The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2787: Banquet


I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200, 宁不毋毋?? I want to classmates (100, rest 123 students (100, Jiaojiao classmates (100 rewards!

"Yes!" Touring the Four Seas: "I have never been to the Holy Land, Zhou Peng, but when you arrive, you have to take me around."

"Four seas, your identity..." The cold look is hesitant.

"Nothing." The four seas smirked with a smile: "I have no habit of retreating."

"Good!" In the eyes of Rune, there was a hint of appreciation: "I have a friend with me, I want to see what the Lord wants."

When I heard the rune saying this, the cold heart was slightly lowered, and he turned to the runes and the aides:

"Working both masters!"

The runes and the aides are smiling.

"That star tower..." Rune revisited the words.

Xu Ziyan hesitated and said: "I am afraid that the Lord is also holding this banquet for this, and the last layer of the Star Tower is a big thing. It is better to talk about it together."


In the next three days, Xu Ziyan still kept himself in the room to practice, hoping to break through to the Qing Dynasty.

The third day.

Xu Ziyan came out of the room and was still staying at the peak of the late green level. After gathering with everyone, he flew toward the starlight sanctuary.

The curtain, the rune, the cold, the Xu Ziyan, Zhou Peng, the four seas, the curtain Dingxiang and the Fuhua language, the eight people who took the holy land sent to the holy land took an hour to come outside the holy place.

From the fairy boat down, I saw the role of Zhou Yizheng as the welcoming guest at the gate of the real holy land. When I saw the cold and other people, my face could not help but sink, and then I recovered my smile and greeted them. Arch of the hand:

"Welcome to the main actor, the ally."

Rune and the aides faintly nodded, Zhou Wei took a stack of deeds from the storage ring and handed it to Rune Road:

"Fu Meng, this is the 500 deeds that you lost to you. Please look over."

"Good!" Rune took over the stack of deeds and handed it to the cold road: "Cold leader, this is your deed."

Zhou Wei’s look is a glimpse, and then there is anger in the eyes, coldly:

"Fu Meng, what is going on?"

"Oh..." Rune faintly smiled: "Xu Zongshi is the deputy head of the Star Adventures. Since she has been out, the color of this gambling is naturally owned by the Star Adventures."

Cold and cold is at this time handed the stack of deeds to Zhou Pengdao: "Zhou Peng, these deeds are things that are arranged by you."

Zhou Peng smiled faintly and reached for the deed. He smiled at Zhou Wei: "Thank you, big brother."

The look of anger in Zhou Yan’s eyes, looking at Zhou Pengyin’s smile: “The second brother, it’s useless to have a deed, and it’s not good, it’s waste paper.”

"Oh, huh..." Zhou Peng said with a smile: "This is no need to worry about the big brother. I will hand over the management of 500 shops to Fumeng. I am eating."

"You..." Zhou Peng’s chest undulating violently, and a pair of robes sleeves went to one side.

The curtain said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go in."

"Good!" Rune smiled as he walked. "How does the Lord let such a person be responsible for receiving VIPs, and he knows that he is standing on the side, really rude, and lost the face of the Holy Land."

Zhou Peng was angry with his face, but he did not dare to make trouble at the mountain gate. After all, this was a banquet hosted by his father. Hatefully staring at Zhou Peng's back, and at this time, Zhou Peng's footsteps was a meal, turned and looked at Zhou Weidao:

"Big brother, the Fumeng master makes sense. Welcome guests must have a welcome look. Don't be gloomy, smile! Laugh, you know? Hahaha..."

When the words fell, striding toward the mountain gate, only Zhou Peng, who was trembling with anger. The surrounding holy monks looked at Zhou Wei and dared not speak out. But the monks who came to attend the banquet were thoughtful, and then whispered as they walked toward the gate:

"It turned out that it was not a gambling match between Fu Meng and Zhou Wei, but a gambling match between Zhou Wei and Zhou Peng. It seems that Zhou Peng is better than Zhou Wei!"

"I will say, if the alliance is a gambling game, then the opponent should also be a holy place. How could it be a big son? This is the battle between the big son and the second son, and the second son won the victory. After that, the big son is in the holy place. I am afraid that the days are sad."

Zhou Hao was almost mad with a spurt of blood, hatefully looking at the back of Zhou Peng's departure, a voice in his heart shouted:

"Zhou Peng, I will kill you."

Basilica of the Holy Land.

Xu Ziyan and his party came in. The elders and the two elders were hospitality in the hall. When Xu Ziyan and others came in, they walked over to them.

"Fu Meng, the master of the curtain, don't come!"

"Great elders, two elders, you are more and more spiritual."

The four men chilled a few words, and the elders looked at Xu Ziyan. In his eyes, only Xu Ziyan is worthy of respect. After all, Xu Ziyan is a master of the system.

"This is Xu Zongshi!"

