The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2788: You are young too

Guo Qiang’s mouth sneered a sneer, and Zhou’s eyes also showed excitement. He prayed in his heart, and Zhou Peng also stood up, so it was lively. <

His thoughts have not disappeared, and Zhou Peng has stood up and walked to the cold side, standing side by side with the cold. At this time, he naturally understood the cold heart, and his heart was full of self-blame. At the beginning, if I was not arrogant and bet with Guo Qiang, how can I have such trouble now?

Xu Ziyan stood up slowly, and then swam all over the world. The curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language also stood up and stood next to the cold. Rune and the abruptly frowned, but did not stand up, but waited for it. The hearts of both of them are full of worries, and with their strength they simply cannot resist the Lord.

The Lord slightly frowned, and he naturally knew the reason why the Star Adventures stood up, but he did not expect this to happen. He thinks that he has appeared here with Guo Qiang. The people in the Star Adventure Group should understand their own thoughts. From now on, they will not mention the bet. A small adventure group is not in his eyes. The person he valued was only Xu Ziyan, and he did not pay attention to the strength of Xu Ziyan, but her realm.

However, it was such a group of ants who had set off the appearance of offending him, which raised a anger in his heart. Looking at the cold road faintly:

"Cold leader, you still sit down!"

"The Lord!" Cold and cold took a deep breath: "We have some things in the Star Adventures and Guo Qiang."

"If you don't want to sit down, then stand up." The Lord cleanly interrupted the cold words and said faintly.

The cold heart is a glimpse. The attitude of the Lord is that the Star Adventure Group is not in the eye. It also shows that Guo Qiang will not be allowed to make a bet.

One of the monks in the main hall looked at the cold and other people, their eyes were different, there was disdain, compassion, and regret...

Cold and cold took a deep breath: "The Lord..."

Next, I walked out of Zhou Peng and prayed to the Lord: "Father..."

The lord's gaze showed a trace of fineness, and Tianwei was able to press against the cold and Zhou Peng. Xu Ziyan instantly caught the power that was rushing. Take a step forward and see through the body. An invisible barrier was formed in front of the body, and the incoming momentum was stopped outside, faintly looking at the main road:

"Lord, you mean what you mean. We are leaving."

The face of the Lord is so heavy that he does not let the cold and others open his mouth to indicate his maintenance of Guo Qiang, and Xu Ziyan’s resignation at this time also shows that the Star Adventure Group will never give up on Guo Qiang. Although the two sides have no famous words, they also show their determination.

The Lord has just released the power of the purple layer. He is not surprised that Xu Ziyan can block his gods. He can reach the ninth floor of the Star Tower, which proves that the power of Xu Ziyan’s **** is bound to be strong. At this time, Rune and the aides also stood up and walked forward. The heart of the Lord is not sighed. He is very clear about the background of the Star Adventures, standing behind the Union, Dan Meng. The League of Arms and the Temple of Heaven, although the cultivation of these people is very low, but the forces behind them are all giants. The Holy Land is powerful, but therefore it is opposed to many powerful forces. Guo Qiang does not have that value.

But now he can't just hand Guo Qiang out like this. This is not Guo Qiang’s life and death problem, but his face problem. It is the face of the entire Holy Land.

"Oh..." The Lord suddenly laughed and took back the knowledge. In fact, he really wanted to increase the intensity of the gods and understand the strength of Xu Ziyan’s power of the gods. But the aides and runes have already reached the side of Xu Ziyan. If they wait until the two men intervene, it is not facing a small star adventure group, but directly confronted the alliance and Dan League. Although the Lord is not afraid, it is no small trouble.

"Xu Zongshi, may wish to sit down first, and the old man still has something to talk to you."

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly, and she knew in her heart that the Holy Lord could not let them leave so easily, and then the monks withdrew and went back to the banquet.

The Lord faintly said a few words and the party began. And the Lord also stepped down from the seat, and a few monks and other monks chilled a few words and walked toward Xu Ziyan.

"Father!" Zhou Peng hurriedly stood up and gave a gift.

"Hey!" The Lord snorted and then looked at Xu Ziyan. His face showed a smile: "Xu Zongshi, let's talk about another place?"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate. The two men left the side door of the main hall. The people looked at the backs of the two people and disappeared from the side door. After the silence, they gradually became noisy. The Holy Lord and Xu Ziyan will be stunned behind, walked into the partial hall, closed the door, and the Lord looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile:

"Xu Zongshi, please!"

"Thank you!"

