The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2781: Star rule


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Time has passed three more days.

Zhou Wei still stays on the sixth floor, and his light column is still in the second stage. But the second layer of the Star Tower suddenly darkened and the third layer lit up.

This time, Zhou Peng took the lead and shouted out: "Ziyan entered the third floor."

But only the monks of the Star Adventures rang a commotion, and the other monks were very calm, even if there were no waves in the League and the Holy Land. It was a pair of strange eyes that came from the monks who were watching.

Is there a difference between the second and third layers? To know that Zhou Wei is now on the sixth floor, Xu Ziyan just just entered the third floor. What exclaimed?

It’s a big fuss!

Zhou Peng’s face was a little embarrassed, and Zhou Peng’s gaze in the direction of the Holy Land revealed the sarcasm. Guo Qiang said faintly:

"Second son, I heard that you joined a rough adventure group? And that Xu Ziyan is the deputy head of your adventure group? Don't mess around, or go back to the Holy Land."

"Hey, hahaha..." there was a laughter around.

Zhou Peng’s look immediately became iron blue, and Guo Qiang’s phrase “Don't make trouble” clearly shows him as a child. He was able to give Zhou a respect, but Zhou Peng was contempt and lesson. If this is Zhou Peng who has not left the Holy Land before, I am afraid that I will jump out of my feet at this time, and then I will be called by the Lord to scream.

But today's Zhou Peng is different. After several years of adventure group career, he has fully matured. Moreover, the revision of the blue-grade mid-eight products also made him a lot more stable.

I took a deep breath and ignored the ridicule of the monks around me, but said faintly:

"Guo Qiang, you still go out for a walk. A frog is strong again, and he only sees a big day at the well."

Guo Qiang’s face is a stiff look. As Zhou Peng said, Guo Qiang has been practicing in the Holy Land. There is no real experience in going out. The usual experience is also around the Holy Land. Now Zhou Peng has no doubt concealed him as a frog at the bottom of the well, making his heart anger.

At this time, those around the ridiculous Zhou Peng also stopped laughing, and looked at Zhou Peng's gaze became a little different. Although I can't talk about admiration, I can join a adventure group to take risks away from the Holy Land as the second son of Zhou Peng Holy Land, or let the monks have a sense of approval.

"Two sons!" Guo Qiang's voice showed a hint of coldness: "Since you have such confidence in Xu Ziyan, it is better to gamble."

"What is gambling?" Zhou Peng looked calm, but his heart was full of tension, because he did not have the slightest grasp of Xu Ziyan's realm.

"Gambling this game! You and I both gamble." Guo Qiang stared at Zhou Pengdao: "If Xu Ziyan loses, he will not be noisy again, return to the Holy Land to practice. If Xu Ziyan wins, I will join you stars. Adventure group."

In Zhou Peng’s eyes, Li Mang flashed. Just now Guo Qiang said the word “noisy” between words, which made Zhou Peng’s heart irritated to the extreme.

"Do you think I was the former Zhou Peng? Do you think that Zhou Peng is as awkward as before? Do you think that Zhou Peng is as weak as before?"

There was an angry anger in my heart, but a smile appeared on my face:

"Guo brother, our Star Adventure Group is not something that anyone can join. Even if you are a brother, you don't want to join."

Guo Qiang’s face showed a disdainful color: “I don’t see any special things in a rough adventure group. If Guo Qiang’s words are to be added to an adventure group, there will be a lot of adventures. The group came to invite me. You are just afraid of losing, and you have to spend a lot of time here."

"Oh..." Zhou Peng smiled gracefully, and then became serious: "Our Star Adventures demand loyalty, fear, unity. I can't see that Brother Guo has these three points for the Star Adventures now, without this. Three people, we don't want it."

The surrounding monks were quiet, and the color of the shock appeared in the heart. The look of Guo Qiang also flashed a trace of color.

The adventure group is just a group of a group of bitter hahas. The nature of this group is not strict, it can be said to be somewhat loose. Everyone is going to take risks for the sake of their interests. If they feel right, they will be together. If they feel inappropriate, they will be separated. It is also this nature that many of the sects and family disciples have joined the adventure group in an anonymous way. Whether an adventure group can be big or not depends on the adventure group to bring enough benefits to the monks in the regiment. If you can't give enough benefits, or the head of the adventure group is too selfish, you can't be fair. This adventure The regiment will disperse, and even the head of this adventure group will be killed by the head of the monk.

