
So when they feel that the Star Adventures are likely to be developing towards a Zongmen, their hearts are also excited, from passively following the rules to actively starting to obey. And they have no doubt in their hearts that after the Star Adventures paid such a big price, if there are really traitors among them, the Star Adventures will surely pursue them.

Therefore, in their hearts, they gradually cultivated the temperament of loyalty, fear and unity, and once they have this idea, the atmosphere between them is also harmonious. It seems that they have a common goal to unite them, and they are also very Enjoy this atmosphere, especially the cold and cold words, we are a family, we can safely hand back to our companions, this sentence makes them feel fluent.

They know that their chances are coming. Even if they don’t see the Star Adventures as a sect in their lifetime, they are willing to give their backs to their companions with confidence, and they can fear to protect the backs of their companions. This kind of life is very hard.

This change in temperament begins from the depths of the heart. Once formed, it is different from the temperament that makes people who are at first glance an adventurer. What is revealed is a kind of honour. Although this kind of temperament is still weak, it has already appeared, and it is essentially different from the adventure group.

This kind of temperament can't be seen if it is not taken seriously, but after Zhou Peng said that, Guo Qiang’s heart raised a strange look, and his eyes looked seriously toward the Star Adventure Group. This hope made him see the difference. The body of these adventurous monks had a shadow of a holy monk.

Taking a deep breath, the situation is now a problem on the face. Since his words have been exported, how can he recover? He is a great disciple of the Lord. What's more, even if the Star Adventures now has a shadow of the sect? Will he be afraid of his monks? He is a late blue-level, how can the Star Adventures be able to withstand him?

Thinking of this, Guo Qiang sneered a sigh: "Less nonsense, you dare not gamble?"

Zhou Peng was also forced to the corner at this time. In his heart, Xu Ziyan was better than Zhou Peng. He didn't have a little grasp in his heart, but at this time he could not allow him to step back half a step, so he nodded coldly:

"Okay, I agree! But, Master Guo, you have to remember. Entering the Star Adventures will follow the rules of the Star Adventures. Once you enter the Star Adventures, you will be a Star Adventure Group for life. If you dare to leave the Star Adventures. Will be executed as a traitor."

Guo Qiang’s gaze is a contraction, but at this time he is not allowed to change, and when he sees the gap between Xu Ziyan and Zhou Wei, the hanging heart will be put down. He does not believe that he will lose, he nods:

"Okay, it's a word. You don't want to be fooling around, and you can really go back to the Holy Land."

At this time, Zhou Peng stopped paying attention to him and returned to his seat to sit down. Guo Qiang also returned to his seat and sat down, his eyes falling on the Star Tower.

The third floor of the Star Tower.

Xu Ziyan was so refreshed, his face was filled with a happy smile, and the second layer of the symbol was cracked. After the passage was opened, the broken Fuhua became the power of the gods and the strength of her **** was raised a bit. In the middle of the holy nine products, and the world that was derived from it was also transformed into a force for her cultivation to break through the green mid-term seven products to the green mid-eight products.

The third layer is still a world, but it is more real than the second layer. This is the world created by the fusion of the eleven yellow-level symbols, but it seems to be dull in the eyes of Xu Ziyan. Looking up, the air is still a huge symbol that is slowly spinning.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already realized the competing of different attributes, and her realm is extremely high, and the third level of fusion is only the yellow level. Although it is not easy for her, it is not difficult. And as she broke through the two layers, his deep understanding of Fu Dao has faintly touched the realm of the purple seven-piece, and the general outline of the road she created was further improved, which made her for the Star Tower. I hope that the gods will go out and the gods will spread out and penetrate into the huge symbols in the sky...

"Tiandao rules..."

At this level, Fu Wei added the mysterious mystery, Xu Ziyan found that the heavens contained in the Fuxi all-inclusive, she had a speculation at this time, is there a fusion of the heaven and earth universe? Are there stars that are all a mysterious symbol?

At this time, she really wanted to explore into her own purple smoke space, but at this time her body space was sealed and could not be filled, which made her heart full of regrets. She is able to determine if she enters the purple smoke space, the avatars of the heavens, and the plaques here prove that they will not only have great progress in the path, but also greatly enhance the entire heaven.

Xu Ziyan explored the huge symbol of the sky with his knowledge of the gods, while recalling everything in his body space, mutual confirmation, a lingering in the heart, the understanding of the path is deeper.

