The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2780: Symbol space


Stepping into the central light column, it enters an independent space. This is a space like a real world. It has mountains and rivers, hilly plains, but you can't see the slightest signs of life. Looking up, it is not blue sky and white clouds. , but a huge marginal symbol. This symbol is a fusion of several dozens of attributes, which is extremely mysterious and slowly rotates in the air.

"It seems to be to crack this symbol!"

Xu Ziyan stabilized his mind, then released the power of the gods and shrouded the huge symbol of the sky.

When the huge sign was overwhelmed, Xu Ziyan’s heart was excited.

"This is not a superposition, but a fusion that is more advanced than a limit stack."

At this time, Xu Ziyan had an understanding of the space in which she lived. The space she is in now is a way of evolution. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but open his eyes and looked around. It was found that the space was still very rough. Although there were mountains and rivers and hilly plains, the feeling was fake, as if it were a model.

This is because this space is only a world derived from the fusion of eleven red-level symbols, and the level of the symbol is still very low. However, this has made Xu Ziyan very surprised. Only the red-level symbol can be derived from a world, and the huge symbol in the sky can be seen.

Xu Ziyan did not study the fusion of eleven kinds of symbols, but she just did it as an interest and did not concentrate on comprehending it. After all, in the Yuan Dynasty, her character has not yet realized the peak realm, and now she has not realized the peak realm. In her mind, she must wait until her own way of understanding the peak realm, then it can begin to truly understand the integration of the symbol.

However, I have seen this world, which was derived from the fusion of eleven red-level symbols, and changed the idea of ​​Xu Ziyan. The original fusion does not require the convergence of each attribute to reach the peak realm, and can be integrated at the basic time.

"This is an opportunity!"

Yes, this is a rare opportunity for Xu Ziyan. In the past, she has not passed down as an interest research fusion, and there are no examples. She can only explore it by herself. But now there is a real example in front of her.

Xu Ziyan immediately sat on the ground, her gods floated out, vainly above her head, and the power of the gods of the gods radiated from the gods and infiltrated into the huge symbol of the sky. The two small hands of Yuanshen kept moving their handcuffs and pushing the way of integration.

With the entry of Xu Ziyan and Zhou Wei, what surprised the onlookers was that both Wei Meng and Zou Ao were very relaxed, as if both sides had confidence that one side would win.

This caused the interest of all the monks, they stopped talking one by one, and both eyes looked at the Star Tower.

"Move it! Move! The light column of Dagongzi moved!"

When I heard the sound, both Fu Meng and Zhou Wei looked at the Star Tower. I saw that Zhou Guang’s beam of light was rising rapidly, and I was about to enter the ninth paragraph. Although Xu Ziyan's light column is still moving, it has not yet reached the first peak of the light column.

"The big son is mighty!" The Holy Land remembered the cheers.

"How could this be?"

The monks of the Fumeng face each other, and Rune and Yun Qianli looked at each other and both of them showed their eyes. At this time, the hearts of two people have already understood that Xu Ziyan must have entered the Central Light Column. This gambling game is estimated to be lost.

The cold and the four seas and other people are completely sluggish there, even if the purple smoke is not as good as Zhou Wei, but at the beginning should not be so much different?

Zhou Peng is slightly aware of it. After all, he has also been to the Star Tower, and his eyes are a little anxious.


Zhou Wei’s light curtain disappeared, and then the second layer of the Star Tower lit up, and a light curtain appeared. Zhou’s head and beam were displayed. Zhou Wei had already opened the first level and entered the second floor. The light beam of Xu Ziyan is now only rising to the second stage.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was not in a hurry, and the runes were able to reach the fifth floor in this light column. It was impossible for her to follow the level of the realm and the gods, and she was already at this level. The integration of the Tao has an understanding, pushing open the closed door...

Two days spent in a state of ice and fire, Zhou Wei has broken into the sixth floor, the Holy Land party cheered. However, Xu Ziyan still stayed on the first floor, and the Fumeng side was dead.

Inside the first floor of the Star Tower.

Xu Ziyan’s face finally showed a hint of joy. Her **** sank into the sea, and then transmitted a glimpse of God from her eyebrows. This sacred figure outlines the huge space of the void to the sky. The symbols floated away, and then hidden into the huge symbol of the slowly turning.