When did an adventure group still talk about loyalty, fear and unity?

The adventure group on the mainland has no loyalty at all. Of course, it does not deny that some heads of adventure groups can bring many monks to their side with fairness, justice and personality charm, but that is far from being loyal, and loyalty is only in Only in the Zongmen and the family.


The monks in the adventure group are fierce, and, to a certain extent, can be said to be fearless. But will a monk without loyalty be afraid?

What is fear?

Fear is to know that the strength is not as good as the other side, but for the loyalty of the heart is still not afraid of life and death. The adventure group can be disbanded or run away after encountering the head and the top. However, Zongmen and the family will not, they will fight to death, even if the Zongmen and the family will eventually be destroyed, those who are not dead will recover the Zongmen live family in their lifetime, even if it is difficult, even if it gives life, This is the real fear.


That's ridiculous! The adventure group is a selfish monk. When they are in danger, the first thing they think of is their own.

Guo Qiang has already determined in his mind that the Star Adventure Group is Zhou Peng’s team, otherwise he will not ask for it. These people are completely required by the rules of the Zongmen. Zhou Peng is going to use these teams to resist the Dagongzi.

In fact, he really misunderstood Zhou Peng. From the day when the adventure group was established, everyone knew that this adventure group was given to the cold. They all have their own identities and cannot stay in the adventure group. However, when negotiating the rules of the adventure group, Zhou Peng, who traveled around the world, Tang did not, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language inevitably took their idea of ​​small contact, so the Star Adventure Group is not a The adventure group, but in the direction of a sect, the minimum rules are completely in the form of sect.

The monks who had been recruited in the wilderness originally did not believe in the rules of the Star Adventures, that is, they agreed to the rules of the Star Adventures. How could they have been accustomed to the rules of the adventure group, and how could they immediately accept such rules in their hearts?


When they had not made any contribution to the Star Adventures, the adventure group began to distribute the medicinal herbs to them, and when they were still of low quality, their hearts were touched. This is impossible in other adventure groups. Other adventure groups are constantly doing tasks. After the mission is completed, the big heads of interest are divided by high-level officials, and the rest are distributed to them. Then they take the benefits and then buy the fairy tools they need, such as Xiandan and other resources. . When did you see that you haven't done any tasks yet, start distributing them to them? And the number is still quite a lot, which is clearly the sect of the Zongmen.

Moreover, there are many rules in the Star Adventures. For example, after completing various tasks, all the benefits are returned to the adventure group, and the adventure group will not distribute the benefits here, but all belong to the adventure group, but only according to the contribution size. A monk's points, then you can take this point to go to the Star Hall of the Star Adventures, Futang and the Church to redeem the resources you need.

This is another kind of sacred rule.

Moreover, there are many punitive measures for the Star Adventures. For example, once you join the Star Adventures, you will not be allowed to leave. Otherwise, you will be chased by the Star Adventures. This is another sect.

These rules are not included in the minds of the monks who joined the adventure group in the wilderness. I want to leave when I want to leave. When do you bite me?

Also Dantang, Futang and Yitang?

I have never heard of the adventure group, Dantang, Futang and Yitang. Which Dan teacher, the teacher and the teacher will join the rough adventure group, there is, and is also a disciple of a certain sect or family, and such a monk will leave in a adventure group for a year and a half. Therefore, they did not take the same thing as the rules and benefits announced by the cold.

However, when they received a lot of medicinal herbs, their hearts were shocked. If there isn't a Dantang, it is impossible to come up with so many medicinal herbs at once. Their hearts begin to believe that the Star Adventures have Dantang, Futang and Yitang.

People are very realistic.

When they began to believe that the Star Adventures had Dantang, Futang and Yitang, they planted a seed in the heart to obey the rules of the Star Adventures.

No one is a fool, how can a monk who has cultivated to this level be a fool. Then, since you are not a fool, why do you think that the cold and cold people who formed the Star Adventures are fools? Will be arbitrarily provided to you in vain, and there may be fairy and fairy in the future? Since it is bound to be bound by the benefits, it is a matter of course. These monks are not disgusted.

And are you as a monk who is willing to be an adventurer?

No one wants to be looked down upon by others, and no one else despise. It’s just that they didn’t have the chance to join the Zongmen and the family. Now that an opportunity is in front of them, most people will cherish it, unless those who are really unwilling to be restrained.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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