into more than 30,000. Enter into a jade slip, and then begin to read these jade slips, then retract the gods and begin to comprehend. I merged into the world's orange-level syllabus, and then merged the first level of the red level master class, and finally how to proceed with the Shangyuan continent. After all this was completed, Xu Ziyan did not immediately get up, although it is now finishing The grade of the pass is very low, but after the true integration of the two worlds, the inspiration for Xu Ziyan is particularly large, as if opening a door to Xu Ziyan. I saw a new world.

Unconsciously, Xu Ziyan stayed on the second floor for ten days. Her body exudes a sigh of relief. Only this kind of breath only flows on her body surface, and it is not discovered. In the end, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. The eyes have a whimsical pattern that flickers, rotates, and then slowly sinks into the fundus. The scent of the flowing body disappeared, Xu Ziyan stood up, his face showed a happy smile, and her character's realm was upgraded to the purple five.

Xu Ziyan did not leave the library, but went straight to the third floor. At this time, some people recognized Xu Ziyan. These people were the monks who participated in the Fu Dao Competition together with Xu Ziyan. However, their realm was only orange, so they could only comprehend on the second floor.

"Isn't that a purple smoke?"

"Yes, it is her."

"Isn't she the first in this race? How come to the library?"

"Maybe it's been before, we didn't see it!"

In a gaze, Xu Ziyan entered the third floor, and there were fewer people in the third floor. Therefore, when Xu Ziyan appeared, it caused the attention of some qualifiers. There were several qualifiers who could not help but look at it. Then he nodded slightly toward Xu Ziyan. These sects were also monks who had participated in the Fudao Competition with Xu Ziyan. However, their martial arts were only at the Huang level, so they could only be comprehended on the third floor.

Xu Ziyan also nodded with a smile, then walked toward a shelf on the third floor. Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, several monks said:

"Is it true that Xu Ziyan is not a half-step blue-level teacher? How can she stay on the third floor?"

"I don't know, maybe her foundation is not strong, I want to learn systematically."

Not bad.

The reason why Xu Ziyan is so high in the realm of Shangyuan is that she has the complete inheritance of Dan Fuzong and later passed the inheritance of Fengzu. It is this complete inheritance that allows her to systematically study. The system of characters has allowed her to reach the highest level of the clerk.

However, Xu Ziyan, the master of the starlight continent, did not get systematic inheritance. She only got some knowledge in the communication with Fuhua language, and combined her own comprehension of the Fudao, and made a derivation of the stars and continents. But this is not the inheritance of the system, but only a corner of the starlight continent.

Now Xu Ziyan is to start from the most basic, systematically absorb and deduct, and finally integrate the inheritance of the starlight continent. Finally, the completed character is obtained.

When the gods swept away, they found that there were only more than 5,000 jade pieces on this floor. Xu Ziyan immediately divided into more than 5,000 sects and entered into a jade. The time that Xu Ziyan realized was only five days, he completed the fusion, and then got up and walked toward the stairs leading to the fourth floor.

A cross of the gods heard a few words: "Hey, Xu Zi smoked. What do you say she is doing? Holding a jade Jane is five days, and watching a yellow jade in her realm requires five What time is it?"

"Yeah, what is Xu Ziyan doing?"

Xu Ziyan felt that several eyes had been watching his back, but she ignored it and went straight to the fourth floor. This layer was placed with green-level simplification. The gods swept away, and the eyes couldn’t help but move slightly. There were only five hundred jade slips stored on the fourth floor, and there were too many.

The number of people in this floor has exceeded the number of jade, so there is no jade on the shelf. Every jade is held in the hands of monks, and there are monks waiting in line next to them.

Xu Ziyan walked into a corner and sat down, then directly divided more than 500 liters into the more than 500 jade, and took about two quarters of time to recover the knowledge and begin to understand. in. No one found out that they were just wondering why the purple smoke would sit in a corner and not come to the queue.

Six days later, Xu Ziyan left the fourth floor and boarded the fifth floor. This layer belongs to the Qing Dynasty inheritance, and all the green jade is placed, but the jade is very few, only less than one hundred.

Six days later, Xu Ziyan climbed to the sixth floor, which is a blue-level heritage. Xu Ziyan looked too far. There was no shelf for storing jade slips on this floor, and there was no jade slip. Instead, eight huge stone tablets were placed, and the stone tablets were engraved with mysterious patterns.

There are dozens of monks sitting cross-legged in front of eight stone monuments. Xu Ziyan chose a stone tablet, sat down behind a dozen monks, and then used his own gods to touch the stone.


After a while, Xu Ziyan felt that he had entered a space. Xu Ziyan stood alone in this space. There was no monk in the four places. Xu Ziyan had a robe sleeve and a hollow, and wanted to fly high above the sky, then Xu Ziyan The heart is amazed. This space actually made Xu Ziyan lose his strength.

Suddenly, Xu Ziyan was amazed, and there was a bitter smile on his face. Here you should not be the body, but the soul. How can you have the power?

However, her look is changed again. Since she is a soul, she should have the ability to fly. Is it here that deprives the monk of all his abilities? If this is the case, once it is dangerous here, it is not very dangerous.

Xu Ziyan laughed again!

Here is the place to comprehend the way, how can there be danger?


Xu Ziyan’s thoughts have not been put down yet, and he heard a scream, and a monster appeared in her field of vision, all kinds of appearances, tiger-shaped, eagle-shaped, and even rabbit-shaped...

"There is a monster!"

Xu Ziyan’s face was a black one. At this time, the buzzing sound came from all sides of her place. She was already surrounded.

How to do?

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart, here is the place to comprehend the way, then the power of the road should be available. A line of arrogance flows from the soul of Xu Ziyan, and the ten fingers are continually bouncing. The road signs are hovering in the air and shooting at the surrounding monsters.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a joy, and sure enough, he guessed it right. The soul power here can only be a void character and cannot have other functions.

When those emptiness icons are shot into the body of the monster, Xu Ziyan feels guilty. The surrounding monsters are not real monsters, but they are formed by Fu.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)



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