The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2786: invite


This star adventure group is really more and more mysterious. Everyone’s gaze looked cold and cold, one by one:

"What forces are standing behind this cold hatred?"

Rune is too lazy to explain why the flower name is a fame and a flower attacker joins the Star Adventure Group and becomes the owner of Futang. Instead, I watched with interest the sects and patriarchs, and the suspicions were uncertain.

"Cold leader!" Another monk stood up and said: "I don't know the alchemy division of the Dantang Hall of the Dantang Church. It is also an alchemy teacher. I want to discuss it with the Dantangtang."

Cold and cold could not help but touch the nose. The thoughts in my heart were the same as Xu Ziyan. I also knew that their identity could not be concealed. I couldn’t help but look at the aides. The eyes of the people could not help but look at the cold and cold eyes, and then their hearts were shocked.

Is the Dantang Church of this Star Adventure Group related to Dan Meng?

The Daniel League's main aide at this time has the same idea as the rune. Of course, he is willing to be able to learn Dan Dao with Xu Ziyan, and he can't wait to be with him. At this time, I saw the cold and the people looked over, and I stood up and smiled:

"Everyone, my daughter, Miao Dingxiang, I have seen you just now. She is the Dantangtang Lord Danxiang of the Star Adventure Group."


Once again, the banquet boiled up. This star adventure group actually included the Tiangong, Holy Land, Fumeng, and the descendants of the four major forces of Danmeng. What happened to the Starlight continent?

"Cold...Headmaster..." A patriarch asked some stutteringly: "I don't know if the nobles of the group are here too?"

Cold cold looked at Xu Ziyan, traveled around the world, Zhou Peng, Mu Dingxiang and Fuhua language, several people nodded, feeling that there is no need to conceal the identity of Tang, the several of them have exposed their identity, Tang does not The identity of the device is also hidden for a long time. Seeing everyone nodded slightly, cold and cold said:

"The master of the instrument is the son of the ally of the ally."

This is no sensation, because these monks are already somewhat numb.

A rough adventure group, the most powerful master of the entire Starlight continent, the son of the League, the daughter of the League and Dan League, the Tiangong and the second son of the Holy Land.

Is this... still a risky group?

What is the identity of this cold hatred?

But no one asked, and did not dare to ask. The banquet gradually restored the atmosphere in shock. These lords and patriarchs are masters of the business atmosphere. Under the intentional promotion, the atmosphere of the feast has reached a **.

The banquet continued until sunset, and everyone was happy to return. One of the patriarchs and the patriarchs agreed to wait for the Star Adventure Group to return to the Sunshine City before visiting.

After the monks were sent away, everyone changed to a room. Rune looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile:

"Congratulations to Xu Zong for repair."

The monks also saw that the cultivation of Xu Ziyan has now broken through the peak of the late nine-grade green products, and they congratulated them. Xu Ziyan also smiled back, and after the silence was restored, Rune’s look became serious:

"Xu Zongshi, can you tell the old man what kind of situation is in the back three floors of the Star Tower?"

"Of course!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "This seventh layer..."

“What do you say?” In the Zhouyi government, Zhou Hao’s hobby stood up: “The lord of the Star Adventures is the second son of the Tiangong Tour?”

"Yes!" A monk stood in front of Zhou Wei and said: "Now the entire Star Tower has spread. Everyone is guessing what the background of this Star Adventure Group is. What kind of person is cold hatred. ”

"Ha ha ha..." Zhou Yi for a while, suddenly burst into laughter and said: "Good! Good! Good! Great, second brother, second brother, I see how you died this time? You are guilty of getting rid of the enemy It’s gone. I dare to collude with the Heavenly Palace and come to the people! All the monks in the palace will go to the Zhou Peng House, and all the people in the Star Adventures will be arrested, and the rebel will be killed.”


In Zhou Peng’s house, Zhang Bo’s face was like a chrysanthemum, and he was commanding the next person to pick up. From time to time, he looked at Zhou Peng’s partial hall, and his heart was excited.

"The second son finally got up, and he didn't think that his side had such a deep connection..."

In the middle of the temple.

Xu Ziyan just finished the seventh layer of the situation in detail, raised his hand and took a drink from the cup, and put down the cup to condense:

"On the eighth floor..."


A loud noise came from the front door, and then came the voice of Zhou Wei: "Zhou Peng colluded with the Heavenly Palace and committed a big sin. All the people in the Star Adventure Group listened and immediately surrendered, otherwise they killed."

Zhou Peng’s face in the partial hall was a cold, and he stood up and walked toward the outside. Xu Ziyan and others looked at each other and each look became dignified. After all, it is the card of the Starlight Holy Land. The Starlight Holy Land is not far from the Star City. If Zhou’s action is the Lord’s command, the fate of these people. It is a lot more dangerous.