Unconsciously, four days passed, and the Star Tower was rippling, and a figure was sent out. Everyone stared, but Zhou Wei’s figure fell on the ground, and the sixth layer had already darkened. He eventually reached the peak of the blue-level two products, and did not get another breakthrough.

His face was extremely pale, and the overdraft of the power of the gods made Zhou Wei's body shake, and he had a coma. Encouraging to look back, see the head of Xu Ziyan displayed on the third floor, the look is not a glimpse, he did not think that so many days have passed, Xu Ziyan is still stuck in the third floor, can not help but laugh.

This laugh is to make him unstable. If Guo Qiang flies in time to help him, he will fall to the ground. However, he did not take it easy, all the way to laughter and was taken back by Guo Qiang to sit down and take the drug into the interest rate.

"There is no need to compare it!" Zhou Wei's men began to squat.

"That is, it is obvious that our big son has won, is this not a waste of time?"

"Fu Meng, you see if it is the end of the gambling game. Everyone here is not interesting here! Is it possible for Xu Ziyan to stay inside for one day, we have to wait for one day, if she stays there for a lifetime, we have to stay here for a lifetime?"

"Yes!" Those monks who watched the excitement also followed suit. In their view, the gap between Xu Ziyan and Zhou Wei was too great, and there was no need to wait any longer.

"I really didn't think that you said that the League is not as good as the Holy Land. I didn't expect to lose more than the Dagongzi. I think this is a far worse in the field of martial arts than in the Holy Land."

"Yes! It is!"


Rune face sinks like water, but at this time he must insist, although his heart has already determined that Xu Ziyan has lost. However, it is not possible to take the initiative to admit defeat when the gambling game is not over yet, that is, whether the gambling game is lost, but the heart loses.

Therefore, he closed his mouth tightly and said nothing, and the party was quiet and silent. The monks of the Star Adventures are also very uncomfortable. They just had a little psychological advantage and were crushed in an instant. They couldn’t help but look at the cold, Zhou Peng and the four seas. They know that these three talents are the stars. The soul of the regiment.

Cold and cold with a mask naturally can not see the expression, but Zhou Peng and the look of the four seas are very calm, and a sense of confidence in the calm. This kind of self-confidence infects the monk of the Star Adventures, and then looks at the cold, although he can't see his face, but he can feel the confidence that comes from him, and the heart of the Star Adventures gradually settles. Down, inexplicably feel a sense of confidence.

In fact, the cold and cold, Zhou Peng and the four hearts of the four seas are stunned, but only maintain a calm and confident on the surface.

Two people in the crowd have been silent and have a dignified look. One of these two is Luo Yin, the deputy head of the Starlight Adventure Group, and the other is the Holy Land of the Holy Land.

Luo Yin did not care about the victory and defeat between Xu Ziyan and Zhou Wei. He had a strong uneasiness in his heart at this time. This kind of anxiety came from the Star Adventure Group. At this time, he also saw the difference of the Star Adventure Group. It was an essence. The difference is that the Star Adventures form a whole, and the Starlight Adventures seem to have a strong appearance, but the inside is a loose sand. Is such an adventure group really capable of destroying their starlight adventure group? Nowadays, there is still room for conversion with the Star Adventures. If you attack the Star Adventures again, it will be an endless situation. It is not the Star Adventure Group. It is the Starlight Adventure Group being destroyed. At this moment, his heart is very hesitant. .

The Lord of the Holy Land is not interested in the Star Adventures. Even if the Star Adventures has a shadow of a sect, it is too weak for the Holy Land and is not worthy of the attention of the Lord. He noticed that Xu Ziyan, he knew that Xu Ziyan must have entered the central light column, otherwise she would be the first place in a contest, even if it was not as good as Zhou Wei, it would not be so much different.

The reason that makes him look dignified is that Xu Ziyan has a higher speed than the central light column, and there are many. Doesn’t this mean that Xu Ziyan’s realm on the road far exceeds him?

His gaze could not help but look at the rune, and once again determined that the character of the rune of the rune had to be promoted must be related to the Xu Ziyan.

"Xu Ziyan, I am really more and more interested in you!"

His gaze moved from the rune to the star tower, and his eyes suddenly shrank. At this time, the third layer of the star tower dimmed, and the fourth layer lit up.

"Opened up again! The scores of me and Rune are only one level away." The eyes of the Lord are shining.

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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