The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2779: Third game

Under the shackles of Fumeng, he suddenly cheered up, and Zhou Yi’s side was dead, and Zhou’s face became very ugly. He didn't think that the children's language would break through. The first rune broke through the realm. Now the second layer of children's language has also broken through. What happened to the League?

In a cheering voice, Xu Ziyan's repairs broke through to the mid-level six items in the middle of the green period. This stage is equivalent to the peak of Luo Tianshang. The level of the Starlight continent is equivalent to dividing the rank of the Upper Continent into nine stages. For example, Luo Tianshang Xian is divided into three stages in the early, middle and late stages of the Upper Yuan, and the Starlight continent divides it into nine stages. So, the breakthrough in each small stage is much simpler than that on the mainland, especially for Xu Ziyan, who has no barriers to the barriers. Xu Ziyan felt that at least she would break through quickly before entering the holy level.

However, at this time, Xu Ziyan also stopped practicing. Seeing that the second game is about to end, she will have to turn her on the court. So when she broke through, she opened her eyes and looked at the Star Tower.

She was looking at the Star Tower there, but others were looking at her. Although it was only a breakthrough in two small realms, this speed also surprised some of the surrounding monks. On the starlight continent, there are many such situations that have broken through two small realms, but it has attracted an envious look.

Envy of others, cold and so on are shocked. They secretly calculated in their hearts that if Xu Ziyan has been breaking through at this speed, I am afraid that it will not take long to catch up with their cultivation.

Shi Xiaotian and other monks who just joined the Star Adventures also looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes with a little respect. Before, they respected Xu Ziyan because she was a clerk and alchemist, but she did not have the slightest respect for Xu Ziyan's cultivation. Now she sees Xu Ziyan breaking through two small realms. Let their hearts have a different respect for Xu Ziyan.

It’s just that this is a breakthrough in two small realms. The monks’ novelty will pass, and their spirits are placed on the Star Tower. The game, which was originally thought to have no suspense, was so violent that the spirits of the monks were all excited.

Zhou Wei began to get nervous. If Guo Qiang loses again in this game, the gambling will not have to go any further, and his losses will be great.

Five hundred shops are not holy places. It belongs to his private property, although not all his private property. But it also occupies one-fifth of his private property, which is definitely a major loss for him. ,

And the loss is not only these, but also his reputation. At the very least, he will gain a reputation that is not self-sufficient, for a person who is determined to become the Holy Land of the future. More powerful than the loss of 500 shops. How can a person who is not self-reliant win the trust of the Holy Land monks?

What disturbed him the most was that Zhou Peng returned at this time. If he lost the game in Zhou, and Zhou Peng won the friendship of Fu Meng, what would be the result, his heart is very clear. Zhou Peng, who has never been seen by him, is likely to use this opportunity to rise and threaten him.


The Star Tower was rippling, and a figure was transmitted. Zhou Wei hurriedly looked at it. A long sigh of relief, the child language was transmitted.

After falling pale on the ground, he looked back at the Star Tower. Seeing that Guo Qiang still left the tower, the child language just shook his head slightly, and there was no disappointment. Instead, there was a little joy between the reputation. Because he knows that there is a purple smoke, this gambling game is won, and his own realm has improved. Just lost to Guo Yu, can not stop his excitement.

Lei Bianhe, while holding the children's language, walked back and smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations to the brothers and breakthroughs."

"Oh..." The child language also smiled with joy.

Zhou Wei looked at the look of children. The brow couldn't help but wrinkle up. It was obvious that he lost. Why didn't he see a sense of frustration on his face, but he was happy?

His heart jumped abruptly. Did they have a winning candidate in the third game?

Zhou Wei glanced back and forth on Fu Xun's clerk, and finally fell on Xu Ziyan's body.

“Is it her?” Then he shook his head slightly: “Impossible, it’s impossible to repair her green level, how long can her power of the gods support?”


The Star Tower was again a wave, and Guo Qiang was sent out. Zhou Hao immediately put away his mind, and his face smiled and greeted him.

"Congratulations to Master Guo."

Guo Qiang nodded palely and took the medicinal herbs that Zhou Hao handed over. He was back to the seat and sat down by Zhou Wei. Zhou Wei came back to the center, a kind of winning momentum from his body. It was distributed inside.