The two men sat opposite each other, and the Lord took out the tea set and began to make tea. The sound of the tea in the partial hall was silent. Xu Ziyan’s face with a quiet smile looked at the action of the Lord’s main stream, and his eyes showed the color of enjoyment.

The Lord is very focused, although it is just a tea, but it has a rhythm that is in harmony with heaven. After about a quarter of an hour, a cup of tea was pushed to the front of Xu Ziyan, making a gesture of asking.

“Thank you!” Xu Ziyan took a teacup and took a soft drink: “Good tea!”

The Lord also took a sip of tea slowly and gently put down the teacup: "Xu Zongshi, some words are very abrupt, I hope you don't mind."

"Purple smoke is listening."

The look of the Lord became serious: "Have you ever considered joining the Starlight Holy Land?"

"This...Lord, I think you also know that the Star Adventure Group is me, cold hatred, Zou Peng, You Sihai, Miao Dingxiang, Fuhuayu and Tang Buji are together. Although it is only a small one. The D-level adventure group, but after all, is our hard work."

The Lord smiled faintly: "Ding-level adventure group? I am afraid that after you go back this time, you should become a Class A adventure group?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan did not hide in the slightest: "This time in the Great Harvest is good."

The Lord indulged in a moment: "Xu Zongshi, even if it becomes a Class A adventure group, it is just a risky group. It is not a place where you are a master. It is better to join us in the Holy Land. I can give you a seat." ""

Speaking of here, he glanced at Xu Ziyan and explained: "After all, your current cultivation is still lower. Our holy land can provide you with all the cultivation resources you need, and will enhance your cultivation in the shortest world. When your training is in the blue level, I will let you have a more important position in the Holy Land."

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "The Lord, Ziyan does not have such a big ambition, just thinking about doing something that people like to do with a few like-minded friends."

The Lord looked at Xu Ziyan deeply, and knew that it was impossible to recruit Xu Ziyan. His face gradually converges and smiles become serious:

"Xu Zongshi, I want to know the three layers behind the Star Tower, especially the eighth and ninth floors."

Xu Ziyan sank a bit: "The Lord, some words are very abrupt, I hope you don't mind."

This sentence is just the original words of the Lord. Now it is said by Xu Ziyan. The heart of the Lord is a bitter smile. His heart also knows what Xu Ziyan will say, but Xu Ziyan has always been very graceful, and he can’t be demeanor. I said faintly:

"Listen to listen!"

"In fact, you know everything about Zhou Peng and Guo Qiang. One is your son, the other is your disciple. Do you know that your son is important, or is your disciple important?"

The Lord is immersed in meditation. If it was before, there would be no Zhou Peng's position in his heart, but now Zhou Peng's changes have made him have different views. As the Lord, he did not see how big this thing was. He thought that as long as he showed his attitude, the Star Adventure Group had to accept it. What is the reason, in the face of powerful strength, it is a cloud.

he! The Holy Lord of the Starlight Holy Land has the power to destroy all rules!

But he did not think that the people of the Star Adventures would be so reluctant, and even entangled in this matter. Now that Xu Ziyan raised the problem, he felt that he was not asking whether he was important to Zhou Peng or Guo Qiang. It is important to ask whether Zhou Peng is important or Zhou Wei is important. After all, Guo Qiang originally represented Zhou Wei.

"This is to let me determine who is the Lord of the Lord?" There is a raging anger in the heart of the Lord. The Holy Land is not able to intervene in the purple smoke, even if you join the Holy Land. So coldly said:

"Xu Zongshi, is this Star Adventure Group doing things for Zhou Peng? You are all helping Zhou Peng to compete for the lesser Lord, right?"

Xu Ziyan looked awkward and then laughed and said: "The Lord, if you don't talk about others, you will travel around the world. Do you think that the two sons of Tiangong will come to assist the two sons of the Holy Land?"

The Lord slightly frowned, and felt that his thoughts were somewhat unreliable. But he really can't understand what the Star Adventures is all about?

If it is said that Zhou Peng’s participation in the Star Adventures is to have the power to compete with Zhou Wei and to master the power of the Holy Lord. But how do other people say? Swim the four seas, the curtain Dingxiang, Fuhua language, Tang Bujia, how do these people say? They have no reason to become the subordinates of Zhou Peng, and they can't help but look at the opposite Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan gently sighed in her heart, and she knew in her heart that the Lord did not understand these people's actions, because when she was in the Yuan Dynasty, some of her actions also made Yanshan soul look childish. People who have lived for too long have forgotten the years when they were young.

"The Lord, you are young too!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*To be continued)

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