The huge symbol suddenly stopped, and the whole space was shaken, and then the huge symbol collapsed a little.

The huge symbolization turned into a mysterious power of the gods and poured into the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. At the same time, the world in which Xu Ziyan was located was also the collapse of the sound, and the power of the mysterious power poured into her body.


Xu Ziyan felt that his cultivation was from the mid-level six in the green to the mid-seven in the middle of the green. The power of the gods consumed was also restored in an instant, and there was still a slight increase.

Xu Ziyan is a bit stunned. This situation has not been mentioned to the rune. The rune only says that after the break in the single attribute channel, the power of the lost **** will be instantly restored, and there is no mention of the god. The power will be refined, and there is no mention that it will make a breakthrough.

"what on earth is it?"

After the symbol of the sky disappeared, a passage appeared. The shape of Xu Ziyan was involuntarily sucked in. Behind her, the symbol in the sky was once again generated, and a world like before was derived.

Outside the Star Tower.

The four seas screamed and said: "The purple smoke has cleared!"

As his voice fell, the first layer of the Star Tower darkened, and the second layer lit up again, with the appearance of Xu Ziyan and a beam of light.


The monk on the side of Fumeng gently breathed a sigh of relief, but only a slight relief, because the gap between Xu Ziyan and Zhou Wei was too big. At this time, Xu Ziyan just entered the second layer, and Zhou Guang’s light column on the sixth floor has entered the second stage, which indicates that he has passed the test of the blue level.

Rune and Yun Qianli’s eyes are so bitter, at this time they have completely determined that Xu Ziyan has entered the central light column.

The monks on the Holy Land side have been completely relieved at this time, and have even begun to celebrate the victory in advance. He screamed and was afraid that he could not hear the opposite.

The monks who watched also lost interest at this time.

The second and sixth layers, will this gap continue to be seen?

They really don't know why Fumeng would let Xu Ziyan, a person who is not a Fumeng, participate in the gambling. Is Xu Ziyan not the first in this contest? So will this be the case?

The Lord who has been hiding in the crowd is blinking. At this time, his heart also believes that Xu Ziyan has entered the central light column, and a smile appears in the corner of his mouth.

"It's really interesting! It seems that this Xu Ziyan's martial arts is not low! Maybe..." His eyes flashed:

"It is related to this Xu Ziyan that the situation of the rune of the rune suddenly rises. It is more and more interesting to me."

At this time, Xu Ziyan is sitting in the channel of the second floor. As long as you select the central beam on the first floor, whenever you break a level, it will be automatically sucked into the central beam of the next level.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was forced to sit on the ground with her eyes crossed, and she did not start to get through. She was still thinking about what happened before.

A smile gradually appeared on her face, and her heart gradually became cheerful and clear.

"It seems that within the single attribute of the light column, each crack can only restore the power of the lost gods, but it can not be refined, and can not improve the monk's cultivation. Because that is only a single Property channel.

The eleven kinds of attribute fusion path space is different. Under the derivation of eleven kinds of fusion channels, a world has been created. Although the world can not be called a world in the true sense, it is called a world. The model is similar. But the energy that is available is not comparable to a single-attribute channel. Therefore, it can not only restore the power of the gods consumed by the monks, but also improve the power of the monk's gods and help the monks to make breakthroughs.

After all, a world has evolved. Even if the world is just a model, the power it condenses is enough to enhance the cultivation of a monk. The reason why Rune did not tell me was that I was afraid that I could not stand this temptation and chose the Central Light Column. ”

Xu Ziyan’s mood was getting better and he was looking forward to the Star Tower. Open your eyes and look around. Sure enough, this is the appearance of a world. It is exactly the appearance of a continent. It is still dead, without the characteristics of vitality, but it is not as rough as the first layer, with a slight fine.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes, and the Yuanshen floated on his head, releasing the power of the gods, inciting the decision, and began to push forward.

At this time, Zhou Wei on the sixth floor also encountered difficulties. His realm on the road was the beginning of the blue-level second product. At this time, he was at the top of his realm, and naturally began to struggle. He also wants to make a breakthrough here, even if it only breaks through the peak of the blue level. So he also calmed down and learned the cracks little by little.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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