"Fu Meng, now you and I win each other, this last one is playing in person, I don't know who will play the game?"

Xu Ziyan Yingying stood up, the lotus step moved lightly, came to the front of Zhou Wei, arched:

"This is taught by Ziyan."

Zhou Wei’s look did not change at all. Xu Ziyan’s appearance was the same as his heart’s expectations. Moreover, he did not believe that the power of Xu Ziyan’s Yuanshen could persist, and he did not believe that Xu Ziyan’s martial arts were higher than him.

"Please!" He still maintained enough grace in the face of Xu Ziyan.

"Please!" Xu Ziyan also smiled.

At the same time, the two men stepped toward the gate of the Star Tower. Before they reached the gate, the door opened and the figure of the two disappeared into the gate. The door suddenly closed.

The first layer of the Star Tower lit up and two light curtains appeared on the tower of the first tower. A picture of Xu Ziyan appeared on a light curtain, and there was a beam of light next to her head. On the other light curtain, Zhou Hao’s head appeared, and he also had a beam of light in his head.

There was a voice of discussion in the crowd.

"Hey, the person sent by Fumeng is the woman who broke through continuously. Who is she?"

"I haven't seen it, I don't know."

"I haven't heard of it. Is she a member of the League?"

"You don't know who she is. You are so ignorant!"

"Do you know? Tell me!"

"She is Xu Ziyan, the first place in this year's Fu Da contest!"

"What is her origin?"

"This... I don't know."

"I know that she is not a member of the League, but a deputy head of a Star Adventures."

"Oh..." The monk’s words ushered in a sneer: "Are you kidding? Is such a clerk representing the League of Nations going out in a rough adventure group?"

"You still don't believe it!" The monk was also anxious. He pointed his finger at the cold side of Fumeng: "Do you see the mask person? He is the head of the Star Adventure Group. Xu Ziyan is the deputy group of the adventure group. Long. You see no, the actor's attitude towards the Star Adventure Group is not arrogant, but very polite."

"This..." One monk was a little confused. One of the monks asked: "Have you heard of this Star Adventure Group? What level of adventure group?"

"do not know!"

"never heard of that."

"It should be a low-level adventure group, otherwise we can't possibly hear it."

"Or a newly formed adventure group."

Xu Ziyan entered the Star Tower, and she still had a strong curiosity in her heart. She was the first time she saw this. Looking around, the space inside the tower is not very large, and it looks like a 500-meter square. It is very high, and it is about five meters. In the middle of the first layer, there is a huge column of light, which is filled with eleven kinds of conformities, which represent the eleven kinds of properties of time and space of the golden wood, water, fire, earth and light.

Xu Ziyan is curious about who built this star tower? What does it depend on?

"Da Gongzi, this star tower belongs to your holy place. Do you know the origin of this star tower?"

Zhou Wei accidentally looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "You have not heard of the origin of the Star Tower?"

"I have heard of some, is this star tower really old? It is not someone, or a certain force built?"

Zhou Peng gently shook his head and said: "Maybe you are right, but no one knows. And the Holy Land has studied this tower, but can't see the secret of this tower."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are amazed, and the tower is more curious about the tower. The two sides said that they came to the huge beam of light, and Zhou Wei smiled:

"Xu Daoyou please!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "I still ask the big son first. I came to the Star Tower for the first time and wanted to visit it first."

"Alright! But don't take too long, otherwise it will be pulled too far."

Zhou Wei said that while extending a finger on the fire attribute symbol, the symbol floated out of the light column and fell to the top of Zhou Wei's head.


A beam of light was formed, and Zhou Wei was shrouded in it, disappearing the figure of Zhou Wei.

Xu Ziyan took back her eyes from the light column. First, she circled the first floor and found nothing. Finally, she stood in front of the thick light column in the center. There are still eleven symbols on the central light column, which means that if Xu Ziyan wants to crack the fire attribute, it can still be.

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate to look at the huge beam of light. Outside, she had decided to take a look at the light column that contained eleven attributes. Perhaps the secret of this star tower is in this light column, and the light column of a property is cracked alone. Isn't it a white one?

As for whether or not this game will be lost, Xu Ziyan is not in the heart. She came to the Starlight continent to practice, not to participate in any competition. She detoxified the runes and pointed them to the words and did not owe them. Even if she lost the game, she did not apologize in her heart.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!

*(To be continued)


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