"Great elders, let me introduce you!" The two elders stepped forward: "This is Xu Zongshi, Xu Zongshi, this is the great elder Ge Wucheng of our holy land."

"I have seen Ge elders."

"Don't dare to be a master of this ceremony, why don't we go there and have a few drinks?" The elder's face showed an intimate smile.

“No hurry!” Xu Ziyan smiled and said: “Several friends introduced you to this. This is the head of our Star Adventure Group.”

"I have seen Ge elders!"

Ge Wucheng looked up and down a little cold, and returned to the ceremony: "The cold head is casual."

"Who is this……"

Xu Ziyan still wants to continue to introduce, Ge Wucheng is smiling with a smile: "Xu Zongshi does not have to introduce, these few Junjies should be swimming around the world, the curtain Dingxiang, Fuhua language."

"I have seen the elders." Tour the four seas, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language respectful Shi Lidao.

"Good! Good! You are free! I have some conversations with Xu Zongshi about things. Xu Ziyan please!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Grand elders please."

The elders simply handed over the services of the monks to the two elders, and Xu Ziyan came to a corner to sit down, and then he could not wait to ask about the Star Tower, but was refused by Xu Ziyan. Although the elders looked a little unremarkable, they also endured it and turned to talk with Xu Ziyan.

This conversation was immersed in and completely forgotten the Star Tower. Xu Ziyan shocked him for his profoundness.

Gradually, there are more and more monks in the hall. Those who went to the Zhou Peng House three days ago to attend the banquet are all coming, and there are some celebrities in the Star City.

Suddenly there was a cry at the door of the main hall: "The Lord is here!"

The whole hall was quiet, and all the people stood up, and Xu Ziyan stood up. From the doorway came in and walked into a tall monk with a face like a middle-aged man, a dragon and a tiger, and a faint pressure from the body, Xu Ziyan's eyes condensed, and the gods swept away. Now the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan is already in the mid-ninth stage of the holy level. She does not believe that the power of the **** of the Lord can surpass her.

Sure enough, the Lord did not realize that Xu Ziyan’s knowledge was swept, but Xu Ziyan’s heart was a shock.

"A high-level repair is actually the peak of the eight-layer purple stage. It is only one step away from the purple-grade nine-layer stage. Although the strength of his own **** is more than him, the strength of the body is only the seventh-grade mid-level. The cultivation that can be performed is only the peak of the late green level, and it is not the opponent of the Lord."

Then she felt that Zhou Peng’s eyes were sharply stared at a young monk who followed the Lord, and the young monk looked at Zhou Peng with disdain. Xu Ziyan walked slowly to Zhou Peng's side, and said:

"Who is he?"

Zhou Peng took a deep breath and said: "He is Guo Qiang."

"Guo Qiang!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the young man, and there was a hint of fierceness in his eyes. Guo Qiang’s affairs must be resolved, otherwise the reputation of the Star Adventures will be greatly affected. Guo Qiang lost his bet but refused to join the Star Adventure Group. This is indeed a stain for Guo Qiang, but it is a crisis for the Star Adventures.

When the Stars Adventure Group made the rules, there was a rule that the monks who joined the Star Adventures were not allowed to leave the Star Adventures, otherwise they would be chased by the Star Adventures. Now there is Guo Qiang’s example. Isn’t the rules of the Star Adventures ineffective? When did the monks of the Star Adventures lose their scruples? Want to leave and leave? Will the Star Adventures be disbanded at any time? Moreover, the occurrence of this incident caused the rules of the Star Adventure Group to lose their effect and lose their deterrent power.

At this time the Lord has sat in the Lord's position, and both hands are pressing down to the bottom:

"Please sit down!"

"Xie Shengzhu!"

All the people shouted in unison, even the three-level rune of the purple level is no exception, showing the position of the Lord on the starry continent. After Xu Ziyan was seated, the look was slightly changed. When she saw that there was only one person on the entire hall, she was still seated. It was cold and cold.

The cold heart is filled with bitterness at this time, and there is no way in his heart at this time. Because Xu Ziyan thought of him, he also thought about it. If he wants the existence of the Star Adventure Group, Guo Qiang must have passed this. Although he knows that he is an ant in front of the Lord, he must stand up at this time, otherwise the stars There is no need for the adventure group to exist. He is the head of the Star Adventures Group and attaches great importance to this adventure group.

At this time, everyone's eyes are concentrated on the cold and cold body, there is no way, not concentrated is impossible, cold and cold is too conspicuous. Moreover, everyone also instantly understood the cold and cold thoughts. While admiring the cold and cold, they also showed regrets in their eyes. I am afraid that the cold and cold will fall here. Who can invade the face of the Lord?

Guo Qiang’s mouth sneered a sneer, and Zhou’s eyes also showed excitement. He prayed in his heart, and Zhou Peng also stood up, so it was lively.

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