The monks stood up and followed Zhou Peng and went out. Inside the mansion, the monks of the Star Adventures came out of the house one after another. They looked angry and angered. They held the fairy in their hands and saw Zhou Peng and others walked out, one by one, followed by Zhou Peng and others. Going to the gate.

When I came to the front yard, I saw that the gate was broken. There were dense monks standing in front of the gate and on the wall of the house. I had surrounded the entire Zhou Peng’s house and stood in the middle of the main gate. I saw Zhou Peng. When I came out, there was a sneer on my face:

"Second brother, you dare to collude with the Heavenly Palace, can you know sin?"

When the words fell, they turned their eyes to the four seas. They said coldly: "You can't be small when you travel around the world."

"My courage is not small!" Said the four seas faintly said.

"Oh..." Zhou Wei’s eyes flashed a trace of cold mans, and he waved his hand: "Get it!"

"Slow!" Rune and the aides came out together and looked at Zhou Weidao: "You are my guest. Is it too much for you to do this?"

Zhou Wei decidedly waved: "I will report this to my father. If the two lords have doubts, they will ask my father."

Xu Ziyan stood beside the cold, and looked at Zhou Wei’s eyes as a slight glimpse.

"It seems that the thief must first smash the king!"

"Good!" Cold eyes looked cold and cold: "You have to fight, then you will fight!"

Zhou Wei’s eyes are also a slight sigh: “Cold leader, do you want to resist?”

"Hey!" Cold and cold thoughts have moved, and the sword has been taken out.

"Then don't blame me for taking the Star Adventures."

Zhou Wei’s face was suddenly cold, and the atmosphere of the space became cold and cold.


Suddenly a voice rang from the door, and Zhou Hao was so angry that he suddenly turned back and said:

"Who is bold?"

Then his look was a stay, then he asked an old man who came in from outside the gate:

"Two elders, you... how come you?"

The two elders looked at Zhou Wei and walked past Zhou Wei, and came to the cold hand in front of the cold hand:

"Is this the cold leader of the Star Adventures?"

"It's just under!" Cold cold put away the sword, and said: "I don't know if you are always?"

"Oh, huh..." The two elders smiled and said: "The old man Fengtai is the second elder of the Starlight Holy Land."

"I have seen two elders!" Cold and cold again.

Feng Tai also paid a small gift, and then looked at Xu Ziyan: "You are Xu Zongshi?"

"Yes, I have seen the elders!"

"Xu Zong Shi is polite."

Feng Tai looked at the four seas, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language, and looked at the appearance of the younger generation:

"You are traveling around the world, Fuhua language and curtain Dingxiang?"

"I have seen the elders!" Three people together gave a gift to Feng Tai.

Feng Tai nodded, and then took an invitation from the storage ring and handed it to the cold road:

"Cold leader, three days later, the Lord will hold a banquet in the Holy Land and invite the Stars Adventure Group to participate, hoping to arrive on time."

After the cold and cold mask, the gaze was slightly reduced, but it was only a moment, and I took the invitation indifferently:

"Be sure to arrive on time!"

"Good!" Feng Tai nodded, then walked toward Rune and the curtain, and a warm smile appeared on his face:

"The main character of the Fumeng, the master of the curtain, originally wanted to send you an invitation, and you can't stand the banquet of our Lord!"

When the words fell, two notes were taken out of the hand and handed over to the aides and runes.

"Ha ha ha..." Rune and the aides smiled at the same time: "How can the invitation of the Lord not go?"

"Okay, the next task has been completed, see you in three days!"

"See you in three days!" Rune, behind the scenes, cold, Xu Ziyan and others also said.

When the elders passed by Zhou Wei, they whispered: "Don't go back!"

When the words fell, the footsteps kept coming out of the door. The look on Zhou Wei’s face was uncertain. Finally, I hated Zhou Peng and turned away.

"Big brother!" Zhou Peng's voice sounded in the night sky.

Zhou Hao stopped and looked back at Zhou Peng without saying a word. Zhou Peng did not say anything, just raised his finger and pointed to the shattered door. Zhou Wei looked slightly changed, then threw a storage ring and then turned and strode away. Zhou Peng glanced at the storage ring with a god, and said faintly:

"It’s still full of generosity!"

The people returned to the temple again, and the curtain looked at the cold road: "Cold leader, are you really going to attend the banquet of the Lord?"

Cold and cold, laughing and jokingly: "Now we are in Star City, will the Lord give me the opportunity to not participate? Again, it is a banquet, I want to see the scenery of the Holy Land."

Looking at Zhou Pengdao: "I have never been to the Holy Land, Zhou Peng, you have to do the landlord's friendship!"

Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!



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